244 lines
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244 lines
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* @file
* Hooks provided by the base system for language support.
* @addtogroup hooks
* @{
* Perform alterations on language switcher links.
* A language switcher link may need to point to a different path or use a
* translated link text before going through l(), which will just handle the
* path aliases.
* @param $links
* Nested array of links keyed by language code.
* @param $type
* The language type the links will switch.
* @param $path
* The current path.
function hook_language_switch_links_alter(array &$links, $type, $path) {
$language_interface = language(\Drupal\Core\Language\Language::TYPE_INTERFACE);
if ($type == \Drupal\Core\Language\Language::TYPE_CONTENT && isset($links[$language_interface->id])) {
foreach ($links[$language_interface->id] as $link) {
$link['attributes']['class'][] = 'active-language';
* Define language types.
* @return
* An associative array of language type definitions. The keys are the
* identifiers, which are also used as names for global variables representing
* the types in the bootstrap phase. The values are associative arrays that
* may contain the following elements:
* - name: The human-readable language type identifier.
* - description: A description of the language type.
* - locked: A boolean indicating if the user can choose wether to configure
* the language type or not using the UI.
* - fixed: A fixed array of language negotiation method identifiers to use to
* initialize this language. If locked is set to TRUE and fixed is set, it
* will always use the specified methods in the given priority order. If not
* present and locked is TRUE then LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_INTERFACE will be
* used.
* @todo Rename the 'fixed' key to something more meaningful, for instance
* 'negotiation settings'.
* @see hook_language_types_info_alter()
* @ingroup language_negotiation
function hook_language_types_info() {
return array(
'custom_language_type' => array(
'name' => t('Custom language'),
'description' => t('A custom language type.'),
'locked' => FALSE,
'fixed_custom_language_type' => array(
'locked' => TRUE,
'fixed' => array('custom_language_negotiation_method'),
* Perform alterations on language types.
* @param $language_types
* Array of language type definitions.
* @see hook_language_types_info()
* @ingroup language_negotiation
function hook_language_types_info_alter(array &$language_types) {
if (isset($language_types['custom_language_type'])) {
$language_types['custom_language_type_custom']['description'] = t('A far better description.');
* Define language negotiation methods.
* @return
* An associative array of language negotiation method definitions. The keys
* are method identifiers, and the values are associative arrays definining
* each method, with the following elements:
* - types: An array of allowed language types. If a language negotiation
* method does not specify which language types it should be used with, it
* will be available for all the configurable language types.
* - callbacks: An associative array of functions that will be called to
* perform various tasks. Possible elements are:
* - negotiation: (required) Name of the callback function that determines
* the language value.
* - language_switch: (optional) Name of the callback function that
* determines links for a language switcher block associated with this
* method. See language_switcher_url() for an example.
* - url_rewrite: (optional) Name of the callback function that provides URL
* rewriting, if needed by this method.
* - file: The file where callback functions are defined (this file will be
* included before the callbacks are invoked).
* - weight: The default weight of the method.
* - name: The translated human-readable name for the method.
* - description: A translated longer description of the method.
* - config: An internal path pointing to the method's configuration page.
* - cache: The value Drupal's page cache should be set to for the current
* method to be invoked.
* @see hook_language_negotiation_info_alter()
* @ingroup language_negotiation
function hook_language_negotiation_info() {
return array(
'custom_language_negotiation_method' => array(
'callbacks' => array(
'negotiation' => 'custom_negotiation_callback',
'language_switch' => 'custom_language_switch_callback',
'url_rewrite' => 'custom_url_rewrite_callback',
'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'custom') . '/custom.module',
'weight' => -4,
'types' => array('custom_language_type'),
'name' => t('Custom language negotiation method'),
'description' => t('This is a custom language negotiation method.'),
'cache' => 0,
* Perform alterations on language negotiation methods.
* @param $negotiation_info
* Array of language negotiation method definitions.
* @see hook_language_negotiation_info()
* @ingroup language_negotiation
function hook_language_negotiation_info_alter(array &$negotiation_info) {
if (isset($negotiation_info['custom_language_method'])) {
$negotiation_info['custom_language_method']['config'] = 'admin/config/regional/language/detection/custom-language-method';
* Perform alterations on the language fallback candidates.
* @param $fallback_candidates
* An array of language codes whose order will determine the language fallback
* order.
function hook_language_fallback_candidates_alter(array &$fallback_candidates) {
$fallback_candidates = array_reverse($fallback_candidates);
* @} End of "addtogroup hooks".
* @defgroup transliteration Transliteration
* @{
* Transliterate from Unicode to US-ASCII
* Transliteration is the process of translating individual non-US-ASCII
* characters into ASCII characters, which specifically does not transform
* non-printable and punctuation characters in any way. This process will always
* be both inexact and language-dependent. For instance, the character Ö (O with
* an umlaut) is commonly transliterated as O, but in German text, the
* convention would be to transliterate it as Oe or OE, depending on the context
* (beginning of a capitalized word, or in an all-capital letter context).
* The Drupal default transliteration process transliterates text character by
* character using a database of generic character transliterations and
* language-specific overrides. Character context (such as all-capitals
* vs. initial capital letter only) is not taken into account, and in
* transliterations of capital letters that result in two or more letters, by
* convention only the first is capitalized in the Drupal transliteration
* result. Also, only Unicode characters of 4 bytes or less can be
* transliterated in the base system; language-specific overrides can be made
* for longer Unicode characters. So, the process has limitations; however,
* since the reason for transliteration is typically to create machine names or
* file names, this should not really be a problem. After transliteration,
* other transformation or validation may be necessary, such as converting
* spaces to another character, removing non-printable characters,
* lower-casing, etc.
* Here is a code snippet to transliterate some text:
* @code
* // Use the current default interface language.
* $langcode = language(\Drupal\Core\Language\Language::TYPE_INTERFACE)->id;
* // Instantiate the transliteration class.
* $trans = \Drupal::transliteration();
* // Use this to transliterate some text.
* $transformed = $trans->transliterate($string, $langcode);
* @endcode
* Drupal Core provides the generic transliteration character tables and
* overrides for a few common languages; modules can implement
* hook_transliteration_overrides_alter() to provide further language-specific
* overrides (including providing transliteration for Unicode characters that
* are longer than 4 bytes). Modules can also completely override the
* transliteration classes in \Drupal\Core\CoreServiceProvider.
* Provide language-specific overrides for transliteration.
* If the overrides you want to provide are standard for your language, consider
* providing a patch for the Drupal Core transliteration system instead of using
* this hook. This hook can be used temporarily until Drupal Core's
* transliteration tables are fixed, or for sites that want to use a
* non-standard transliteration system.
* @param array $overrides
* Associative array of language-specific overrides whose keys are integer
* Unicode character codes, and whose values are the transliterations of those
* characters in the given language, to override default transliterations.
* @param string $langcode
* The code for the language that is being transliterated.
* @ingroup hooks
function hook_transliteration_overrides_alter(&$overrides, $langcode) {
// Provide special overrides for German for a custom site.
if ($langcode == 'de') {
// The core-provided transliteration of Ä is Ae, but we want just A.
$overrides[0xC4] = 'A';
* @} End of "defgroup transliteration".