.. |
Issue #2878556 by plach, matsbla, vijaycs85, Gábor Hojtsy, catch, gabesullice, effulgentsia, hchonov, hass, amateescu, xjm: Ensure that changes to untranslatable fields affect only one translation in pending revisions
2018-01-20 16:56:17 +01:00 |
Issue #3024527 by alexpott, markconroy, waako, occupant: Add and configure stylelint-order
2019-04-01 20:16:16 +03:00 |
Issue #3031528 by mr.baileys, heddn, mikelutz, alexpott: LinkUri source value should not be an array
2019-04-02 08:50:00 +01:00 |
Issue #2599228 by tstoeckler, Taran2L, poornachandran, catch, vacho, johan.s, Berdir, hchonov, osman, tim.plunkett, GoZ, Voidtek, neetu morwani, psf_, alexpott, dxvargas, nkoporec, plach, andy@andyhawks.com, joey-santiago: Programmatically created translatable content type returns SQL error on content creation
2019-03-18 09:28:56 +00:00 |
Issue #2599228 by tstoeckler, Taran2L, poornachandran, catch, vacho, johan.s, Berdir, hchonov, osman, tim.plunkett, GoZ, Voidtek, neetu morwani, psf_, alexpott, dxvargas, nkoporec, plach, andy@andyhawks.com, joey-santiago: Programmatically created translatable content type returns SQL error on content creation
2019-03-18 09:28:56 +00:00 |
Issue #2981652 by ApacheEx, corbacho, drpal, dawehner, xjm, alexpott, lauriii: Format core JavaScript using recently add Prettier
2018-08-09 18:49:18 +03:00 |
Issue #3043646 by tedbow, lauriii, bnjmnm, xjm, tim.plunkett, effulgentsia, DyanneNova, webchick: For sites that have made layout overrides prior to 8.7.0 or sites that manually enable translation of the layout override field, add UI warnings
2019-03-28 16:39:30 +10:00 |
Issue #2925064 by drpal, dawehner, droplet, xjm, webchick, justafish: [1/2] JS codestyle: no-restricted-syntax
2018-01-03 15:27:55 -08:00 |
Issue #2798891 by ankitjain28may, trobey, TR: Define project dependencies in core module .info files
2018-04-06 13:13:01 +01:00 |
Issue #3029839 by shaal, smaz, Gábor Hojtsy, mcannon, Eli-T, alexpott: Multilingual functionality - enable English and Spanish as part of Umami installation
2019-03-08 00:44:31 +01:00 |
Issue #1996238 by sun, nod_, damiankloip, Wim Leers, longwave, alexpott, Xano, mdrummond, Mark Carver, Jeff Burnz, highrockmedia, joelpittet, et al: Replace hook_library_info() by *.libraries.yml file.
2014-02-22 20:56:51 -08:00 |
Issue #2291137 by cilefen | webchick: Rename various *links.yml files to improve DX.
2014-07-15 12:29:14 +01:00 |
Issue #2291137 by cilefen | webchick: Rename various *links.yml files to improve DX.
2014-07-15 12:29:14 +01:00 |
Issue #2731817 by mikelutz, ashishdalvi, Sonal.Sangale, dbt102, andypost, jhodgdon, martin107, roderik: Replace all calls to the deprecated Drupal::url() function in Core
2019-04-16 14:38:27 +09:00 |
Issue #576296 by no_angel, joachim, dagmar, jhodgdon, coderintherye, yoroy, xjm: Remove redundant description for some permissions
2016-06-08 10:41:18 +01:00 |
Issue #2599228 by tstoeckler, Taran2L, poornachandran, catch, vacho, johan.s, Berdir, hchonov, osman, tim.plunkett, GoZ, Voidtek, neetu morwani, psf_, alexpott, dxvargas, nkoporec, plach, andy@andyhawks.com, joey-santiago: Programmatically created translatable content type returns SQL error on content creation
2019-03-18 09:28:56 +00:00 |