
48 lines
1.8 KiB

# Database settings:
$db_host = "localhost";
$db_user = "username";
$db_pass = "password";
$db_name = "database";
# Comment votes:
# The keys of this associative array are displayed in each comment's selection box whereas the corresponding values represent the mathematical calculation to be performed to update a comment's value.
$comment_votes = array("none" => "none",
"-1" => "- 1",
"0" => "+ 0",
"+1" => "+ 1",
"+2" => "+ 2",
"+3" => "+ 3",
"+4" => "+ 4",
"+5" => "+ 5");
# Allowed HTML tags:
$allowed_html = "<A><B><BLOCKQUOTE><CODE><DD><DL><DT><EM><HR><I><LI><SMALL><OL><U><UL>";
# Themes:
# The first theme listed in this associative array will automatically become the default theme.
$themes = array("UnConeD" => array(
"modern theme, gray and blue, high coolness factor"),
"Marvin" => array(
"classic theme, white, basic design with a fresh look"));
# Languages / translation / internationalization:
# The first language listed in this associative array will automatically become the default language. You can add a language but make sure your SQL table, called locales is updated appropriately.
# Translation support - as provided by the default locale module add significant overhead to your site in exchange for excessive maintenance capabilities. If your site does not require translation support, disable it by commenting out the $language variable below.
#$language = array(); // = language support disabled
$languages = array("en" => "English");