246 lines
9.6 KiB
246 lines
9.6 KiB
// $Id$
if (!class_exists("XTemplate")) {
$template_directory = variable_get('xtemplate_template', 'default');
$GLOBALS["xtemplate"]->template = new XTemplate('xtemplate.xtmpl', 'themes/xtemplate/' . $template_directory);
$GLOBALS["xtemplate"]->template->SetNullBlock(" "); // "" doesnt work!
function xtemplate_settings() {
** Compile a list of the available style sheets:
$fd = opendir('themes/xtemplate');
while ($file = readdir($fd)) {
if (is_dir("themes/xtemplate/$file") && !in_array($file, array('.', '..', 'CVS'))) {
$files[$file] = $file;
$template_directory = variable_get('xtemplate_template', 'default');
$group = form_select(t('Template'), 'xtemplate_template', variable_get('xtemplate_template', 'default'), $files, t('Selecting a different template will change the look and feel of your site. To create a new template, create a new directory under <code>themes/xtemplate</code> and copy the contents of an existing template (e.g. <code>themes/xtemplate/default</code>) into it. The new template will automatically become available in the selection menu and will be identified by its directory name.'));
$output = form_group(t('Template selection'), $group);
$group = form_textarea(t('Logo'), 'xtemplate_logo', variable_get('xtemplate_logo', "<img src=\"themes/xtemplate/$template_directory/logo.png\" alt=\"Logo\" />"), 70, 4, t('The HTML code for displaying the logo.'));
$group .= form_textarea(t('Primary links'), 'xtemplate_primary_links', variable_get('xtemplate_primary_links', l('edit primary links', 'admin/themes/xtemplate')), 70, 8, t('The HTML code for the primary links.'));
$group .= form_textarea(t('Secondary links'), 'xtemplate_secondary_links', variable_get('xtemplate_secondary_links', l('edit secondary links', 'admin/themes/xtemplate')), 70, 8, t('The HTML code for the secondary links.'));
$group .= form_textarea(t('Message on front page'), 'xtemplate_mission', variable_get('xtemplate_mission', 'edit mission'), 70, 6, t('This text will be displayed on the front page. It can be used to display a mission statement, announcement or site description.'));
$group .= form_radios(t('Search box'), 'xtemplate_search_box', variable_get('xtemplate_search_box', 0), array(t('Disabled'), t('Enabled')), t('Show a search box in the upper right corner.'));
$output .= form_group(t('Header settings'), $group);
$group = form_checkbox(t('Display pictures with posts'), 'xtemplate_picture_node', 1, variable_get('xtemplate_picture_node', 0), t('Display individualized pictures identifying users with posts they start.'));
$group .= form_checkbox(t('Display pictures with comments'), 'xtemplate_picture_comment', 1, variable_get('xtemplate_picture_comment', 0), t('Display individualized pictures identifying users with their comments.'));
$output .= form_group(t('Avatar settings'), $group);
return $output;
function xtemplate_help($section) {
$output = '';
switch ($section) {
case 'admin/themes#description':
$output = t('A template driven theme');
return $output;
function xtemplate_node($node, $main = 0, $page = 0) {
global $xtemplate;
"submitted" => t("Submitted by %a on %b.",
array("%a" => format_name($node),
"%b" => format_date($node->created))),
"link" => url("node/$node->nid"),
"title" => $node->title,
"author" => format_name($node),
"date" => format_date($node->created),
"sticky" => ($main && $node->sticky) ? 'sticky' : '',
"content" => ($main && $node->teaser) ? $node->teaser : $node->body));
if ($page == 0) {
if ($picture = theme('user_picture', $node)) {
$xtemplate->template->assign("picture", $picture);
if (module_exist("taxonomy") && ($taxonomy = taxonomy_link("taxonomy terms", $node))) {
$xtemplate->template->assign("taxonomy", theme_links($taxonomy));
if ($links = link_node($node, $main)) {
$xtemplate->template->assign("links", theme_links($links));
$output = $xtemplate->template->text("node");
return $output;
function xtemplate_comment($comment, $links = 0) {
global $xtemplate;
$xtemplate->template->assign(array (
"new" => t("new"),
"submitted" => t("Submitted by %a on %b.",
array("%a" => format_name($comment),
"%b" => format_date($comment->timestamp))),
"title" => l($comment->subject, $_GET['q'], NULL, NULL, "comment-$comment->cid"),
"author" => format_name($comment),
"date" => format_date($comment->timestamp),
"content" => $comment->comment
if ($comment->new) {
if ($picture = theme('user_picture', $comment)) {
$xtemplate->template->assign("picture", $picture);
if ($links) {
$xtemplate->template->assign("links", $links);
$output = $xtemplate->template->text("comment");
return $output;
function xtemplate_page($content, $title = NULL, $breadcrumb = NULL) {
if (isset($title)) {
if (isset($breadcrumb)) {
global $xtemplate;
$template_directory = variable_get('xtemplate_template', 'default');
"head_title" => (drupal_get_title() ? drupal_get_title() ." | ". variable_get("site_name", "drupal") : variable_get("site_name", "drupal") ." | ". variable_get("site_slogan", "")),
"site" => variable_get("site_name", "drupal"),
"head" => drupal_get_html_head(),
"directory" => "themes/xtemplate/$template_directory",
"onload_attributes" => theme_onload_attribute(),
"logo" => variable_get('xtemplate_logo', "<img src=\"themes/xtemplate/$template_directory/logo.png\" alt=\"Logo\" />"),
"primary_links" => variable_get("xtemplate_primary_links", l("edit primary links", "admin/themes/xtemplate")),
"secondary_links" => variable_get("xtemplate_secondary_links", l("edit secondary links", "admin/themes/xtemplate"))
if ($tabs = theme('menu_local_tasks')) {
$xtemplate->template->assign("tabs", $tabs);
if ($title = drupal_get_title()) {
$xtemplate->template->assign("title", $title);
$xtemplate->template->assign("breadcrumb", theme("breadcrumb", drupal_get_breadcrumb()));
if ($help = menu_get_active_help()) {
$xtemplate->template->assign("help", $help);
if ($message = theme_status_messages()) {
$xtemplate->template->assign("message", $message);
if (variable_get("xtemplate_search_box", 1)) {
//"search" => search_form(),
"search_url" => url("search"),
"search_button_text" => t("Search"),
"search_description" => t("Enter the terms you wish to search for.")
// only parse the mission block if we are on the frontpage ...
if ($_GET["q"] == variable_get("site_frontpage", "node") && ($mission = variable_get("xtemplate_mission", "edit mission"))) {
$xtemplate->template->assign("mission", $mission);
if ($blocks = theme("blocks", "left")) {
$xtemplate->template->assign("blocks", $blocks);
$output = $xtemplate->template->text("header");
$output .= "\n<!-- begin content -->\n";
$output .= $content;
$output .= "\n<!-- end content -->\n";
if ($blocks = theme("blocks", "right")) {
$xtemplate->template->assign("blocks", $blocks);
// only parse the footer block if site_footer is set
if ($footer_message = variable_get("site_footer", FALSE)) {
$xtemplate->template->assign("footer_message", $footer_message);
$xtemplate->template->assign("footer", theme_closure());
$output .= $xtemplate->template->text("footer");
return $output;
function xtemplate_block(&$block) {
global $xtemplate;
// create template variables for all block variables (module, delta, region, subject, content, ...)
foreach ($block as $key => $value) {
$xtemplate->template->assign($key == "subject" ? "title" : $key, $value); // TODO: standardize on 'title' (ie. rename all $block["subject"] to "title")
$output = $xtemplate->template->text("block");
return $output;
function xtemplate_box($title, $content, $region = "main") {
global $xtemplate;
"title" => $title,
"content" => $content));
$output = $xtemplate->template->text("box");
return $output;