
956 lines
31 KiB

// $Id$
* @file
* Enable threaded discussions about general topics.
* Implementation of hook_help().
function forum_help($section) {
switch ($section) {
case 'admin/forum':
return t('Forums and containers are used to organize the threaded discussions. Forums may be nested in each other. A container is used to group like forums together with out allowing topics to be created in the container. Containers can be nested just like forums. To delete a forum or container choose the appropriate "edit" operation.');
case 'admin/forum/add/container':
return t('When creating a contianer you are creating a group to contain multiple forums. Users are not able to create topic inside container. You can nest containers inside forums or other containers.');
case 'admin/forum/add/forum':
return t('When creating a forum you are creating an area for user to create similar topics for discussion. Forums may be nested underneath other forums or in containers.');
case 'admin/modules#description':
return t('Enable threaded discussions about general topics.');
case 'node/add#forum':
return t('A forum is a threaded discussion, enabling users to communicate about a particular topic.');
* Implementation of hook_node_name().
function forum_node_name($node) {
return t('forum topic');
* Implementation of hook_access().
function forum_access($op, $node) {
global $user;
if ($op == 'create') {
return user_access('create forum topics');
if ($op == 'update' || $op == 'delete') {
if (user_access('edit own forum topics') && ($user->uid == $node->uid)) {
return TRUE;
* Implementation of hook_perm().
function forum_perm() {
return array('create forum topics', 'edit own forum topics', 'administer forums');
* Admiinstration page which allows maintaining forums
function forum_admin() {
$op = $_POST['op'];
$edit = $_POST['edit'];
if (empty($op)) {
$op = arg(2);
switch ($op) {
case 'add':
if (arg(3) == 'forum') {
$output = forum_form_forum();
else if (arg(3) == 'container') {
$output = forum_form_container();
case 'edit':
if (arg(3) == 'forum') {
$output = forum_form_forum(object2array(taxonomy_get_term(arg(4))));
else if (arg(3) == 'container') {
$output = forum_form_container(object2array(taxonomy_get_term(arg(4))));
case t('Delete'):
if (!$edit['confirm']) {
$output = _forum_confirm_del($edit['tid']);
else {
$edit['name'] = 0;
case t('Submit'):
$edit = taxonomy_save_term($edit);
if (arg(3) == 'container') {
$containers = variable_get('forum_containers', array());
$containers[] = $edit['tid'];
variable_set('forum_containers', $containers);
$output = forum_overview();
print theme('page', $output);
* Implementation of hook_taxonomy().
function forum_taxonomy($op, $type, $object) {
if ($op == 'delete' && $type == 'term' && $object->vid == _forum_get_vid()) {
$results = db_query('SELECT f.nid FROM forum f WHERE f.tid = %d', $object->tid);
while ($node = db_fetch_object($results)) {
$edit['nid'] = $node->nid;
$edit['confirm'] = TRUE;
* Returns a confirmation page for deleting a forum taxonomy term
* @param $tid ID of the term to be deleted
function _forum_confirm_del($tid) {
$term = taxonomy_get_term($tid);
$form .= form_hidden('confirm', 1);
$form .= form_hidden('tid', $tid);
$form .= form_submit(t('Delete'));
$form .= form_submit(t('Cancel'));
return form(form_item(t('Delete "%name"', array('%name' => $term->name)), $form, t('Deleteing a forum or container will delete all sub-forums as well. Are you sure you want to delete?')));
* Returns a form for adding a container to the forum vocabulary
* @param $edit Associative array containing a container term to be added or edited.
function forum_form_container($edit = array()) {
$form = form_textfield(t('Container name'), 'name', $edit['name'], 50, 64, t('The container name is used on the forum listing page to identify a group of forums.'), NULL, TRUE);
$form .= form_textarea(t('Description'), 'description', $edit['description'], 60, 5, t('The description can provide additional information about the forum grouping.'));
$form .= _forum_parent_select($edit['tid'], t('Parent'), 'parent][');
$form .= form_weight(t('Weight'), 'weight', $edit['weight'], 10, t('In listings, the heavier terms (with a larger weight) will sink and the lighter terms will be positioned nearer the top.'));
$form .= form_hidden('vid', _forum_get_vid());
$form .= form_submit(t('Submit'));
if ($edit['tid']) {
$form .= form_submit(t('Delete'));
$form .= form_hidden('tid', $edit['tid']);
return form($form);
* Returns a form for adding a forum to the forum vocabulary
* @param $edit Associative array containing a forum term to be added or edited.
function forum_form_forum($edit = array()) {
$form = form_textfield(t('Forum name'), 'name', $edit['name'], 50, 64, t('The name is used to identify the forum.'), NULL, TRUE);
$form .= form_textarea(t('Description'), 'description', $edit['description'], 60, 5, t('The description can be used to provide more information about the forum, or further details about the topic.'));
$form .= _forum_parent_select($edit['tid'], t('Parent'), 'parent][');
$form .= form_weight(t('Weight'), 'weight', $edit['weight'], 10, t('In listings, the heavier (with a higher weight value) terms will sink and the lighter terms will be positioned nearer the top.'));
$form .= form_hidden('vid', _forum_get_vid());
$form .= form_submit(t('Submit'));
if ($edit['tid']) {
$form .= form_submit(t('Delete'));
$form .= form_hidden('tid', $edit['tid']);
return form($form);
* Returns a select box for available parent terms
* @param $tid ID of the term which is being added or edited
* @param $title Title to display the select box with
* @param $name Name to use in the forum
function _forum_parent_select($tid, $title, $name) {
$parents = taxonomy_get_parents($tid);
$children = taxonomy_get_tree(_forum_get_vid, $tid);
// A term can't be the child of itself, nor of its children.
foreach ($children as $child) {
$exclude[] = $child->tid;
$exclude[] = $tid;
$tree = taxonomy_get_tree(_forum_get_vid());
$options[0] = '<'. t('root') .'>';
if ($tree) {
foreach ($tree as $term) {
if (!in_array($term->tid, $exclude)) {
$options[$term->tid] = _forum_depth($term->depth).$term->name;
if (!$parents) {
$parents = 0;
return form_select($title, $name, $parents, $options, NULL, 0, FALSE, TRUE);
* Returns an overview list of existing forums and contianers
function forum_overview() {
$header = array(t('Name'), t('Operations'));
$tree = taxonomy_get_tree(_forum_get_vid());
if ($tree) {
foreach ($tree as $term) {
if (in_array($term->tid, variable_get('forum_containers', array()))) {
$rows[] = array(_forum_depth($term->depth) .' '. $term->name, l(t('edit container'), "admin/forum/edit/container/$term->tid"));
else {
$rows[] = array(_forum_depth($term->depth) .' '. $term->name, l(t('edit forum'), "admin/forum/edit/forum/$term->tid"));
return theme('table', $header, $rows);
* Helper function used to generate indentation for forum list
* @param $depth Depth of the indentation
* @param $graphic HTML text to be repeated for each stage of depth
function _forum_depth($depth, $graphic = '--') {
for ($n = 0; $n < $depth; $n++) {
$result .= $graphic;
return $result;
* Returns the vocabulary id for forum navigation.
function _forum_get_vid() {
$vid = variable_get('forum_nav_vocabulary', '');
if (empty($vid)) {
// Check to see if a forum vocabulary exists
$vid = db_result(db_query("SELECT vid FROM {vocabulary} WHERE module='%s'", 'forum'));
if (!$vid) {
$vocabulary = taxonomy_save_vocabulary(array('name' => 'Forums', 'multiple' => '0', 'required' => '1', 'hierarchy' => '1', 'relations' => '0', 'module' => 'forum', 'nodes' => array('forum')));
$vid = $vocabulary['vid'];
variable_set('forum_nav_vocabulary', $vid);
return $vid;
* Implementation of hook_settings
function forum_settings() {
$output .= form_textfield(t('Forum icon path'), 'forum_icon_path', variable_get('forum_icon_path', ''), 30, 255, t('The path to the forum icons. Leave blank to disable icons. Don\'t add a trailing slash. Default icons are available in the "misc" directory. You may use images of whatever size you wish, but it is recommended to use 15x15 or 16x16. '));
$number = drupal_map_assoc(array(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 10000));
$output .= form_select(t('Hot topic threshold'), 'forum_hot_topic', variable_get('forum_hot_topic', 15), $number, t('The number of posts a topic must have to be considered hot.'));
$number = drupal_map_assoc(array(10, 25, 50, 75, 100));
$output .= form_select(t('Topics per page'), 'forum_per_page', variable_get('forum_per_page', 25), $number, t('The default number of topics displayed per page; links to browse older messages are automatically being displayed.'));
$forder = array(1 => t('Date - newest first'), 2 => t('Date - oldest first'), 3 => t('Posts - most active first'), 4=> t('Posts - least active first'));
$output .= form_radios(t('Default order'), 'forum_order', variable_get('forum_order', '1'), $forder, t('The default display order for topics.'));
return $output;
* Implementation of hook_load().
function forum_load($node) {
$forum = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT * FROM {forum} WHERE nid = %d', $node->nid));
return $forum;
* Implementation of hook_block().
* Generates a block containing the currently active forum topics and the
* most recently added forum topics.
function forum_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) {
switch ($op) {
case 'list':
$blocks[0]['info'] = t('Active forum topics');
$blocks[1]['info'] = t('New forum topics');
return $blocks;
case 'configure':
$output = form_select(t('Number of topics in block'), 'forum_block_num', variable_get('forum_block_num', '5'), drupal_map_assoc(array(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20)));
return $output;
case 'save':
variable_set('forum_block_num', $edit['forum_block_num']);
case 'view':
if (user_access('access content')) {
switch ($delta) {
case 0:
$title = t('Active forum topics');
$sql = "SELECT n.nid, n.title, l.last_comment_timestamp, l.comment_count FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {node_comment_statistics} l ON n.nid = l.nid WHERE n.status = 1 AND n.type='forum' ORDER BY l.last_comment_timestamp DESC";
$sql = db_rewrite_sql($sql);
$content = node_title_list(db_query_range($sql, 0, variable_get('forum_block_num', '5')));
case 1:
$title = t('New forum topics');
$sql = "SELECT n.nid, n.title, l.comment_count FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {node_comment_statistics} l ON n.nid = l.nid WHERE n.type = 'forum' AND n.status = 1 ORDER BY n.nid DESC";
$sql = db_rewrite_sql($sql);
$content .= node_title_list(db_query_range($sql, 0, variable_get('forum_block_num', '5')));
if ($content) {
$content .= '<div class="more-link">'. l(t('more'), 'forum', array('title' => t('Read the latest forum topics.'))) .'</div>';
$block['subject'] = $title;
$block['content'] = $content;
return $block;
* Implementation of hook_link().
function forum_link($type, $node = 0, $main = 0) {
global $user;
$links = array();
if (!$main && $type == 'node' && $node->type == 'forum') {
// get previous and next topic
$sql = "SELECT n.nid, n.title, n.sticky, l.comment_count, l.last_comment_timestamp FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {node_comment_statistics} l ON n.nid = l.nid INNER JOIN {term_node} r ON n.nid = r.nid AND r.tid = %d WHERE n.status = 1 AND n.type = 'forum' ORDER BY n.sticky DESC, ". _forum_get_topic_order_sql(variable_get('forum_order', 1));
$sql = db_rewrite_sql($sql);
$result = db_query($sql, $node->tid);
while ($topic = db_fetch_object($result)) {
if ($stop == 1) {
$next = new StdClass();
$next->nid = $topic->nid;
$next->title = $topic->title;
if ($topic->nid == $node->nid) {
$stop = 1;
else {
$prev = new StdClass();
$prev->nid = $topic->nid;
$prev->title = $topic->title;
if ($prev) {
$links[] = l(t('previous forum topic'), "node/$prev->nid", array('title' => $prev->title));
if ($next) {
$links[] = l(t('next forum topic'), "node/$next->nid", array('title' => $next->title));
return $links;
* Implementation of hook_menu().
function forum_menu($may_cache) {
$items = array();
if ($may_cache) {
$items[] = array('path' => 'node/add/forum', 'title' => t('forum topic'),
'access' => user_access('create forum topics'));
$items[] = array('path' => 'forum', 'title' => t('forums'),
'callback' => 'forum_page',
'access' => user_access('access content'),
$items[] = array('path' => 'admin/forum', 'title' => t('forums'),
'callback' => 'forum_admin',
'access' => user_access('administer forums'),
'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM);
$items[] = array('path' => 'admin/forum/list', 'title' => t('list'),
'access' => user_access('administer forums'),
'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK, 'weight' => -10);
$items[] = array('path' => 'admin/forum/add/container', 'title' => t('add container'),
'access' => user_access('administer forums'),
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK);
$items[] = array('path' => 'admin/forum/add/forum', 'title' => t('add forum'),
'access' => user_access('administer forums'),
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK);
return $items;
* Implementation of hook_view().
function forum_view(&$node, $teaser = FALSE, $page = FALSE) {
if ($page) {
$vocabulary = taxonomy_get_vocabulary(variable_get('forum_nav_vocabulary', ''));
// Breadcrumb navigation
$breadcrumb = array();
$breadcrumb[] = array('path' => 'forum', 'title' => $vocabulary->name);
if ($parents = taxonomy_get_parents_all($node->tid)) {
$parents = array_reverse($parents);
foreach ($parents as $p) {
$breadcrumb[] = array('path' => 'forum/'. $p->tid, 'title' => $p->name);
$breadcrumb[] = array('path' => 'node/'. $node->nid);
$node = node_prepare($node, $teaser);
* Implementation of hook_validate().
* Check in particular that only a "leaf" term in the associated taxonomy
* vocabulary is selected, not a "container" term.
function forum_validate(&$node) {
// Make sure all fields are set properly:
$node->icon = $node->icon ? $node->icon : '';
if ($node->taxonomy) {
// Extract the node's proper topic ID.
$vocabulary = variable_get('forum_nav_vocabulary', '');
$containers = variable_get('forum_containers', array());
foreach ($node->taxonomy as $term) {
if (db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {term_data} WHERE tid = %d AND vid = %d', $term, $vocabulary))) {
if (in_array($term, $containers)) {
$term = taxonomy_get_term($term);
form_set_error('taxonomy', t('The item %forum is only a container for forums. Please select one of the forums below it.', array('%forum' => "<em>$term->name</em>")));
else {
$node->tid = $term;
if ($node->tid && $node->shadow) {
$terms = array_keys(taxonomy_node_get_terms($node->nid));
if (!in_array($node->tid, $terms)) {
$terms[] = $node->tid;
$node->taxonomy = $terms;
* Implementation of hook_update().
function forum_update($node) {
db_query('UPDATE {forum} SET tid = %d WHERE nid = %d', $node->tid, $node->nid);
* Implementation of hook_form().
function forum_form(&$node) {
if (!$node->nid) {
// new topic
$node->taxonomy[] = arg(3);
else {
$node->taxonomy = array($node->tid);
$output = implode('', taxonomy_node_form('forum', $node));
if ($node->nid) {
// if editing, give option to leave shadows
$shadow = (count(taxonomy_node_get_terms($node->nid)) > 1);
$output .= form_checkbox(t('Leave shadow copy'), 'shadow', 1, $shadow, t('If you move this topic, you can leave a link in the old forum to the new forum.'));
$output .= form_textarea(t('Body'), 'body', $node->body, 60, 20, '');
$output .= filter_form('format', $node->format);
return $output;
* Implementation of hook_insert().
function forum_insert($node) {
db_query('INSERT INTO {forum} (nid, tid) VALUES (%d, %d)', $node->nid, $node->tid);
* Implementation of hook_delete().
function forum_delete(&$node) {
db_query('DELETE FROM {forum} WHERE nid = %d', $node->nid);
* Formats a topic for display
* @TODO Give a better description. Not sure where this function is used yet.
function _forum_format($topic) {
if ($topic && $topic->timestamp) {
return t('%time ago<br />by %author', array('%time' => format_interval(time() - $topic->timestamp), '%author' => format_name($topic)));
else {
return message_na();
* Returns a list of all forums for a given taxonomy id
* Forum objects contain the following fields
* -num_topics Number of topics in the forum
* -num_posts Total number of posts in all topics
* -last_post Most recent post for the forum
* @param $tid
* Taxonomy ID of the vocabulary that holds the forum list.
* @return
* Array of object containing the forum information.
function forum_get_forums($tid = 0) {
if (!$tid) {
$tid = 0;
$forums = array();
$_forums = taxonomy_get_tree(variable_get('forum_nav_vocabulary', ''), $tid);
if (count($_forums)) {
$counts = array();
$sql = "SELECT r.tid, COUNT(n.nid) AS topic_count, SUM(l.comment_count) AS comment_count FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {node_comment_statistics} l ON n.nid = l.nid INNER JOIN {term_node} r ON n.nid = r.nid WHERE n.status = 1 AND n.type = 'forum' GROUP BY r.tid";
$sql = db_rewrite_sql($sql);
$_counts = db_query($sql, $forum->tid);
while ($count = db_fetch_object($_counts)) {
$counts[$count->tid] = $count;
foreach ($_forums as $forum) {
if (in_array($forum->tid, variable_get('forum_containers', array()))) {
$forum->container = 1;
if ($counts[$forum->tid]) {
$forum->num_topics = $counts[$forum->tid]->topic_count;
$forum->num_posts = $counts[$forum->tid]->topic_count + $counts[$forum->tid]->comment_count;
else {
$forum->num_topics = 0;
$forum->num_posts = 0;
// This query does not use full ANSI syntax since MySQL 3.x does not support
// table1 INNER JOIN table2 INNER JOIN table3 ON table2_criteria ON table3_criteria
// used to join node_comment_statistics to users.
$sql = "SELECT n.nid, l.last_comment_timestamp, IF(l.last_comment_uid, cu.name, l.last_comment_name) as last_comment_name, l.last_comment_uid FROM {node} n, {node_comment_statistics} l /*! USE INDEX (node_comment_timestamp) */, {users} cu, {term_node} r WHERE n.nid = r.nid AND r.tid = %d AND n.status = 1 AND n.type = 'forum' AND l.last_comment_uid = cu.uid AND n.nid = l.nid ORDER BY l.last_comment_timestamp DESC";
$sql = db_rewrite_sql($sql);
$topic = db_fetch_object(db_query_range($sql, $forum->tid, 0, 1));
$last_post = new StdClass();
$last_post->timestamp = $topic->last_comment_timestamp;
$last_post->name = $topic->last_comment_name;
$last_post->uid = $topic->last_comment_uid;
$forum->last_post = $last_post;
$forums[$forum->tid] = $forum;
return $forums;
function _forum_topics_read($term, $uid) {
// Calculate the number of topics the user has read. Assume all entries older
// than NODE_NEW_LIMIT are read, and include the recent posts that user has
// read.
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(n.nid) FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {term_node} r ON n.nid = r.nid AND r.tid = %d WHERE n.created <= %d AND n.status = 1 AND n.type = 'forum'";
$sql = db_rewrite_sql($sql);
$ancient = db_result(db_query($sql, $term, NODE_NEW_LIMIT));
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(n.nid) FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {history} h ON n.nid = h.nid AND h.uid = %d INNER JOIN {term_node} r ON n.nid = r.nid AND r.tid = %d WHERE n.status = 1 AND n.type = 'forum' AND n.created > %d";
$sql = db_rewrite_sql($sql);
$recent = db_result(db_query($sql, $uid, $term, NODE_NEW_LIMIT));
return $ancient + $recent;
function forum_get_topics($tid, $sortby, $forum_per_page) {
global $user, $forum_topic_list_header;
$forum_topic_list_header = array(
array('data' => '&nbsp;'),
array('data' => t('Topic'), 'field' => 'n.title'),
array('data' => t('Replies'), 'field' => 'l.comment_count'),
array('data' => t('Created'), 'field' => 'n.created'),
array('data' => t('Last reply'), 'field' => 'l.last_comment_timestamp'),
$order = _forum_get_topic_order($sortby);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($forum_topic_list_header); $i++) {
if ($forum_topic_list_header[$i]['field'] == $order['field']) {
$forum_topic_list_header[$i]['sort'] = $order['sort'];
$term = taxonomy_get_term($tid);
$sql = db_rewrite_sql("SELECT n.nid, f.tid, n.title, n.sticky, u.name, u.uid, n.created AS timestamp, n.comment AS comment_mode, l.last_comment_timestamp, IF(l.last_comment_uid, cu.name, l.last_comment_name) AS last_comment_name, l.last_comment_uid, l.comment_count AS num_comments FROM {node} n, {node_comment_statistics} l, {users} cu, {term_node} r, {users} u, {forum} f WHERE n.status = 1 AND l.last_comment_uid = cu.uid AND n.nid = l.nid AND n.nid = r.nid AND r.tid = %d AND n.uid = u.uid AND n.nid = f.nid");
$sql .= tablesort_sql($forum_topic_list_header, 'n.sticky DESC,');
$sql_count = db_rewrite_sql("SELECT COUNT(n.nid) FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {term_node} r ON n.nid = r.nid AND r.tid = %d WHERE n.status = 1 AND n.type = 'forum'");
$result = pager_query($sql, $forum_per_page, 0, $sql_count, $tid);
while ($topic = db_fetch_object($result)) {
if ($user->uid) {
// folder is new if topic is new or there are new comments since last visit
if ($topic->tid != $tid) {
$topic->new = 0;
else {
$history = _forum_user_last_visit($topic->nid);
$topic->new_replies = comment_num_new($topic->nid, $history);
$topic->new = $topic->new_replies || ($topic->timestamp > $history);
else {
// Do not track "new replies" status for topics if the user is anonymous.
$topic->new_replies = 0;
$topic->new = 0;
if ($topic->num_comments > 0) {
$last_reply = new StdClass();
$last_reply->timestamp = $topic->last_comment_timestamp;
$last_reply->name = $topic->last_comment_name;
$last_reply->uid = $topic->last_comment_uid;
$topic->last_reply = $last_reply;
$topics[] = $topic;
return $topics;
* Finds the first unread node for a given forum.
function _forum_new($tid) {
global $user;
$sql = "SELECT n.nid FROM {node} n LEFT JOIN {history} h ON n.nid = h.nid AND h.uid = %d INNER JOIN {term_node} r ON n.nid = r.nid AND r.tid = %d WHERE n.status = 1 AND n.type = 'forum' AND h.nid IS NULL AND n.created > %d ORDER BY created";
$sql = db_rewrite_sql($sql);
$nid = db_result(db_query_range($sql, $user->uid, $tid, NODE_NEW_LIMIT, 0, 1));
return $nid ? $nid : 0;
* Menu callback; prints a forum listing.
function forum_page($tid = 0) {
global $user;
if (module_exist('taxonomy')) {
$forum_per_page = variable_get('forum_per_page', 25);
$sortby = variable_get('forum_order', 1);
$forums = forum_get_forums($tid);
$parents = taxonomy_get_parents_all($tid);
if ($tid && !in_array($tid, variable_get('forum_containers', array()))) {
$topics = forum_get_topics($tid, $sortby, $forum_per_page);
print theme('page', theme('forum_display', $forums, $topics, $parents, $tid, $sortby, $forum_per_page));
else {
print theme('page', forum_help('admin/settings/forum'));
* Format the forum body.
* @ingroup themeable
function theme_forum_display($forums, $topics, $parents, $tid, $sortby, $forum_per_page) {
global $user;
// forum list, topics list, topic browser and 'add new topic' link
$vocabulary = taxonomy_get_vocabulary(variable_get('forum_nav_vocabulary', ''));
drupal_set_title($title = $vocabulary->name);
// Breadcrumb navigation:
$breadcrumb = array();
if ($tid) {
$breadcrumb[] = array('path' => 'forum', 'title' => $title);
if ($parents) {
$parents = array_reverse($parents);
foreach ($parents as $p) {
if ($p->tid == $tid) {
$title = $p->name;
else {
$breadcrumb[] = array('path' => 'forum/'. $p->tid, 'title' => $p->name);
$breadcrumb[] = array('path' => $_GET['q']);
if (count($forums) || count($parents)) {
$output = '<div id="forum">';
$output .= '<ul>';
if (module_exist('tracker')) {
if ($user->uid) {
$output .= ' <li>'. l(t('My forum discussions.'), "tracker/$user->uid") .'</li>';
$output .= ' <li>'. l(t('Active forum discussions.'), 'tracker') .'</li>';
if (user_access('create forum topics')) {
$output .= '<li>'. l(t('Post new forum topic.'), "node/add/forum/$tid") .'</li>';
else if ($user->uid) {
$output .= '<li>'. t('You are not allowed to post a new forum topic.') .'</li>';
else {
$output .= '<li>'. t('<a href="%login">Login</a> to post a new forum topic.', array('%login' => url('user/login'))) .'</li>';
$output .= '</ul>';
$output .= theme('forum_list', $forums, $parents, $tid);
if ($tid && !in_array($tid, variable_get('forum_containers', array()))) {
$output .= theme('forum_topic_list', $tid, $topics, $sortby, $forum_per_page);
$output .= '</div>';
else {
drupal_set_title(t('No forums defined'));
$output = '';
return $output;
* Format the forum listing.
* @ingroup themeable
function theme_forum_list($forums, $parents, $tid) {
global $user;
if ($forums) {
$header = array(t('Forum'), t('Topics'), t('Posts'), t('Last post'));
foreach ($forums as $forum) {
if ($forum->container) {
$description = '<div style="margin-left: '. ($forum->depth * 30) ."px;\">\n";
$description .= ' <div class="name">'. l($forum->name, "forum/$forum->tid") ."</div>\n";
if ($forum->description) {
$description .= " <div class=\"description\">$forum->description</div>\n";
$description .= "</div>\n";
$rows[] = array(array('data' => $description, 'class' => 'container', 'colspan' => '4'));
else {
$forum->old_topics = _forum_topics_read($forum->tid, $user->uid);
if ($user->uid) {
$new_topics = $forum->num_topics - $forum->old_topics;
else {
$new_topics = 0;
$description = '<div style="margin-left: '. ($forum->depth * 30) ."px;\">\n";
$description .= ' <div class="name">'. l($forum->name, "forum/$forum->tid") ."</div>\n";
if ($forum->description) {
$description .= " <div class=\"description\">$forum->description</div>\n";
$description .= "</div>\n";
$rows[] = array(
array('data' => $description, 'class' => 'forum'),
array('data' => $forum->num_topics . ($new_topics ? '<br />'. l(t('%a new', array('%a' => $new_topics)), "forum/$forum->tid", NULL, NULL, 'new') : ''), 'class' => 'topics'),
array('data' => $forum->num_posts, 'class' => 'posts'),
array('data' => _forum_format($forum->last_post), 'class' => 'last-reply'));
return theme('table', $header, $rows);
* Format the topic listing.
* @ingroup themeable
function theme_forum_topic_list($tid, $topics, $sortby, $forum_per_page) {
global $forum_topic_list_header;
if ($topics) {
foreach ($topics as $topic) {
// folder is new if topic is new or there are new comments since last visit
if ($topic->tid != $tid) {
$rows[] = array(
array('data' => _forum_icon($topic->new, $topic->num_comments, $topic->comment_mode, $topic->sticky), 'class' => 'icon'),
array('data' => $topic->title, 'class' => 'title'),
array('data' => l(t('This topic has been moved'), "forum/$topic->tid"), 'colspan' => '3')
else {
$rows[] = array(
array('data' => _forum_icon($topic->new, $topic->num_comments, $topic->comment_mode, $topic->sticky), 'class' => 'icon'),
array('data' => l($topic->title, "node/$topic->nid"), 'class' => 'topic'),
array('data' => $topic->num_comments . ($topic->new_replies ? '<br />'. l(t('%a new', array('%a' => $topic->new_replies)), "node/$topic->nid", NULL, NULL, 'new') : ''), 'class' => 'replies'),
array('data' => _forum_format($topic), 'class' => 'created'),
array('data' => _forum_format($topic->last_reply), 'class' => 'last-reply')
if ($pager = theme('pager', NULL, $forum_per_page, 0, tablesort_pager())) {
$rows[] = array(array('data' => $pager, 'colspan' => '5', 'class' => 'pager'));
$output .= theme('table', $forum_topic_list_header, $rows);
return $output;
function _forum_icon($new_posts, $num_posts = 0, $comment_mode = 0, $sticky = 0) {
$base_path = variable_get('forum_icon_path', '');
if ($base_path) {
if ($num_posts > variable_get('forum_hot_topic', 15)) {
$icon = $new_posts ? 'hot-new' : 'hot';
else {
$icon = $new_posts ? 'new' : 'default';
if ($comment_mode == 1) {
$icon = 'closed';
if ($sticky == 1) {
$icon = 'sticky';
// default
$file = "misc/forum-$icon.png";
$output = theme('image', $file);
else {
$output = '&nbsp;';
if ($new_posts) {
$output = "<a name=\"new\">$output</a>";
return $output;
function _forum_user_last_visit($nid) {
global $user;
static $history = array();
if (empty($history)) {
$result = db_query('SELECT nid, timestamp FROM {history} WHERE uid = %d', $user->uid);
while ($t = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$history[$t->nid] = $t->timestamp > NODE_NEW_LIMIT ? $t->timestamp : NODE_NEW_LIMIT;
return $history[$nid] ? $history[$nid] : NODE_NEW_LIMIT;
function _forum_get_topic_order($sortby) {
switch ($sortby) {
case 1:
return array('field' => 'l.last_comment_timestamp', 'sort' => 'desc');
case 2:
return array('field' => 'l.last_comment_timestamp', 'sort' => 'asc');
case 3:
return array('field' => 'l.comment_count', 'sort' => 'desc');
case 4:
return array('field' => 'l.comment_count', 'sort' => 'asc');
function _forum_get_topic_order_sql($sortby) {
$order = _forum_get_topic_order($sortby);
return $order['field'] .' '. $order['sort'];