29 lines
982 B
29 lines
982 B
* @file
* Conditionally hide or show the appropriate settings and saved defaults
* on the file transfer connection settings form used by authorize.php.
(function ($) {
"use strict";
Drupal.behaviors.authorizeFileTransferForm = {
attach: function(context) {
$('#edit-connection-settings-authorize-filetransfer-default').change(function() {
$('.filetransfer').hide().filter('.filetransfer-' + $(this).val()).show();
$('.filetransfer').hide().filter('.filetransfer-' + $('#edit-connection-settings-authorize-filetransfer-default').val()).show();
// Removes the float on the select box (used for non-JS interface).
if ($('.connection-settings-update-filetransfer-default-wrapper').length > 0) {
$('.connection-settings-update-filetransfer-default-wrapper').css('float', 'none');
// Hides the submit button for non-js users.