165 lines
5.8 KiB
165 lines
5.8 KiB
// $Id$
class Calendar {
var $date;
function calendar($date = 0) {
// Prevent future dates
$today = mktime(23, 59, 59, date("n", time()), date("d", time()), date("Y", time()));
$this->date = (($date && $date <= $today) ? $date : $today);
function display() {
// Extract information from the given date:
$month = date("n", $this->date);
$year = date("Y", $this->date);
$day = date("d", $this->date);
// Extract today's date:
$today = mktime(23, 59, 59, date("n", time()), date("d", time()), date("Y", time()));
// Extract the timestamp of the last day of today's month:
$thislast = mktime(23, 59, 59, date("n", time()), date("t", time()), date("Y", time()));
// Extract first day of the month:
$first = date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
// Extract last day of the month:
$last = date("t", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
// Calculate previous and next months dates and check for shorter months (28/30 days)
$prevmonth = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month - 1, 1, $year);
$prev = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month - 1, min(date("t", $prevmonth), $day), $year);
$nextmonth = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month + 1, 1, $year);
$next = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month + 1, min(date("t", $nextmonth), $day), $year);
// Generate calendar header:
$output .= "\n<!-- calendar -->\n";
$output .= "<TABLE WIDTH=\"100%\" BORDER=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"1\">\n";
$output .= " <TR><TD ALIGN=\"center\" COLSPAN=\"7\"><SMALL><A HREF=\"index.php?date=$prev\"><</A> ". date("F Y", $this->date) ." " . ($next <= $thislast ? "<A HREF=\"index.php?date=$next\">></A>" : ">") . "</SMALL></TD></TR>\n";
// Generate the days of the week:
$output .= " <TR>";
$somesunday = mktime(0, 0, 0, 3, 20, 1994);
for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
$output .= "<TD ALIGN=\"center\"><SMALL>" . substr(ucfirst(t(date("l", $somesunday + $i * 86400))), 0, 1) . "</SMALL></TD>";
$output .= "</TR>\n";
// Initialize temporary variables:
$nday = 1;
$sday = $first;
// Loop through all the days of the month:
while ($nday <= $last) {
// Set up blank days for first week of the month:
if ($first) {
$output .= " <TR><TD COLSPAN=\"$first\"> </TD>\n";
$first = 0;
// Start every week on a new line:
if ($sday == 0) $output .= " <TR>\n";
// Print one cell:
$date = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, $nday, $year);
if ($date == $this->date) $output .= " <TD ALIGN=\"center\"><SMALL><B>$nday</B></SMALL></TD>\n";
else if ($date > $today) $output .= " <TD ALIGN=\"center\"><SMALL>$nday</SMALL></TD>\n";
else $output .= " <TD ALIGN=\"center\"><SMALL><A HREF=\"index.php?date=$date\" STYLE=\"text-decoration: none;\">$nday</A></SMALL></TD>\n";
// Start every week on a new line:
if ($sday == 6) $output .= " </TR>\n";
// Update temporary variables:
$sday = $sday % 7;
// Complete the calendar:
if ($sday) {
$end = 7 - $sday;
$output .= " <TD COLSPAN=\"$end\"> </TD>\n </TR>\n";
$output .= "</TABLE>\n\n";
// Return calendar:
return $output;
function calendar_block() {
global $date;
$calendar = new Calendar($date);
$block[0]["subject"] = "Browse archives";
$block[0]["content"] = $calendar->display();
$block[0]["info"] = "Calendar to browse archives";
return $block;
function calendar_link($type) {
if ($type == "page" && user_access("access content")) {
$links[] = "<a href=\"module.php?mod=calendar\" title=\"". t("Check the archives for older content.") ."\">archives</a>";
return $links ? $links : array();
function calendar_page() {
global $date, $theme, $op, $month, $year, $meta;
switch ($op) {
case t("Show"):
global $edit;
$date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $edit[month], $edit[day], $edit[year]);
// Fall though
global $edit;
$years = array(2001 => 2001, 2002 => 2002, 2003 => 2003, 2004 => 2004, 2005 => 2005);
$months = array("-", t("January"), t("February"), t("March"), t("April"), t("May"), t("June"), t("July"), t("August"), t("September"), t("October"), t("November"), t("December"));
for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) $days[$i] = $i;
for ($i = 0; $i <= 23; $i++) $hours[$i] = $i < 10 ? "0$i" : $i;
for ($i = 0; $i <= 59; $i++) $minutes[$i] = $i < 10 ? "0$i" : $i;
if ($edit[start]) {
$edit[year] = date("Y", $edit[start]);
$edit[month] = date("m", $edit[start]);
$edit[day] = date("d", $edit[start]);
$start = str_replace("<b>:</b><br />", " ", form_select("", "year", ($edit[year] ? $edit[year] : date("Y")), $years) . form_select("", "month", ($edit[month] ? $edit[month] : date("m")), $months) . form_select("", "day", ($edit[day] ? $edit[day] : date("d")), $days) . form_submit(t("Show")));
$start = str_replace("<p>", "", $start);
$start = str_replace("</p>\n", " ", $start);
$start = str_replace("<option value=\"0\">-</option>", "", $start);
$form = $start;
$theme->box(t("Archives"), form($form));
if (user_access("access content")) {
// Fetch event nodes for the selected date, or current date if none selected.
$result = db_query("SELECT nid FROM node WHERE status = '1' AND created > ". ($date > 0 ? check_input($date) : time()) ." ORDER BY created LIMIT 30");
while ($nid = db_fetch_object($result)) {
node_view(node_load(array("nid" => $nid->nid)), 1);
else {
$output .= t("Your search yielded no result.");
else {
$theme->box(t("Access denied"), message_access());
?> |