
121 lines
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* @file
* Adds an HTML element and method to trigger audio UAs to read system messages.
* Use {@link Drupal.announce} to indicate to screen reader users that an
* element on the page has changed state. For instance, if clicking a link
* loads 10 more items into a list, one might announce the change like this.
* @example
* $('#search-list')
* .on('itemInsert', function (event, data) {
* // Insert the new items.
* $(data.container.el).append(data.items.el);
* // Announce the change to the page contents.
* Drupal.announce(Drupal.t('@count items added to @container',
* {'@count': data.items.length, '@container': data.container.title}
* ));
* });
(function (Drupal, debounce) {
'use strict';
var liveElement;
var announcements = [];
* Builds a div element with the aria-live attribute and add it to the DOM.
* @type {Drupal~behavior}
* @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach
* Attaches the behavior for drupalAnnouce.
Drupal.behaviors.drupalAnnounce = {
attach: function (context) {
// Create only one aria-live element.
if (!liveElement) {
liveElement = document.createElement('div');
liveElement.id = 'drupal-live-announce';
liveElement.className = 'visually-hidden';
liveElement.setAttribute('aria-live', 'polite');
liveElement.setAttribute('aria-busy', 'false');
* Concatenates announcements to a single string; appends to the live region.
function announce() {
var text = [];
var priority = 'polite';
var announcement;
// Create an array of announcement strings to be joined and appended to the
// aria live region.
var il = announcements.length;
for (var i = 0; i < il; i++) {
announcement = announcements.pop();
// If any of the announcements has a priority of assertive then the group
// of joined announcements will have this priority.
if (announcement.priority === 'assertive') {
priority = 'assertive';
if (text.length) {
// Clear the liveElement so that repeated strings will be read.
liveElement.innerHTML = '';
// Set the busy state to true until the node changes are complete.
liveElement.setAttribute('aria-busy', 'true');
// Set the priority to assertive, or default to polite.
liveElement.setAttribute('aria-live', priority);
// Print the text to the live region. Text should be run through
// Drupal.t() before being passed to Drupal.announce().
liveElement.innerHTML = text.join('\n');
// The live text area is updated. Allow the AT to announce the text.
liveElement.setAttribute('aria-busy', 'false');
* Triggers audio UAs to read the supplied text.
* The aria-live region will only read the text that currently populates its
* text node. Replacing text quickly in rapid calls to announce results in
* only the text from the most recent call to {@link Drupal.announce} being
* read. By wrapping the call to announce in a debounce function, we allow for
* time for multiple calls to {@link Drupal.announce} to queue up their
* messages. These messages are then joined and append to the aria-live region
* as one text node.
* @param {string} text
* A string to be read by the UA.
* @param {string} [priority='polite']
* A string to indicate the priority of the message. Can be either
* 'polite' or 'assertive'.
* @return {function}
* The return of the call to debounce.
* @see http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/aria-practices/#liveprops
Drupal.announce = function (text, priority) {
// Save the text and priority into a closure variable. Multiple simultaneous
// announcements will be concatenated and read in sequence.
text: text,
priority: priority
// Immediately invoke the function that debounce returns. 200 ms is right at
// the cusp where humans notice a pause, so we will wait
// at most this much time before the set of queued announcements is read.
return (debounce(announce, 200)());
}(Drupal, Drupal.debounce));