76 lines
2.4 KiB
76 lines
2.4 KiB
class calendar {
var $date;
function calendar($date) {
$this->date = $date;
function display() {
global $PHP_SELF;
### Extract information from the given date:
$month = date("n", $this->date);
$year = date("Y", $this->date);
$day = date("d", $this->date);
### Extract first day of the month:
$first = date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
### Extract last day of the month:
$last = date("t", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
### Calculate previous and next months dates:
$prev = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month - 1, $day, $year);
$next = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month + 1, $day, $year);
### Generate calendar header:
$output .= "<TABLE WIDTH=\"100%\" BORDER=\"1\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"1\">\n";
$output .= " <TR><TD ALIGN=\"center\" COLSPAN=\"7\"><A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?date=$prev\"><<</A> ". date("F Y", $this->date) ." <A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?date=$next\">>></A></TH></TR>\n";
$output .= " <TR><TD ALIGN=\"center\">S</TD><TD ALIGN=\"center\">M</TD><TD ALIGN=\"center\">T</TD><TD ALIGN=\"center\">W</TD><TD ALIGN=\"center\">T</TD><TD ALIGN=\"center\">F</TD><TD ALIGN=\"center\">S</TD></TR>\n";
### Initialize temporary variables:
$nday = 1;
$sday = $first;
### Loop through all the days of the month:
while ($nday <= $last) {
### Set up blank days for first week of the month:
if ($first) {
$output .= " <TR><TD COLSPAN=\"$first\"> </TD>\n";
$first = 0;
### Start every week on a new line:
if ($sday == 0) $output .= " <TR>\n";
### Print one cell:
$date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $nday, $year);
if ($nday == $day) $output .= " <TD ALIGN=\"center\"><B>$nday</B></TD>\n";
else if ($date > time()) $output .= " <TD ALIGN=\"center\">$nday</TD>\n";
else $output .= " <TD ALIGN=\"center\"><A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?date=$date\" STYLE=\"text-decoration: none;\">$nday</A></TD>\n";
### Start every week on a new line:
if ($sday == 6) $output .= " </TR>\n";
### Update temporary variables:
$sday = $sday % 7;
### Finish the calendar:
if ($sday != 0) {
$end = 7 - $sday;
$output .= " <TD COLSPAN=\"$end\"> </TD>\n </TR>\n";
$output .= "</TABLE>\n";
### Return calendar:
return $output;