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* @file
* Documentation related to CKEditor 5.
use Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5PluginDefinition;
* @defgroup ckeditor5_architecture CKEditor 5 architecture
* @{
* @section overview Overview
* The CKEditor 5 module integrates CKEditor 5 with Drupal's filtering and text
* editor APIs.
* Where possible, it uses upstream CKEditor plugins, but it also relies on
* Drupal-specific CKEditor plugins to ensure a consistent user experience.
* @see https://ckeditor.com/ckeditor-5/
* @section data_models Data models
* Drupal and CKEditor 5 have very different data models.
* Drupal stores blobs of HTML that remains manageable thanks to the use of
* filters and granular HTML restrictions — crucially this remains manageable
* thanks to those restrictions but also because Drupal does not need to
* process, render, understand or otherwise interact with it.
* @see \Drupal\text\Plugin\Field\FieldType\TextItemBase
* @see \Drupal\filter\Plugin\Filter\FilterInterface::getHTMLRestrictions()
* On the other hand, CKEditor 5 must not only be able to render these
* blobs, but also allow editing and creating it. This requires a much deeper
* understanding of that HTML.
* CKEditor 5 (in contrast with CKEditor 4) therefore has its own data model to
* represent this information — that data model is explicitly not HTML.
* Therefore all interactions between Drupal and CKEditor 5 need to translate
* between these different data models.
* @see https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/framework/guides/architecture/editing-engine.html#element-types-and-custom-data
* @section plugins CKEditor 5 Plugins
* CKEditor 5 plugins may use either YAML or a PHP annotation for their
* definitions. A PHP class does not need an annotation if it is defined in yml.
* To be discovered, YAML definition files must be named
* {module_name}.ckeditor5.yml.
* @see ckeditor5.ckeditor5.yml for many examples of CKEditor 5 plugin configuration as YAML.
* The minimally required metadata: the CKEditor 5 plugins to load, the label
* and the HTML elements it can generate — here's an example for a module
* providing a Marquee plugin, both in yml or Annotation form:
* Declared in the yml file:
* @code
* # In the MODULE_NAME.ckeditor5.yml file.
* MODULE_NAME_marquee:
* ckeditor5:
* plugins: [PACKAGE.CLASS]
* drupal:
* label: Marquee
* library: MODULE_NAME/ckeditor5.marquee
* elements:
* - <marquee>
* - <marquee behavior>
* @endcode
* Declared as an Annotation:
* @code
* # In a scr/Plugin/CKEditor5Plugin/Marquee.php file.
* /**
* * @CKEditor5Plugin(
* * id = "MODULE_NAME_marquee",
* * ckeditor5 = @CKEditor5AspectsOfCKEditor5Plugin(
* * plugins = { "PACKAGE.CLASS" },
* * ),
* * drupal = @DrupalAspectsOfCKEditor5Plugin(
* * label = @Translation("Marquee"),
* * library = "MODULE_NAME/ckeditor5.marquee"
* * elements = { "<marquee>", "<marquee behavior>" },
* * )
* * )
* * /
* @endcode
* The metadata relating strictly to the CKEditor 5 plugin's JS code is stored
* in the 'ckeditor5' key; all other metadata is stored in the 'drupal' key.
* If the plugin has a dependency on another module, adding the 'provider' key
* will prevent the plugin from being loaded if that module is not installed.
* All of these can be defined in YAML or annotations. A given plugin should
* choose one or the other, as a definition can't parse both at once.
* Overview of all available plugin definition properties:
* - provider: Allows a plugin to have a dependency on another module. If it has
* a value, a module with a machine name matching that value must be installed
* for the configured plugin to load.
* - ckeditor5.plugins: A list CKEditor 5 JavaScript plugins to load, as
* '{package.Class}' , such as 'drupalMedia.DrupalMedia'.
* - ckeditor5.config: A keyed array of additional values for the constructor of
* the CKEditor 5 JavaScript plugins being loaded. i.e. this becomes the
* CKEditor 5 plugin configuration settings (see
* https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/builds/guides/integration/configuration.html)
* for a given plugin.
* - drupal.label: Human-readable name of the CKEditor 5 plugin.
* - drupal.library: A Drupal asset library to load with the plugin.
* - drupal.admin_library: A Drupal asset library that will load in the text
* format admin UI when the plugin is available.
* - drupal.class: Optional PHP class that makes it possible for the plugin to
* provide dynamic values, or a configuration UI. The value should be
* formatted as '\Drupal\{module_name}\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\{class_name}' to
* make it discoverable.
* - drupal.elements: A list of elements and attributes the plugin allows use of
* within CKEditor 5. This uses the same syntax as the 'filter_html' plugin
* with an additional special keyword: '<$text-container>' . Using
* '<$text-container [attribute(s)]>` will permit the provided
* attributes in all CKEditor 5's `$block` text container tags that are
* explicitly enabled in any plugin. i.e. if only '<p>', '<h3>' and '<h2>'
* tags are allowed, then '<$text-container data-something>' will allow the
* 'data-something' attribute for '<p>', '<h3>' and '<h2>' tags.
* Note that while the syntax is the same, some extra nuance is needed:
* although this syntax can be used to create an attribute on an element, f.e.
* (['<marquee behavior>']) creating the `behavior` attribute on `<marquee>`,
* the tag itself must be creatable as well (['<marquee>']). If a plugin wants
* the tag and attribute to be created, list both:
* (['<marquee>', '<marquee behavior>']). Validation logic ensures that a
* plugin supporting only the creation of attributes cannot be enabled if the
* tag cannot be created via itself or through another CKEditor 5 plugin.
* - drupal.toolbar_items: List of toolbar items the plugin provides. Keyed by a
* machine name and the value being a pair defining the label:
* @code
* toolbar_items:
* indent:
* label: Indent
* outdent:
* label: Outdent
* @encode
* - drupal.conditions: Conditions required for the plugin to load (other than
* module dependencies, which are defined by the 'provider' property).
* Conditions can check for five different things:
* - 'toolbarItem': a toolbar item that must be enabled
* - 'filter': a filter that must be enabled
* - 'imageUploadStatus': TRUE if image upload must be enabled, FALSE if it
* must not be enabled
* - 'requiresConfiguration': a subset of the configuration for this plugin
* that must match (exactly)
* - 'plugins': a list of CKEditor 5 Drupal plugin IDs that must be enabled
* Plugins requiring more complex conditions, such as requiring multiple
* toolbar items or multiple filters, have not yet been identified. If this
* need arises, see
* https://www.drupal.org/docs/drupal-apis/ckeditor-5-api/overview#conditions.
* All of these can be defined in YAML or annotations. A given plugin should
* choose one or the other, as a definition can't parse both at once.
* If the CKEditor 5 plugin contains translation they can be automatically
* loaded by Drupal by adding the dependency to the core/ckeditor5.translations
* library to the CKEditor 5 plugin library definition:
* @code
* # In the MODULE_NAME.libraries.yml file.
* marquee:
* js:
* assets/ckeditor5/marquee/marquee.js: { minified: true }
* dependencies:
* - core/ckeditor5
* - core/ckeditor5.translations
* @endcode
* The translations for CKEditor 5 are located in a translations/ subdirectory,
* Drupal will load the corresponding translation when necessary, located in
* assets/ckeditor5/marquee/translations/* in this example.
* @see \Drupal\ckeditor5\Annotation\CKEditor5Plugin
* @see \Drupal\ckeditor5\Annotation\CKEditor5AspectsOfCKEditor5Plugin
* @see \Drupal\ckeditor5\Annotation\DrupalAspectsOfCKEditor5Plugin
* @section upgrade_path Upgrade path
* Modules can provide upgrade paths similar to the built-in upgrade path for
* Drupal core's CKEditor 4 to CKEditor 5, by providing a CKEditor4To5Upgrade
* plugin. This plugin type allows:
* - mapping a CKEditor 4 button to an equivalent CKEditor 5 toolbar item
* - mapping CKEditor 4 plugin settings to equivalent CKEditor 5 plugin
* configuration.
* The supported CKEditor 4 buttons and/or CKEditor 4 plugin settings must be
* specified in the annotation.
* See Drupal core's implementation for an example.
* @see \Drupal\ckeditor5\Annotation\CKEditor4To5Upgrade
* @see \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor4To5UpgradePluginInterface
* @see \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor4To5Upgrade\Core
* @section public_api Public API
* The CKEditor 5 module provides no public API, other than:
* - the annotations and interfaces mentioned above;
* - to help implement CKEditor 5 plugins:
* \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5PluginConfigurableTrait and
* \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5PluginDefault;
* - \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5PluginDefinition, which is used to
* interact with plugin definitions in hook_ckeditor5_plugin_info_alter();
* - to help contributed modules write tests:
* \Drupal\Tests\ckeditor5\Kernel\CKEditor5ValidationTestTrait and
* \Drupal\Tests\ckeditor5\Traits\CKEditor5TestTrait;
* - to help contributed modules write configuration schemas for configurable
* plugins, the data types in config/schema/ckeditor5.data_types.yml are
* likely to be useful. They automatically get validation constraints applied;
* - to help contributed modules write validation constraints for configurable
* plugins, it is strongly recommended to subclass
* \Drupal\Tests\ckeditor5\Kernel\ValidatorsTest. For very complex validation
* constraints that need to access text editor and/or format, use
* \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\Validation\Constraint\TextEditorObjectDependentValidatorTrait.
* @}
* @addtogroup hooks
* @{
* Modify the list of available CKEditor 5 plugins.
* This hook may be used to modify plugin properties after they have been
* specified by other modules.
* @param array $plugin_definitions
* An array of all the existing plugin definitions, passed by reference.
* @see \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5PluginManager
function hook_ckeditor5_plugin_info_alter(array &$plugin_definitions): void {
assert($plugin_definitions['ckeditor5_link'] instanceof CKEditor5PluginDefinition);
$link_plugin_definition = $plugin_definitions['ckeditor5_link']->toArray();
$link_plugin_definition['ckeditor5']['config']['link']['decorators'][] = [
'mode' => 'manual',
'label' => t('Open in new window'),
'attributes' => [
'target' => '_blank',
$plugin_definitions['ckeditor5_link'] = new CKEditor5PluginDefinition($link_plugin_definition);
* Modify the list of available CKEditor 4 to 5 Upgrade plugins.
* This hook may be used to modify plugin properties after they have been
* specified by other modules. For example, to override a default upgrade path.
* @param array $plugin_definitions
* An array of all the existing plugin definitions, passed by reference.
* @see \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor4To5UpgradePluginManager
function hook_ckeditor4to5upgrade_plugin_info_alter(array &$plugin_definitions): void {
// Remove core's upgrade path for the "Maximize" button (which is: there is no
// equivalent). This allows a different CKEditor4To5Upgrade plugin to define
// this upgrade path instead.
* @} End of "addtogroup hooks".