428 lines
12 KiB
428 lines
12 KiB
// $Id$
function conf_init() {
** Try finding a matching configuration file by stripping the website's
** URI from left to right. If no configuration file is found, return a
** default value 'conf'.
$file = strtolower(strtr($HTTP_HOST ."". substr($REQUEST_URI, 0, strrpos($REQUEST_URI, "/")), "/:", ".."));
while (strlen($file) > 4) {
if (file_exists("includes/$file.php")) {
return $file;
else {
$file = substr($file, strpos($file, ".") + 1);
return "conf";
function error_handler($errno, $message, $filename, $line, $variables) {
$types = array(1 => "error", 2 => "warning", 4 => "parse error", 8 => "notice", 16 => "core error", 32 => "core warning", 64 => "compile error", 128 => "compile warning", 256 => "user error", 512 => "user warning", 1024 => "user notice");
$entry = $types[$errno] .": $message in $filename on line $line.";
if (($errno == 1 || $errno == 2 || $errno == 4) && error_reporting()) {
watchdog("error", $types[$errno] .": $message in $filename on line $line.");
print $entry;
function watchdog($type, $message) {
global $user;
db_query("INSERT INTO watchdog (uid, type, message, location, hostname, timestamp) VALUES ('$user->uid', '". check_input($type) ."', '". check_input($message) ."', '". check_input(getenv("REQUEST_URI")) ."', '". check_input(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")) ."', '". time() ."')");
function throttle($type, $rate) {
if (!user_access("access administration pages")) {
if ($throttle = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM watchdog WHERE type = '$type' AND hostname = '". getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") ."' AND ". time() ." - timestamp < $rate"))) {
watchdog("warning", "throttle: '". getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") ."' exceeded submission rate - $throttle->type");
else {
watchdog($type, "throttle");
function path_uri() {
return "http://". $HTTP_HOST . substr($REQUEST_URI, 0, strrpos($REQUEST_URI, "/")) ."/";
function path_img() {
// use "http://your-image-server.com/ if you want to host images on a seperate server.
return "./images/";
function message_access() {
return t("You are not authorized to access to this page.");
function message_na() {
return t("n/a");
function message_throttle() {
return t("You exceeded the maximum submission rate. Please wait a few minutes and try again.");
function drupal_goto($url) {
** It is advised to use "drupal_goto()" instead of PHP's "header()" as
** "drupal_goto()" will append the user's session ID to the URI when PHP
** is compiled with "--enable-trans-sid".
if (SID == "" || strstr($url, SID)) {
header("Location: $url");
else if (strstr($url, "?") && !strstr($url, SID)) {
header("Location: $url&". SID);
else {
header("Location: $url?". SID);
** The "Location" header sends a REDIRECT status code to the http
** deamon. In some cases this can go wrong, so we make sure none
** of the code /below/ gets executed when we redirect.
function check_form($text) {
return htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($text));
function check_export($text) {
return htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($text));
function check_code($text) {
return $text;
function check_preview($text) {
return check_output(check_input($text));
function check_query($text) {
return addslashes(stripslashes($text));
function check_input($text) {
foreach (module_list() as $name) {
if (module_hook($name, "filter")) $text = module_invoke($name, "filter", $text);
return addslashes(stripslashes(substr($text, 0, variable_get("max_input_size", 10000))));
function check_output($text, $nl2br = 0) {
return ($text) ? ($nl2br ? nl2br(stripslashes($text)) : stripslashes($text)) : message_na();
function format_info($body, $block) {
return "<table><tr><td><table align=\"right\" border=\"1\" width=\"180\"><tr><td>$block</td></tr></table>$body</td></tr></table>\n";
function format_rss_channel($title, $link, $description, $items, $language = "en") {
$output .= "<channel>\n";
$output .= " <title>". htmlentities(strip_tags($title)) ."</title>\n";
$output .= " <link>". htmlentities(strip_tags($link)) ."</link>\n";
$output .= " <description>". htmlentities($description) ."</description>\n";
$output .= " <language>". htmlentities(strip_tags($language)) ."</language>\n";
$output .= $items;
$output .= "</channel>\n";
return $output;
function format_rss_item($title, $link, $description) {
$output .= "<item>\n";
$output .= " <title>". htmlentities(strip_tags($title)) ."</title>\n";
$output .= " <link>". htmlentities(strip_tags($link)) ."</link>\n";
$output .= " <description>". htmlentities($description) ."</description>\n";
$output .= "</item>\n";
return $output;
function format_plural($count, $singular, $plural) {
return ($count == 1) ? "$count ". t($singular) : "$count ". t($plural);
function format_size($size) {
$suffix = "bytes";
if ($size > 1024) {
$size = round($size / 1024, 2);
$suffix = "KB";
if ($size > 1024) {
$size = round($size / 1024, 2);
$suffix = "MB";
return "$size $suffix";
function cache_clear($interval = 0) {
db_query("DELETE FROM cache WHERE ". time() ." - timestamp > $interval");
function cache_get() {
if (!$user->uid && $REQUEST_METHOD == "GET") {
if ($cache = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM cache WHERE url = '". check_input($REQUEST_URI) ."'"))) {
cache_clear(variable_get("cache_clear", 30));
else {
return $cache->data ? $cache->data : 0;
function cache_set() {
if (!$user->uid && $REQUEST_METHOD == "GET") {
if ($data = ob_get_contents()) {
db_query("INSERT INTO cache (url, data, timestamp) VALUES('". addslashes($REQUEST_URI) ."', '". addslashes($data) ."', '". time() ."')");
function format_interval($timestamp) {
$units = array("year|years" => 31536000, "week|weeks" => 604800, "day|days" => 86400, "hour|hours" => 3600, "min|min" => 60, "sec|sec" => 1);
foreach ($units as $key=>$value) {
$key = explode("|", $key);
if ($timestamp >= $value) {
$output .= ($output ? " " : "") . format_plural(floor($timestamp / $value), $key[0], $key[1]);
$timestamp %= $value;
return ($output) ? $output : "0 sec";
function format_date($timestamp, $type = "medium", $format = "") {
global $user;
// $timestamp += ($user->timezone) ? $user->timezone - date("Z") : 0;
switch ($type) {
case "small":
$date = date("m/d/y - H:i", $timestamp);
case "medium":
$date = t(date("l", $timestamp)) .", ". date("m/d/Y - H:i", $timestamp);
case "large":
$date = t(date("l", $timestamp)) .", ". t(date("F", $timestamp)) ." ". date("d, Y - H:i", $timestamp);
case "custom":
for ($i = strlen($format); $i >= 0; $c = $format[--$i]) {
if (strstr("DFlMSw", $c)) {
$date = t(date($c, $timestamp)).$date;
else if (strstr("AaBdgGhHiIjLmnrstTUYyZz", $c)) {
$date = date($c, $timestamp).$date;
else {
$date = $c.$date;
$date = t(date("l", $timestamp)) .", ". date("m/d/Y - H:i", $timestamp);
return $date;
function format_name($object) {
if ($object->uid && $object->name) {
return "<a href=\"module.php?mod=user&op=view&id=$object->uid\">$object->name</a>";
else {
return variable_get(anonymous, "Anonymous");
function format_email($address) {
return ($address) ? "<a href=\"mailto:$address\">$address</A>" : message_na();
function format_url($address, $description = 0) {
$description = ($description) ? $description : $address;
return ($address) ? "<a href=\"$address\">". check_output($description) ."</a>" : message_na();
function format_tag($link, $text) {
return "'<a href=\"node.php?title='. urlencode('$link') .'\">'. ('$text' ? '$text' : '$link') .'</a>'";
function form($form, $method = "post", $action = 0, $options = 0) {
global $REQUEST_URI;
return "<form action=\"". ($action ? $action : $REQUEST_URI) ."\" method=\"$method\"". ($options ? " $options" : "") .">\n$form</form>\n";
function form_item($title, $value, $description = 0) {
return ($title ? "<b>$title:</b><br />" : "") . $value . ($description ? "<br /><small><i>$description</i></small>" : "") ."<p />\n";
function form_checkbox($title, $name, $value, $description = 0) {
return form_item(0, "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"edit[$name]\" ". ($value ? " checked=\"checked\"" : "") ." /> $title", $description);
function form_textfield($title, $name, $value, $size, $maxlength, $description = 0) {
return form_item($title, "<input maxlength=\"$maxlength\" name=\"edit[$name]\" size=\"$size\" value=\"". check_form($value) ."\" />", $description);
function form_password($title, $name, $value, $size, $maxlength, $description = 0) {
return form_item($title, "<input type=\"password\" maxlength=\"$maxlength\" name=\"edit[$name]\" size=\"$size\" value=\"". check_form($value) ."\" />", $description);
function form_textarea($title, $name, $value, $cols, $rows, $description = 0) {
return form_item($title, "<textarea wrap=\"virtual\" cols=\"$cols\" rows=\"$rows\" name=\"edit[$name]\">". check_form($value) ."</textarea>", $description);
function form_select($title, $name, $value, $options, $description = 0, $extra = 0) {
if (count($options) > 0) {
foreach ($options as $key=>$choice) $select .= "<option value=\"$key\"". (is_array($value) ? (in_array($key, $value) ? " selected" : "") : ($key == $value ? " selected" : "")) .">". check_form($choice) ."</option>";
return form_item($title, "<select name=\"edit[$name]\"". ($extra ? " $extra" : "") .">$select</select>", $description);
function form_file($title, $name, $size, $description = 0) {
return form_item($title, "<input type=\"file\" name=\"edit[$name]\" size=\"$size\" />\n", $description);
function form_hidden($name, $value) {
return "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"edit[$name]\" value=\"". check_form($value) ."\" />\n";
function form_submit($value) {
return "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"op\" value=\"". check_form($value) ."\" />\n";
function field_get($string, $name) {
ereg(",$name=([^,]+)", ",$string", $regs);
return $regs[1];
function field_set($string, $name, $value) {
$rval = ereg_replace(",$name=[^,]+", "", ",$string");
if ($value) $rval .= ($rval == "," ? "" : ",") ."$name=$value";
return substr($rval, 1);
function field_merge($a, $b) {
foreach (explode(",", $b) as $data) {
$entry = explode("=", $data);
$a = field_set($a, $entry[0], $entry[1]);
return $a;
function link_page() {
$links[] = "<a href=\"index.php\">". t("home") ."</a>";
foreach (module_list() as $name) {
if (module_hook($name, "link")) {
$links = array_merge($links, module_invoke($name, "link", "page"));
return $links;
function link_node($node) {
foreach (module_list() as $name) {
if (module_hook($name, "link")) {
$links = array_merge($links, module_invoke($name, "link", "node", $node));
return $links ? $links : array();
function timer_start() {
global $timer;
$timer = explode(" ", microtime());
function timer_print() {
global $timer;
$stop = explode(" ", microtime());
$diff = $stop[0] - $timer[0];
print "<PRE>execution time: $diff ms</PRE>";
function page_header() {
if (variable_get("dev_timer", 0)) {
if (variable_get("cache", 0)) {
if ($data = cache_get()) {
print $data;
function page_footer() {
if (variable_get("dev_timer", 0)) {
if (variable_get("cache", 0)) {
$config = conf_init();
include_once "includes/$config.php";
include_once "includes/database.inc";
include_once "includes/variable.inc";
include_once "includes/comment.inc";
include_once "includes/xmlrpc.inc";
include_once "includes/module.inc";
include_once "includes/locale.inc";
include_once "includes/search.inc";
include_once "includes/theme.inc";
include_once "includes/node.inc";
// initialize configuration variables:
$conf = variable_init($conf);
// initialize installed modules:
// initialize localization system:
$locale = locale_init();
// initialize theme:
$theme = theme_init();
// set error handler: