168 lines
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168 lines
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// $Id$
* @file
* Provides legacy handlers for upgrades from older Drupal installations.
* Implementation of hook_help().
function legacy_help($section) {
switch ($section) {
case 'admin/modules#description':
return t('Provides legacy handlers for upgrades from older Drupal installations.');
* Implementation of hook_menu().
* Registers menu paths used in earlier Drupal versions.
function legacy_menu($may_cache) {
$items = array();
if ($may_cache) {
// Map "taxonomy/page/or/52,97" to "taxonomy/term/52+97".
$items[] = array('path' => 'taxonomy/page', 'title' => t('taxonomy'),
'callback' => 'legacy_taxonomy_page',
'access' => TRUE, 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK);
// Map "taxonomy/feed/or/52,97" to "taxonomy/term/52+97/0/feed".
$items[] = array('path' => 'taxonomy/feed', 'title' => t('taxonomy'),
'callback' => 'legacy_taxonomy_feed',
'access' => TRUE, 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK);
else {
// Map "node/view/52" to "node/52".
$items[] = array('path' => 'node/view', 'title' => t('view'),
'callback' => 'drupal_goto',
'callback arguments' => array('node/'. arg(2), NULL, NULL),
'access' => TRUE, 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK);
// Map "book/view/52" to "node/52".
$items[] = array('path' => 'book/view', 'title' => t('view'),
'callback' => 'drupal_goto',
'callback arguments' => array('node/'. arg(2), NULL, NULL),
'access' => TRUE, 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK);
// Map "user/view/52" to "user/52".
$items[] = array('path' => 'user/view', 'title' => t('view'),
'callback' => 'drupal_goto',
'callback arguments' => array('user/'. arg(2), NULL, NULL),
'access' => TRUE, 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK);
return $items;
* Menu callback; redirects users to new taxonomy page paths.
function legacy_taxonomy_page($operation = 'or', $str_tids = '') {
if ($operation == 'or') {
$str_tids = str_replace(',', '+', $str_tids);
drupal_goto('taxonomy/term/'. $str_tids);
* Menu callback; redirects users to new taxonomy feed paths.
function legacy_taxonomy_feed($operation = 'or', $str_tids = '') {
if ($operation == 'or') {
$str_tids = str_replace(',', '+', $str_tids);
drupal_goto('taxonomy/term/'. $str_tids .'/0/feed');
* Implementation of hook_filter(). Handles URL upgrades from Drupal 4.1.
function legacy_filter($op, $delta = 0, $format = -1, $text = '') {
switch ($op) {
case 'list':
return array(t('Legacy filter'));
case 'description':
return t('Replaces URLs from Drupal 4.1 (and lower) with updated equivalents.');
case 'process':
return _legacy_filter_old_urls($text, $format);
case 'settings':
return $text;
* Rewrite legacy URLs.
* This is a *temporary* filter to rewrite old-style URLs to new-style
* URLs (clean URLs). Currently, URLs are being rewritten dynamically
* (ie. "on output"), however when these rewrite rules have been tested
* enough, we will use them to permanently rewrite the links in node
* and comment bodies.
function _legacy_filter_old_urls($text) {
if (!variable_get('rewrite_old_urls', 0)) {
return $text;
global $base_url;
$end = substr($base_url, 12);
if (variable_get('clean_url', '0') == '0') {
// Relative URLs:
// rewrite 'node.php?id=<number>[&cid=<number>]' style URLs:
$text = eregi_replace("\"(node)\.php\?id=([[:digit:]]+)(&cid=)?([[:digit:]]*)", "\"?q=\\1/view/\\2/\\4", $text);
// rewrite 'module.php?mod=<name>{&<op>=<value>}' style URLs:
$text = ereg_replace("\"module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "\"?q=\\2/\\4/\\6" , $text);
$text = ereg_replace("\"module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "\"?q=\\2/\\4", $text);
$text = ereg_replace("\"module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "\"?q=\\2", $text);
// Absolute URLs:
// rewrite 'node.php?id=<number>[&cid=<number>]' style URLs:
$text = eregi_replace("$end/(node)\.php\?id=([[:digit:]]+)(&cid=)?([[:digit:]]*)", "$end/?q=\\1/view/\\2/\\4", $text);
// rewrite 'module.php?mod=<name>{&<op>=<value>}' style URLs:
$text = ereg_replace("$end/module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "$end/?q=\\2/\\4/\\6" , $text);
$text = ereg_replace("$end/module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "$end/?q=\\2/\\4", $text);
$text = ereg_replace("$end/module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "\"$end/?q=\\2", $text);
else {
// Relative URLs:
// Rewrite 'node.php?id=<number>[&cid=<number>]' style URLs:
$text = eregi_replace("\"(node)\.php\?id=([[:digit:]]+)(&cid=)?([[:digit:]]*)", "\"\\1/view/\\2/\\4", $text);
// Rewrite 'module.php?mod=<name>{&<op>=<value>}' style URLs:
$text = ereg_replace("\"module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "\"\\2/\\4/\\6", $text);
$text = ereg_replace("\"module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "\"\\2/\\4", $text);
$text = ereg_replace("\"module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "\"\\2", $text);
// Absolute URLs:
// Rewrite 'node.php?id=<number>[&cid=<number>]' style URLs:
$text = eregi_replace("$end/(node)\.php\?id=([[:digit:]]+)(&cid=)?([[:digit:]]*)", "$end/\\1/view/\\2/\\4", $text);
// Rewrite 'module.php?mod=<name>{&<op>=<value>}' style URLs:
$text = ereg_replace("$end/module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "$end/\\2/\\4/\\6", $text);
$text = ereg_replace("$end/module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "$end/\\2/\\4", $text);
$text = ereg_replace("$end/module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "$end/\\2", $text);
return $text;