Dries Buytaert 6e5851b3a9 - Patch #338586 by Damien Tournoud: fix undefined function call in DatabaseSchema_pgsql::addField(). 2008-11-26 13:42:25 +00:00
database - Patch #338586 by Damien Tournoud: fix undefined function call in DatabaseSchema_pgsql::addField(). 2008-11-26 13:42:25 +00:00
actions.inc #329223 by chx: Fix notice in actions configuration tests. 2008-11-08 07:28:03 +00:00
batch.inc #315798 by Rob Loach, mfer, Grugnog2, and sun: Add weighting to drupal_add_js(). 2008-11-10 05:23:01 +00:00
bootstrap.inc - Patch #333143 by justinrandell: cleaning up the Drupal bootstrap code, removing bootstrap flag in system table. 2008-11-24 10:41:40 +00:00
cache-install.inc #164935 by Ralf Stamm: standardize CVS Id tags in files: 2007-08-07 08:39:36 +00:00
cache.inc #282405 by Damien Tournoud, lilou, Dave Reid: Enforce coding standard on elseif. 2008-10-12 04:30:09 +00:00
common.inc - Patch #332980 by scor and keith.smith: documentation improvements + typo fixed. 2008-11-23 16:54:49 +00:00
file.inc - Patch #74645 by drewish, roychri et al: modify file_scan_directory to use a regex for the nomask (and code clean-up). 2008-11-16 19:41:14 +00:00
form.inc Removing #137932 which was committed prematurely. 2008-11-24 00:40:45 +00:00
image.inc - Patch #270508 by paul.levvik and pwolanin: usability improvement: image toolkits should not have to be copied. 2008-07-08 01:08:15 +00:00
install.inc - Patch #333143 by justinrandell: cleaning up the Drupal bootstrap code, removing bootstrap flag in system table. 2008-11-24 10:41:40 +00:00
language.inc - Patch #245115 by kkaefer, John Morahan, JohnAlbin et al: after a long discussion we've decided to make the concatenation operator consistent with the other operators. 2008-04-14 17:48:46 +00:00
locale.inc - Patch #74645 by drewish, roychri et al: modify file_scan_directory to use a regex for the nomask (and code clean-up). 2008-11-16 19:41:14 +00:00
mail.inc - Patch #330084 by c960657: don't set Reply-To header unless necessary and fixed documentation issue. 2008-11-07 16:59:36 +00:00
menu.inc - Patch #334030 by justinrandell: replace module_list with module_implements when calling a hook. 2008-11-15 11:45:04 +00:00
module.inc - Patch #333143 by justinrandell: cleaning up the Drupal bootstrap code, removing bootstrap flag in system table. 2008-11-24 10:41:40 +00:00
pager.inc #282405 by Damien Tournoud, lilou, Dave Reid: Enforce coding standard on elseif. 2008-10-12 04:30:09 +00:00
password.inc - Patch #101543 by webchick: document all constants. 2008-05-26 17:12:55 +00:00
path.inc #242873 follow-up: Missed a couple files with drupal_set_title(). 2008-10-14 11:01:08 +00:00
registry.inc - Patch #74645 by drewish, roychri et al: modify file_scan_directory to use a regex for the nomask (and code clean-up). 2008-11-16 19:41:14 +00:00
session.inc - Patch #280934 by pwolanin, swentel, et al: harden session regeneration. It took a while, but it comes with tests and extra features now. 2008-11-24 06:12:46 +00:00
tablesort.inc - Patch #245115 by kkaefer, John Morahan, JohnAlbin et al: after a long discussion we've decided to make the concatenation operator consistent with the other operators. 2008-04-14 17:48:46 +00:00
theme.inc - Patch #332980 by scor and keith.smith: documentation improvements + typo fixed. 2008-11-23 16:54:49 +00:00
theme.maintenance.inc - Patch #333143 by justinrandell: cleaning up the Drupal bootstrap code, removing bootstrap flag in system table. 2008-11-24 10:41:40 +00:00
unicode.inc - Patch #330040 by earnie: code comment improvements. 2008-11-05 12:58:59 +00:00
xmlrpc.inc - Patch #321165 by Dave Reid: fixed exceptions in XML-RPC library and its tests. 2008-10-15 13:56:08 +00:00
xmlrpcs.inc - Patch #221964 by chx, dopry, webernet, moshe, webchick, justinrandall, flobruit 2008-05-06 12:18:54 +00:00