333 lines
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333 lines
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// $Id$
function blogapi_help($section) {
$output = '';
switch ($section) {
case 'admin/help#blogapi':
$output .= t('This module adds support for several XML-RPC based blogging APIs. Specifically, it currently implements the %bloggerAPI, %metaweblogAPI, and most of the %moveabletype extensions. This allows users to contribute to drupal using external GUI applications, which can often offer richer functionality that online forms based editing', array('%bloggerAPI' => '<a href="http://www.blogger.com/developers/api/1_docs/">Blogger API</a>', '%metaweblogAPI' => '<a href="http://www.xmlrpc.com/metaWeblogApi">MetaWeblog API</a>', '%moveabletype' => '<a href="http://www.movabletype.org/docs/mtmanual_programmatic.html">Moveable Type API</a>'));
case 'admin/system/modules#description':
$output .= t('Enable users to post using applications that support XML-RPC blog APIs');
return $output;
function blogapi_xmlrpc() {
$methods = array('blogger.getUsersBlogs' => array('function' => 'blogapi_get_users_blogs'),
'blogger.newPost' => array('function' => 'blogapi_new_post'),
'blogger.editPost' => array('function' => 'blogapi_edit_post'),
'blogger.deletePost' => array('function' => 'blogapi_delete_post'),
'blogger.getRecentPosts' => array('function' => 'blogapi_get_recent_posts'),
'metaWeblog.newPost' => array('function' => 'blogapi_new_post'),
'metaWeblog.editPost' => array('function' => 'blogapi_edit_post'),
'metaWeblog.getPost' => array('function' => 'blogapi_get_post'),
'metaWeblog.newMediaObject' => array('function' => 'blogapi_new_media_object'),
'metaWeblog.getCategories' => array('function' => 'blogapi_get_categories'),
'metaWeblog.getRecentPosts' => array('function' => 'blogapi_get_recent_posts'),
'mt.getCategoryList' => array('function' => 'blogapi_get_category_list'),
'mt.getPostCategories' => array('function' => 'blogapi_get_post_categories'),
'mt.setPostCategories' => array('function' => 'blogapi_set_post_categories')
return $methods;
/** api functions */
function blogapi_get_users_blogs($req_params) {
$params = blogapi_convert($req_params);
$user = blogapi_validate_user($params[1], $params[2]);
if ($user->uid) {
$struct = new xmlrpcval(array('url' => new xmlrpcval(url('blog/' . $user->uid)),
'blogid' => new xmlrpcval($user->uid),
'blogName' => new xmlrpcval($user->name . "'s blog")),
$resp = new xmlrpcval(array($struct), "array");
return new xmlrpcresp($resp);
else {
return blogapi_error(message_access());
function blogapi_get_user_info($req_params) {
$params = blogapi_convert($req_params);
$user = blogapi_validate_user($params[1], $params[2]);
if ($user->uid) {
$struct = new xmlrpcval(array('userid' => new xmlrpcval($user->uid, 'string'),
'lastname' => new xmlrpcval(substr($user->name, strrpos($user->name, " ") + 1), 'string'),
'firstname' => new xmlrpcval(substr($user->name, 0, strrpos($user->name, " ")), 'string'),
'nickname' => new xmlrpcval($user->name, 'string'),
'email' => new xmlrpcval($user->mail, 'string'),
'url' => new xmlrpcval(url('blog/view/' . $user->uid), 'string')),
return new xmlrpcresp($struct);
else {
return blogapi_error(message_access());
function blogapi_new_post($req_params) {
global $user;
$params = blogapi_convert($req_params);
$user = blogapi_validate_user($params[1], $params[2]);
if (!$user->uid) {
return blogapi_error(t('error validating user'));
$promote = variable_get("node_promote_blog", 0);
$comment = variable_get("node_comment_blog", 2);
$moderate = variable_get("node_moderate_blog", 0);
$revision = variable_get("node_revision_blog", 0);
// check for bloggerAPI vs. metaWeblogAPI
if (is_array($params[3])) {
$title = $params[3]['title'];
$body = $params[3]['description'];
else {
$title = blogapi_blogger_title($params[3]);
$body = $params[3];
$node = node_validate(array('type' => 'blog',
'uid' => $user->uid,
'name' => $user->name,
'title' => $title,
'body' => $body,
'status' => $params[4],
'promote' => $promote,
'comment' => $comment,
'moderate' => $moderate,
'revision' => $revision
), $error);
if (count($error) > 0) {
return blogapi_error($error);
if (!node_access("create", $node)) {
return blogapi_error(message_access());
$nid = node_save($node);
if ($nid) {
watchdog("special", "$node->type: added '$node->title' using blog API", l(t("view post"), "node/view/$nid"));
return new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval($nid, 'string'));
return blogapi_error(t('error storing post'));
function blogapi_edit_post($req_params) {
global $user;
$params = blogapi_convert($req_params);
$user = blogapi_validate_user($params[1], $params[2]);
if (!$user->uid) {
return blogapi_error(t('error validating user'));
$node = node_load(array('nid' => $params[0]));
if (!$node) {
return blogapi_error(message_na());
if (!node_access('update', $node)){
return blogapi_error(message_access());
// check for bloggerAPI vs. metaWeblogAPI
if (is_array($params[3])) {
$title = $params[3]['title'];
$body = $params[3]['description'];
else {
$title = blogapi_blogger_title($params[3]);
$body = $params[3];
$node->title = $title;
$node->body = $body;
$node->status = $params[4];
$node = node_validate($node, $error);
if (count($error) > 0) {
return blogapi_error($error);
$nid = node_save($node);
if ($nid) {
watchdog("special", "$node->type: updated '$node->title' using blog API", l(t("view post"), "node/view/$nid"));
return new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval(true, "boolean"));
return blogapi_error(t('error storing node'));
function blogapi_get_post($req_params) {
global $user;
$params = blogapi_convert($req_params);
$user = blogapi_validate_user($params[1], $params[2]);
if (!$user->uid) {
return blogapi_error(t('error validating user'));
$node = node_load(array('nid' => $params[0]));
$blog = new xmlrpcval(array('userid' => new xmlrpcval($node->name, 'string'),
'dateCreated' => new xmlrpcval(iso8601_encode($node->created), "dateTime.iso8601"),
'title' => new xmlrpcval($node->title, 'string'),
'description' => new xmlrpcval($node->body, 'string'),
'postid' => new xmlrpcval($node->nid, 'string')),
return new xmlrpcresp($blog);
function blogapi_delete_post($req_params) {
global $user;
$params = blogapi_convert($req_params);
$user = blogapi_validate_user($params[2], $params[3]);
if (!$user->uid) {
return blogapi_error(t('error validating user'));
$ret = node_delete(array('nid' => $params[1], 'confirm' => 1));
return new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval(true, "boolean"));
function blogapi_new_media_object($req_params) {
return blogapi_error('not implemented');
function blogapi_get_category_list($req_params) {
if (!function_exists('taxonomy_get_vocabularies')) {
return blogapi_error('no categories');
$categories = array();
$vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies('blog');
foreach ($vocabularies as $vocabulary) {
$terms = taxonomy_get_tree($vocabulary->vid);
foreach ($terms as $term) {
$term_name = $term->name;
foreach (taxonomy_get_parents($term->tid) as $parent) {
$term_name = $parent->name . '/' . $term_name;
$categories[] = new xmlrpcval(array('categoryName' => new xmlrpcval($term_name, 'string'),
'categoryId' => new xmlrpcval($term->tid, 'string')),
return new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval($categories, "array"));
function blogapi_get_post_categories($req_params) {
$params = blogapi_convert($req_params);
$user = blogapi_validate_user($params[1], $params[2]);
if (!$user->uid) {
return blogapi_error(t('error validating user'));
$terms = taxonomy_node_get_terms($params[0]);
$categories = array();
foreach($terms as $term) {
$term_name = $term->name;
foreach (taxonomy_get_parents($term->tid) as $parent) {
$term_name = $parent->name . '/' . $term_name;
$categories[] = new xmlrpcval(array('categoryName' => new xmlrpcval($term_name, 'string'),
'categoryId' => new xmlrpcval($term->tid, 'string'),
'isPrimary' => new xmlrpcval(true, 'boolean')),
return new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval($categories, "array"));
function blogapi_set_post_categories($req_params) {
$params = blogapi_convert($req_params);
$user = blogapi_validate_user($params[1], $params[2]);
if (!$user->uid) {
return blogapi_error(t('error validating user'));
$nid = $params[0];
$terms = array();
foreach ($params[3] as $category) {
$terms[] = $category['categoryId']->scalarval();
taxonomy_node_save($nid, $terms);
return new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval(true, 'boolean'));
function blogapi_get_recent_posts($req_params) {
$params = blogapi_convert($req_params);
$user = blogapi_validate_user($params[1], $params[2]);
if (!$user->uid) {
return blogapi_error(t('error validating user'));
$res = db_query_range("SELECT n.nid, n.title, n.body, n.created, u.name FROM {node} n, {users} u WHERE n.uid=u.uid AND n.type = 'blog' AND n.uid = %d ORDER BY n.created DESC", $user->uid, 0, $params[3]);
while ($blog = db_fetch_object($res)) {
$blogs[] = new xmlrpcval(array('userid' => new xmlrpcval($blog->name, 'string'),
'dateCreated' => new xmlrpcval(iso8601_encode($blog->created), "dateTime.iso8601"),
'title' => new xmlrpcval($blog->title, 'string'),
'description' => new xmlrpcval($blog->body, 'string'),
'postid' => new xmlrpcval($blog->nid, 'string')),
return new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval($blogs, "array"));
/** helper functions */
function blogapi_convert($params) {
$cparams = array();
$num_params= $params->getNumParams();
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_params; $i++) {
$sn = $params->getParam($i);
$cparams[] = $sn->getval();
return $cparams;
function blogapi_error($message) {
global $xmlrpcusererr;
return new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpcusererr + 1, $message);
function blogapi_validate_user($username, $password) {
global $user;
$user = user_load(array('name' => $username, 'pass' => $password, 'status' => 1));
if (!user_access('access blog API')) {
return 0;
return $user;
function blogapi_blogger_title(&$contents) {
if (eregi("<title>(.*)</title>", $contents, $title)) {
$title = strip_tags($title[0]);
$contents = ereg_replace("<title>.*</title>", "", $cparams[4]);
else {
list($title, $rest) = explode("\n", $contents, 2);
return $title;