Nathaniel Catchpole e18279a048 Issue #2122087 by rakesh.gectcr, snehi, InternetDevels, Xano, alvar0hurtad0: Remove references to hook_init() 2015-11-25 22:34:40 +00:00
action Issue #2533800 by alexpott: Remove all unused use statements from core 2015-10-08 20:46:26 +01:00
aggregator Issue #2382675 by plach, yched, alexpott: hook_entity_create() affects the data of new translations of existing entities in unexpected and undocumented ways 2015-11-18 13:17:37 -08:00
automated_cron Issue #2507031 by claudiu.cristea, dawehner, Wim Leers, mitrpaka, webflo, catch, piyuesh23, beejeebus, Berdir: Optimize automatic cron subscriber by moving automatic cron to a module 2015-10-07 10:39:38 +01:00
ban Issue #2600538 by rakesh.gectcr, anil280988, justAChris, jhodgdon: Incorrect @file description in core/ classes - wrong namespace or class name 2015-10-27 15:28:29 +00:00
basic_auth Issue #2559971 by stefan.r, alexpott, lauriii, nlisgo, plach, dawehner: Make SafeMarkup::format() return a safe string object to remove reliance on a static, unpredictable safe list 2015-09-26 18:52:53 +01:00
block Issue #2574975 by alexpott, Cottser, izus: Allow (base-)themes to be excluded from the UI (e.g. blocks, Appearance) 2015-11-06 23:09:03 +00:00
block_content Issue #2458223 followup by catch, dawehner, alexpott, xjm: Fix block content view ordering on postgres 2015-11-18 09:19:02 -06:00
book Issue #2600666 by tim.plunkett: Route definitions using entity type paramconverters with serial IDs should add an integer requirement 2015-11-12 17:47:26 -08:00
breakpoint Issue #2560783 by stefan.r, joelpittet, lauriii, Cottser, Sutharsan, kgoel, justAChris, Gábor Hojtsy, dawehner, jhodgdon, effulgentsia, xjm, andypost, googletorp: Replace !placeholder with :placeholder for URLs in hook_help() implementations 2015-09-21 12:38:19 +01:00
ckeditor Issue #2607454 by Wim Leers, Devin Carlson: Remove allowedContent for drupalunlink command 2015-11-25 13:45:44 +00:00
color Issue #2548195 by nod_, JohnAlbin, madhavvyas, sriharsha.uppuluri: Only use single quotes in JavaScript and update .eslintrc 2015-10-13 23:37:56 +01:00
comment Issue #2382675 by plach, yched, alexpott: hook_entity_create() affects the data of new translations of existing entities in unexpected and undocumented ways 2015-11-18 13:17:37 -08:00
config Issue #2409547 by znerol: Remove config_export_test.module 2015-11-24 11:52:09 +00:00
config_translation Issue #2587685 by Antti J. Salminen, lauriii, jaakko, AjitS, Sagar Ramgade, rang501: Remove references to non existing preprocess functions 2015-11-25 15:16:40 +00:00
contact Issue #2600666 by tim.plunkett: Route definitions using entity type paramconverters with serial IDs should add an integer requirement 2015-11-12 17:47:26 -08:00
content_translation Issue #1919468 by alexpott, Berdir: EntityManager::getAllBundleInfo() adds default entity_type_id bundle for entity types with bundles 2015-11-17 13:19:35 +00:00
contextual Issue #2568387 by nod_, TJacksonVA, cosmicdreams, dcrocks: Update JS lib: Modernizr to 3.1 2015-10-16 11:34:24 +01:00
datetime Issue #2458223 by geertvd, eiriksm, dawehner, lokapujya, Gábor Hojtsy, jeqq, plach, Dom., jhodgdon, xjm, catch, alexpott, jibran: Duplicated field handlers in field UI for some base table fields 2015-11-17 22:32:23 -06:00
dblog Issue #2575703 by borisson_, stefan.r, Berdir, joshi.rohit100: Remove default fall-through from PlaceholderTrait::placeholderFormat() 2015-11-01 23:00:34 +00:00
dynamic_page_cache Issue #2600538 by rakesh.gectcr, anil280988, justAChris, jhodgdon: Incorrect @file description in core/ classes - wrong namespace or class name 2015-10-27 15:28:29 +00:00
editor Issue #2622306 by JKerschner: Typos in comments 2015-11-25 22:13:22 +00:00
entity_reference Issue #2429191 by claudiu.cristea, amateescu, yched, nlisgo, Berdir, alexpott, klausi, Wim Leers, xjm, catch: Deprecate entity_reference.module and move its functionality to core 2015-10-06 12:02:22 +01:00
field Issue #2598300 by krknth: Improve field_help() by actually using $field_ui_url 2015-11-24 11:49:18 +00:00
field_ui Issue #1938900 by joelpittet, lokapujya, Cottser, lauriii, swentel, neochief, tstoeckler, andypost, duellj: Convert theme_field_ui_table into a template (DIE THEME FUNCTIONS DIE) 2015-10-22 17:53:38 -07:00
file Issue #2382675 by plach, yched, alexpott: hook_entity_create() affects the data of new translations of existing entities in unexpected and undocumented ways 2015-11-18 13:17:37 -08:00
filter Issue #2510380 by Wim Leers, DuaelFr, mlewand, quicksketch, Reinmar, oleq: Images cannot be linked in CKEditor 2015-11-03 17:29:20 +00:00
forum Issue #2541344 by Wim Leers, borisson_, DietrichM, Xano, tim.plunkett, alvar0hurtad0, joshi.rohit100: BlockBase subclasses should merge their cache tags/contexts with the parent's (BlockBase's) 2015-10-30 16:25:58 +00:00
hal Issue #2502621 by Pravin Ajaaz, hussainweb, Peacog, jhodgdon, ivanjaros: Replace implement notes with inheritdoc tag 2015-10-23 13:59:43 -07:00
help Issue #2541344 by Wim Leers, borisson_, DietrichM, Xano, tim.plunkett, alvar0hurtad0, joshi.rohit100: BlockBase subclasses should merge their cache tags/contexts with the parent's (BlockBase's) 2015-10-30 16:25:58 +00:00
history Issue #2600666 by tim.plunkett: Route definitions using entity type paramconverters with serial IDs should add an integer requirement 2015-11-12 17:47:26 -08:00
image Issue #2571521 by Maouna, dawehner, sdstyles: Make the logger available on the controllerBase 2015-11-25 22:17:10 +00:00
inline_form_errors Issue #2578561 by tim.plunkett, joelpittet, Bojhan, Fabianx, xjm, cilefen, David_Rothstein, DamienMcKenna: Move "Inline Form Errors" functionality to optional module and restore D7-style form errors by default 2015-10-05 22:32:45 -07:00
language Issue #2620266 by JKerschner, plach: Typo in LanguageNegotiationContentEntity class 2015-11-25 14:01:02 -06:00
link Issue #2600666 by tim.plunkett: Route definitions using entity type paramconverters with serial IDs should add an integer requirement 2015-11-12 17:47:26 -08:00
locale Issue #2618886 by alexpott: LocalePluralFormatTest::testPluralEditDateFormatter() is failing randomly 2015-11-19 15:12:11 +00:00
menu_link_content Issue #2590993 by mikeryan, webflo, svendecabooter, dixon_, phenaproxima: Create stub entities with proper default values 2015-11-12 12:34:55 -08:00
menu_ui Issue #2548195 by nod_, JohnAlbin, madhavvyas, sriharsha.uppuluri: Only use single quotes in JavaScript and update .eslintrc 2015-10-13 23:37:56 +01:00
migrate Issue #2616282 by peter.walter, mikeryan, chx, alexpott: error creating migrate_map table with mysql 5.7.9 2015-11-17 13:36:52 +00:00
migrate_drupal Issue #2353813 by phenaproxima, quietone, talhaparacha, hosef: Migration path for Update 7.x 2015-11-12 13:56:38 -08:00
node Issue #2382675 by plach, yched, alexpott: hook_entity_create() affects the data of new translations of existing entities in unexpected and undocumented ways 2015-11-18 13:17:37 -08:00
options Issue #2536374 by DuaelFr: Generate placeholder content for ListItemBase Field types 2015-11-02 16:36:30 +00:00
page_cache Issue #2527126 by Wim Leers, dawehner, effulgentsia, anavarre, janusman, Fabianx, alexpott, hass, catch, Berdir, znerol: Only send X-Drupal-Cache-Tags and -Contexts headers when developer explicitly enables them 2015-10-20 11:04:58 -07:00
path Issue #2616336 by alexpott: PathAliasTest is using the RandomGeneratorTrait causing unnecessary output in the testbot logs 2015-11-17 13:17:46 +00:00
quickedit Issue #2548195 by nod_, JohnAlbin, madhavvyas, sriharsha.uppuluri: Only use single quotes in JavaScript and update .eslintrc 2015-10-13 23:37:56 +01:00
rdf Issue #2533800 by alexpott: Remove all unused use statements from core 2015-10-08 20:46:26 +01:00
responsive_image Issue #2548195 by nod_, JohnAlbin, madhavvyas, sriharsha.uppuluri: Only use single quotes in JavaScript and update .eslintrc 2015-10-13 23:37:56 +01:00
rest Issue #2458223 by geertvd, eiriksm, dawehner, lokapujya, Gábor Hojtsy, jeqq, plach, Dom., jhodgdon, xjm, catch, alexpott, jibran: Duplicated field handlers in field UI for some base table fields 2015-11-17 22:32:23 -06:00
search Issue #2571521 by Maouna, dawehner, sdstyles: Make the logger available on the controllerBase 2015-11-25 22:17:10 +00:00
serialization Issue #2609904 by timmillwood, dawehner: Replace deprecated entity_create() calls in NormalizerTestBase 2015-11-14 17:24:40 -06:00
shortcut Issue #2600666 by tim.plunkett: Route definitions using entity type paramconverters with serial IDs should add an integer requirement 2015-11-12 17:47:26 -08:00
simpletest Issue #2485761 by mondrake, c470ip, jhedstrom: Support for transparent GIFs broken 2015-11-24 12:38:01 +00:00
statistics Issue #2548195 by nod_, JohnAlbin, madhavvyas, sriharsha.uppuluri: Only use single quotes in JavaScript and update .eslintrc 2015-10-13 23:37:56 +01:00
syslog Issue #2554321 by phenaproxima, mikeryan, quietone, neclimdul, benjy: Clean up Migrate's test suite 2015-09-28 10:19:56 -07:00
system Issue #2122087 by rakesh.gectcr, snehi, InternetDevels, Xano, alvar0hurtad0: Remove references to hook_init() 2015-11-25 22:34:40 +00:00
taxonomy Issue #2382675 by plach, yched, alexpott: hook_entity_create() affects the data of new translations of existing entities in unexpected and undocumented ways 2015-11-18 13:17:37 -08:00
telephone Issue #2543258 by LKS90, hchonov, tassilogroeper, sasanikolic, Berdir, yched, plach: Entity references of untranslatable fields are not displayed in the correct translation 2015-09-27 13:13:18 +02:00
text Issue #2324649 by phenaproxima, svendecabooter, benjy, Berdir: Migrate text fields correctly based on their text_processing setting 2015-11-02 10:03:04 -08:00
toolbar Issue #2603988 by heykarthikwithu: Unnecessary ternary condition in toolbar JS 2015-11-12 22:46:06 +00:00
tour Issue #2502621 by Pravin Ajaaz, hussainweb, Peacog, jhodgdon, ivanjaros: Replace implement notes with inheritdoc tag 2015-10-23 13:59:43 -07:00
tracker Issue #2600666 by tim.plunkett: Route definitions using entity type paramconverters with serial IDs should add an integer requirement 2015-11-12 17:47:26 -08:00
update Issue #2587685 by Antti J. Salminen, lauriii, jaakko, AjitS, Sagar Ramgade, rang501: Remove references to non existing preprocess functions 2015-11-25 15:16:40 +00:00
user Issue #2382675 by plach, yched, alexpott: hook_entity_create() affects the data of new translations of existing entities in unexpected and undocumented ways 2015-11-18 13:17:37 -08:00
views Issue #2581399 by YesCT, effulgentsia: views.style.table schema has incorrect label for 'description' 2015-11-25 22:09:04 +00:00
views_ui Issue #2587685 by Antti J. Salminen, lauriii, jaakko, AjitS, Sagar Ramgade, rang501: Remove references to non existing preprocess functions 2015-11-25 15:16:40 +00:00