
192 lines
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// $Id$
* @file
* Tests for RDF functionality.
class RdfMappingHookTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'RDF mapping hook',
'description' => 'Test hook_rdf_mapping().',
'group' => 'RDF',
function setUp() {
parent::setUp('rdf', 'rdf_test', 'field_test');
// We need to trigger rdf_modules_installed() because
// hook_modules_installed() is not automatically invoked during testing.
* Test that hook_rdf_mapping() correctly returns and processes mapping.
function testMapping() {
// Test that the mapping is returned correctly by the hook.
$mapping = rdf_mapping_load('test_entity', 'test_bundle');
$this->assertIdentical($mapping['rdftype'], array('sioc:Post'), t('Mapping for rdftype is sioc:Post.'));
$this->assertIdentical($mapping['title'], array('predicates' => array('dc:title')), t('Mapping for title is dc:title.'));
$this->assertIdentical($mapping['created'], array(
'predicates' => array('dc:created'),
'datatype' => 'xsd:dateTime',
'callback' => 'date_iso8601',
), t('Mapping for created is dc:created with datatype xsd:dateTime and callback date_iso8601.'));
$this->assertIdentical($mapping['uid'], array('predicates' => array('sioc:has_creator', 'dc:creator')), t('Mapping for uid is sioc:has_creator and dc:creator.'));
$mapping = rdf_mapping_load('test_entity', 'test_bundle_no_mapping');
$this->assertEqual($mapping, array(), t('Empty array returned when an entity type, bundle pair has no mapping.'));
class RdfMarkupTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'RDFa markup',
'description' => 'Test RDFa markup generation.',
'group' => 'RDF',
function setUp() {
parent::setUp('rdf', 'field_test', 'rdf_test');
rdf_modules_installed(array('field_test', 'rdf_test'));
* Test rdf_rdfa_attributes().
function testDrupalRdfaAtributes() {
$date = 1252750327;
$isoDate = date('c', $date);
$expected_type = 'xsd:dateTime';
$expected_property = array('dc:created');
$expected_value = $isoDate;
$mapping = rdf_mapping_load('test_entity', 'test_bundle');
$attributes = rdf_rdfa_attributes($mapping['created'], $date);
$this->assertEqual($expected_type, $attributes['datatype']);
$this->assertEqual($expected_property, $attributes['property']);
$this->assertEqual($expected_value, $attributes['content']);
class RdfCrudTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'RDF mapping CRUD functions',
'description' => 'Test the RDF mapping CRUD functions.',
'group' => 'RDF',
function setUp() {
parent::setUp('rdf', 'rdf_test');
* Test inserting, loading, updating, and deleting RDF mappings.
function testCRUD() {
$test_mapping = rdf_test_rdf_mapping();
// Verify loading of a default mapping.
$this->assertFalse(count(_rdf_mapping_load('test_entity', 'test_bundle')), t('Default mapping was found.'));
// Verify saving a mapping.
$mapping = (array) $test_mapping;
$this->assertEqual($mapping[0]['mapping'], $test_mapping[0]['mapping'], t('Saved mapping equals default mapping.'));
$this->assertTrue(rdf_mapping_save($mapping[1]) === SAVED_NEW, t('Second mapping was inserted.'));
$this->assertEqual($mapping[1]['mapping'], _rdf_mapping_load($test_mapping[1]['type'], $test_mapping[1]['bundle']), t('Second mapping equals default mapping.'));
// Verify loading of saved mapping.
$this->assertEqual($mapping[0]['mapping'], _rdf_mapping_load($test_mapping[0]['type'], $test_mapping[0]['bundle']), t('Saved mapping equals loaded default mapping.'));
// Verify updating of mapping.
$mapping[0]['mapping']['boofar'] = array(
'predicates' => array('foo:bar'),
$this->assertTrue(rdf_mapping_save($mapping[0]) === SAVED_UPDATED, t('Mapping was updated.'));
$this->assertEqual($mapping[0]['mapping'], _rdf_mapping_load($test_mapping[0]['type'], $test_mapping[0]['bundle']), t('Updated and loaded mapping are equal.'));
// Verify deleting of mapping.
$this->assertTrue(rdf_mapping_delete($test_mapping[0]['type'], $test_mapping[0]['bundle']), t('Mapping was deleted.'));
$this->assertFalse(_rdf_mapping_load($test_mapping[0]['type'], $test_mapping[0]['bundle']), t('Deleted mapping is no longer found.'));
class RdfMappingDefinitionTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'RDF mapping definition functionality',
'description' => 'Test the different types of RDF mappings and ensure the proper RDFa markup in included in node pages.',
'group' => 'RDF',
function setUp() {
parent::setUp('rdf', 'rdf_test', 'blog');
// We need to trigger rdf_modules_installed() because
// hook_modules_installed() is not automatically invoked during testing.
rdf_modules_installed(array('rdf_test', 'node'));
// entity_info caches must be cleared during testing. This is done
// automatically during the manual installation.
cache_clear_all('entity_info', 'cache');
* Create a node of type blog and test whether the RDF mapping defined for
* this node type in rdf_test.module is used in the node page.
function testAttributesInMarkup1() {
$node = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => 'blog'));
$this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
// Ensure the default bundle mapping for node is used. These attributes come
// from the node default bundle definition.
$this->assertRaw('property="dc:date dc:created"');
* Create a content type and a node of type test_bundle_hook_install and test
* whether the RDF mapping defined in rdf_test.install is used.
function testAttributesInMarkup2() {
$type = $this->drupalCreateContentType(array('type' => 'test_bundle_hook_install'));
$node = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => 'test_bundle_hook_install'));
$this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
$this->assertRaw('typeof="foo:mapping_install1 bar:mapping_install2"');
// Ensure the default bundle mapping for node is used. These attributes come
// from the node default bundle definition.
$this->assertRaw('property="dc:date dc:created"');
* Create a random content type and node and ensure the default mapping for
* node is used.
function testAttributesInMarkup3() {
$type = $this->drupalCreateContentType();
$node = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => $type->type));
$this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
$this->assertRaw('typeof="sioc:Item foaf:Document"');
// Ensure the default bundle mapping for node is used. These attributes come
// from the node default bundle definition.
$this->assertRaw('property="dc:date dc:created"');