Gábor Hojtsy dbf4fb86aa Issue #3008030 by quietone, masipila, maxocub: Migrate D7 i18n fields label and description 2019-02-25 18:35:33 +01:00
action Issue #3022399 by andypost, YurkinPark, Berdir: Move action_views_form_substitutions() out of actions module 2019-02-17 10:12:55 +00:00
aggregator Issue #2946122 by mikelutz, heddn, tim.plunkett, phenaproxima, alexpott, joelpittet, MegaChriz, joachim, xjm: Deprecate ConfigurablePluginInterface and replace with an interface that doesn't extend DependentPluginInterface 2019-02-24 13:42:45 +00:00
automated_cron Issue #2926120 by idebr, zaporylie, borisson_: @var tag must not end with a full stop 2018-05-15 06:49:38 +10:00
ban Issue #2873684 by voleger, longwave, jeetendrakumar, andypost, mondrake, catch: Replace all calls to db_select, which is deprecated 2018-09-21 14:01:49 +01:00
basic_auth Issue #2977107 by Berdir, alexpott, jibran, larowlan: Use more specific entity.manager services in module .services.yml files 2019-01-11 14:13:39 +00:00
big_pipe Issue #3029199 by Gábor Hojtsy, alexpott: [symfony 5] Calling "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::getSession()" when no session has been set is deprecated since Symfony 4.1 2019-01-30 10:31:17 +00:00
block Issue #3023981 by Berdir, larowlan, alexpott, xjm, catch: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated EntityManager->EntityRepository methods 2019-02-17 00:00:58 +00:00
block_content Issue #3023981 by Berdir, larowlan, alexpott, xjm, catch: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated EntityManager->EntityRepository methods 2019-02-17 00:00:58 +00:00
block_place Revert "Issue #2822382 by voleger, pfrenssen, erozqba, RytoEX, borisson_, sidharthap, Jo Fitzgerald, shashikant_chauhan: Make every property protected on classes extending BrowserTestBase and KernelTestBase" 2018-08-16 18:12:22 -05:00
book Issue #2977107 by Berdir, alexpott, jibran, larowlan: Use more specific entity.manager services in module .services.yml files 2019-01-11 14:13:39 +00:00
breakpoint Revert "Issue #2822382 by voleger, pfrenssen, erozqba, RytoEX, borisson_, sidharthap, Jo Fitzgerald, shashikant_chauhan: Make every property protected on classes extending BrowserTestBase and KernelTestBase" 2018-08-16 18:12:22 -05:00
ckeditor Issue #3001029 by frob, Wim Leers: Improve the documentation of the @CKEditorPlugin plugin type annotation 2018-10-05 14:19:50 +03:00
color Issue #2244513 by kim.pepper, phenaproxima, 20th, andrei.dincu, beejeebus, Berdir, alexpott, jibran, andypost, larowlan, Chadwick Wood, acbramley, Wim Leers, sun, xjm, YesCT, chx, tim.plunkett: Move the unmanaged file APIs to the file_system service (file.inc) 2019-02-23 22:35:15 +00:00
comment Issue #3023981 by Berdir, larowlan, alexpott, xjm, catch: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated EntityManager->EntityRepository methods 2019-02-17 00:00:58 +00:00
config Issue #2244513 by kim.pepper, phenaproxima, 20th, andrei.dincu, beejeebus, Berdir, alexpott, jibran, andypost, larowlan, Chadwick Wood, acbramley, Wim Leers, sun, xjm, YesCT, chx, tim.plunkett: Move the unmanaged file APIs to the file_system service (file.inc) 2019-02-23 22:35:15 +00:00
config_translation Issue #3008030 by quietone, masipila, maxocub: Migrate D7 i18n fields label and description 2019-02-25 18:35:33 +01:00
contact Issue #3028656 by Berdir, martin107: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated EntityManager listener methods 2019-02-17 09:56:22 +00:00
content_moderation Issue #2995200 by Sam152, sjancich: Defaults for publishing options do not save when workflow is enabled 2019-02-22 11:15:24 +00:00
content_translation Issue #2723593 by alexpott, Jo Fitzgerald, daffie, JacobSanford, rajeshwari10, chishah92, Saviktor, marvin_B8, valthebald, Mile23, Berdir: Properly deprecate entity_load() and friends 2019-02-05 12:08:32 +00:00
contextual Issue #2707879 by hctom, Sam152, grahl, reekris, casey, gngn, Noemi, dawehner, jherencia: Contextual Links do not respect pathPrefix 2018-10-26 16:33:00 +10:00
datetime Issue #3035318 by mpdonadio: `DateFormatter()` assumes 30 days per month, while February only has 28 days. Causes fails in tests 2019-02-24 09:42:10 +00:00
datetime_range Issue #2926508 by Wim Leers, mpdonadio, joelstein, tacituseu, jhedstrom, effulgentsia, tedbow, mradcliffe, borisson_, dawehner, larowlan: Add DateTimeNormalizer+TimestampNormalizer, deprecate TimestampItemNormalizer: @DataType-level normalizers are reusable by JSON:API 2019-02-16 00:13:43 +01:00
dblog Issue #2691675 by Berdir, Mile23, alexpott: Replace deprecated entityManager() in ControllerBase descendents 2019-01-08 09:40:56 +00:00
dynamic_page_cache Issue #2575841 by nicrodgers, znerol, Utkarsh_Mishra, MerryHamster, markdorison: Use proper method name in DynamicPageCacheSubscriber 2018-04-07 22:00:31 +01:00
editor Issue #3023981 by Berdir, larowlan, alexpott, xjm, catch: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated EntityManager->EntityRepository methods 2019-02-17 00:00:58 +00:00
field Issue #3008030 by quietone, masipila, maxocub: Migrate D7 i18n fields label and description 2019-02-25 18:35:33 +01:00
field_layout Issue #2896215 by tim.plunkett, borisson_, Anybody, tacituseu: Formatter settings lost when moving fields between regions in 'Manage display' 2018-10-26 06:59:16 +10:00
field_ui Issue #3029673 by Lendude, Gábor Hojtsy: Convert \Drupal\field_ui\Tests\ManageDisplayTest to BrowserTestBase 2019-02-04 12:26:16 +00:00
file Issue #3032376 by alexpott, dww, Berdir: Files renamed by \_file_save_upload_single() do not have the correct filename on the File entity 2019-02-25 20:45:21 +10:00
filter Issue #2946122 by mikelutz, heddn, tim.plunkett, phenaproxima, alexpott, joelpittet, MegaChriz, joachim, xjm: Deprecate ConfigurablePluginInterface and replace with an interface that doesn't extend DependentPluginInterface 2019-02-24 13:42:45 +00:00
forum Issue #3023981 by Berdir, larowlan, alexpott, xjm, catch: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated EntityManager->EntityRepository methods 2019-02-17 00:00:58 +00:00
hal Issue #3034695 by xjm, neclimdul: Fix coding standard errors from SA-CORE-2019-003 2019-02-21 16:38:51 -06:00
help Revert "Issue #2822382 by voleger, pfrenssen, erozqba, RytoEX, borisson_, sidharthap, Jo Fitzgerald, shashikant_chauhan: Make every property protected on classes extending BrowserTestBase and KernelTestBase" 2018-08-16 18:12:22 -05:00
history Issue #2954825 by rakesh.gectcr, tresti88, gnuget, borisson_, DamienGR, Prashant.c, amietpatial, alexpott, joachim, Berdir: Update the user.api.php documentation and add the correct type hints in the user's hooks implementations 2018-09-24 08:55:20 +01:00
image Issue #2946122 by mikelutz, heddn, tim.plunkett, phenaproxima, alexpott, joelpittet, MegaChriz, joachim, xjm: Deprecate ConfigurablePluginInterface and replace with an interface that doesn't extend DependentPluginInterface 2019-02-24 13:42:45 +00:00
inline_form_errors Issue #2920571 by dev.patrick, Lendude, Xtal, chanderbhushan: Inline form errors Deprecated link function 2018-11-30 11:12:45 +00:00
language Issue #2986325 by arpad.rozsa, sleitner, Berdir, plach, timcosgrove: Browser language detection broken as soon as a request with no Accept-Language header happens 2019-02-12 23:12:53 +01:00
layout_builder Revert "Issue #3033686 by tedbow, tim.plunkett: Saving Layout override will revert other field values to their values when the Layout was started" 2019-02-25 09:18:41 -06:00
layout_discovery Issue #2938132 by tedbow, tim.plunkett, xjm, EclipseGc, AaronMcHale, alexpott, DyanneNova: Ship layouts that make sense with Layout Builder's concept of sections 2019-01-07 22:00:47 +00:00
link SA-CORE-2019-003 by samuel.mortenson, Berdir, pwolanin, dawehner, cashwilliams, Wim Leers, xjm, larowlan, alexpott, plach, damiankloip, tstoeckler, tedbow, DamienMcKenna, effulgentsia, RobLoach, gabesullice, drumm, heshanlk, dsnopek, fago, miro_dietiker, truls1502 2019-02-20 12:36:56 -06:00
locale Issue #2244513 by kim.pepper, phenaproxima, 20th, andrei.dincu, beejeebus, Berdir, alexpott, jibran, andypost, larowlan, Chadwick Wood, acbramley, Wim Leers, sun, xjm, YesCT, chx, tim.plunkett: Move the unmanaged file APIs to the file_system service (file.inc) 2019-02-23 22:35:15 +00:00
media Issue #2946122 by mikelutz, heddn, tim.plunkett, phenaproxima, alexpott, joelpittet, MegaChriz, joachim, xjm: Deprecate ConfigurablePluginInterface and replace with an interface that doesn't extend DependentPluginInterface 2019-02-24 13:42:45 +00:00
media_library Issue #2996029 by seanB, phenaproxima, marcoscano, samuel.mortenson, lauriii, Wim Leers: Add oEmbed support to the media library 2019-02-25 18:22:35 +01:00
menu_link_content Issue #3023981 by Berdir, larowlan, alexpott, xjm, catch: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated EntityManager->EntityRepository methods 2019-02-17 00:00:58 +00:00
menu_ui Issue #3019834 by Berdir, alexpott: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated url/link EntityInterface methods 2018-12-23 14:30:20 +01:00
migrate Issue #2244513 by kim.pepper, phenaproxima, 20th, andrei.dincu, beejeebus, Berdir, alexpott, jibran, andypost, larowlan, Chadwick Wood, acbramley, Wim Leers, sun, xjm, YesCT, chx, tim.plunkett: Move the unmanaged file APIs to the file_system service (file.inc) 2019-02-23 22:35:15 +00:00
migrate_drupal Issue #3008030 by quietone, masipila, maxocub: Migrate D7 i18n fields label and description 2019-02-25 18:35:33 +01:00
migrate_drupal_multilingual Issue #2953360 by quietone, heddn, yogeshmpawar, phenaproxima, Gábor Hojtsy, maxocub, catch, alexpott, masipila: Experimental migrate_drupal_multilingual module 2018-07-26 18:49:16 +02:00
migrate_drupal_ui Issue #2754493 by quietone, mikelutz, vacho, vasi, masipila: D6 synchronized field settings aren't migrated properly 2019-02-11 09:34:14 +01:00
node Issue #2244513 by kim.pepper, phenaproxima, 20th, andrei.dincu, beejeebus, Berdir, alexpott, jibran, andypost, larowlan, Chadwick Wood, acbramley, Wim Leers, sun, xjm, YesCT, chx, tim.plunkett: Move the unmanaged file APIs to the file_system service (file.inc) 2019-02-23 22:35:15 +00:00
options Issue #3019834 by Berdir, alexpott: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated url/link EntityInterface methods 2018-12-23 14:30:20 +01:00
page_cache Issue #3029373 by effulgentsia, Wim Leers, catch: PageCache::getCacheId() sometimes uses different cache IDs during get and set, causing unnecessary cache misses for some requests 2019-02-05 12:25:01 +00:00
path Issue #3023799 by Berdir, alexpott, tim.plunkett, larowlan: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated EntityManager::clearCachedDefinitions() method 2019-01-26 14:52:11 +00:00
quickedit Issue #3023981 by Berdir, larowlan, alexpott, xjm, catch: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated EntityManager->EntityRepository methods 2019-02-17 00:00:58 +00:00
rdf Issue #2244513 by kim.pepper, phenaproxima, 20th, andrei.dincu, beejeebus, Berdir, alexpott, jibran, andypost, larowlan, Chadwick Wood, acbramley, Wim Leers, sun, xjm, YesCT, chx, tim.plunkett: Move the unmanaged file APIs to the file_system service (file.inc) 2019-02-23 22:35:15 +00:00
responsive_image Issue #2809513 by Lendude, brentgees: Convert AJAX part of \Drupal\responsive_image\Tests\ResponsiveImageFieldUiTest to JavascriptTestBase and the rest to BrowserTestBase 2019-01-23 15:21:29 +00:00
rest Issue #3032620 by alexpott, dww: \Drupal\file\Plugin\rest\resource\FileUploadResource uses basename() when it needs to use the Drupal version 2019-02-25 20:35:03 +10:00
search Issue #2946122 by mikelutz, heddn, tim.plunkett, phenaproxima, alexpott, joelpittet, MegaChriz, joachim, xjm: Deprecate ConfigurablePluginInterface and replace with an interface that doesn't extend DependentPluginInterface 2019-02-24 13:42:45 +00:00
serialization Issue #3034695 by xjm, neclimdul: Fix coding standard errors from SA-CORE-2019-003 2019-02-21 16:38:51 -06:00
settings_tray Issue #2135445 by dww, Sam152, jessebeach, Mile23, Kristen Pol, Wim Leers, larowlan: Toolbar displays Manage tab even if the user is not permitted to see it 2019-02-06 20:04:17 +10:00
shortcut Issue #3023981 by Berdir, larowlan, alexpott, xjm, catch: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated EntityManager->EntityRepository methods 2019-02-17 00:00:58 +00:00
simpletest Issue #2244513 by kim.pepper, phenaproxima, 20th, andrei.dincu, beejeebus, Berdir, alexpott, jibran, andypost, larowlan, Chadwick Wood, acbramley, Wim Leers, sun, xjm, YesCT, chx, tim.plunkett: Move the unmanaged file APIs to the file_system service (file.inc) 2019-02-23 22:35:15 +00:00
statistics Issue #3008446 by alexpott, jcnventura, fenstrat, quietone, voleger, andypost: Complete the deprecation of format_date() 2019-01-01 19:15:24 +00:00
syslog Revert "Issue #2822382 by voleger, pfrenssen, erozqba, RytoEX, borisson_, sidharthap, Jo Fitzgerald, shashikant_chauhan: Make every property protected on classes extending BrowserTestBase and KernelTestBase" 2018-08-16 18:12:22 -05:00
system Issue #3033494 by alexpott, dww, tim.plunkett, larowlan: SiteConfigureForm can install the file module without the field module 2019-02-25 20:39:52 +10:00
taxonomy Issue #3023981 by Berdir, larowlan, alexpott, xjm, catch: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated EntityManager->EntityRepository methods 2019-02-17 00:00:58 +00:00
telephone Issue #2484693 by mjpa, dww, DuaelFr, vaplas, kyvour, benjy, JinX-Be, wengerk, thamas, FMB, ndf, jcnventura, catch: Telephone Link field formatter InvalidArgumentException with 5 digits or fewer in the number 2018-09-21 14:27:46 +01:00
text Revert "Issue #2822382 by voleger, pfrenssen, erozqba, RytoEX, borisson_, sidharthap, Jo Fitzgerald, shashikant_chauhan: Make every property protected on classes extending BrowserTestBase and KernelTestBase" 2018-08-16 18:12:22 -05:00
toolbar Issue #2917653 by markcarver, bojan_dev, dww, idebr, lauriii: toolbar_preprocess_html() converts attributes from array to Attribute object 2019-02-22 12:17:02 +00:00
tour Revert "Issue #2822382 by voleger, pfrenssen, erozqba, RytoEX, borisson_, sidharthap, Jo Fitzgerald, shashikant_chauhan: Make every property protected on classes extending BrowserTestBase and KernelTestBase" 2018-08-16 18:12:22 -05:00
tracker Issue #3019834 by Berdir, alexpott: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated url/link EntityInterface methods 2018-12-23 14:30:20 +01:00
update Issue #2244513 by kim.pepper, phenaproxima, 20th, andrei.dincu, beejeebus, Berdir, alexpott, jibran, andypost, larowlan, Chadwick Wood, acbramley, Wim Leers, sun, xjm, YesCT, chx, tim.plunkett: Move the unmanaged file APIs to the file_system service (file.inc) 2019-02-23 22:35:15 +00:00
user Issue #3023981 by Berdir, larowlan, alexpott, xjm, catch: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated EntityManager->EntityRepository methods 2019-02-17 00:00:58 +00:00
views Issue #3022399 by andypost, YurkinPark, Berdir: Move action_views_form_substitutions() out of actions module 2019-02-17 10:12:55 +00:00
views_ui Issue #3025867 by tim.plunkett, Kristen Pol, phenaproxima, alexpott, xjm, andypost: Provide a classed object for TempStore metadata 2019-02-03 11:57:11 -05:00
workflows Issue #2946122 by mikelutz, heddn, tim.plunkett, phenaproxima, alexpott, joelpittet, MegaChriz, joachim, xjm: Deprecate ConfigurablePluginInterface and replace with an interface that doesn't extend DependentPluginInterface 2019-02-24 13:42:45 +00:00
workspaces Issue #2723593 by alexpott, Jo Fitzgerald, daffie, JacobSanford, rajeshwari10, chishah92, Saviktor, marvin_B8, valthebald, Mile23, Berdir: Properly deprecate entity_load() and friends 2019-02-05 12:08:32 +00:00