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* @file toolbar.js
* Defines the behavior of the Drupal administration toolbar.
(function ($, Drupal, drupalSettings, Backbone) {
"use strict";
// Merge run-time settings with the defaults.
var options = $.extend(
breakpoints: {
'module.toolbar.narrow': '',
'module.toolbar.standard': '',
'module.toolbar.wide': ''
// Merge strings on top of drupalSettings so that they are not mutable.
strings: {
horizontal: Drupal.t('Horizontal orientation'),
vertical: Drupal.t('Vertical orientation')
* Registers tabs with the toolbar.
* The Drupal toolbar allows modules to register top-level tabs. These may point
* directly to a resource or toggle the visibility of a tray.
* Modules register tabs with hook_toolbar().
Drupal.behaviors.toolbar = {
attach: function (context) {
// Verify that the user agent understands media queries. Complex admin
// toolbar layouts require media query support.
if (!window.matchMedia('only screen').matches) {
// Process the administrative toolbar.
$(context).find('#toolbar-administration').once('toolbar', function () {
// Establish the toolbar models and views.
var model = Drupal.toolbar.models.toolbarModel = new Drupal.toolbar.ToolbarModel({
locked: JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('Drupal.toolbar.trayVerticalLocked')) || false,
activeTab: document.getElementById(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('Drupal.toolbar.activeTabID')))
Drupal.toolbar.views.toolbarVisualView = new Drupal.toolbar.ToolbarVisualView({
el: this,
model: model,
strings: options.strings
Drupal.toolbar.views.toolbarAuralView = new Drupal.toolbar.ToolbarAuralView({
el: this,
model: model,
strings: options.strings
Drupal.toolbar.views.bodyVisualView = new Drupal.toolbar.BodyVisualView({
el: this,
model: model
// Render collapsible menus.
var menuModel = Drupal.toolbar.models.menuModel = new Drupal.toolbar.MenuModel();
Drupal.toolbar.views.menuVisualView = new Drupal.toolbar.MenuVisualView({
el: $(this).find('.toolbar-menu-administration').get(0),
model: menuModel,
strings: options.strings
// Handle the resolution of Drupal.toolbar.setSubtrees.
// This is handled with a deferred so that the function may be invoked
// asynchronously.
Drupal.toolbar.setSubtrees.done(function (subtrees) {
menuModel.set('subtrees', subtrees);
localStorage.setItem('Drupal.toolbar.subtrees', JSON.stringify(subtrees));
// Indicate on the toolbarModel that subtrees are now loaded.
model.set('areSubtreesLoaded', true);
// Attach a listener to the configured media query breakpoints.
for (var label in options.breakpoints) {
if (options.breakpoints.hasOwnProperty(label)) {
var mq = options.breakpoints[label];
var mql = Drupal.toolbar.mql[label] = window.matchMedia(mq);
// Curry the model and the label of the media query breakpoint to the
// mediaQueryChangeHandler function.
mql.addListener(Drupal.toolbar.mediaQueryChangeHandler.bind(null, model, label));
// Fire the mediaQueryChangeHandler for each configured breakpoint
// so that they process once.
Drupal.toolbar.mediaQueryChangeHandler.call(null, model, label, mql);
// Trigger an initial attempt to load menu subitems. This first attempt
// is made after the media query handlers have had an opportunity to
// process. The toolbar starts in the vertical orientation by default,
// unless the viewport is wide enough to accomodate a horizontal
// orientation. Thus we give the Toolbar a chance to determine if it
// should be set to horizontal orientation before attempting to load menu
// subtrees.
// Update the model when the viewport offset changes.
.on('drupalViewportOffsetChange.toolbar', function (event, offsets) {
model.set('offsets', offsets);
// The overlay will hide viewport overflow, potentially stranding tray
// items that are offscreen. The toolbar will adjust tray presentation
// to prevent this when viewport overflow is hidden.
.on('drupalOverlayOpen.toolbar', function () {
model.set('isViewportOverflowConstrained', true);
.on('drupalOverlayClose.toolbar', function () {
model.set('isViewportOverflowConstrained', false);
// Broadcast model changes to other modules.
.on('change:orientation', function (model, orientation) {
$(document).trigger('drupalToolbarOrientationChange', orientation);
.on('change:activeTab', function (model, tab) {
$(document).trigger('drupalToolbarTabChange', tab);
.on('change:activeTray', function (model, tray) {
$(document).trigger('drupalToolbarTrayChange', tray);
* Toolbar methods of Backbone objects.
Drupal.toolbar = {
// A hash of View instances.
views: {},
// A hash of Model instances.
models: {},
// A hash of MediaQueryList objects tracked by the toolbar.
mql: {},
* Accepts a list of subtree menu elements.
* A deferred object that is resolved by an inlined JavaScript callback.
* JSONP callback.
* @see toolbar_subtrees_jsonp().
setSubtrees: new $.Deferred(),
* Respond to configured narrow media query changes.
mediaQueryChangeHandler: function (model, label, mql) {
switch (label) {
case 'module.toolbar.narrow':
'isOriented': mql.matches,
'isTrayToggleVisible': false
// If the toolbar doesn't have an explicit orientation yet, or if the
// narrow media query doesn't match then set the orientation to
// vertical.
if (!mql.matches || !model.get('orientation')) {
model.set({'orientation': 'vertical'}, {validate: true});
case 'module.toolbar.standard':
'isFixed': mql.matches
case 'module.toolbar.wide':
'orientation': ((mql.matches) ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical')
}, {validate: true});
// The tray orientation toggle visibility does not need to be validated.
'isTrayToggleVisible': mql.matches
* Backbone model for the toolbar.
ToolbarModel: Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
// The active toolbar tab. All other tabs should be inactive under
// normal circumstances. It will remain active across page loads. The
// active item is stored as a DOM element, not a jQuery set.
activeTab: null,
// Represents whether a tray is open or not. Stored as a DOM element, not
// a jQuery set.
activeTray: null,
// Indicates whether the toolbar is displayed in an oriented fashion,
// either horizontal or vertical.
isOriented: false,
// Indicates whether the toolbar is positioned absolute (false) or fixed
// (true).
isFixed: false,
// Menu subtrees are loaded through an AJAX request only when the Toolbar
// is set to a vertical orientation.
areSubtreesLoaded: false,
// If the viewport overflow becomes constrained, such as when the overlay
// is open, isFixed must be true so that elements in the trays aren't
// lost offscreen and impossible to get to.
isViewportOverflowConstrained: false,
// The orientation of the active tray.
orientation: 'vertical',
// A tray is locked if a user toggled it to vertical. Otherwise a tray
// will switch between vertical and horizontal orientation based on the
// configured breakpoints. The locked state will be maintained across page
// loads.
locked: false,
// Indicates whether the tray orientation toggle is visible.
isTrayToggleVisible: false,
// The height of the toolbar.
height: null,
// The current viewport offsets determined by Drupal.displace(). The
// offsets suggest how a module might position is components relative to
// the viewport.
offsets: {
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: 0
* {@inheritdoc}
validate: function (attributes, options) {
// Prevent the orientation being set to horizontal if it is locked, unless
// override has not been passed as an option.
if (attributes.orientation === 'horizontal' && this.get('locked') && !options.override) {
return Drupal.t('The toolbar cannot be set to a horizontal orientation when it is locked.');
* Backbone view for the aural feedback of the toolbar.
ToolbarAuralView: Backbone.View.extend({
* {@inheritdoc}
initialize: function (options) {
this.strings = options.strings;
this.model.on('change:orientation', this.onOrientationChange, this);
this.model.on('change:activeTray', this.onActiveTrayChange, this);
* Announces an orientation change.
* @param Drupal.Toolbar.ToolbarModel model
* @param String orientation
* The new value of the orientation attribute in the model.
onOrientationChange: function (model, orientation) {
Drupal.announce(Drupal.t('Tray orientation changed to @orientation.', {
'@orientation': orientation
* Announces a changed active tray.
* @param Drupal.Toolbar.ToolbarModel model
* @param Element orientation
* The new value of the tray attribute in the model.
onActiveTrayChange: function (model, tray) {
var relevantTray = (tray === null) ? model.previous('activeTray') : tray;
var trayName = relevantTray.querySelector('.toolbar-tray-name').textContent;
var text;
if (tray === null) {
text = Drupal.t('Tray "@tray" closed.', { '@tray': trayName });
else {
text = Drupal.t('Tray "@tray" opened.', { '@tray': trayName });
* Backbone view for the toolbar element.
ToolbarVisualView: Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
'click .toolbar-bar .toolbar-tab': 'onTabClick',
'click .toolbar-toggle-orientation button': 'onOrientationToggleClick'
* {@inheritdoc}
initialize: function (options) {
this.strings = options.strings;
this.model.on('change:activeTab change:orientation change:isOriented change:isTrayToggleVisible', this.render, this);
this.model.on('change:mqMatches', this.onMediaQueryChange, this);
this.model.on('change:offsets', this.adjustPlacement, this);
// Add the tray orientation toggles.
.find('.toolbar-tray .toolbar-lining')
// Trigger an activeTab change so that listening scripts can respond on
// page load. This will call render.
* {@inheritdoc}
render: function () {
// Load the subtrees if the orientation of the toolbar is changed to
// vertical. This condition responds to the case that the toolbar switches
// from horizontal to vertical orientation. The toolbar starts in a
// vertical orientation by default and then switches to horizontal during
// initialization if the media query conditions are met. Simply checking
// that the orientation is vertical here would result in the subtrees
// always being loaded, even when the toolbar initialization ultimately
// results in a horizontal orientation.
// @see Drupal.behaviors.toolbar.attach() where admin menu subtrees
// loading is invoked during initialization after media query conditions
// have been processed.
if (this.model.changed.orientation === 'vertical' || this.model.changed.activeTab) {
// Trigger a recalculation of viewport displacing elements. Use setTimeout
// to ensure this recalculation happens after changes to visual elements
// have processed.
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
return this;
* Responds to a toolbar tab click.
* @param jQuery.Event event
onTabClick: function (event) {
// If this tab has a tray associated with it, it is considered an
// activatable tab.
if (event.target.hasAttribute('data-toolbar-tray')) {
var tab = this.model.get('activeTab');
// Set the event target as the active item if it is not already.
this.model.set('activeTab', (!tab || event.target !== tab) ? event.target : null);
* Toggles the orientation of a toolbar tray.
* @param jQuery.Event event
onOrientationToggleClick: function (event) {
var orientation = this.model.get('orientation');
// Determine the toggle-to orientation.
var antiOrientation = (orientation === 'vertical') ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical';
var locked = (antiOrientation === 'vertical') ? true : false;
// Remember the locked state.
if (locked) {
localStorage.setItem('Drupal.toolbar.trayVerticalLocked', 'true');
else {
// Update the model.
locked: locked,
orientation: antiOrientation
}, {
validate: true,
override: true
* Updates the display of the tabs: toggles a tab and the associated tray.
updateTabs: function () {
var $tab = $(this.model.get('activeTab'));
// Deactivate the previous tab.
.prop('aria-pressed', false);
// Deactivate the previous tray.
// Activate the selected tab.
if ($tab.length > 0) {
// Mark the tab as pressed.
.prop('aria-pressed', true);
var name = $tab.attr('data-toolbar-tray');
// Store the active tab name or remove the setting.
var id = $tab.get(0).id;
if (id) {
localStorage.setItem('Drupal.toolbar.activeTabID', JSON.stringify(id));
// Activate the associated tray.
var $tray = this.$el.find('[data-toolbar-tray="' + name + '"].toolbar-tray');
if ($tray.length) {
this.model.set('activeTray', $tray.get(0));
else {
// There is no active tray.
this.model.set('activeTray', null);
else {
// There is no active tray.
this.model.set('activeTray', null);
* Update the attributes of the toolbar bar element.
updateBarAttributes: function () {
var isOriented = this.model.get('isOriented');
if (isOriented) {
this.$el.find('.toolbar-bar').attr('data-offset-top', '');
else {
// Toggle between a basic vertical view and a more sophisticated
// horizontal and vertical display of the toolbar bar and trays.
this.$el.toggleClass('toolbar-oriented', isOriented);
* Updates the orientation of the active tray if necessary.
updateTrayOrientation: function () {
var orientation = this.model.get('orientation');
// The antiOrientation is used to render the view of action buttons like
// the tray orientation toggle.
var antiOrientation = (orientation === 'vertical') ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical';
// Update the orientation of the trays.
var $trays = this.$el.find('.toolbar-tray')
.removeClass('toolbar-tray-horizontal toolbar-tray-vertical')
.addClass('toolbar-tray-' + orientation);
// Update the tray orientation toggle button.
var iconClass = 'toolbar-icon-toggle-' + orientation;
var iconAntiClass = 'toolbar-icon-toggle-' + antiOrientation;
var $orientationToggle = this.$el.find('.toolbar-toggle-orientation')
// Update data offset attributes for the trays.
var dir = document.documentElement.dir;
var edge = (dir === 'rtl') ? 'right' : 'left';
// Remove data-offset attributes from the trays so they can be refreshed.
$trays.removeAttr('data-offset-left data-offset-right data-offset-top');
// If an active vertical tray exists, mark it as an offset element.
$trays.filter('.toolbar-tray-vertical.active').attr('data-offset-' + edge, '');
// If an active horizontal tray exists, mark it as an offset element.
$trays.filter('.toolbar-tray-horizontal.active').attr('data-offset-top', '');
* Sets the tops of the trays so that they align with the bottom of the bar.
adjustPlacement: function () {
var $trays = this.$el.find('.toolbar-tray');
if (!this.model.get('isOriented')) {
$trays.css('padding-top', 0);
else {
// The navbar container is invisible. Its placement is used to determine
// the container for the trays.
$trays.css('padding-top', this.$el.find('.toolbar-bar').outerHeight());
* Calls the endpoint URI that will return rendered subtrees with JSONP.
* The rendered admin menu subtrees HTML is cached on the client in
* localStorage until the cache of the admin menu subtrees on the server-
* side is invalidated. The subtreesHash is stored in localStorage as well
* and compared to the subtreesHash in drupalSettings to determine when the
* admin menu subtrees cache has been invalidated.
loadSubtrees: function () {
var $activeTab = $(this.model.get('activeTab'));
var orientation = this.model.get('orientation');
// Only load and render the admin menu subtrees if:
// (1) They have not been loaded yet.
// (2) The active tab is the administration menu tab, indicated by the
// presence of the data-drupal-subtrees attribute.
// (3) The orientation of the tray is vertical.
if (!this.model.get('areSubtreesLoaded') && $activeTab.data('drupal-subtrees') !== undefined && orientation === 'vertical') {
var subtreesHash = drupalSettings.toolbar.subtreesHash;
var endpoint = Drupal.url('toolbar/subtrees/' + subtreesHash);
var cachedSubtreesHash = localStorage.getItem('Drupal.toolbar.subtreesHash');
var cachedSubtrees = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('Drupal.toolbar.subtrees'));
var isVertical = this.model.get('orientation') === 'vertical';
// If we have the subtrees in localStorage and the subtree hash has not
// changed, then use the cached data.
if (isVertical && subtreesHash === cachedSubtreesHash && cachedSubtrees) {
// Only make the call to get the subtrees if the orientation of the
// toolbar is vertical.
else if (isVertical) {
// Remove the cached menu information.
// The response from the server will call the resolve method of the
// Drupal.toolbar.setSubtrees Promise.
// Cache the hash for the subtrees locally.
localStorage.setItem('Drupal.toolbar.subtreesHash', subtreesHash);
* Backbone Model for collapsible menus.
MenuModel: Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
subtrees: {}
* Backbone View for collapsible menus.
MenuVisualView: Backbone.View.extend({
* {@inheritdoc}
initialize: function () {
this.model.on('change:subtrees', this.render, this);
* {@inheritdoc}
render: function () {
var subtrees = this.model.get('subtrees');
// Add subtrees.
for (var id in subtrees) {
if (subtrees.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
.find('#toolbar-link-' + id)
// Render the main menu as a nested, collapsible accordion.
if ('drupalToolbarMenu' in $.fn) {
* Adjusts the body element with the toolbar position and dimension changes.
BodyVisualView: Backbone.View.extend({
* {@inheritdoc}
initialize: function () {
this.model.on('change:orientation change:offsets change:activeTray change:isOriented change:isFixed change:isViewportOverflowConstrained', this.render, this);
* {@inheritdoc}
render: function () {
var $body = $('body');
var orientation = this.model.get('orientation');
var isOriented = this.model.get('isOriented');
var isViewportOverflowConstrained = this.model.get('isViewportOverflowConstrained');
// We are using JavaScript to control media-query handling for two
// reasons: (1) Using JavaScript let's us leverage the breakpoint
// configurations and (2) the CSS is really complex if we try to hide
// some styling from browsers that don't understand CSS media queries.
// If we drive the CSS from classes added through JavaScript,
// then the CSS becomes simpler and more robust.
.toggleClass('toolbar-vertical', (orientation === 'vertical'))
.toggleClass('toolbar-horizontal', (isOriented && orientation === 'horizontal'))
// When the toolbar is fixed, it will not scroll with page scrolling.
.toggleClass('toolbar-fixed', (isViewportOverflowConstrained || this.model.get('isFixed')))
// Toggle the toolbar-tray-open class on the body element. The class is
// applied when a toolbar tray is active. Padding might be applied to
// the body element to prevent the tray from overlapping content.
.toggleClass('toolbar-tray-open', !!this.model.get('activeTray'))
// Apply padding to the top of the body to offset the placement of the
// toolbar bar element.
.css('padding-top', this.model.get('offsets').top);
* A toggle is an interactive element often bound to a click handler.
* @return {String}
* A string representing a DOM fragment.
Drupal.theme.toolbarOrientationToggle = function () {
return '<div class="toolbar-toggle-orientation"><div class="toolbar-lining">' +
'<button class="toolbar-icon" type="button"></button>' +
}(jQuery, Drupal, drupalSettings, Backbone));