
729 lines
29 KiB

// $Id$
function forum_system($field){
$system["description"] = t("Enable threaded discussions about general topics.");
$system["admin_help"] = t("Forums are threaded discussions based on the taxonomy system so you must first define a <a href=\"%taxonomy-create\">taxonomy</a> of type \"forum\" to place the forum tree in. Then <a href=\"%taxonomy\">add terms</a> to this taxonomy. Each term becomes the name of a forum. If you define a term as a \"Container\" (See below) the term is not a forum itself, but rather holds forms. This lets you group your forums.", array("%taxonomy-create" => url("admin/taxonomy/add/vocabulary"), "%taxonomy" => url("admin/taxonomy")));
return $system[$field];
function forum_node($field) {
$info["name"] = t("forum topic");
$info["description"] = t("A forum is a threaded discussion, enabling users to communicate about a particular topic.");
return $info[$field];
function forum_access($op, $node) {
if ($op == "view") {
return $node->status;
if ($op == "create") {
return user_access("create forum topics");
function forum_perm() {
return array("create forum topics");
function forum_settings() {
if (module_exist("taxonomy")) {
$vocs[0] = "<". t("none") .">";
foreach (taxonomy_get_vocabularies("forum") as $vid => $voc) {
$vocs[$vid] = $voc->name;
if ($voc) {
$output .= form_textarea("Explanation or submission guidelines", "forum_help", variable_get("forum_help", ""), 70, 5, t("This text will be displayed at the top of the forum submission form. Useful for helping or instructing your users."));
$output .= form_select("Forum vocabulary", "forum_nav_vocabulary", variable_get("forum_nav_vocabulary", ""), $vocs, t("The taxonomy vocabulary that will be used as the navigation tree."));
$output .= _taxonomy_term_select("Containers", "forum_containers", variable_get("forum_containers", array()), variable_get("forum_nav_vocabulary", ""), t("You can choose forums which will not have topics, but will be just containers for other forums."), 1, t("<none>"));
$output .= form_textfield("Topic icons path", "forum_topic_icon_path", variable_get("forum_topic_icon_path", ""), 30, 255, "The path to the topic icons. Leave blank to disable icons.");
$output .= form_textfield("Folder icons path", "forum_folder_icon_path", variable_get("forum_folder_icon_path", ""), 30, 255, "The path to the <b>default</b>, <b>hot</b>, <b>new</b>, <b>hot & new</b>, and <b>closed</b> folder icons. Leave blank to disable icons.");
$number = array(5 => 5, 10 => 10, 15 => 15, 20 => 20, 25 => 25, 30 => 30, 35 => 35, 40 => 40, 50 => 50, 60 => 60, 80 => 80, 100 => 100, 10000=>10000);
$output .= form_select("Hot topic threshold", "forum_hot_topic", variable_get("forum_hot_topic", 15), $number, "The number of posts a topic must have to be considered <b>hot</b>.");
$number = array(10 => 10, 25 => 25, 50 => 50, 75 => 75, 100 => 100);
$output .= form_select("Topics per page", "forum_per_page", variable_get("forum_per_page", 25), $number, "The default number of topics displayed per page; links to browse older messages are automatically being displayed.");
$forder = array(1 => "Date - newest first", 2 => "Date - oldest first", 3 => "Posts - most active first", 4=> "Posts - least active first");
$output .= form_select("Default order", "forum_order", variable_get("forum_order", 1), $forder, "The default display order for topics.");
$output .= form_textfield("Number of topics in block", "forum_block_num", variable_get("forum_block_num", "5"), 5, 5, "The number of topics in the <b>Forum topics</b>-block. To enable the block, click ". l("here", "admin/block") .".");
else {
$output .= _forum_message_taxonomy();
else {
$output .= _forum_message_taxonomy();
return $output;
function forum_taxonomy($op, $type, $object) {
if ($type == "vocabulary" && ($op == "insert" || $op == "update")) {
if (variable_get("forum_nav_vocabulary", "") == "" && in_array("forum", $object["nodes"])) {
// since none is already set, silently set this vocabulary as the navigation vocabulary
variable_set("forum_nav_vocabulary", $object["vid"]);
function forum_load($node) {
$forum = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM forum WHERE nid = %d", $node->nid));
return $forum;
function forum_block($op = "list", $delta = 0) {
if ($op == "list") {
$blocks[0]["info"] = t("Forum topics");
else {
if (user_access("access content")) {
$cache = cache_get("forum:block");
if (empty($cache)) {
$content = node_title_list(db_query_range("SELECT n.nid, n.title, u.uid, u.name, GREATEST(n.created, MAX(c.timestamp)) AS sort FROM node n LEFT JOIN forum f ON n.nid = f.nid LEFT JOIN comments c ON n.nid = c.nid LEFT JOIN users u ON n.uid = u.uid WHERE n.type = 'forum' AND n.nid = f.nid AND n.status = 1 GROUP BY n.nid, n.title, n.created, u.uid, u.name ORDER BY sort DESC", 0, variable_get("forum_block_num", "5")), t("Active forum topics:"));
unset ($items);
$content .= node_title_list(db_query_range("SELECT n.nid, n.title, u.uid, u.name FROM node n LEFT JOIN forum f ON n.nid = f.nid LEFT JOIN users u ON n.uid = u.uid WHERE n.type = 'forum' ORDER BY n.nid DESC", 0, variable_get("forum_block_num", "5")), t("New forum topics:"));
if ($content) {
$content .= "<div id=\"forum_more\" align=\"right\">". l(t("more"), "forum", array("title" => t("Read the latest forum topics."))) ."</div>";
cache_set("forum:block", $content, time() + variable_get("cache_clear", 120));
else {
$content = $cache->data;
$blocks["subject"] = t("Forum topics");
$blocks["content"] = $content;
return $blocks;
function forum_link($type, $node = 0, $main = 0) {
global $user;
$links = array();
if ($type == "page" && user_access("access content")) {
$links[] = l(t("forum"), "forum");
if (!$main && $type == "node" && $node->type == "forum") {
// get previous and next topic
$result = db_query("SELECT n.nid, n.title, n.body, GREATEST(n.created, MAX(c.timestamp)) AS date_sort, COUNT(c.nid) AS num_comments FROM node n LEFT JOIN forum f ON n.nid = f.nid LEFT JOIN comments c ON n.nid = c.nid WHERE n.nid = f.nid AND f.tid = %d AND n.status = 1 GROUP BY n.nid, n.title, n.body, n.created ORDER BY ". _forum_get_topic_order(isset($user->sortby) ? $user->sortby : variable_get("forum_order",1)), $node->tid);
while ($topic = db_fetch_object($result)) {
if ($stop == 1) {
$next->nid = $topic->nid;
$next->title = $topic->title;
$next->body = $topic->body;
if ($topic->nid == $node->nid) {
$stop = 1;
else {
$prev->nid = $topic->nid;
$prev->title = $topic->title;
$prev->body = $topic->body;
if ($prev) {
$links[] = l(t("previous forum topic"), "node/view/$prev->nid", array("title" => $prev->title .": ". substr(strip_tags($prev->body), 0, 100)."..."));
if ($next) {
$links[] = l(t("next forum topic"), "node/view/$next->nid", array("title" => $next->title .": ". substr(strip_tags($next->body), 0, 100)."..."));
return $links;
function forum_view($node, $main = 0) {
$term_data = array_shift(taxonomy_node_get_terms($node->nid));
if (!$term_data) {
// we are previewing
$term_data = taxonomy_get_term($node->taxonomy[0]);
$voc = taxonomy_get_vocabulary($term_data->vid);
if (!$main) {
$node->title = _forum_get_icon($node) ." ". l($voc->name, "forum") ." : ". l($term_data->name, "forum/$term_data->tid") ." / <b>$node->title</b>";
$node->teaser = check_output($node->teaser);
$node->body = check_output($node->body);
theme("node", $node, $main);
function forum_validate(&$node) {
// Make sure all fields are set properly:
$node->icon = $node->icon ? $node->icon : "";
$node->shadow = $node->shadow ? $node->shadow : 0;
$node->tid = $node->tid ? $node->tid : 0;
// We use the validate hook to remember the old taxonomy terms:
if ($node->tid) {
$node->taxonomy = array_keys(taxonomy_node_get_terms($node->nid));
if (!in_array($node->tid[0], $node->taxonomy)) {
$node->taxonomy[] = $node->tid[0];
function forum_form(&$node, &$help, &$error) {
if ($node->tid) {
// editing
$tid = $node->tid;
else {
// new topic
$tid = arg(3);
// outputs the compose guidelines
$help = variable_get("forum_help", "");
$output .= _taxonomy_term_select("Forum", "tid", $tid, variable_get("forum_nav_vocabulary", ""), "", 0, "", variable_get("forum_containers", array()));
if ($node->nid) {
// if editing, give option to leave shadows
$output .= form_checkbox(t("Leave shadow copy"), "shadow", 1, $node->shadow, t("If you move this topic, you can leave a link in the old forum to the new forum."));
if ($icon_path = variable_get("forum_topic_icon_path", "")) {
if ($node->icon) {
// we are editing post
if ($dir = @opendir($icon_path)) {
$icon_num = 0;
while($icon = readdir($dir)) {
if ($icon == '.' || $icon == '..') {continue;}
if ($node->icon == $icon) {$checked = "checked";} else {$checked = "";}
$radio .= "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"edit[icon_num]\" value=\"$icon_num\" $checked /><img src=\"$icon_path$icon\" alt=\"\" /> \n";
else {
if ($dir = @opendir($icon_path)) {
$icon_num = 0;
while($icon = readdir($dir)) {
if ($icon == '.' || $icon == '..') {continue;}
if ($node->icon_num == $icon_num) {$checked = "checked";} else {$checked = "";}
$radio .= "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"edit[icon_num]\" value=\"$icon_num\" $checked /><img src=\"$icon_path$icon\" alt=\"\" /> \n";
$output .= form_item(t("Topic icon"), $radio);
$output .= form_textarea(t("Body"), "body", $node->body, 60, 10);
return $output;
function forum_insert($node) {
$node->icon = _forum_decode_icon($node);
db_query("INSERT INTO forum (nid, icon, shadow, tid) VALUES (%d, '%s', %d, %d)", $node->nid, $node->icon, $node->shadow, $node->tid[0]);
function forum_update($node) {
$node->icon = _forum_decode_icon($node);
db_query("UPDATE forum SET icon = '%s', shadow = %d, tid = %d WHERE nid = %d", $node->icon, $node->shadow, $node->tid[0], $node->nid);
function _forum_decode_icon($node) {
// to prevent malicious users
if ($icon_path = variable_get("forum_topic_icon_path", "")) {
if ($dir = @opendir($icon_path)) {
$icon_num = 0;
while($icon = readdir($dir)) {
if ($icon == '.' || $icon == '..') {continue;}
if ($icon_num == $node->icon_num) {$myicon = $icon;}
return $myicon;
function forum_delete(&$node) {
db_query("DELETE FROM forum WHERE nid = %d", $node->nid);
function _forum_num_comments($nid) {
$value = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT COUNT(cid) AS count FROM comments WHERE nid = %d AND status = 0", $nid));
return ($value) ? $value->count : 0;
function _forum_last_comment($nid) {
$value = db_fetch_object(db_query_range("SELECT timestamp FROM comments WHERE nid = %d AND status = 0 ORDER BY timestamp DESC", $nid, 0, 1));
return ($value) ? format_date($value->timestamp, "small") : "&nbsp;";
function _forum_last_reply($nid) {
$value = db_fetch_object(db_query_range("SELECT c.timestamp, u.name, u.uid FROM comments c LEFT JOIN users u ON c.uid = u.uid WHERE c.nid = %d AND c.status = 0 ORDER BY c.timestamp DESC", $nid, 0, 1));
return $value;
function _forum_format($topic) {
if ($topic) {
return "<small>". format_date($topic->timestamp, "small")."<br />".t("by")." ". format_name($topic) ."</small>";
else {
return message_na();
function forum_get_forums($tid = 0) {
global $user;
if (!$tid) {
$tid = 0;
$cache = cache_get("forum:$tid");
if (empty($cache)) {
$forums = array();
$_forums = taxonomy_get_tree(variable_get("forum_nav_vocabulary", ""), $tid);
$n = 0;
foreach ($_forums as $forum) {
if (in_array($forum->tid, variable_get("forum_containers", array()))) {
$forum->container = 1;
else {
$forum->num_topics = _forum_num_topics($forum->tid);
$forum->num_posts = _forum_num_replies($forum->tid) + $forum->num_topics;
$forum->last_post = _forum_last_post($forum->tid);
$forums[$forum->tid] = $forum;
cache_set("forum:$tid", serialize($forums), time() + variable_get("cache_clear", 120));
else {
$forums = unserialize($cache->data);
if ($user->uid && $forums) {
foreach (_forum_topics_read($user->uid) as $tid => $old) {
if ($forums[$tid]) {
$forums[$tid]->old_topics = $old;
return $forums;
function forum_get_parents($tid) {
if ($tid) {
$parents[] = taxonomy_get_term($tid);
$n = 0;
while ($parent = taxonomy_get_parents($parents[$n]->tid)) {
$parents = array_merge($parents, $parent);
return $parents;
function _forum_num_topics($term) {
$value = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT COUNT(n.nid) AS count FROM node n LEFT JOIN forum f ON n.nid = f.nid WHERE f.tid = %d AND n.nid = f.nid AND n.status = 1 AND n.type = 'forum'", $term));
return ($value) ? $value->count : 0;
function _forum_num_replies($term) {
$value = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM comments c LEFT JOIN node n ON n.nid = c.nid LEFT JOIN forum f ON n.nid = f.nid WHERE f.tid = %d AND n.nid = f.nid AND n.nid = c.nid AND n.status = 1 AND c.status = 0 AND n.type = 'forum'", $term));
return ($value) ? $value->count : 0;
function _forum_topics_read($uid) {
$result = db_query("SELECT tid, count(*) AS c FROM history h LEFT JOIN node n ON n.nid = h.nid LEFT JOIN forum f ON n.nid = f.nid WHERE f.nid = n.nid AND n.nid = h.nid AND n.type = 'forum' AND n.status = 1 AND h.uid = %d GROUP BY tid", $uid);
while ($obj = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$topics_read[$obj->tid] = $obj->c;
return $topics_read ? $topics_read : array();
function _forum_last_post($term) {
$topic = db_fetch_object(db_query_range("SELECT n.nid, n.created AS timestamp, u.name AS name, u.uid AS uid FROM forum f LEFT JOIN node n ON n.nid = f.nid LEFT JOIN users u ON n.uid = u.uid WHERE f.tid = %d AND n.nid = f.nid AND n.type = 'forum' AND n.status = 1 ORDER BY timestamp DESC", $term, 0, 1));
$reply = db_fetch_object(db_query_range("SELECT n.nid, c.timestamp, u.name AS name, u.uid AS uid FROM forum f LEFT JOIN node n ON n.nid = f.nid LEFT JOIN comments c ON n.nid = c.nid LEFT JOIN users u ON c.uid = u.uid WHERE f.tid = %d AND n.nid = f.nid AND n.type = 'forum' AND n.status = 1 AND c.status = 0 ORDER BY c.timestamp DESC", $term, 0, 1));
$value = ($topic->timestamp > $reply->timestamp) ? $topic : $reply;
return $value;
function forum_get_topics($tid, $sortby, $forum_per_page) {
global $user;
$term = taxonomy_get_term($tid);
$voc = taxonomy_get_vocabulary($term->vid);
$sql_sortby = _forum_get_topic_order($sortby);
// show topics with the correct tid, or in the forum but with shadow = 1
$sql = "SELECT n.nid, n.title, u.name AS name, u.uid AS uid, n.created AS timestamp, GREATEST(n.created, MAX(c.timestamp)) AS date_sort, COUNT(c.nid) AS num_comments, f.icon, n.comment AS comment_mode, f.tid FROM node n LEFT JOIN term_node r ON n.nid = r.nid LEFT JOIN users u ON n.uid = u.uid LEFT JOIN comments c ON n.nid = c.nid LEFT JOIN forum f ON n.nid = f.nid WHERE n.nid = r.nid AND ((r.tid = '".check_query($tid)."' AND f.shadow = 1) OR f.tid = '".check_query($tid)."') AND n.status = 1 AND n.type = 'forum' GROUP BY n.nid, n.title, u.name, u.uid, n.created, n.comment, f.tid, f.icon ORDER BY $sql_sortby";
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(n.nid)) FROM node n LEFT JOIN forum f ON n.nid = f.nid LEFT JOIN term_node r ON n.nid = r.nid WHERE n.nid = r.nid AND ( (r.tid = '".check_query($tid)."' AND f.shadow = 1) OR f.tid = '".check_query($tid)."') AND n.status = 1 AND n.type = 'forum'";
$result = pager_query($sql, $forum_per_page, 0, $sql_count);
$topic_num = db_num_rows($result);
$n = 0;
while ($topic = db_fetch_object($result)) {
if ($user->uid) {
$history = _forum_user_last_visit($topic->nid);
// folder is new if topic is new or there are new comments since last visit
if ($topic->shadow > 0) {
$topic->new = 0;
else {
if (!$history && $user->uid) {
$topic->new_replies = 0;
$topic->new = 1;
else {
$comments = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(c.nid) FROM node n LEFT JOIN comments c ON n.nid = c.nid WHERE n.nid = '$topic->nid' AND n.status = 1 AND c.status = 0 AND timestamp > '$history' GROUP BY n.nid"));
$topic->new_replies = $comments ? $comments : 0;
if ($topic->new_replies) {
$topic->new = 1;
else {
$topic->new = 0;
else {
// you're not logged in eh?
$topic->new_replies = 0;
$topic->new = 0;
$topic->last_reply = _forum_last_reply($topic->nid);
$topics[] = $topic;
return $topics;
function _forum_new($tid) {
global $user;
$result = db_query("SELECT n.nid FROM node n, history h, forum f WHERE n.type = 'forum' AND n.status = 1 AND h.nid = n.nid AND f.nid = h.nid AND f.tid = %d AND h.uid = %d", $tid, $user->uid);
while ($r = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$read[] = $r->nid;
$nid = db_result(db_query_range("SELECT n.nid FROM node n LEFT JOIN forum f ON n.nid = f.nid WHERE n.type = 'forum' AND f.nid = n.nid AND n.status = 1 AND f.tid = %d ".($read ? "AND NOT (n.nid IN (".implode(",", $read).")) " : "") ."ORDER BY created", $tid, 0, 1));
return $nid ? $nid : 0;
function _forum_message_taxonomy() {
return t("For the forums to work, the taxonomy module has to be installed and enabled. When activated, a taxonomy vocubulary needs to be created, bound to the forum module. The vocabulary's terms define the forums.");
function forum_page() {
global $sortby, $forum_per_page, $from, $user;
$op = $_POST["op"];
if (user_access("access content")) {
if (module_exist("taxonomy")) {
$tid = arg(1);
if ($op == "Update settings" && $user->uid) {
$user = user_save($user, array("sortby" => $sortby, "forum_per_page" => $forum_per_page));
if (arg(2) == "new") {
if ($nid = _forum_new($tid)) {
if (empty($sortby)) {
$sortby = isset($user->sortby) ? $user->sortby : variable_get("forum_order",1);
if (empty($forum_per_page)) {
$forum_per_page = isset($user->forum_per_page) ? $user->forum_per_page : variable_get("forum_per_page", 25);
$offset = ($from / $forum_per_page) + 1;
$forums = forum_get_forums($tid);
$parents = forum_get_parents($tid);
if ($tid && !in_array($tid, variable_get("forum_containers", array()))) {
$topics = forum_get_topics($tid, $sortby, $forum_per_page);
theme("forum_render", $forums, $topics, $parents, $tid, $sortby, $forum_per_page, $offset);
else {
theme("box", t("Warning"), _forum_message_taxonomy());
else {
theme("box", t("Access denied"), message_access());
** Render functions.
function forum_render($forums, $topics, $parents, $tid, $sortby, $forum_per_page, $offset) {
// forum list, topics list, topic browser and "add new topic" link
$output .= theme("forum_forum_list", $forums, $parents, $tid);
if ($tid && !in_array($tid, variable_get("forum_containers", array()))) {
$output .= theme("forum_topic_list", $tid, $topics, $sortby, $forum_per_page, $offset);
theme("box", t("Discussion forum"), $output);
if ($tid && !in_array($tid, variable_get("forum_containers", array()))) {
theme("box", t("Control panel"), theme("forum_topic_browser", $sortby, $forum_per_page, $offset));
function forum_forum_list($forums, $parents, $tid) {
global $user;
if ($parents) {
foreach($parents as $p) {
if ($tid != $p->tid) {
$t[] = l($p->name, "forum/$p->tid");
else {
$t[] = $p->name;
$t[] = l(t("Discussion forum"), "forum");
$output .= "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">\n";
$output .= " <tr><th colspan=\"3\" align=\"left\">".implode(" : ", array_reverse($t)) ."</th>";
if ($forums) {
$output .= "<th>". t("topics") ."</th><th>". t("posts") ."</th><th>". t("last post") ."</th></tr>";
foreach ($forums as $forum) {
if ($forum->container) {
$output .= " <tr><td colspan=\"5\">". l($forum->name, "forum/$forum->tid") ."<br /><small>". ($forum->description ? check_output($forum->description) : "") ."</small></td></tr>";
else {
if ($user->uid) $new_topics = $forum->num_topics - $forum->old_topics;
$icon = _forum_get_folder_icon($new_topics);
$output .= " <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>$icon</td>";
$output .= "<td><table border=\"0\"><tr><td width=\"". ($forum->depth * 20) ."\">&nbsp;</td><td>". l($forum->name, "forum/$forum->tid") ."<div style=\"padding-top: 5px;\">". check_output($forum->description);
$links = array();
if ($forum->last_post) {
$links[] = l(t("the most recent topic"), "node/view/". $forum->last_post->nid);
if ($new_topics) {
$links[] = l(t("the first new topic"), "forum/$forum->tid/new");
if ($links) {
$output .= "<br />". t("Jump to") .": ". implode(", ", $links);
$output .= "</div></td></tr></table></td>";
$output .= "<td align=\"center\">".$forum->num_topics.($new_topics ? "<br />(".t("%a new", array("%a" => $new_topics)).")" : "")."</td><td align=\"center\">".$forum->num_posts."</td><td align=\"center\">"._forum_format($forum->last_post)."</td></tr>";
$output .= "</table>\n";
return $output;
function forum_topic_browser() {
global $tid, $sortby, $forum_per_page, $offset;
if (empty($sortby)) {
$sortby = variable_get("forum_order",1);
if (empty($forum_per_page)) {
$forum_per_page = variable_get("forum_per_page", 25);
$forum_per_page_options = array(10, 25, 50, 75, 100);
foreach ($forum_per_page_options as $value) {
$options .= " <option value=\"$value\"". ($forum_per_page == $value ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") .">".t("%a topics per page", array("%a" => $value))."</option>\n";
$output .= "<select name=\"forum_per_page\">$options</select>\n";
$options = "";
$sortby_options = array(1 => t("Date - newest first"), 2 => t("Date - oldest first"), 3 => t("Posts - most active first"), 4=> t("Posts - least active first"));
foreach ($sortby_options as $key => $value) {
$options .= " <option value=\"$key\"". ($sortby == $key ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") .">$value</option>\n";
$output .= "\n<select name=\"sortby\">$options</select>\n";
$output .= form_hidden("tid", $tid);
$output .= form_submit(t("Update settings"));
return form(form_item(t("Topic viewing options"), $output, t("Select your preferred way to display the topics and click 'Update settings'.")));
function forum_topic_list($tid, $topics, $sortby, $forum_per_page, $offset) {
global $id, $status, $user, $pager_total;
if ($topics) {
$output .= "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"5\">\n";
$output .= " <tr><th>&nbsp;</th><th>&nbsp;</th><th>". t("topic") ."</th><th>". t("replies") ."</th><th>". t("posted") ."</th><th>". t("last reply") ."</th></tr>";
foreach ($topics as $topic) {
// folder is new if topic is new or there are new comments since last visit
if ($topic->tid != $tid) {
$output .= "
<td>"._forum_get_folder_icon($topic->new, $topic->num_comments, $topic->comment_mode)."</td>
<td valign=\"top\">$topic->title</td>
<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" colspan=\"3\">". l(t("This topic has been moved"), "forum/$topic->tid")."</td>
else {
$output .= "
<td>"._forum_get_folder_icon($topic->new, $topic->num_comments, $topic->comment_mode)."</td>
<td valign=\"top\">". l($topic->title, "node/view/$topic->nid") ."</td>
<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">".$topic->num_comments.($topic->new_replies ? " (".t("%a new", array("%a" => $topic->new_replies)).")" : "")."</td>
<td align=\"center\">"._forum_format($topic)."</td>
<td align=\"center\">"._forum_format($topic->last_reply)."</td>
$output .= "</table></blockquote>\n";
$output .= "<hr />";
$output .= "<div align=\"center\">" .t("%a topics, %b topics per page, page %c of %d", array("%a" => $pager_total[0], "%b" => $forum_per_page, "%c" => $offset, "%d" => ceil($pager_total[0]/$forum_per_page))) ."</div>";
$output .= (($pager = pager_display(NULL, $forum_per_page, 0, "default")) ? "$pager" : "");
if (user_access("create forum topics")) {
$output .= "<div align=\"center\" style=\"font-style: bold;\">". l(t("create new forum topic"), "node/add/forum/$tid") ."</div>";
return $output;
function _forum_get_icon($node) {
if (variable_get("forum_topic_icon_path", "") && $node->icon) {
return "<img src=\"". variable_get("forum_topic_icon_path", "") ."$node->icon\" />";
else {
return "&nbsp;";
function _forum_get_folder_icon($new_posts, $num_posts = 0, $comment_mode = 0) {
// "folder" icon because it's generally rendered as a folder
$base_path = variable_get("forum_folder_icon_path", "");
if ($base_path) {
if ($num_posts > variable_get("forum_hot_topic", 15)) {
$icon = $new_posts ? "hot_new" : "hot";
else {
$icon = $new_posts ? "new" : "default";
if ($comment_mode == 1) {
$icon = "closed";
// default
$file = $base_path."/".$icon.".gif";
return "<img src=\"$file\" alt=\"\" />";
else {
return "&nbsp;";
function _forum_user_last_visit($nid) {
global $user;
static $history;
if (!$history) {
$result = db_query("SELECT nid, timestamp FROM history WHERE uid = %d", $user->uid);
while ($t = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$history[$t->nid] = $t->timestamp;
return $history[$nid] ? $history[$nid] : 0;
function _forum_get_topic_order($sortby) {
switch ($sortby) {
case 1:
return "date_sort DESC";
case 2:
return "date_sort ASC";
case 3:
return "num_comments DESC";
case 4:
return "num_comments ASC";
function forum_help() {
$output .= "<h3>Creating a forum</h3><p>The forum module uses taxonomy to organize itself. To create a forum you first have to create a ". l("taxonomy vocuabulary", "admin/taxonomy/add/vocabulary") ." When doing this, choose a sensible name for it (such as \"fora\") and make sure under \"Types\" that \"forum\" is selected. Once you have done this, ". l("add some terms", "admin/taxonomy") ." to it. Each term will become a forum. If you fill in the description field, users will be given additonal information about the forum on the main forum page. For example: \"troubleshooting\" - \"Please ask your questions here.\"</p>";
$output .= "<p>When you are happy with your vocabulary, go to ". l("site configuration &raquo; modules &raquo; forum","admin/system/modules/forum") ." and set <b>Forum vocabulary</b> to the one you have just created. There will now be fora active on the site. For users to access them they must have the \"access content\" permission and to create a topic they must have ithe \"create forum topics\" permission. These permissions can be set in the ". l("user management", "admin/user/permission") ." pages.</p>";
$output .= "<h3>Containers</h3><p>If you designate a forum as a <i>container</i>, users will not be able to post to it. The forum will be visible on the forum listing page, so it acts as a section delimiter if you will. This is useful if you have a lots of forums which are nested. For example,</p>";
$output .= "<p>Marketing<br />-- Market research<br />-- Brand management<br /><br />Sales<br />-- Closing the deal<br />-- Avoiding ear and throat pain</p>";
$output .= "<p>If you don't want people posting into the Marketing or Sales folders, you designate them as Containers.</p>";
$output .= "<h4>Icons</h4><p>To disable icons, set the icon path as blank in ". l("site configuration &raquo; modules &raquo; forums","admin/system/module/forum") ."</p>";
$output .= "<p>All files in the icon directory are assumed to be images. You may use images of whatever size you wish, but it is customary to use 15x15 or 16x16.</p>";
return t($output);