.. |
Issue #2916740 by chr.fritsch, xjm, Manuel Garcia, tstoeckler, alexpott, seanB, Sam152, amateescu, tim.plunkett, dawehner, larowlan, Berdir: Add generic entity actions
2018-01-09 08:47:01 +00:00 |
Issue #2876085 by heddn, maxocub, phenaproxima, Jo Fitzgerald, vasi, quietone, yoroy, masipila, larowlan, neclimdul, krystalcode, catch: Before upgrading, audit for potential ID conflicts
2017-12-16 08:36:36 +10:00 |
Issue #2823543 by Dane Powell, dawehner, dhendriks: Make cron execution logging optional
2016-11-24 10:55:41 +00:00 |
Issue #2917883 by quietone, TR, Jo Fitzgerald, masipila, phenaproxima: Rename 'migration_templates' directories in core modules to 'migrations'
2017-11-07 06:19:19 -06:00 |
Issue #2870194 by alexpott, Mile23, jibran, larowlan, tim.plunkett: Ensure that process-isolated tests can use Symfony's PHPunit bridge to catch usages of deprecated code
2017-11-09 12:51:06 +00:00 |
Issue #2928846 by alexpott, Berdir: [PHP 7.2] count() parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable
2017-12-18 13:39:09 +00:00 |
Issue #2918500 by tim.plunkett, EclipseGc, tedbow, larowlan, jibran, Wim Leers, phenaproxima, amateescu, borisson_, samuel.mortenson, gaurav.kapoor, KarlShea, hctom, mroycroft, neerajsingh, DamienMcKenna, dsnopek, Xano, TravisCarden, Tim Bozeman: Create a block which can render entity fields
2018-01-05 07:43:48 +10:00 |
Issue #2876085 by heddn, maxocub, phenaproxima, Jo Fitzgerald, vasi, quietone, yoroy, masipila, larowlan, neclimdul, krystalcode, catch: Before upgrading, audit for potential ID conflicts
2017-12-16 08:36:36 +10:00 |
Issue #2866810 by BrightBold, harsha012, joelpittet: Update stylelint rule function-comma-space-after to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-01-09 18:38:49 +00:00 |
Issue #2885309 by vaplas, drewklein, pk188, alexpott, Ayesh, arunkumark, andypost, klausi, xjm, mondrake: [PHP 7.2] each() function is deprecated
2017-11-13 11:20:57 +00:00 |
Issue #2776975 by joelpittet, dawehner, tim.plunkett, xjm, pfrenssen: March 3, 2017: Convert core to array syntax coding standards for Drupal 8.3.x RC phase
2017-03-03 19:20:24 -06:00 |
Issue #2866810 by BrightBold, harsha012, joelpittet: Update stylelint rule function-comma-space-after to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-01-09 18:38:49 +00:00 |
Issue #2866799 by cwells: Update stylelint rule at-rule-empty-line-before to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-01-05 09:37:45 +00:00 |
Issue #2916740 by chr.fritsch, xjm, Manuel Garcia, tstoeckler, alexpott, seanB, Sam152, amateescu, tim.plunkett, dawehner, larowlan, Berdir: Add generic entity actions
2018-01-09 08:47:01 +00:00 |
Issue #2880445 by pjcdawkins, japerry, gargsuchi, q0rban: Config sync should not throw a warning when not being writable
2017-12-15 20:08:48 +10:00 |
Issue #2923015 by cburschka, amateescu, tstoeckler, alexpott, hchonov, mondrake, pfrenssen: [PHP 7.2] Incompatible method declarations
2017-12-22 13:15:21 +00:00 |
Issue #2927806 by alexpott, mondrake, jibran, Mile23: Use PHPUnit 6 for testing when PHP version >= 7.2
2017-12-22 12:47:46 +00:00 |
Issue #2866816 by harsha012, BrightBold, cwells, joelpittet, idebr: Update stylelint rule length-zero-no-unit to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-01-10 10:55:17 +00:00 |
Issue #2925064 by drpal, dawehner, droplet, xjm, webchick, justafish: [1/2] JS codestyle: no-restricted-syntax
2018-01-03 15:27:55 -08:00 |
Issue #2866810 by BrightBold, harsha012, joelpittet: Update stylelint rule function-comma-space-after to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-01-09 18:38:49 +00:00 |
Issue #2933424 by David_Rothstein, harsha012, jhodgdon, vaplas: English-specific links to php.net shouldn't be used in non-translatable strings
2018-01-05 08:09:08 +10:00 |
Issue #2826404 by mpdonadio, Jo Fitzgerald, jhedstrom, larowlan: Create DateTimeItemInterface and deprecate global constants in datetime.module
2017-10-24 07:36:54 -05:00 |
Issue #2927758 by Wim Leers, dagmar: Update DbLogResourceTest to use the ResourceTestBase base class instead of the deprecated RESTTestBase
2017-12-08 07:58:07 +10:00 |
Issue #2877136 by Wim Leers, alexpott: dynamic_page_cache.module has an incorrect and misleading @file doc
2017-06-14 17:04:16 +01:00 |
Issue #2925064 by drpal, dawehner, droplet, xjm, webchick, justafish: [1/2] JS codestyle: no-restricted-syntax
2018-01-03 15:27:55 -08:00 |
Issue #2572791 by Mile23, andriyun, attiks, RoSk0: Fix 'Drupal.WhiteSpace.OpenBracketSpacing' coding standard
2017-09-22 12:16:23 +01:00 |
Issue #2904084 by Ruslan P, Venkatesh Rajan.J: Confusing title for "Boolean" field in "Manage form display"
2018-01-09 11:51:34 +00:00 |
Issue #2920394 by tim.plunkett: Field Layout should not alter fields placed into regions it doesn't know about
2017-11-04 03:10:57 -05:00 |
Issue #2925064 by drpal, dawehner, droplet, xjm, webchick, justafish: [1/2] JS codestyle: no-restricted-syntax
2018-01-03 15:27:55 -08:00 |
Issue #2377747 by mondrake, eiriksm, rpayanm, adci_contributor, mgifford, oakulm, Truptti, chetan2111, joyceg, alexpott, xjm, yoroy, catch: Incorrect node create validation error when an invalid image is attached to a field
2018-01-04 11:42:56 +00:00 |
Issue #2925064 by drpal, dawehner, droplet, xjm, webchick, justafish: [1/2] JS codestyle: no-restricted-syntax
2018-01-03 15:27:55 -08:00 |
Issue #2923015 by cburschka, amateescu, tstoeckler, alexpott, hchonov, mondrake, pfrenssen: [PHP 7.2] Incompatible method declarations
2017-12-22 13:15:21 +00:00 |
Issue #2824851 by Wim Leers, arshadcn, amateescu, effulgentsia, tedbow, timmillwood, cburschka, tstoeckler, Berdir, xjm, catch: EntityResource::patch() makes an incorrect assumption about entity keys, hence results in incorrect behavior
2018-01-02 11:57:52 -08:00 |
Issue #2924780 by zaporylie: Missing @var annotation for scalars that provide default values
2017-11-22 12:43:49 -06:00 |
Issue #2925064 by drpal, dawehner, droplet, xjm, webchick, justafish: [1/2] JS codestyle: no-restricted-syntax
2018-01-03 15:27:55 -08:00 |
Issue #2377747 by mondrake, eiriksm, rpayanm, adci_contributor, mgifford, oakulm, Truptti, chetan2111, joyceg, alexpott, xjm, yoroy, catch: Incorrect node create validation error when an invalid image is attached to a field
2018-01-04 11:42:56 +00:00 |
Issue #2856950 by dmsmidt, marcvangend, tim.plunkett, andrewmacpherson, Lendude, tameeshb, Berdir, xjm, tedbow, Gábor Hojtsy, Sutharsan: Add a possibility to disable inline form errors for a complete form
2018-01-06 17:33:07 +10:00 |
Issue #2924779 by zaporylie, martin107: Fix existing but somehow invalid @var annotation
2017-11-22 10:36:28 -06:00 |
Issue #2927349 by tim.plunkett: Decouple the Layout Builder UI from entities
2018-01-11 11:27:37 +10:00 |
Issue #2861840 by tim.plunkett, lauriii: Preprocess functions are not merged when a module registers a theme hook for a theme-provided template
2018-01-06 14:40:50 +10:00 |
Issue #2933991 by alexpott, neclimdul: Deprecation tests fail when all PHPUnit tests are run via PHPUnit
2018-01-06 14:20:01 +10:00 |
Issue #2920172 by sushantpaste, dev.patrick, Ashreen Kaur, yoroy, xjm: User Guide link on front page in new Install should open in new tab
2018-01-12 17:06:29 +10:00 |
Issue #2934424 by chr.fritsch, benjifisher, tstoeckler, phenaproxima, xjm, marcoscano, larowlan: Media has no collection route
2018-01-10 07:26:04 +10:00 |
Issue #2876085 by heddn, maxocub, phenaproxima, Jo Fitzgerald, vasi, quietone, yoroy, masipila, larowlan, neclimdul, krystalcode, catch: Before upgrading, audit for potential ID conflicts
2017-12-16 08:36:36 +10:00 |
Issue #2925064 by drpal, dawehner, droplet, xjm, webchick, justafish: [1/2] JS codestyle: no-restricted-syntax
2018-01-03 15:27:55 -08:00 |
Issue #2883892 by Jo Fitzgerald, voleger, ozin, mpdonadio, Taran2L, heddn: Add from/to timezone settings for the "FormatDate process plugin"
2018-01-12 12:51:30 +10:00 |
Issue #2908282 by heddn, phenaproxima, Jo Fitzgerald, quietone, xjm, larowlan, mikeryan, dipakmdhrm: Throw exception for source plugins without a source_module property
2018-01-12 12:05:50 +10:00 |
Issue #2908282 by heddn, phenaproxima, Jo Fitzgerald, quietone, xjm, larowlan, mikeryan, dipakmdhrm: Throw exception for source plugins without a source_module property
2018-01-12 12:05:50 +10:00 |
Issue #2920172 by sushantpaste, dev.patrick, Ashreen Kaur, yoroy, xjm: User Guide link on front page in new Install should open in new tab
2018-01-12 17:06:29 +10:00 |
Issue #2859304 by quietone, heddn, Jo Fitzgerald, maxocub, rivimey, phenaproxima, jhodgdon: Show field type migrations correctly in Migrate Drupal UI
2017-10-31 20:53:31 +01:00 |
Issue #2862894 by fgm, Wim Leers, bkosborne, borisson_, catch: Docs for Internal Page Cache incorrectly state that it respects the maximum age performance setting
2017-12-31 17:31:41 +01:00 |
Issue #2916300 by amateescu: Use ComputedFieldItemListTrait for the path field type
2017-12-02 18:43:08 +10:00 |
Issue #2866816 by harsha012, BrightBold, cwells, joelpittet, idebr: Update stylelint rule length-zero-no-unit to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-01-10 10:55:17 +00:00 |
Issue #2715485 by harsha012, mfernea, malavya, himanshu-dixit, vprocessor, tameeshb, Mile23, RajeevK, Jo Fitzgerald, tiago.urbano, xjm, klausi: Fix 'Drupal.Commenting.InlineComment.NoSpaceBefore' coding standard
2017-09-25 14:14:30 +01:00 |
Issue #2902407 by mfernea, zaporylie: Fix 'Drupal.Commenting.DataTypeNamespace' coding standard
2017-11-16 15:00:40 +00:00 |
Issue #2853460 by Wim Leers, dawehner, gabesullice, neclimdul, larowlan: Simplify RequestHandler: make it no longer ContainerAware, split up ::handle()
2018-01-10 11:52:11 -08:00 |
Issue #2662574 by RajeevK, Adita, pritish.kumar, afi13, greyghost, tstoeckler, xjm, Cottser, dawehner: Theme suggestions may not be in theme include files, Search and Views UI suggestions are not (always) found
2017-12-04 21:20:01 -06:00 |
Issue #2933424 by David_Rothstein, harsha012, jhodgdon, vaplas: English-specific links to php.net shouldn't be used in non-translatable strings
2018-01-05 08:09:08 +10:00 |
Issue #2897272 by tedbow, Wim Leers, Jo Fitzgerald, Adita, xjm: Fix module description, hook_help(), and document module scope in *.api.php file
2018-01-10 12:08:31 -08:00 |
Issue #2421001 by eiriksm, pfrenssen, YesCT, DuaelFr, gnuget, StryKaizer, Lendude, Jo Fitzgerald, andrewmacpherson, mgifford, geertvd, John Cook, mohit_aghera, Sinan Erdem, yoroy, thorandre, xjm, catch, joelpittet, idebr, alexpott, cilefen, dawehner, Cottser: Fix regression in the link widget where help text does not show
2017-11-30 23:42:08 +01:00 |
Issue #2866816 by harsha012, BrightBold, cwells, joelpittet, idebr: Update stylelint rule length-zero-no-unit to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-01-10 10:55:17 +00:00 |
Issue #2923015 by cburschka, amateescu, tstoeckler, alexpott, hchonov, mondrake, pfrenssen: [PHP 7.2] Incompatible method declarations
2017-12-22 13:15:21 +00:00 |
Issue #1748410 by wesleydv, c.nish2k3, dasha_v, Thomasdbcklr, John Cook, dagmar, sgarrahy, falc0, doublejosh, alexpott: Include !severity in logged events by syslog
2017-11-17 22:01:01 -05:00 |
Issue #2866816 by harsha012, BrightBold, cwells, joelpittet, idebr: Update stylelint rule length-zero-no-unit to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-01-10 10:55:17 +00:00 |
Issue #2845361 by claudiu.cristea, Munavijayalakshmi: Don't compute children and parents of a new term on TermForm
2017-12-23 07:57:44 +10:00 |
Issue #2859304 by quietone, heddn, Jo Fitzgerald, maxocub, rivimey, phenaproxima, jhodgdon: Show field type migrations correctly in Migrate Drupal UI
2017-10-31 20:53:31 +01:00 |
Issue #2359389 by harsha012, hgoto, jeqq, fago, sureshcj, larowlan: Call to a member function filters() on a non-object in core/modules/text/text.module on line 83
2018-01-04 07:14:47 +10:00 |
Issue #2866810 by BrightBold, harsha012, joelpittet: Update stylelint rule function-comma-space-after to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-01-09 18:38:49 +00:00 |
Issue #2866799 by cwells: Update stylelint rule at-rule-empty-line-before to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-01-05 09:37:45 +00:00 |
Issue #2925064 by drpal, dawehner, droplet, xjm, webchick, justafish: [1/2] JS codestyle: no-restricted-syntax
2018-01-03 15:27:55 -08:00 |
Issue #2795317 by hswong3i, alexpott, Lendude, bircher, dawehner, martin107, Jo Fitzgerald, mondrake: Allow PHPUnit 6+ support for object mocking
2017-12-13 06:40:44 +10:00 |
Issue #2575135 by quietone, ckaotik, olegel, mikeryan, larowlan: Dummy map/message tables being created
2018-01-08 12:06:25 +10:00 |
Issue #2917594 by kevin.dutra, robin.ingelbrecht, jwkovell, Lendude: Add support for HTML5 placeholder in views exposed filters
2018-01-08 12:10:09 +10:00 |
Issue #2866819 by harsha012, jpassetti, joelpittet: Update stylelint rule number-no-trailing-zeros to be consistent with Drupal's CSS standards
2018-01-12 09:42:36 +00:00 |
Issue #2800873 by Wim Leers, lhangea, damiankloip, Yogesh Pawar, dawehner, alexpott: Add XML GET REST test coverage, work around XML encoder quirks
2017-11-24 18:36:35 +10:00 |