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* @file
* Tests for common.inc functionality.
* Tests for URL generation functions.
class DrupalAlterTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'drupal_alter() tests',
'description' => 'Confirm that alteration of arguments passed to drupal_alter() works correctly.',
'group' => 'System',
function setUp() {
function testDrupalAlter() {
// This test depends on Bartik, so make sure that it is always the current
// active theme.
global $theme, $base_theme_info;
$theme = 'bartik';
$base_theme_info = array();
$array = array('foo' => 'bar');
$entity = new stdClass();
$entity->foo = 'bar';
// Verify alteration of a single argument.
$array_copy = $array;
$array_expected = array('foo' => 'Drupal theme');
drupal_alter('drupal_alter', $array_copy);
$this->assertEqual($array_copy, $array_expected, t('Single array was altered.'));
$entity_copy = clone $entity;
$entity_expected = clone $entity;
$entity_expected->foo = 'Drupal theme';
drupal_alter('drupal_alter', $entity_copy);
$this->assertEqual($entity_copy, $entity_expected, t('Single object was altered.'));
// Verify alteration of multiple arguments.
$array_copy = $array;
$array_expected = array('foo' => 'Drupal theme');
$entity_copy = clone $entity;
$entity_expected = clone $entity;
$entity_expected->foo = 'Drupal theme';
$array2_copy = $array;
$array2_expected = array('foo' => 'Drupal theme');
drupal_alter('drupal_alter', $array_copy, $entity_copy, $array2_copy);
$this->assertEqual($array_copy, $array_expected, t('First argument to drupal_alter() was altered.'));
$this->assertEqual($entity_copy, $entity_expected, t('Second argument to drupal_alter() was altered.'));
$this->assertEqual($array2_copy, $array2_expected, t('Third argument to drupal_alter() was altered.'));
// Verify alteration order when passing an array of types to drupal_alter().
// common_test_module_implements_alter() places 'block' implementation after
// other modules.
$array_copy = $array;
$array_expected = array('foo' => 'Drupal block theme');
drupal_alter(array('drupal_alter', 'drupal_alter_foo'), $array_copy);
$this->assertEqual($array_copy, $array_expected, t('hook_TYPE_alter() implementations ran in correct order.'));
* Tests for URL generation functions.
* url() calls module_implements(), which may issue a db query, which requires
* inheriting from a web test case rather than a unit test case.
class CommonURLUnitTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'URL generation tests',
'description' => 'Confirm that url(), drupal_get_query_parameters(), drupal_http_build_query(), and l() work correctly with various input.',
'group' => 'System',
* Confirm that invalid text given as $path is filtered.
function testLXSS() {
$text = $this->randomName();
$path = "<SCRIPT>alert('XSS')</SCRIPT>";
$link = l($text, $path);
$sanitized_path = check_url(url($path));
$this->assertTrue(strpos($link, $sanitized_path) !== FALSE, t('XSS attack @path was filtered', array('@path' => $path)));
* Tests for active class in l() function.
function testLActiveClass() {
$link = l($this->randomName(), $_GET['q']);
$this->assertTrue($this->hasClass($link, 'active'), t('Class @class is present on link to the current page', array('@class' => 'active')));
* Tests for custom class in l() function.
function testLCustomClass() {
$class = $this->randomName();
$link = l($this->randomName(), $_GET['q'], array('attributes' => array('class' => array($class))));
$this->assertTrue($this->hasClass($link, $class), t('Custom class @class is present on link when requested', array('@class' => $class)));
$this->assertTrue($this->hasClass($link, 'active'), t('Class @class is present on link to the current page', array('@class' => 'active')));
private function hasClass($link, $class) {
return preg_match('|class="([^\"\s]+\s+)*' . $class . '|', $link);
* Test drupal_get_query_parameters().
function testDrupalGetQueryParameters() {
$original = array(
'a' => 1,
'b' => array(
'd' => 4,
'e' => array(
'f' => 5,
'c' => 3,
'q' => 'foo/bar',
// Default arguments.
$result = $_GET;
$this->assertEqual(drupal_get_query_parameters(), $result, t("\$_GET['q'] was removed."));
// Default exclusion.
$result = $original;
$this->assertEqual(drupal_get_query_parameters($original), $result, t("'q' was removed."));
// First-level exclusion.
$result = $original;
$this->assertEqual(drupal_get_query_parameters($original, array('b')), $result, t("'b' was removed."));
// Second-level exclusion.
$result = $original;
$this->assertEqual(drupal_get_query_parameters($original, array('b[d]')), $result, t("'b[d]' was removed."));
// Third-level exclusion.
$result = $original;
$this->assertEqual(drupal_get_query_parameters($original, array('b[e][f]')), $result, t("'b[e][f]' was removed."));
// Multiple exclusions.
$result = $original;
unset($result['a'], $result['b']['e'], $result['c']);
$this->assertEqual(drupal_get_query_parameters($original, array('a', 'b[e]', 'c')), $result, t("'a', 'b[e]', 'c' were removed."));
* Test drupal_http_build_query().
function testDrupalHttpBuildQuery() {
$this->assertEqual(drupal_http_build_query(array('a' => ' &#//+%20@۞')), 'a=%20%26%23//%2B%2520%40%DB%9E', t('Value was properly encoded.'));
$this->assertEqual(drupal_http_build_query(array(' &#//+%20@۞' => 'a')), '%20%26%23%2F%2F%2B%2520%40%DB%9E=a', t('Key was properly encoded.'));
$this->assertEqual(drupal_http_build_query(array('a' => '1', 'b' => '2', 'c' => '3')), 'a=1&b=2&c=3', t('Multiple values were properly concatenated.'));
$this->assertEqual(drupal_http_build_query(array('a' => array('b' => '2', 'c' => '3'), 'd' => 'foo')), 'a[b]=2&a[c]=3&d=foo', t('Nested array was properly encoded.'));
* Test drupal_parse_url().
function testDrupalParseUrl() {
// Relative URL.
$url = 'foo/bar?foo=bar&bar=baz&baz#foo';
$result = array(
'path' => 'foo/bar',
'query' => array('foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz', 'baz' => ''),
'fragment' => 'foo',
$this->assertEqual(drupal_parse_url($url), $result, t('Relative URL parsed correctly.'));
// Relative URL that is known to confuse parse_url().
$url = 'foo/bar:1';
$result = array(
'path' => 'foo/bar:1',
'query' => array(),
'fragment' => '',
$this->assertEqual(drupal_parse_url($url), $result, t('Relative URL parsed correctly.'));
// Absolute URL.
$url = '/foo/bar?foo=bar&bar=baz&baz#foo';
$result = array(
'path' => '/foo/bar',
'query' => array('foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz', 'baz' => ''),
'fragment' => 'foo',
$this->assertEqual(drupal_parse_url($url), $result, t('Absolute URL parsed correctly.'));
// External URL testing.
$url = 'http://drupal.org/foo/bar?foo=bar&bar=baz&baz#foo';
// Test that drupal can recognize an absolute URL. Used to prevent attack vectors.
$this->assertTrue(url_is_external($url), t('Correctly identified an external URL.'));
// Test the parsing of absolute URLs.
$result = array(
'path' => 'http://drupal.org/foo/bar',
'query' => array('foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz', 'baz' => ''),
'fragment' => 'foo',
$this->assertEqual(drupal_parse_url($url), $result, t('External URL parsed correctly.'));
// Verify proper parsing of URLs when clean URLs are disabled.
$result = array(
'path' => 'foo/bar',
'query' => array('bar' => 'baz'),
'fragment' => 'foo',
// Non-clean URLs #1: Absolute URL generated by url().
$url = $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/?q=foo/bar&bar=baz#foo';
$this->assertEqual(drupal_parse_url($url), $result, t('Absolute URL with clean URLs disabled parsed correctly.'));
// Non-clean URLs #2: Relative URL generated by url().
$url = '?q=foo/bar&bar=baz#foo';
$this->assertEqual(drupal_parse_url($url), $result, t('Relative URL with clean URLs disabled parsed correctly.'));
// Non-clean URLs #3: URL generated by url() on non-Apache webserver.
$url = 'index.php?q=foo/bar&bar=baz#foo';
$this->assertEqual(drupal_parse_url($url), $result, t('Relative URL on non-Apache webserver with clean URLs disabled parsed correctly.'));
// Test that drupal_parse_url() does not allow spoofing a URL to force a malicious redirect.
$parts = drupal_parse_url('forged:http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/601.html');
$this->assertFalse(valid_url($parts['path'], TRUE), t('drupal_parse_url() correctly parsed a forged URL.'));
* Test url() with/without query, with/without fragment, absolute on/off and
* assert all that works when clean URLs are on and off.
function testUrl() {
global $base_url;
foreach (array(FALSE, TRUE) as $absolute) {
// Get the expected start of the path string.
$base = $absolute ? $base_url . '/' : base_path();
$absolute_string = $absolute ? 'absolute' : NULL;
// Disable Clean URLs.
$GLOBALS['conf']['clean_url'] = 0;
$url = $base . '?q=node/123';
$result = url('node/123', array('absolute' => $absolute));
$this->assertEqual($url, $result, "$url == $result");
$url = $base . '?q=node/123#foo';
$result = url('node/123', array('fragment' => 'foo', 'absolute' => $absolute));
$this->assertEqual($url, $result, "$url == $result");
$url = $base . '?q=node/123&foo';
$result = url('node/123', array('query' => array('foo' => NULL), 'absolute' => $absolute));
$this->assertEqual($url, $result, "$url == $result");
$url = $base . '?q=node/123&foo=bar&bar=baz';
$result = url('node/123', array('query' => array('foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz'), 'absolute' => $absolute));
$this->assertEqual($url, $result, "$url == $result");
$url = $base . '?q=node/123&foo#bar';
$result = url('node/123', array('query' => array('foo' => NULL), 'fragment' => 'bar', 'absolute' => $absolute));
$this->assertEqual($url, $result, "$url == $result");
$url = $base . '?q=node/123&foo#0';
$result = url('node/123', array('query' => array('foo' => NULL), 'fragment' => '0', 'absolute' => $absolute));
$this->assertEqual($url, $result, "$url == $result");
$url = $base . '?q=node/123&foo';
$result = url('node/123', array('query' => array('foo' => NULL), 'fragment' => '', 'absolute' => $absolute));
$this->assertEqual($url, $result, "$url == $result");
$url = $base;
$result = url('<front>', array('absolute' => $absolute));
$this->assertEqual($url, $result, "$url == $result");
// Enable Clean URLs.
$GLOBALS['conf']['clean_url'] = 1;
$url = $base . 'node/123';
$result = url('node/123', array('absolute' => $absolute));
$this->assertEqual($url, $result, "$url == $result");
$url = $base . 'node/123#foo';
$result = url('node/123', array('fragment' => 'foo', 'absolute' => $absolute));
$this->assertEqual($url, $result, "$url == $result");
$url = $base . 'node/123?foo';
$result = url('node/123', array('query' => array('foo' => NULL), 'absolute' => $absolute));
$this->assertEqual($url, $result, "$url == $result");
$url = $base . 'node/123?foo=bar&bar=baz';
$result = url('node/123', array('query' => array('foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz'), 'absolute' => $absolute));
$this->assertEqual($url, $result, "$url == $result");
$url = $base . 'node/123?foo#bar';
$result = url('node/123', array('query' => array('foo' => NULL), 'fragment' => 'bar', 'absolute' => $absolute));
$this->assertEqual($url, $result, "$url == $result");
$url = $base;
$result = url('<front>', array('absolute' => $absolute));
$this->assertEqual($url, $result, "$url == $result");
* Test external URL handling.
function testExternalUrls() {
$test_url = 'http://drupal.org/';
// Verify external URL can contain a fragment.
$url = $test_url . '#drupal';
$result = url($url);
$this->assertEqual($url, $result, t('External URL with fragment works without a fragment in $options.'));
// Verify fragment can be overidden in an external URL.
$url = $test_url . '#drupal';
$fragment = $this->randomName(10);
$result = url($url, array('fragment' => $fragment));
$this->assertEqual($test_url . '#' . $fragment, $result, t('External URL fragment is overidden with a custom fragment in $options.'));
// Verify external URL can contain a query string.
$url = $test_url . '?drupal=awesome';
$result = url($url);
$this->assertEqual($url, $result, t('External URL with query string works without a query string in $options.'));
// Verify external URL can be extended with a query string.
$url = $test_url;
$query = array($this->randomName(5) => $this->randomName(5));
$result = url($url, array('query' => $query));
$this->assertEqual($url . '?' . http_build_query($query, '', '&'), $result, t('External URL can be extended with a query string in $options.'));
// Verify query string can be extended in an external URL.
$url = $test_url . '?drupal=awesome';
$query = array($this->randomName(5) => $this->randomName(5));
$result = url($url, array('query' => $query));
$this->assertEqual($url . '&' . http_build_query($query, '', '&'), $result, t('External URL query string can be extended with a custom query string in $options.'));
* Tests for check_plain(), filter_xss(), format_string(), and check_url().
class CommonXssUnitTest extends DrupalUnitTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'String filtering tests',
'description' => 'Confirm that check_plain(), filter_xss(), format_string() and check_url() work correctly, including invalid multi-byte sequences.',
'group' => 'System',
* Check that invalid multi-byte sequences are rejected.
function testInvalidMultiByte() {
// Ignore PHP 5.3+ invalid multibyte sequence warning.
$text = @check_plain("Foo\xC0barbaz");
$this->assertEqual($text, '', 'check_plain() rejects invalid sequence "Foo\xC0barbaz"');
// Ignore PHP 5.3+ invalid multibyte sequence warning.
$text = @check_plain("\xc2\"");
$this->assertEqual($text, '', 'check_plain() rejects invalid sequence "\xc2\""');
$text = check_plain("Fooÿñ");
$this->assertEqual($text, "Fooÿñ", 'check_plain() accepts valid sequence "Fooÿñ"');
$text = filter_xss("Foo\xC0barbaz");
$this->assertEqual($text, '', 'filter_xss() rejects invalid sequence "Foo\xC0barbaz"');
$text = filter_xss("Fooÿñ");
$this->assertEqual($text, "Fooÿñ", 'filter_xss() accepts valid sequence Fooÿñ');
* Check that special characters are escaped.
function testEscaping() {
$text = check_plain("<script>");
$this->assertEqual($text, '<script>', 'check_plain() escapes <script>');
$text = check_plain('<>&"\'');
$this->assertEqual($text, '<>&"'', 'check_plain() escapes reserved HTML characters.');
* Test t() and format_string() replacement functionality.
function testFormatStringAndT() {
foreach (array('format_string', 't') as $function) {
$text = $function('Simple text');
$this->assertEqual($text, 'Simple text', $function . ' leaves simple text alone.');
$text = $function('Escaped text: @value', array('@value' => '<script>'));
$this->assertEqual($text, 'Escaped text: <script>', $function . ' replaces and escapes string.');
$text = $function('Placeholder text: %value', array('%value' => '<script>'));
$this->assertEqual($text, 'Placeholder text: <em class="placeholder"><script></em>', $function . ' replaces, escapes and themes string.');
$text = $function('Verbatim text: !value', array('!value' => '<script>'));
$this->assertEqual($text, 'Verbatim text: <script>', $function . ' replaces verbatim string as-is.');
* Check that harmful protocols are stripped.
function testBadProtocolStripping() {
// Ensure that check_url() strips out harmful protocols, and encodes for
// HTML. Ensure drupal_strip_dangerous_protocols() can be used to return a
// plain-text string stripped of harmful protocols.
$url = 'javascript:http://www.example.com/?x=1&y=2';
$expected_plain = 'http://www.example.com/?x=1&y=2';
$expected_html = 'http://www.example.com/?x=1&y=2';
$this->assertIdentical(check_url($url), $expected_html, t('check_url() filters a URL and encodes it for HTML.'));
$this->assertIdentical(drupal_strip_dangerous_protocols($url), $expected_plain, t('drupal_strip_dangerous_protocols() filters a URL and returns plain text.'));
* Tests file size parsing and formatting functions.
class CommonSizeTestCase extends DrupalUnitTestCase {
protected $exact_test_cases;
protected $rounded_test_cases;
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Size parsing test',
'description' => 'Parse a predefined amount of bytes and compare the output with the expected value.',
'group' => 'System'
function setUp() {
$this->exact_test_cases = array(
'1 byte' => 1,
'1 KB' => $kb,
'1 MB' => $kb * $kb,
'1 GB' => $kb * $kb * $kb,
'1 TB' => $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb,
'1 PB' => $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb,
'1 EB' => $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb,
'1 ZB' => $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb,
'1 YB' => $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb * $kb,
$this->rounded_test_cases = array(
'2 bytes' => 2,
'1 MB' => ($kb * $kb) - 1, // rounded to 1 MB (not 1000 or 1024 kilobyte!)
round(3623651 / ($this->exact_test_cases['1 MB']), 2) . ' MB' => 3623651, // megabytes
round(67234178751368124 / ($this->exact_test_cases['1 PB']), 2) . ' PB' => 67234178751368124, // petabytes
round(235346823821125814962843827 / ($this->exact_test_cases['1 YB']), 2) . ' YB' => 235346823821125814962843827, // yottabytes
* Check that format_size() returns the expected string.
function testCommonFormatSize() {
foreach (array($this->exact_test_cases, $this->rounded_test_cases) as $test_cases) {
foreach ($test_cases as $expected => $input) {
($result = format_size($input, NULL)),
$expected . ' == ' . $result . ' (' . $input . ' bytes)'
* Check that parse_size() returns the proper byte sizes.
function testCommonParseSize() {
foreach ($this->exact_test_cases as $string => $size) {
$parsed_size = parse_size($string),
$size . ' == ' . $parsed_size . ' (' . $string . ')'
// Some custom parsing tests
$string = '23476892 bytes';
($parsed_size = parse_size($string)),
$size = 23476892,
$string . ' == ' . $parsed_size . ' bytes'
$string = '76MRandomStringThatShouldBeIgnoredByParseSize.'; // 76 MB
$parsed_size = parse_size($string),
$size = 79691776,
$string . ' == ' . $parsed_size . ' bytes'
$string = '76.24 Giggabyte'; // Misspeld text -> 76.24 GB
$parsed_size = parse_size($string),
$size = 81862076662,
$string . ' == ' . $parsed_size . ' bytes'
* Cross-test parse_size() and format_size().
function testCommonParseSizeFormatSize() {
foreach ($this->exact_test_cases as $size) {
($parsed_size = parse_size($string = format_size($size, NULL))),
$size . ' == ' . $parsed_size . ' (' . $string . ')'
* Test drupal_explode_tags() and drupal_implode_tags().
class DrupalTagsHandlingTestCase extends DrupalUnitTestCase {
var $validTags = array(
'Drupal' => 'Drupal',
'Drupal with some spaces' => 'Drupal with some spaces',
'"Legendary Drupal mascot of doom: ""Druplicon"""' => 'Legendary Drupal mascot of doom: "Druplicon"',
'"Drupal, although it rhymes with sloopal, is as awesome as a troopal!"' => 'Drupal, although it rhymes with sloopal, is as awesome as a troopal!',
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Drupal tags handling',
'description' => "Performs tests on Drupal's handling of tags, both explosion and implosion tactics used.",
'group' => 'System'
* Explode a series of tags.
function testDrupalExplodeTags() {
$string = implode(', ', array_keys($this->validTags));
$tags = drupal_explode_tags($string);
* Implode a series of tags.
function testDrupalImplodeTags() {
$tags = array_values($this->validTags);
// Let's explode and implode to our heart's content.
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$string = drupal_implode_tags($tags);
$tags = drupal_explode_tags($string);
* Helper function: asserts that the ending array of tags is what we wanted.
function assertTags($tags) {
$original = $this->validTags;
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$key = array_search($tag, $original);
$this->assertTrue($key, t('Make sure tag %tag shows up in the final tags array (originally %original)', array('%tag' => $tag, '%original' => $key)));
foreach ($original as $leftover) {
$this->fail(t('Leftover tag %leftover was left over.', array('%leftover' => $leftover)));
* Test the Drupal CSS system.
class CascadingStylesheetsTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Cascading stylesheets',
'description' => 'Tests adding various cascading stylesheets to the page.',
'group' => 'System',
function setUp() {
parent::setUp('php', 'locale', 'common_test');
// Reset drupal_add_css() before each test.
* Check default stylesheets as empty.
function testDefault() {
$this->assertEqual(array(), drupal_add_css(), t('Default CSS is empty.'));
* Test that stylesheets in module .info files are loaded.
function testModuleInfo() {
// Verify common_test.css in a STYLE media="all" tag.
$elements = $this->xpath('//style[@media=:media and contains(text(), :filename)]', array(
':media' => 'all',
':filename' => 'tests/common_test.css',
$this->assertTrue(count($elements), "Stylesheet with media 'all' in module .info file found.");
// Verify common_test.print.css in a STYLE media="print" tag.
$elements = $this->xpath('//style[@media=:media and contains(text(), :filename)]', array(
':media' => 'print',
':filename' => 'tests/common_test.print.css',
$this->assertTrue(count($elements), "Stylesheet with media 'print' in module .info file found.");
* Tests adding a file stylesheet.
function testAddFile() {
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest') . '/simpletest.css';
$css = drupal_add_css($path);
$this->assertEqual($css[$path]['data'], $path, t('Adding a CSS file caches it properly.'));
* Tests adding an external stylesheet.
function testAddExternal() {
$path = 'http://example.com/style.css';
$css = drupal_add_css($path, 'external');
$this->assertEqual($css[$path]['type'], 'external', t('Adding an external CSS file caches it properly.'));
* Makes sure that reseting the CSS empties the cache.
function testReset() {
$this->assertEqual(array(), drupal_add_css(), t('Resetting the CSS empties the cache.'));
* Tests rendering the stylesheets.
function testRenderFile() {
$css = drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest') . '/simpletest.css';
$styles = drupal_get_css();
$this->assertTrue(strpos($styles, $css) > 0, t('Rendered CSS includes the added stylesheet.'));
* Tests rendering an external stylesheet.
function testRenderExternal() {
$css = 'http://example.com/style.css';
drupal_add_css($css, 'external');
$styles = drupal_get_css();
// Stylesheet URL may be the href of a LINK tag or in an @import statement
// of a STYLE tag.
$this->assertTrue(strpos($styles, 'href="' . $css) > 0 || strpos($styles, '@import url("' . $css . '")') > 0, t('Rendering an external CSS file.'));
* Tests rendering inline stylesheets with preprocessing on.
function testRenderInlinePreprocess() {
$css = 'body { padding: 0px; }';
$css_preprocessed = '<style type="text/css" media="all">' . "\n<!--/*--><![CDATA[/*><!--*/\n" . drupal_load_stylesheet_content($css, TRUE) . "\n/*]]>*/-->\n" . '</style>';
drupal_add_css($css, array('type' => 'inline'));
$styles = drupal_get_css();
$this->assertEqual(trim($styles), $css_preprocessed, t('Rendering preprocessed inline CSS adds it to the page.'));
* Tests rendering inline stylesheets with preprocessing off.
function testRenderInlineNoPreprocess() {
$css = 'body { padding: 0px; }';
drupal_add_css($css, array('type' => 'inline', 'preprocess' => FALSE));
$styles = drupal_get_css();
$this->assertTrue(strpos($styles, $css) > 0, t('Rendering non-preprocessed inline CSS adds it to the page.'));
* Tests rendering inline stylesheets through a full page request.
function testRenderInlineFullPage() {
$css = 'body { font-size: 254px; }';
// Inline CSS is minified unless 'preprocess' => FALSE is passed as a
// drupal_add_css() option.
$expected = 'body{font-size:254px;}';
// Create a node, using the PHP filter that tests drupal_add_css().
$php_format_id = 'php_code';
$settings = array(
'type' => 'page',
'body' => array(
'value' => t('This tests the inline CSS!') . "<?php drupal_add_css('$css', 'inline'); ?>",
'format' => $php_format_id,
'promote' => 1,
$node = $this->drupalCreateNode($settings);
// Fetch the page.
$this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
$this->assertRaw($expected, t('Inline stylesheets appear in the full page rendering.'));
* Test CSS ordering.
function testRenderOrder() {
// A module CSS file.
drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest') . '/simpletest.css');
// A few system CSS files, ordered in a strange way.
$system_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'system');
drupal_add_css($system_path . '/system.menus.css', array('group' => CSS_SYSTEM));
drupal_add_css($system_path . '/system.base.css', array('group' => CSS_SYSTEM, 'weight' => -10));
drupal_add_css($system_path . '/system.theme.css', array('group' => CSS_SYSTEM));
$expected = array(
$system_path . '/system.base.css',
$system_path . '/system.menus.css',
$system_path . '/system.theme.css',
drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest') . '/simpletest.css',
$styles = drupal_get_css();
// Stylesheet URL may be the href of a LINK tag or in an @import statement
// of a STYLE tag.
if (preg_match_all('/(href="|url\(")' . preg_quote($GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/', '/') . '([^?]+)\?/', $styles, $matches)) {
$result = $matches[2];
else {
$result = array();
$this->assertIdentical($result, $expected, t('The CSS files are in the expected order.'));
* Test CSS override.
function testRenderOverride() {
$system = drupal_get_path('module', 'system');
$simpletest = drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest');
drupal_add_css($system . '/system.base.css');
drupal_add_css($simpletest . '/tests/system.base.css');
// The dummy stylesheet should be the only one included.
$styles = drupal_get_css();
$this->assert(strpos($styles, $simpletest . '/tests/system.base.css') !== FALSE, t('The overriding CSS file is output.'));
$this->assert(strpos($styles, $system . '/system.base.css') === FALSE, t('The overridden CSS file is not output.'));
drupal_add_css($simpletest . '/tests/system.base.css');
drupal_add_css($system . '/system.base.css');
// The standard stylesheet should be the only one included.
$styles = drupal_get_css();
$this->assert(strpos($styles, $system . '/system.base.css') !== FALSE, t('The overriding CSS file is output.'));
$this->assert(strpos($styles, $simpletest . '/tests/system.base.css') === FALSE, t('The overridden CSS file is not output.'));
* Tests Locale module's CSS Alter to include RTL overrides.
function testAlter() {
// Switch the language to a right to left language and add system.base.css.
global $language;
$language->direction = LANGUAGE_RTL;
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'system');
drupal_add_css($path . '/system.base.css');
// Check to see if system.base-rtl.css was also added.
$styles = drupal_get_css();
$this->assert(strpos($styles, $path . '/system.base-rtl.css') !== FALSE, t('CSS is alterable as right to left overrides are added.'));
// Change the language back to left to right.
$language->direction = LANGUAGE_LTR;
* Tests that the query string remains intact when adding CSS files that have
* query string parameters.
function testAddCssFileWithQueryString() {
$query_string = variable_get('css_js_query_string', '0');
$this->assertRaw(drupal_get_path('module', 'node') . '/node.css?' . $query_string, t('Query string was appended correctly to css.'));
$this->assertRaw(drupal_get_path('module', 'node') . '/node-fake.css?arg1=value1&arg2=value2', t('Query string not escaped on a URI.'));
* Test for cleaning HTML identifiers.
class DrupalHTMLIdentifierTestCase extends DrupalUnitTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'HTML identifiers',
'description' => 'Test the functions drupal_html_class(), drupal_html_id() and drupal_clean_css_identifier() for expected behavior',
'group' => 'System',
* Tests that drupal_clean_css_identifier() cleans the identifier properly.
function testDrupalCleanCSSIdentifier() {
// Verify that no valid ASCII characters are stripped from the identifier.
$identifier = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-0123456789';
$this->assertIdentical(drupal_clean_css_identifier($identifier, array()), $identifier, t('Verify valid ASCII characters pass through.'));
// Verify that valid UTF-8 characters are not stripped from the identifier.
$identifier = '¡¢£¤¥';
$this->assertIdentical(drupal_clean_css_identifier($identifier, array()), $identifier, t('Verify valid UTF-8 characters pass through.'));
// Verify that invalid characters (including non-breaking space) are stripped from the identifier.
$this->assertIdentical(drupal_clean_css_identifier('invalid !"#$%&\'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~ identifier', array()), 'invalididentifier', t('Strip invalid characters.'));
* Tests that drupal_html_class() cleans the class name properly.
function testDrupalHTMLClass() {
// Verify Drupal coding standards are enforced.
$this->assertIdentical(drupal_html_class('CLASS NAME_[Ü]'), 'class-name--ü', t('Enforce Drupal coding standards.'));
* Tests that drupal_html_id() cleans the ID properly.
function testDrupalHTMLId() {
// Verify that letters, digits, and hyphens are not stripped from the ID.
$id = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-0123456789';
$this->assertIdentical(drupal_html_id($id), $id, t('Verify valid characters pass through.'));
// Verify that invalid characters are stripped from the ID.
$this->assertIdentical(drupal_html_id('invalid,./:@\\^`{Üidentifier'), 'invalididentifier', t('Strip invalid characters.'));
// Verify Drupal coding standards are enforced.
$this->assertIdentical(drupal_html_id('ID NAME_[1]'), 'id-name-1', t('Enforce Drupal coding standards.'));
// Reset the static cache so we can ensure the unique id count is at zero.
// Clean up IDs with invalid starting characters.
$this->assertIdentical(drupal_html_id('test-unique-id'), 'test-unique-id', t('Test the uniqueness of IDs #1.'));
$this->assertIdentical(drupal_html_id('test-unique-id'), 'test-unique-id--2', t('Test the uniqueness of IDs #2.'));
$this->assertIdentical(drupal_html_id('test-unique-id'), 'test-unique-id--3', t('Test the uniqueness of IDs #3.'));
* CSS Unit Tests.
class CascadingStylesheetsUnitTest extends DrupalUnitTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'CSS Unit Tests',
'description' => 'Unit tests on CSS functions like aggregation.',
'group' => 'System',
* Tests basic CSS loading with and without optimization via drupal_load_stylesheet().
* Known tests:
* - Retain white-space in selectors. (http://drupal.org/node/472820)
* - Proper URLs in imported files. (http://drupal.org/node/265719)
* - Retain pseudo-selectors. (http://drupal.org/node/460448)
function testLoadCssBasic() {
// Array of files to test living in 'simpletest/files/css_test_files/'.
// - Original: name.css
// - Unoptimized expected content: name.css.unoptimized.css
// - Optimized expected content: name.css.optimized.css
$testfiles = array(
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest') . '/files/css_test_files';
foreach ($testfiles as $file) {
$expected = file_get_contents("$path/$file.unoptimized.css");
$unoptimized_output = drupal_load_stylesheet("$path/$file.unoptimized.css", FALSE);
$this->assertEqual($unoptimized_output, $expected, t('Unoptimized CSS file has expected contents (@file)', array('@file' => $file)));
$expected = file_get_contents("$path/$file.optimized.css");
$optimized_output = drupal_load_stylesheet("$path/$file", TRUE);
$this->assertEqual($optimized_output, $expected, t('Optimized CSS file has expected contents (@file)', array('@file' => $file)));
// Repeat the tests by accessing the stylesheets by URL.
$expected = file_get_contents("$path/$file.unoptimized.css");
$unoptimized_output_url = drupal_load_stylesheet($GLOBALS['base_url'] . "/$path/$file.unoptimized.css", FALSE);
$this->assertEqual($unoptimized_output, $expected, t('Unoptimized CSS file (loaded from an URL) has expected contents (@file)', array('@file' => $file)));
$expected = file_get_contents("$path/$file.optimized.css");
$optimized_output = drupal_load_stylesheet($GLOBALS['base_url'] . "/$path/$file", TRUE);
$this->assertEqual($optimized_output, $expected, t('Optimized CSS file (loaded from an URL) has expected contents (@file)', array('@file' => $file)));
* Test drupal_http_request().
class DrupalHTTPRequestTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Drupal HTTP request',
'description' => "Performs tests on Drupal's HTTP request mechanism.",
'group' => 'System'
function setUp() {
parent::setUp('system_test', 'locale');
function testDrupalHTTPRequest() {
global $is_https;
// Parse URL schema.
$missing_scheme = drupal_http_request('example.com/path');
$this->assertEqual($missing_scheme->code, -1002, t('Returned with "-1002" error code.'));
$this->assertEqual($missing_scheme->error, 'missing schema', t('Returned with "missing schema" error message.'));
$unable_to_parse = drupal_http_request('http:///path');
$this->assertEqual($unable_to_parse->code, -1001, t('Returned with "-1001" error code.'));
$this->assertEqual($unable_to_parse->error, 'unable to parse URL', t('Returned with "unable to parse URL" error message.'));
// Fetch page.
$result = drupal_http_request(url('node', array('absolute' => TRUE)));
$this->assertEqual($result->code, 200, t('Fetched page successfully.'));
$this->assertTitle(t('Welcome to @site-name | @site-name', array('@site-name' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'))), t('Site title matches.'));
// Test that code and status message is returned.
$result = drupal_http_request(url('pagedoesnotexist', array('absolute' => TRUE)));
$this->assertTrue(!empty($result->protocol), t('Result protocol is returned.'));
$this->assertEqual($result->code, '404', t('Result code is 404'));
$this->assertEqual($result->status_message, 'Not Found', t('Result status message is "Not Found"'));
// Skip the timeout tests when the testing environment is HTTPS because
// stream_set_timeout() does not work for SSL connections.
// @link http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=47929
if (!$is_https) {
// Test that timeout is respected. The test machine is expected to be able
// to make the connection (i.e. complete the fsockopen()) in 2 seconds and
// return within a total of 5 seconds. If the test machine is extremely
// slow, the test will fail. fsockopen() has been seen to time out in
// slightly less than the specified timeout, so allow a little slack on
// the minimum expected time (i.e. 1.8 instead of 2).
$result = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/sleep/10', array('absolute' => TRUE)), array('timeout' => 2));
$time = timer_read(__METHOD__) / 1000;
$this->assertTrue(1.8 < $time && $time < 5, t('Request timed out (%time seconds).', array('%time' => $time)));
$this->assertTrue($result->error, t('An error message was returned.'));
$this->assertEqual($result->code, HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, t('Proper error code was returned.'));
function testDrupalHTTPRequestBasicAuth() {
$username = $this->randomName();
$password = $this->randomName();
$url = url('system-test/auth', array('absolute' => TRUE));
$auth = str_replace('://', '://' . $username . ':' . $password . '@', $url);
$result = drupal_http_request($auth);
$this->assertRaw($username, t('$_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"] is passed correctly.'));
$this->assertRaw($password, t('$_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_PW"] is passed correctly.'));
function testDrupalHTTPRequestRedirect() {
$redirect_301 = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/redirect/301', array('absolute' => TRUE)), array('max_redirects' => 1));
$this->assertEqual($redirect_301->redirect_code, 301, t('drupal_http_request follows the 301 redirect.'));
$redirect_301 = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/redirect/301', array('absolute' => TRUE)), array('max_redirects' => 0));
$this->assertFalse(isset($redirect_301->redirect_code), t('drupal_http_request does not follow 301 redirect if max_redirects = 0.'));
$redirect_invalid = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/redirect-noscheme', array('absolute' => TRUE)), array('max_redirects' => 1));
$this->assertEqual($redirect_invalid->code, -1002, t('301 redirect to invalid URL returned with error code !error.', array('!error' => $redirect_invalid->error)));
$this->assertEqual($redirect_invalid->error, 'missing schema', t('301 redirect to invalid URL returned with error message "!error".', array('!error' => $redirect_invalid->error)));
$redirect_invalid = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/redirect-noparse', array('absolute' => TRUE)), array('max_redirects' => 1));
$this->assertEqual($redirect_invalid->code, -1001, t('301 redirect to invalid URL returned with error message code "!error".', array('!error' => $redirect_invalid->error)));
$this->assertEqual($redirect_invalid->error, 'unable to parse URL', t('301 redirect to invalid URL returned with error message "!error".', array('!error' => $redirect_invalid->error)));
$redirect_invalid = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/redirect-invalid-scheme', array('absolute' => TRUE)), array('max_redirects' => 1));
$this->assertEqual($redirect_invalid->code, -1003, t('301 redirect to invalid URL returned with error code !error.', array('!error' => $redirect_invalid->error)));
$this->assertEqual($redirect_invalid->error, 'invalid schema ftp', t('301 redirect to invalid URL returned with error message "!error".', array('!error' => $redirect_invalid->error)));
$redirect_302 = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/redirect/302', array('absolute' => TRUE)), array('max_redirects' => 1));
$this->assertEqual($redirect_302->redirect_code, 302, t('drupal_http_request follows the 302 redirect.'));
$redirect_302 = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/redirect/302', array('absolute' => TRUE)), array('max_redirects' => 0));
$this->assertFalse(isset($redirect_302->redirect_code), t('drupal_http_request does not follow 302 redirect if $retry = 0.'));
$redirect_307 = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/redirect/307', array('absolute' => TRUE)), array('max_redirects' => 1));
$this->assertEqual($redirect_307->redirect_code, 307, t('drupal_http_request follows the 307 redirect.'));
$redirect_307 = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/redirect/307', array('absolute' => TRUE)), array('max_redirects' => 0));
$this->assertFalse(isset($redirect_307->redirect_code), t('drupal_http_request does not follow 307 redirect if max_redirects = 0.'));
$multiple_redirect_final_url = url('system-test/multiple-redirects/0', array('absolute' => TRUE));
$multiple_redirect_1 = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/multiple-redirects/1', array('absolute' => TRUE)), array('max_redirects' => 1));
$this->assertEqual($multiple_redirect_1->redirect_url, $multiple_redirect_final_url, t('redirect_url contains the final redirection location after 1 redirect.'));
$multiple_redirect_3 = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/multiple-redirects/3', array('absolute' => TRUE)), array('max_redirects' => 3));
$this->assertEqual($multiple_redirect_3->redirect_url, $multiple_redirect_final_url, t('redirect_url contains the final redirection location after 3 redirects.'));
* Tests Content-language headers generated by Drupal.
function testDrupalHTTPRequestHeaders() {
// Check the default header.
$request = drupal_http_request(url('<front>', array('absolute' => TRUE)));
$this->assertEqual($request->headers['content-language'], 'en', 'Content-Language HTTP header is English.');
// Add German language and set as default.
locale_add_language('de', 'German', 'Deutsch', LANGUAGE_LTR, '', '', TRUE, TRUE);
// Request front page and check for matching Content-Language.
$request = drupal_http_request(url('<front>', array('absolute' => TRUE)));
$this->assertEqual($request->headers['content-language'], 'de', 'Content-Language HTTP header is German.');
* Testing drupal_add_region_content and drupal_get_region_content.
class DrupalSetContentTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Drupal set/get regions',
'description' => 'Performs tests on setting and retrieiving content from theme regions.',
'group' => 'System'
* Test setting and retrieving content for theme regions.
function testRegions() {
global $theme_key;
$block_regions = array_keys(system_region_list($theme_key));
$delimiter = $this->randomName(32);
$values = array();
// Set some random content for each region available.
foreach ($block_regions as $region) {
$first_chunk = $this->randomName(32);
drupal_add_region_content($region, $first_chunk);
$second_chunk = $this->randomName(32);
drupal_add_region_content($region, $second_chunk);
// Store the expected result for a drupal_get_region_content call for this region.
$values[$region] = $first_chunk . $delimiter . $second_chunk;
// Ensure drupal_get_region_content returns expected results when fetching all regions.
$content = drupal_get_region_content(NULL, $delimiter);
foreach ($content as $region => $region_content) {
$this->assertEqual($region_content, $values[$region], t('@region region text verified when fetching all regions', array('@region' => $region)));
// Ensure drupal_get_region_content returns expected results when fetching a single region.
foreach ($block_regions as $region) {
$region_content = drupal_get_region_content($region, $delimiter);
$this->assertEqual($region_content, $values[$region], t('@region region text verified when fetching single region.', array('@region' => $region)));
* Testing drupal_goto and hook_drupal_goto_alter().
class DrupalGotoTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Drupal goto',
'description' => 'Performs tests on the drupal_goto function and hook_drupal_goto_alter',
'group' => 'System'
function setUp() {
* Test drupal_goto().
function testDrupalGoto() {
$headers = $this->drupalGetHeaders(TRUE);
list(, $status) = explode(' ', $headers[0][':status'], 3);
$this->assertEqual($status, 302, t('Expected response code was sent.'));
$this->assertText('drupal_goto', t('Drupal goto redirect succeeded.'));
$this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), url('common-test/drupal_goto', array('absolute' => TRUE)), t('Drupal goto redirected to expected URL.'));
$headers = $this->drupalGetHeaders(TRUE);
list(, $status) = explode(' ', $headers[0][':status'], 3);
$this->assertEqual($status, 301, t('Expected response code was sent.'));
$this->assertText('drupal_goto', t('Drupal goto redirect succeeded.'));
$this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), url('common-test/drupal_goto', array('query' => array('foo' => '123'), 'absolute' => TRUE)), t('Drupal goto redirected to expected URL.'));
// Test that drupal_goto() respects ?destination=xxx. Use an complicated URL
// to test that the path is encoded and decoded properly.
$destination = 'common-test/drupal_goto/destination?foo=%2525&bar=123';
$this->drupalGet('common-test/drupal_goto/redirect', array('query' => array('destination' => $destination)));
$this->assertText('drupal_goto', t('Drupal goto redirect with destination succeeded.'));
$this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), url('common-test/drupal_goto/destination', array('query' => array('foo' => '%25', 'bar' => '123'), 'absolute' => TRUE)), t('Drupal goto redirected to given query string destination.'));
* Test hook_drupal_goto_alter().
function testDrupalGotoAlter() {
$this->assertNoText(t("Drupal goto failed to stop program"), t("Drupal goto stopped program."));
$this->assertNoText('drupal_goto_fail', t("Drupal goto redirect failed."));
* Test drupal_get_destination().
function testDrupalGetDestination() {
$query = $this->randomName(10);
// Verify that a 'destination' query string is used as destination.
$this->drupalGet('common-test/destination', array('query' => array('destination' => $query)));
$this->assertText('The destination: ' . $query, t('The given query string destination is determined as destination.'));
// Verify that the current path is used as destination.
$this->drupalGet('common-test/destination', array('query' => array($query => NULL)));
$url = 'common-test/destination?' . $query;
$this->assertText('The destination: ' . $url, t('The current path is determined as destination.'));
* Tests for the JavaScript system.
class JavaScriptTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
* Store configured value for JavaScript preprocessing.
protected $preprocess_js = NULL;
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'JavaScript',
'description' => 'Tests the JavaScript system.',
'group' => 'System'
function setUp() {
// Enable Locale and SimpleTest in the test environment.
parent::setUp('locale', 'simpletest', 'common_test');
// Disable preprocessing
$this->preprocess_js = variable_get('preprocess_js', 0);
variable_set('preprocess_js', 0);
// Reset drupal_add_js() and drupal_add_library() statics before each test.
function tearDown() {
// Restore configured value for JavaScript preprocessing.
variable_set('preprocess_js', $this->preprocess_js);
* Test default JavaScript is empty.
function testDefault() {
$this->assertEqual(array(), drupal_add_js(), t('Default JavaScript is empty.'));
* Test adding a JavaScript file.
function testAddFile() {
$javascript = drupal_add_js('misc/collapse.js');
$this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('misc/jquery.js', $javascript), t('jQuery is added when a file is added.'));
$this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('misc/drupal.js', $javascript), t('Drupal.js is added when file is added.'));
$this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('misc/collapse.js', $javascript), t('JavaScript files are correctly added.'));
$this->assertEqual(base_path(), $javascript['settings']['data'][0]['basePath'], t('Base path JavaScript setting is correctly set.'));
url('', array('prefix' => &$prefix));
$this->assertEqual(empty($prefix) ? '' : $prefix, $javascript['settings']['data'][1]['pathPrefix'], t('Path prefix JavaScript setting is correctly set.'));
* Test adding settings.
function testAddSetting() {
$javascript = drupal_add_js(array('drupal' => 'rocks', 'dries' => 280342800), 'setting');
$this->assertEqual(280342800, $javascript['settings']['data'][2]['dries'], t('JavaScript setting is set correctly.'));
$this->assertEqual('rocks', $javascript['settings']['data'][2]['drupal'], t('The other JavaScript setting is set correctly.'));
* Tests adding an external JavaScript File.
function testAddExternal() {
$path = 'http://example.com/script.js';
$javascript = drupal_add_js($path, 'external');
$this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('http://example.com/script.js', $javascript), t('Added an external JavaScript file.'));
* Test drupal_get_js() for JavaScript settings.
function testHeaderSetting() {
// Only the second of these two entries should appear in Drupal.settings.
drupal_add_js(array('commonTest' => 'commonTestShouldNotAppear'), 'setting');
drupal_add_js(array('commonTest' => 'commonTestShouldAppear'), 'setting');
// All three of these entries should appear in Drupal.settings.
drupal_add_js(array('commonTestArray' => array('commonTestValue0')), 'setting');
drupal_add_js(array('commonTestArray' => array('commonTestValue1')), 'setting');
drupal_add_js(array('commonTestArray' => array('commonTestValue2')), 'setting');
// Only the second of these two entries should appear in Drupal.settings.
drupal_add_js(array('commonTestArray' => array('key' => 'commonTestOldValue')), 'setting');
drupal_add_js(array('commonTestArray' => array('key' => 'commonTestNewValue')), 'setting');
$javascript = drupal_get_js('header');
$this->assertTrue(strpos($javascript, 'basePath') > 0, t('Rendered JavaScript header returns basePath setting.'));
$this->assertTrue(strpos($javascript, 'misc/jquery.js') > 0, t('Rendered JavaScript header includes jQuery.'));
$this->assertTrue(strpos($javascript, 'pathPrefix') > 0, t('Rendered JavaScript header returns pathPrefix setting.'));
// Test whether drupal_add_js can be used to override a previous setting.
$this->assertTrue(strpos($javascript, 'commonTestShouldAppear') > 0, t('Rendered JavaScript header returns custom setting.'));
$this->assertTrue(strpos($javascript, 'commonTestShouldNotAppear') === FALSE, t('drupal_add_js() correctly overrides a custom setting.'));
// Test whether drupal_add_js can be used to add numerically indexed values
// to an array.
$array_values_appear = strpos($javascript, 'commonTestValue0') > 0 && strpos($javascript, 'commonTestValue1') > 0 && strpos($javascript, 'commonTestValue2') > 0;
$this->assertTrue($array_values_appear, t('drupal_add_js() correctly adds settings to the end of an indexed array.'));
// Test whether drupal_add_js can be used to override the entry for an
// existing key in an associative array.
$associative_array_override = strpos($javascript, 'commonTestNewValue') > 0 && strpos($javascript, 'commonTestOldValue') === FALSE;
$this->assertTrue($associative_array_override, t('drupal_add_js() correctly overrides settings within an associative array.'));
* Test to see if resetting the JavaScript empties the cache.
function testReset() {
$this->assertEqual(array(), drupal_add_js(), t('Resetting the JavaScript correctly empties the cache.'));
* Test adding inline scripts.
function testAddInline() {
$inline = 'jQuery(function () { });';
$javascript = drupal_add_js($inline, array('type' => 'inline', 'scope' => 'footer'));
$this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('misc/jquery.js', $javascript), t('jQuery is added when inline scripts are added.'));
$data = end($javascript);
$this->assertEqual($inline, $data['data'], t('Inline JavaScript is correctly added to the footer.'));
* Test rendering an external JavaScript file.
function testRenderExternal() {
$external = 'http://example.com/example.js';
drupal_add_js($external, 'external');
$javascript = drupal_get_js();
// Local files have a base_path() prefix, external files should not.
$this->assertTrue(strpos($javascript, 'src="' . $external) > 0, t('Rendering an external JavaScript file.'));
* Test drupal_get_js() with a footer scope.
function testFooterHTML() {
$inline = 'jQuery(function () { });';
drupal_add_js($inline, array('type' => 'inline', 'scope' => 'footer'));
$javascript = drupal_get_js('footer');
$this->assertTrue(strpos($javascript, $inline) > 0, t('Rendered JavaScript footer returns the inline code.'));
* Test drupal_add_js() sets preproccess to false when cache is set to false.
function testNoCache() {
$javascript = drupal_add_js('misc/collapse.js', array('cache' => FALSE));
$this->assertFalse($javascript['misc/collapse.js']['preprocess'], t('Setting cache to FALSE sets proprocess to FALSE when adding JavaScript.'));
* Test adding a JavaScript file with a different group.
function testDifferentGroup() {
$javascript = drupal_add_js('misc/collapse.js', array('group' => JS_THEME));
$this->assertEqual($javascript['misc/collapse.js']['group'], JS_THEME, t('Adding a JavaScript file with a different group caches the given group.'));
* Test adding a JavaScript file with a different weight.
function testDifferentWeight() {
$javascript = drupal_add_js('misc/collapse.js', array('weight' => 2));
$this->assertEqual($javascript['misc/collapse.js']['weight'], 2, t('Adding a JavaScript file with a different weight caches the given weight.'));
* Tests JavaScript aggregation when files are added to a different scope.
function testAggregationOrder() {
// Enable JavaScript aggregation.
variable_set('preprocess_js', 1);
// Add two JavaScript files to the current request and build the cache.
$js_items = drupal_add_js();
'misc/ajax.js' => $js_items['misc/ajax.js'],
'misc/autocomplete.js' => $js_items['misc/autocomplete.js']
// Store the expected key for the first item in the cache.
$cache = array_keys(variable_get('drupal_js_cache_files', array()));
$expected_key = $cache[0];
// Reset variables and add a file in a different scope first.
drupal_add_js('some/custom/javascript_file.js', array('scope' => 'footer'));
// Rebuild the cache.
$js_items = drupal_add_js();
'misc/ajax.js' => $js_items['misc/ajax.js'],
'misc/autocomplete.js' => $js_items['misc/autocomplete.js']
// Compare the expected key for the first file to the current one.
$cache = array_keys(variable_get('drupal_js_cache_files', array()));
$key = $cache[0];
$this->assertEqual($key, $expected_key, 'JavaScript aggregation is not affected by ordering in different scopes.');
* Test JavaScript ordering.
function testRenderOrder() {
// Add a bunch of JavaScript in strange ordering.
drupal_add_js('(function($){alert("Weight 5 #1");})(jQuery);', array('type' => 'inline', 'scope' => 'footer', 'weight' => 5));
drupal_add_js('(function($){alert("Weight 0 #1");})(jQuery);', array('type' => 'inline', 'scope' => 'footer'));
drupal_add_js('(function($){alert("Weight 0 #2");})(jQuery);', array('type' => 'inline', 'scope' => 'footer'));
drupal_add_js('(function($){alert("Weight -8 #1");})(jQuery);', array('type' => 'inline', 'scope' => 'footer', 'weight' => -8));
drupal_add_js('(function($){alert("Weight -8 #2");})(jQuery);', array('type' => 'inline', 'scope' => 'footer', 'weight' => -8));
drupal_add_js('(function($){alert("Weight -8 #3");})(jQuery);', array('type' => 'inline', 'scope' => 'footer', 'weight' => -8));
drupal_add_js('http://example.com/example.js?Weight -5 #1', array('type' => 'external', 'scope' => 'footer', 'weight' => -5));
drupal_add_js('(function($){alert("Weight -8 #4");})(jQuery);', array('type' => 'inline', 'scope' => 'footer', 'weight' => -8));
drupal_add_js('(function($){alert("Weight 5 #2");})(jQuery);', array('type' => 'inline', 'scope' => 'footer', 'weight' => 5));
drupal_add_js('(function($){alert("Weight 0 #3");})(jQuery);', array('type' => 'inline', 'scope' => 'footer'));
// Construct the expected result from the regex.
$expected = array(
"-8 #1",
"-8 #2",
"-8 #3",
"-8 #4",
"-5 #1", // The external script.
"0 #1",
"0 #2",
"0 #3",
"5 #1",
"5 #2",
// Retrieve the rendered JavaScript and test against the regex.
$js = drupal_get_js('footer');
$matches = array();
if (preg_match_all('/Weight\s([-0-9]+\s[#0-9]+)/', $js, $matches)) {
$result = $matches[1];
else {
$result = array();
$this->assertIdentical($result, $expected, t('JavaScript is added in the expected weight order.'));
* Test rendering the JavaScript with a file's weight above jQuery's.
function testRenderDifferentWeight() {
// JavaScript files are sorted first by group, then by the 'every_page'
// flag, then by weight (see drupal_sort_css_js()), so to test the effect of
// weight, we need the other two options to be the same.
drupal_add_js('misc/collapse.js', array('group' => JS_LIBRARY, 'every_page' => TRUE, 'weight' => -21));
$javascript = drupal_get_js();
$this->assertTrue(strpos($javascript, 'misc/collapse.js') < strpos($javascript, 'misc/jquery.js'), t('Rendering a JavaScript file above jQuery.'));
* Test altering a JavaScript's weight via hook_js_alter().
* @see simpletest_js_alter()
function testAlter() {
// Add both tableselect.js and simpletest.js, with a larger weight on SimpleTest.
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest') . '/simpletest.js', array('weight' => 9999));
// Render the JavaScript, testing if simpletest.js was altered to be before
// tableselect.js. See simpletest_js_alter() to see where this alteration
// takes place.
$javascript = drupal_get_js();
$this->assertTrue(strpos($javascript, 'simpletest.js') < strpos($javascript, 'misc/tableselect.js'), t('Altering JavaScript weight through the alter hook.'));
* Adds a library to the page and tests for both its JavaScript and its CSS.
function testLibraryRender() {
$result = drupal_add_library('system', 'farbtastic');
$this->assertTrue($result !== FALSE, t('Library was added without errors.'));
$scripts = drupal_get_js();
$styles = drupal_get_css();
$this->assertTrue(strpos($scripts, 'misc/farbtastic/farbtastic.js'), t('JavaScript of library was added to the page.'));
$this->assertTrue(strpos($styles, 'misc/farbtastic/farbtastic.css'), t('Stylesheet of library was added to the page.'));
* Adds a JavaScript library to the page and alters it.
* @see common_test_library_alter()
function testLibraryAlter() {
// Verify that common_test altered the title of Farbtastic.
$library = drupal_get_library('system', 'farbtastic');
$this->assertEqual($library['title'], 'Farbtastic: Altered Library', t('Registered libraries were altered.'));
// common_test_library_alter() also added a dependency on jQuery Form.
drupal_add_library('system', 'farbtastic');
$scripts = drupal_get_js();
$this->assertTrue(strpos($scripts, 'misc/jquery.form.js'), t('Altered library dependencies are added to the page.'));
* Tests that multiple modules can implement the same library.
* @see common_test_library()
function testLibraryNameConflicts() {
$farbtastic = drupal_get_library('common_test', 'farbtastic');
$this->assertEqual($farbtastic['title'], 'Custom Farbtastic Library', t('Alternative libraries can be added to the page.'));
* Tests non-existing libraries.
function testLibraryUnknown() {
$result = drupal_get_library('unknown', 'unknown');
$this->assertFalse($result, t('Unknown library returned FALSE.'));
$result = drupal_add_library('unknown', 'unknown');
$this->assertFalse($result, t('Unknown library returned FALSE.'));
$scripts = drupal_get_js();
$this->assertTrue(strpos($scripts, 'unknown') === FALSE, t('Unknown library was not added to the page.'));
* Tests the addition of libraries through the #attached['library'] property.
function testAttachedLibrary() {
$element['#attached']['library'][] = array('system', 'farbtastic');
$scripts = drupal_get_js();
$this->assertTrue(strpos($scripts, 'misc/farbtastic/farbtastic.js'), t('The attached_library property adds the additional libraries.'));
* Tests retrieval of libraries via drupal_get_library().
function testGetLibrary() {
// Retrieve all libraries registered by a module.
$libraries = drupal_get_library('common_test');
$this->assertTrue(isset($libraries['farbtastic']), t('Retrieved all module libraries.'));
// Retrieve all libraries for a module not implementing hook_library().
// Note: This test installs Locale module.
$libraries = drupal_get_library('locale');
$this->assertEqual($libraries, array(), t('Retrieving libraries from a module not implementing hook_library() returns an emtpy array.'));
// Retrieve a specific library by module and name.
$farbtastic = drupal_get_library('common_test', 'farbtastic');
$this->assertEqual($farbtastic['version'], '5.3', t('Retrieved a single library.'));
// Retrieve a non-existing library by module and name.
$farbtastic = drupal_get_library('common_test', 'foo');
$this->assertIdentical($farbtastic, FALSE, t('Retrieving a non-existing library returns FALSE.'));
* Tests that the query string remains intact when adding JavaScript files
* that have query string parameters.
function testAddJsFileWithQueryString() {
$query_string = variable_get('css_js_query_string', '0');
$this->assertRaw(drupal_get_path('module', 'node') . '/node.js?' . $query_string, t('Query string was appended correctly to js.'));
* Tests for drupal_render().
class DrupalRenderTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'drupal_render()',
'description' => 'Performs functional tests on drupal_render().',
'group' => 'System',
function setUp() {
* Test sorting by weight.
function testDrupalRenderSorting() {
$first = $this->randomName();
$second = $this->randomName();
// Build an array with '#weight' set for each element.
$elements = array(
'second' => array(
'#weight' => 10,
'#markup' => $second,
'first' => array(
'#weight' => 0,
'#markup' => $first,
$output = drupal_render($elements);
// The lowest weight element should appear last in $output.
$this->assertTrue(strpos($output, $second) > strpos($output, $first), t('Elements were sorted correctly by weight.'));
// Confirm that the $elements array has '#sorted' set to TRUE.
$this->assertTrue($elements['#sorted'], t("'#sorted' => TRUE was added to the array"));
// Pass $elements through element_children() and ensure it remains
// sorted in the correct order. drupal_render() will return an empty string
// if used on the same array in the same request.
$children = element_children($elements);
$this->assertTrue(array_shift($children) == 'first', t('Child found in the correct order.'));
$this->assertTrue(array_shift($children) == 'second', t('Child found in the correct order.'));
// The same array structure again, but with #sorted set to TRUE.
$elements = array(
'second' => array(
'#weight' => 10,
'#markup' => $second,
'first' => array(
'#weight' => 0,
'#markup' => $first,
'#sorted' => TRUE,
$output = drupal_render($elements);
// The elements should appear in output in the same order as the array.
$this->assertTrue(strpos($output, $second) < strpos($output, $first), t('Elements were not sorted.'));
* Test #attached functionality in children elements.
function testDrupalRenderChildrenAttached() {
// The cache system is turned off for POST requests.
$request_method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
// Create an element with a child and subchild. Each element loads a
// different JavaScript file using #attached.
$parent_js = drupal_get_path('module', 'user') . '/user.js';
$child_js = drupal_get_path('module', 'forum') . '/forum.js';
$subchild_js = drupal_get_path('module', 'book') . '/book.js';
$element = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#cache' => array(
'keys' => array('simpletest', 'drupal_render', 'children_attached'),
'#attached' => array('js' => array($parent_js)),
'#title' => 'Parent',
$element['child'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#attached' => array('js' => array($child_js)),
'#title' => 'Child',
$element['child']['subchild'] = array(
'#attached' => array('js' => array($subchild_js)),
'#markup' => 'Subchild',
// Render the element and verify the presence of #attached JavaScript.
$scripts = drupal_get_js();
$this->assertTrue(strpos($scripts, $parent_js), t('The element #attached JavaScript was included.'));
$this->assertTrue(strpos($scripts, $child_js), t('The child #attached JavaScript was included.'));
$this->assertTrue(strpos($scripts, $subchild_js), t('The subchild #attached JavaScript was included.'));
// Load the element from cache and verify the presence of the #attached
// JavaScript.
$this->assertTrue(drupal_render_cache_get($element), t('The element was retrieved from cache.'));
$scripts = drupal_get_js();
$this->assertTrue(strpos($scripts, $parent_js), t('The element #attached JavaScript was included when loading from cache.'));
$this->assertTrue(strpos($scripts, $child_js), t('The child #attached JavaScript was included when loading from cache.'));
$this->assertTrue(strpos($scripts, $subchild_js), t('The subchild #attached JavaScript was included when loading from cache.'));
$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = $request_method;
* Test passing arguments to the theme function.
function testDrupalRenderThemeArguments() {
$element = array(
'#theme' => 'common_test_foo',
// Test that defaults work.
$this->assertEqual(drupal_render($element), 'foobar', 'Defaults work');
$element = array(
'#theme' => 'common_test_foo',
'#foo' => $this->randomName(),
'#bar' => $this->randomName(),
// Test that passing arguments to the theme function works.
$this->assertEqual(drupal_render($element), $element['#foo'] . $element['#bar'], 'Passing arguments to theme functions works');
* Test rendering form elements without passing through form_builder().
function testDrupalRenderFormElements() {
// Define a series of form elements.
$element = array(
'#type' => 'button',
'#value' => $this->randomName(),
$this->assertRenderedElement($element, '//input[@type=:type]', array(':type' => 'submit'));
$element = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => $this->randomName(),
'#value' => $this->randomName(),
$this->assertRenderedElement($element, '//input[@type=:type]', array(':type' => 'text'));
$element = array(
'#type' => 'password',
'#title' => $this->randomName(),
$this->assertRenderedElement($element, '//input[@type=:type]', array(':type' => 'password'));
$element = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => $this->randomName(),
'#value' => $this->randomName(),
$this->assertRenderedElement($element, '//textarea');
$element = array(
'#type' => 'radio',
'#title' => $this->randomName(),
'#value' => FALSE,
$this->assertRenderedElement($element, '//input[@type=:type]', array(':type' => 'radio'));
$element = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => $this->randomName(),
$this->assertRenderedElement($element, '//input[@type=:type]', array(':type' => 'checkbox'));
$element = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $this->randomName(),
'#options' => array(
0 => $this->randomName(),
1 => $this->randomName(),
$this->assertRenderedElement($element, '//select');
$element = array(
'#type' => 'file',
'#title' => $this->randomName(),
$this->assertRenderedElement($element, '//input[@type=:type]', array(':type' => 'file'));
$element = array(
'#type' => 'item',
'#title' => $this->randomName(),
'#markup' => $this->randomName(),
$this->assertRenderedElement($element, '//div[contains(@class, :class) and contains(., :markup)]/label[contains(., :label)]', array(
':class' => 'form-type-item',
':markup' => $element['#markup'],
':label' => $element['#title'],
$element = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#title' => $this->randomName(),
'#value' => $this->randomName(),
$this->assertRenderedElement($element, '//input[@type=:type]', array(':type' => 'hidden'));
$element = array(
'#type' => 'link',
'#title' => $this->randomName(),
'#href' => $this->randomName(),
'#options' => array(
'absolute' => TRUE,
$this->assertRenderedElement($element, '//a[@href=:href and contains(., :title)]', array(
':href' => url($element['#href'], array('absolute' => TRUE)),
':title' => $element['#title'],
$element = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => $this->randomName(),
$this->assertRenderedElement($element, '//fieldset/legend[contains(., :title)]', array(
':title' => $element['#title'],
$element['item'] = array(
'#type' => 'item',
'#title' => $this->randomName(),
'#markup' => $this->randomName(),
$this->assertRenderedElement($element, '//fieldset/div/div[contains(@class, :class) and contains(., :markup)]', array(
':class' => 'form-type-item',
':markup' => $element['item']['#markup'],
protected function assertRenderedElement(array $element, $xpath, array $xpath_args = array()) {
$original_element = $element;
$this->verbose('<pre>' . check_plain(var_export($original_element, TRUE)) . '</pre>'
. '<pre>' . check_plain(var_export($element, TRUE)) . '</pre>'
. '<hr />' . $this->drupalGetContent()
// @see DrupalWebTestCase::xpath()
$xpath = $this->buildXPathQuery($xpath, $xpath_args);
$element += array('#value' => NULL);
$this->assertFieldByXPath($xpath, $element['#value'], t('#type @type was properly rendered.', array(
'@type' => var_export($element['#type'], TRUE),
* Tests caching of an empty render item.
function testDrupalRenderCache() {
// Force a request via GET.
$request_method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
// Create an empty element.
$test_element = array(
'#cache' => array(
'cid' => 'render_cache_test',
'#markup' => '',
// Render the element and confirm that it goes through the rendering
// process (which will set $element['#printed']).
$element = $test_element;
$this->assertTrue(isset($element['#printed']), t('No cache hit'));
// Render the element again and confirm that it is retrieved from the cache
// instead (so $element['#printed'] will not be set).
$element = $test_element;
$this->assertFalse(isset($element['#printed']), t('Cache hit'));
// Restore the previous request method.
$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = $request_method;
* Test for valid_url().
class ValidUrlTestCase extends DrupalUnitTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Valid URL',
'description' => "Performs tests on Drupal's valid URL function.",
'group' => 'System'
* Test valid absolute URLs.
function testValidAbsolute() {
$url_schemes = array('http', 'https', 'ftp');
$valid_absolute_urls = array(
foreach ($url_schemes as $scheme) {
foreach ($valid_absolute_urls as $url) {
$test_url = $scheme . '://' . $url;
$valid_url = valid_url($test_url, TRUE);
$this->assertTrue($valid_url, t('@url is a valid url.', array('@url' => $test_url)));
* Test invalid absolute URLs.
function testInvalidAbsolute() {
$url_schemes = array('http', 'https', 'ftp');
$invalid_ablosule_urls = array(
foreach ($url_schemes as $scheme) {
foreach ($invalid_ablosule_urls as $url) {
$test_url = $scheme . '://' . $url;
$valid_url = valid_url($test_url, TRUE);
$this->assertFalse($valid_url, t('@url is NOT a valid url.', array('@url' => $test_url)));
* Test valid relative URLs.
function testValidRelative() {
$valid_relative_urls = array(
foreach (array('', '/') as $front) {
foreach ($valid_relative_urls as $url) {
$test_url = $front . $url;
$valid_url = valid_url($test_url);
$this->assertTrue($valid_url, t('@url is a valid url.', array('@url' => $test_url)));
* Test invalid relative URLs.
function testInvalidRelative() {
$invalid_relative_urls = array(
foreach (array('', '/') as $front) {
foreach ($invalid_relative_urls as $url) {
$test_url = $front . $url;
$valid_url = valid_url($test_url);
$this->assertFALSE($valid_url, t('@url is NOT a valid url.', array('@url' => $test_url)));
* Tests for CRUD API functions.
class DrupalDataApiTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Data API functions',
'description' => 'Tests the performance of CRUD APIs.',
'group' => 'System',
function setUp() {
* Test the drupal_write_record() API function.
function testDrupalWriteRecord() {
// Insert a record - no columns allow NULL values.
$person = new stdClass();
$person->name = 'John';
$person->unknown_column = 123;
$insert_result = drupal_write_record('test', $person);
$this->assertTrue($insert_result == SAVED_NEW, t('Correct value returned when a record is inserted with drupal_write_record() for a table with a single-field primary key.'));
$this->assertTrue(isset($person->id), t('Primary key is set on record created with drupal_write_record().'));
$this->assertIdentical($person->age, 0, t('Age field set to default value.'));
$this->assertIdentical($person->job, 'Undefined', t('Job field set to default value.'));
// Verify that the record was inserted.
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {test} WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $person->id))->fetchObject();
$this->assertIdentical($result->name, 'John', t('Name field set.'));
$this->assertIdentical($result->age, '0', t('Age field set to default value.'));
$this->assertIdentical($result->job, 'Undefined', t('Job field set to default value.'));
$this->assertFalse(isset($result->unknown_column), t('Unknown column was ignored.'));
// Update the newly created record.
$person->name = 'Peter';
$person->age = 27;
$person->job = NULL;
$update_result = drupal_write_record('test', $person, array('id'));
$this->assertTrue($update_result == SAVED_UPDATED, t('Correct value returned when a record updated with drupal_write_record() for table with single-field primary key.'));
// Verify that the record was updated.
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {test} WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $person->id))->fetchObject();
$this->assertIdentical($result->name, 'Peter', t('Name field set.'));
$this->assertIdentical($result->age, '27', t('Age field set.'));
$this->assertIdentical($result->job, '', t('Job field set and cast to string.'));
// Try to insert NULL in columns that does not allow this.
$person = new stdClass();
$person->name = 'Ringo';
$person->age = NULL;
$person->job = NULL;
$insert_result = drupal_write_record('test', $person);
$this->assertTrue(isset($person->id), t('Primary key is set on record created with drupal_write_record().'));
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {test} WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $person->id))->fetchObject();
$this->assertIdentical($result->name, 'Ringo', t('Name field set.'));
$this->assertIdentical($result->age, '0', t('Age field set.'));
$this->assertIdentical($result->job, '', t('Job field set.'));
// Insert a record - the "age" column allows NULL.
$person = new stdClass();
$person->name = 'Paul';
$person->age = NULL;
$insert_result = drupal_write_record('test_null', $person);
$this->assertTrue(isset($person->id), t('Primary key is set on record created with drupal_write_record().'));
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {test_null} WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $person->id))->fetchObject();
$this->assertIdentical($result->name, 'Paul', t('Name field set.'));
$this->assertIdentical($result->age, NULL, t('Age field set.'));
// Insert a record - do not specify the value of a column that allows NULL.
$person = new stdClass();
$person->name = 'Meredith';
$insert_result = drupal_write_record('test_null', $person);
$this->assertTrue(isset($person->id), t('Primary key is set on record created with drupal_write_record().'));
$this->assertIdentical($person->age, 0, t('Age field set to default value.'));
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {test_null} WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $person->id))->fetchObject();
$this->assertIdentical($result->name, 'Meredith', t('Name field set.'));
$this->assertIdentical($result->age, '0', t('Age field set to default value.'));
// Update the newly created record.
$person->name = 'Mary';
$person->age = NULL;
$update_result = drupal_write_record('test_null', $person, array('id'));
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {test_null} WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $person->id))->fetchObject();
$this->assertIdentical($result->name, 'Mary', t('Name field set.'));
$this->assertIdentical($result->age, NULL, t('Age field set.'));
// Insert a record - the "data" column should be serialized.
$person = new stdClass();
$person->name = 'Dave';
$update_result = drupal_write_record('test_serialized', $person);
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {test_serialized} WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $person->id))->fetchObject();
$this->assertIdentical($result->name, 'Dave', t('Name field set.'));
$this->assertIdentical($result->info, NULL, t('Info field set.'));
$person->info = array();
$update_result = drupal_write_record('test_serialized', $person, array('id'));
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {test_serialized} WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $person->id))->fetchObject();
$this->assertIdentical(unserialize($result->info), array(), t('Info field updated.'));
// Update the serialized record.
$data = array('foo' => 'bar', 1 => 2, 'empty' => '', 'null' => NULL);
$person->info = $data;
$update_result = drupal_write_record('test_serialized', $person, array('id'));
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {test_serialized} WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $person->id))->fetchObject();
$this->assertIdentical(unserialize($result->info), $data, t('Info field updated.'));
// Run an update query where no field values are changed. The database
// layer should return zero for number of affected rows, but
// db_write_record() should still return SAVED_UPDATED.
$update_result = drupal_write_record('test_null', $person, array('id'));
$this->assertTrue($update_result == SAVED_UPDATED, t('Correct value returned when a valid update is run without changing any values.'));
// Insert an object record for a table with a multi-field primary key.
$node_access = new stdClass();
$node_access->nid = mt_rand();
$node_access->gid = mt_rand();
$node_access->realm = $this->randomName();
$insert_result = drupal_write_record('node_access', $node_access);
$this->assertTrue($insert_result == SAVED_NEW, t('Correct value returned when a record is inserted with drupal_write_record() for a table with a multi-field primary key.'));
// Update the record.
$update_result = drupal_write_record('node_access', $node_access, array('nid', 'gid', 'realm'));
$this->assertTrue($update_result == SAVED_UPDATED, t('Correct value returned when a record is updated with drupal_write_record() for a table with a multi-field primary key.'));
* Tests Simpletest error and exception collector.
class DrupalErrorCollectionUnitTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
* Errors triggered during the test.
* Errors are intercepted by the overriden implementation
* of DrupalWebTestCase::error below.
* @var Array
protected $collectedErrors = array();
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'SimpleTest error collector',
'description' => 'Performs tests on the Simpletest error and exception collector.',
'group' => 'SimpleTest',
function setUp() {
parent::setUp('system_test', 'error_test');
* Test that simpletest collects errors from the tested site.
function testErrorCollect() {
$this->collectedErrors = array();
$this->assertEqual(count($this->collectedErrors), 3, t('Three errors were collected'));
if (count($this->collectedErrors) == 3) {
$this->assertError($this->collectedErrors[0], 'Notice', 'error_test_generate_warnings()', 'error_test.module', 'Undefined variable: bananas');
$this->assertError($this->collectedErrors[1], 'Warning', 'error_test_generate_warnings()', 'error_test.module', 'Division by zero');
$this->assertError($this->collectedErrors[2], 'User warning', 'error_test_generate_warnings()', 'error_test.module', 'Drupal is awesome');
else {
// Give back the errors to the log report.
foreach ($this->collectedErrors as $error) {
parent::error($error['message'], $error['group'], $error['caller']);
* Error handler that collects errors in an array.
* This test class is trying to verify that simpletest correctly sees errors
* and warnings. However, it can't generate errors and warnings that
* propagate up to the testing framework itself, or these tests would always
* fail. So, this special copy of error() doesn't propagate the errors up
* the class hierarchy. It just stuffs them into a protected collectedErrors
* array for various assertions to inspect.
protected function error($message = '', $group = 'Other', array $caller = NULL) {
// Due to a WTF elsewhere, simpletest treats debug() and verbose()
// messages as if they were an 'error'. But, we don't want to collect
// those here. This function just wants to collect the real errors (PHP
// notices, PHP fatal errors, etc.), and let all the 'errors' from the
// 'User notice' group bubble up to the parent classes to be handled (and
// eventually displayed) as normal.
if ($group == 'User notice') {
parent::error($message, $group, $caller);
// Everything else should be collected but not propagated.
else {
$this->collectedErrors[] = array(
'message' => $message,
'group' => $group,
'caller' => $caller
* Assert that a collected error matches what we are expecting.
function assertError($error, $group, $function, $file, $message = NULL) {
$this->assertEqual($error['group'], $group, t("Group was %group", array('%group' => $group)));
$this->assertEqual($error['caller']['function'], $function, t("Function was %function", array('%function' => $function)));
$this->assertEqual(drupal_basename($error['caller']['file']), $file, t("File was %file", array('%file' => $file)));
if (isset($message)) {
$this->assertEqual($error['message'], $message, t("Message was %message", array('%message' => $message)));
* Test the drupal_parse_info_file() API function.
class ParseInfoFilesTestCase extends DrupalUnitTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Parsing .info files',
'description' => 'Tests parsing .info files.',
'group' => 'System',
* Parse an example .info file an verify the results.
function testParseInfoFile() {
$info_values = drupal_parse_info_file(drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest') . '/tests/common_test_info.txt');
$this->assertEqual($info_values['simple_string'], 'A simple string', t('Simple string value was parsed correctly.'), t('System'));
$this->assertEqual($info_values['simple_constant'], WATCHDOG_INFO, t('Constant value was parsed correctly.'), t('System'));
$this->assertEqual($info_values['double_colon'], 'dummyClassName::', t('Value containing double-colon was parsed correctly.'), t('System'));
* Tests for the drupal_system_listing() function.
class DrupalSystemListingTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
* Use the testing profile; this is needed for testDirectoryPrecedence().
protected $profile = 'testing';
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Drupal system listing',
'description' => 'Tests the mechanism for scanning system directories in drupal_system_listing().',
'group' => 'System',
* Test that files in different directories take precedence as expected.
function testDirectoryPrecedence() {
// Define the module files we will search for, and the directory precedence
// we expect.
$expected_directories = array(
// When the copy of the module in the profile directory is incompatible
// with Drupal core, the copy in the core modules directory takes
// precedence.
'drupal_system_listing_incompatible_test' => array(
// When both copies of the module are compatible with Drupal core, the
// copy in the profile directory takes precedence.
'drupal_system_listing_compatible_test' => array(
// This test relies on two versions of the same module existing in
// different places in the filesystem. Without that, the test has no
// meaning, so assert their presence first.
foreach ($expected_directories as $module => $directories) {
foreach ($directories as $directory) {
$filename = "$directory/$module/$module.module";
$this->assertTrue(file_exists(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $filename), t('@filename exists.', array('@filename' => $filename)));
// Now scan the directories and check that the files take precedence as
// expected.
$files = drupal_system_listing('/\.module$/', 'modules', 'name', 1);
foreach ($expected_directories as $module => $directories) {
$expected_directory = array_shift($directories);
$expected_filename = "$expected_directory/$module/$module.module";
$this->assertEqual($files[$module]->uri, $expected_filename, t('Module @module was found at @filename.', array('@module' => $module, '@filename' => $expected_filename)));
* Tests for the format_date() function.
class FormatDateUnitTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
* Arbitrary langcode for a custom language.
const LANGCODE = 'xx';
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Format date',
'description' => 'Test the format_date() function.',
'group' => 'System',
function setUp() {
variable_set('configurable_timezones', 1);
variable_set('date_format_long', 'l, j. F Y - G:i');
variable_set('date_format_medium', 'j. F Y - G:i');
variable_set('date_format_short', 'Y M j - g:ia');
variable_set('locale_custom_strings_' . self::LANGCODE, array(
'' => array('Sunday' => 'domingo'),
'Long month name' => array('March' => 'marzo'),
* Test admin-defined formats in format_date().
function testAdminDefinedFormatDate() {
// Create an admin user.
$this->admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer site configuration'));
// Add new date format.
$admin_date_format = 'j M y';
$edit = array('date_format' => $admin_date_format);
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/date-time/formats/add', $edit, t('Add format'));
// Add a new date format which just differs in the case.
$admin_date_format_uppercase = 'j M Y';
$edit = array('date_format' => $admin_date_format_uppercase);
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/date-time/formats/add', $edit, t('Add format'));
$this->assertText(t('Custom date format added.'));
// Add new date type.
$edit = array(
'date_type' => 'Example Style',
'machine_name' => 'example_style',
'date_format' => $admin_date_format,
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/date-time/types/add', $edit, t('Add date type'));
// Add a second date format with a different case than the first.
$edit = array(
'machine_name' => 'example_style_uppercase',
'date_type' => 'Example Style Uppercase',
'date_format' => $admin_date_format_uppercase,
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/date-time/types/add', $edit, t('Add date type'));
$this->assertText(t('New date type added successfully.'));
$timestamp = strtotime('2007-03-10T00:00:00+00:00');
$this->assertIdentical(format_date($timestamp, 'example_style', '', 'America/Los_Angeles'), '9 Mar 07', t('Test format_date() using an admin-defined date type.'));
$this->assertIdentical(format_date($timestamp, 'example_style_uppercase', '', 'America/Los_Angeles'), '9 Mar 2007', 'Test format_date() using an admin-defined date type with different case.');
$this->assertIdentical(format_date($timestamp, 'undefined_style'), format_date($timestamp, 'medium'), t('Test format_date() defaulting to medium when $type not found.'));
* Tests for the format_date() function.
function testFormatDate() {
global $user, $language;
$timestamp = strtotime('2007-03-26T00:00:00+00:00');
$this->assertIdentical(format_date($timestamp, 'custom', 'l, d-M-y H:i:s T', 'America/Los_Angeles', 'en'), 'Sunday, 25-Mar-07 17:00:00 PDT', t('Test all parameters.'));
$this->assertIdentical(format_date($timestamp, 'custom', 'l, d-M-y H:i:s T', 'America/Los_Angeles', self::LANGCODE), 'domingo, 25-Mar-07 17:00:00 PDT', t('Test translated format.'));
$this->assertIdentical(format_date($timestamp, 'custom', '\\l, d-M-y H:i:s T', 'America/Los_Angeles', self::LANGCODE), 'l, 25-Mar-07 17:00:00 PDT', t('Test an escaped format string.'));
$this->assertIdentical(format_date($timestamp, 'custom', '\\\\l, d-M-y H:i:s T', 'America/Los_Angeles', self::LANGCODE), '\\domingo, 25-Mar-07 17:00:00 PDT', t('Test format containing backslash character.'));
$this->assertIdentical(format_date($timestamp, 'custom', '\\\\\\l, d-M-y H:i:s T', 'America/Los_Angeles', self::LANGCODE), '\\l, 25-Mar-07 17:00:00 PDT', t('Test format containing backslash followed by escaped format string.'));
$this->assertIdentical(format_date($timestamp, 'custom', 'l, d-M-y H:i:s T', 'Europe/London', 'en'), 'Monday, 26-Mar-07 01:00:00 BST', t('Test a different time zone.'));
// Create an admin user and add Spanish language.
$admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer languages'));
$edit = array(
'langcode' => self::LANGCODE,
'name' => self::LANGCODE,
'native' => self::LANGCODE,
'direction' => LANGUAGE_LTR,
'prefix' => self::LANGCODE,
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/language/add', $edit, t('Add custom language'));
// Create a test user to carry out the tests.
$test_user = $this->drupalCreateUser();
$edit = array('language' => self::LANGCODE, 'mail' => $test_user->mail, 'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles');
$this->drupalPost('user/' . $test_user->uid . '/edit', $edit, t('Save'));
// Disable session saving as we are about to modify the global $user.
// Save the original user and language and then replace it with the test user and language.
$real_user = $user;
$user = user_load($test_user->uid, TRUE);
$real_language = $language->language;
$language->language = $user->language;
// Simulate a Drupal bootstrap with the logged-in user.
$this->assertIdentical(format_date($timestamp, 'custom', 'l, d-M-y H:i:s T', 'America/Los_Angeles', 'en'), 'Sunday, 25-Mar-07 17:00:00 PDT', t('Test a different language.'));
$this->assertIdentical(format_date($timestamp, 'custom', 'l, d-M-y H:i:s T', 'Europe/London'), 'Monday, 26-Mar-07 01:00:00 BST', t('Test a different time zone.'));
$this->assertIdentical(format_date($timestamp, 'custom', 'l, d-M-y H:i:s T'), 'domingo, 25-Mar-07 17:00:00 PDT', t('Test custom date format.'));
$this->assertIdentical(format_date($timestamp, 'long'), 'domingo, 25. marzo 2007 - 17:00', t('Test long date format.'));
$this->assertIdentical(format_date($timestamp, 'medium'), '25. marzo 2007 - 17:00', t('Test medium date format.'));
$this->assertIdentical(format_date($timestamp, 'short'), '2007 Mar 25 - 5:00pm', t('Test short date format.'));
$this->assertIdentical(format_date($timestamp), '25. marzo 2007 - 17:00', t('Test default date format.'));
// Restore the original user and language, and enable session saving.
$user = $real_user;
$language->language = $real_language;
// Restore default time zone.
* Tests for the format_date() function.
class DrupalAttributesUnitTest extends DrupalUnitTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'HTML Attributes',
'description' => 'Perform unit tests on the drupal_attributes() function.',
'group' => 'System',
* Tests that drupal_html_class() cleans the class name properly.
function testDrupalAttributes() {
// Verify that special characters are HTML encoded.
$this->assertIdentical(drupal_attributes(array('title' => '&"\'<>')), ' title="&"'<>"', t('HTML encode attribute values.'));
// Verify multi-value attributes are concatenated with spaces.
$attributes = array('class' => array('first', 'last'));
$this->assertIdentical(drupal_attributes(array('class' => array('first', 'last'))), ' class="first last"', t('Concatenate multi-value attributes.'));
// Verify empty attribute values are rendered.
$this->assertIdentical(drupal_attributes(array('alt' => '')), ' alt=""', t('Empty attribute value #1.'));
$this->assertIdentical(drupal_attributes(array('alt' => NULL)), ' alt=""', t('Empty attribute value #2.'));
// Verify multiple attributes are rendered.
$attributes = array(
'id' => 'id-test',
'class' => array('first', 'last'),
'alt' => 'Alternate',
$this->assertIdentical(drupal_attributes($attributes), ' id="id-test" class="first last" alt="Alternate"', t('Multiple attributes.'));
// Verify empty attributes array is rendered.
$this->assertIdentical(drupal_attributes(array()), '', t('Empty attributes array.'));
* Tests converting PHP variables to JSON strings and back.
class DrupalJSONTest extends DrupalUnitTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'JSON',
'description' => 'Perform unit tests on the drupal_json_encode() and drupal_json_decode() functions.',
'group' => 'System',
* Tests converting PHP variables to JSON strings and back.
function testJSON() {
// Setup a string with the full ASCII table.
// @todo: Add tests for non-ASCII characters and Unicode.
$str = '';
for ($i=0; $i < 128; $i++) {
$str .= chr($i);
// Characters that must be escaped.
// We check for unescaped " separately.
$html_unsafe = array('<', '>', '\'', '&');
// The following are the encoded forms of: < > ' & "
$html_unsafe_escaped = array('\u003C', '\u003E', '\u0027', '\u0026', '\u0022');
// Verify there aren't character encoding problems with the source string.
$this->assertIdentical(strlen($str), 128, t('A string with the full ASCII table has the correct length.'));
foreach ($html_unsafe as $char) {
$this->assertTrue(strpos($str, $char) > 0, t('A string with the full ASCII table includes @s.', array('@s' => $char)));
// Verify that JSON encoding produces a string with all of the characters.
$json = drupal_json_encode($str);
$this->assertTrue(strlen($json) > strlen($str), t('A JSON encoded string is larger than the source string.'));
// The first and last characters should be ", and no others.
$this->assertTrue($json[0] == '"', t('A JSON encoded string begins with ".'));
$this->assertTrue($json[strlen($json) - 1] == '"', t('A JSON encoded string ends with ".'));
$this->assertTrue(substr_count($json, '"') == 2, t('A JSON encoded string contains exactly two ".'));
// Verify that encoding/decoding is reversible.
$json_decoded = drupal_json_decode($json);
$this->assertIdentical($str, $json_decoded, t('Encoding a string to JSON and decoding back results in the original string.'));
// Verify reversibility for structured data. Also verify that necessary
// characters are escaped.
$source = array(TRUE, FALSE, 0, 1, '0', '1', $str, array('key1' => $str, 'key2' => array('nested' => TRUE)));
$json = drupal_json_encode($source);
foreach ($html_unsafe as $char) {
$this->assertTrue(strpos($json, $char) === FALSE, t('A JSON encoded string does not contain @s.', array('@s' => $char)));
// Verify that JSON encoding escapes the HTML unsafe characters
foreach ($html_unsafe_escaped as $char) {
$this->assertTrue(strpos($json, $char) > 0, t('A JSON encoded string contains @s.', array('@s' => $char)));
$json_decoded = drupal_json_decode($json);
$this->assertNotIdentical($source, $json, t('An array encoded in JSON is not identical to the source.'));
$this->assertIdentical($source, $json_decoded, t('Encoding structured data to JSON and decoding back results in the original data.'));
* Tests for RDF namespaces XML serialization.
class DrupalGetRdfNamespacesTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'RDF namespaces XML serialization tests',
'description' => 'Confirm that the serialization of RDF namespaces via drupal_get_rdf_namespaces() is output and parsed correctly in the XHTML document.',
'group' => 'System',
function setUp() {
parent::setUp('rdf', 'rdf_test');
* Test RDF namespaces.
function testGetRdfNamespaces() {
// Fetches the front page and extracts XML namespaces.
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($this->content);
$ns = $xml->getDocNamespaces();
$this->assertEqual($ns['rdfs'], 'http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#', 'A prefix declared once is displayed.');
$this->assertEqual($ns['foaf'], 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/', 'The same prefix declared in several implementations of hook_rdf_namespaces() is valid as long as all the namespaces are the same.');
$this->assertEqual($ns['foaf1'], 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/', 'Two prefixes can be assigned the same namespace.');
$this->assertTrue(!isset($ns['dc']), 'A prefix with conflicting namespaces is discarded.');
* Basic tests for drupal_add_feed().
class DrupalAddFeedTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'drupal_add_feed() tests',
'description' => 'Make sure that drupal_add_feed() works correctly with various constructs.',
'group' => 'System',
* Test drupal_add_feed() with paths, URLs, and titles.
function testBasicFeedAddNoTitle() {
$path = $this->randomName(12);
$external_url = 'http://' . $this->randomName(12) . '/' . $this->randomName(12);
$fully_qualified_local_url = url($this->randomName(12), array('absolute' => TRUE));
$path_for_title = $this->randomName(12);
$external_for_title = 'http://' . $this->randomName(12) . '/' . $this->randomName(12);
$fully_qualified_for_title = url($this->randomName(12), array('absolute' => TRUE));
// Possible permutations of drupal_add_feed() to test.
// - 'input_url': the path passed to drupal_add_feed(),
// - 'output_url': the expected URL to be found in the header.
// - 'title' == the title of the feed as passed into drupal_add_feed().
$urls = array(
'path without title' => array(
'input_url' => $path,
'output_url' => url($path, array('absolute' => TRUE)),
'title' => '',
'external URL without title' => array(
'input_url' => $external_url,
'output_url' => $external_url,
'title' => '',
'local URL without title' => array(
'input_url' => $fully_qualified_local_url,
'output_url' => $fully_qualified_local_url,
'title' => '',
'path with title' => array(
'input_url' => $path_for_title,
'output_url' => url($path_for_title, array('absolute' => TRUE)),
'title' => $this->randomName(12),
'external URL with title' => array(
'input_url' => $external_for_title,
'output_url' => $external_for_title,
'title' => $this->randomName(12),
'local URL with title' => array(
'input_url' => $fully_qualified_for_title,
'output_url' => $fully_qualified_for_title,
'title' => $this->randomName(12),
foreach ($urls as $description => $feed_info) {
drupal_add_feed($feed_info['input_url'], $feed_info['title']);
foreach ($urls as $description => $feed_info) {
$this->assertPattern($this->urlToRSSLinkPattern($feed_info['output_url'], $feed_info['title']), t('Found correct feed header for %description', array('%description' => $description)));
* Create a pattern representing the RSS feed in the page.
function urlToRSSLinkPattern($url, $title = '') {
// Escape any regular expression characters in the URL ('?' is the worst).
$url = preg_replace('/([+?.*])/', '[$0]', $url);
$generated_pattern = '%<link +rel="alternate" +type="application/rss.xml" +title="' . $title . '" +href="' . $url . '" */>%';
return $generated_pattern;
* Test for theme_feed_icon().
class FeedIconTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Feed icon',
'description' => 'Check escaping of theme_feed_icon()',
'group' => 'System',
* Check that special characters are correctly escaped. Test for issue #1211668.
function testFeedIconEscaping() {
$variables = array();
$variables['url'] = 'node';
$variables['title'] = '<>&"\'';
$text = theme_feed_icon($variables);
preg_match('/title="(.*?)"/', $text, $matches);
$this->assertEqual($matches[1], 'Subscribe to &"'', 'theme_feed_icon() escapes reserved HTML characters.');