Nathaniel Catchpole c13d37fdae Issue #2802403 by _Archy_, Berdir, rjay, catch, Tachion, jacktonkin, oriol_e9g, willwh, tameeshb, dawehner, dhansen, bmcclure, DeFr, david.gil, gagarine, plach: Combination of language negotiation and path aliasing can cause a corrupted route cache, 404s 2018-02-08 10:59:32 +00:00
Drupal Issue #2802403 by _Archy_, Berdir, rjay, catch, Tachion, jacktonkin, oriol_e9g, willwh, tameeshb, dawehner, dhansen, bmcclure, DeFr, david.gil, gagarine, plach: Combination of language negotiation and path aliasing can cause a corrupted route cache, 404s 2018-02-08 10:59:32 +00:00
Drupal.php Drupal 8.6.x-dev 2018-01-12 13:17:47 -06:00


The core/lib directory is for classes provided by Drupal Core that are original
to Drupal.  All Drupal-originated code must follow the PSR-0 naming convention
for classes and namespaces as documented here:


The vendor namespace for Drupal-originated code is "Drupal".