Lauri Eskola 3effb67269
Issue #3261049 by Gauravmahlawat, elber, Elena Chechulina, longwave, Chi, Kristen Pol: Remove duplicated margin properties from typography CSS
2022-02-21 16:21:36 +02:00
base Issue #3261049 by Gauravmahlawat, elber, Elena Chechulina, longwave, Chi, Kristen Pol: Remove duplicated margin properties from typography CSS 2022-02-21 16:21:36 +02:00
classy Issue #3246211 by longwave, alexpott: Update to Stylelint 14 2022-01-25 16:26:40 +02:00
components Issue #3258030 by hooroomoo, lauriii, andregp, Wim Leers, rkoller: Text fields using CKEditor 5 do not get visual error indicator 2022-02-03 09:52:20 +02:00
layout Issue #3184667 by Spokje, Sakthivel M, mirom, rikki_iki, mherchel, ckrina, DamienMcKenna, djsagar, mstrelan, Gauravmahlawat, HeikkiY, heni_deepak, drennvin, vikashsoni, bnjmnm, kvantstudio, lauriii: Node form layout looks awkward on wide screens since #3158854 2022-01-24 16:14:25 +02:00
state Issue #3117698 by mherchel, anmolgoyal74, lauriii, kapilkumar0324, andrewmacpherson: Allow PostCSS Plugin “Px to Rem” in core for Olivero theme 2020-12-09 16:26:35 +00:00
theme Issue #3175287 by murilohp, quietone, SivaprasadC, ankithashetty, anmolgoyal74, sarvjeetsingh, xjm, longwave: Remove accidentally duplicated words in code comments 2022-01-01 16:19:49 +00:00