
407 lines
13 KiB

// $Id$
function search_help($section = "admin/help#search") {
$output = "";
switch ($section) {
case 'admin/help#search':
$output = "<b>Search guidelines</b>";
$output .= "<p>The search page allows you to search the web site's content. You can specify multiple words, and they will all be searched for. You can also use wildcards, so 'walk*' will match 'walk', 'walking', 'walker', 'walkable' and so on. Furthermore, searches are not case sensitive so searching for 'walk', 'Walk' or 'WALK' will yield exactly the same results.</p>";
$output .= "<b>Words excluded from the search</b>";
$output .= "<p>Words that frequently occur, typically called 'noise words', are ignored. Example words are 'a', 'at', 'and', 'are', 'as', 'how', 'where', etc. Words shorter than %number letters are also ignored.</p>";
$output = t($output, array("%number" => variable_get("minimum_word_size", 2)));
case 'admin/system/modules#description':
$output = t("Enables site wide keyword searching.");
case 'admin/system/modules/search':
$output = t("The search engine works by keeping an index of \"interesting\" words. To make sure we only get \"interesting\" words you need to set the following.");
return $output;
* Return an array of valid search access permissions
function search_perm() {
return array("search content", "administer search");
* Return an array of links to be displayed
* @param $type The type of page requesting the link
function search_link($type) {
$links = array();
if ($type == "page" && user_access("search content")) {
$links[] = l(t("search"), "search", array("title" => t("Search for older content.")));
if ($type == "system" && user_access("search content")) {
menu("search", t("search"), "search_page", 0, 1);
if ($type == "system" && user_access("search content")) {
menu("search", t("search"), "search_page", 0, 1);
if ($type == "system" && user_access("search content")) {
menu("search", t("search"), "search_page", 0, 1);
return $links;
function search_settings() {
$output = form_textfield(t("Minimum word length to index"), "minimum_word_size", variable_get("minimum_word_size", 2), 10, 10, t("The number of characters a word has to be to be indexed. Words shorter than this will not be searchable."));
$output .= form_textfield(t("Minimum word length to search for"), "remove_short", variable_get("remove_short", 0), 10, 10, t("The number of characters a word has to be to be searched for."));
$output .= form_textarea(t("Noise words"), "noisewords", variable_get("noisewords", ""), 70, 10, t("These words will not be indexed, enter comma separated list, linebreaks and whitespace do not matter. Example: and, or, not, a, to, I, it, ..."));
$output .= form_radios(t("Help text position"), "help_pos", variable_get("help_pos", 1), array("1" => t("Above search output"), "2" => t("Below search output"), "3" => t("Link from above search output"), "4" => t("Link from below search output")), t("Where to show the help text for users on the search page."));
return $output;
* search engine administration actions
function search_admin() {
$op = $_POST["op"];
// Only allow people with sufficient access.
if (user_access("administer search")) {
if ($op == "reindex") {
$output = t("index invalidated") ."<br />\n";
$output .= t("index recreated") ."<br /><hr />\n";
print theme("page", $output);
else {
print theme("page", message_access());
* perform a regularly run action across all modules that have the
* <i>module</i>_update_index function in them.
function search_cron() {
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
$module_array = module_invoke($module, "update_index");
if ($module_array) {
$module_array = null;
* Perform a search on a word(s).
* Search function called by each node that supports the indexed search.
* @param $search_array an array as returned from <i>module</i>_search
* of type array("keys" => ..., "type" => ..., "select" => ...)
* @see node_search for an explanation of array items
* @return array of search results, each element being an array indexed with
* "count", "title", "link", "user" (name), "date", "keywords"
function do_search($search_array) {
$keys = strtolower($search_array["keys"]);
$type = $search_array["type"];
$select = $search_array["select"];
// Replace wildcards with mysql wildcards
$keys = str_replace("*", "%", $keys);
// Split the words entered into an array
$words = explode(" ", $keys);
foreach ($words as $word) {
// If the word is too short, and we've got it set to skip them, loop
if (strlen($word) < variable_get("remove_short", 0)) {
// Put the next search word into the query and do the query
$query = str_replace("'%'", "'". check_query($word) ."'", $select);
$result = db_query($query);
// If we got any results
if (db_num_rows($result) != 0) {
$found = 1;
// Create an in memory array of the results,
while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
$lno = $row["lno"];
$nid = $row["nid"];
$title = $row["title"];
$created = $row["created"];
$uid = $row["uid"];
$name = $row["name"];
$count = $row["count"];
// Build reduction variable
$reduction[$lno][$word] = true;
// If the just fetched row is not already in the table
if ($results[$lno]["lno"] != $lno) {
$results[$lno]["count"] = $count;
$results[$lno]["lno"] = $lno;
$results[$lno]["nid"] = $nid;
$results[$lno]["title"] = $title;
$results[$lno]["created"] = $created;
$results[$lno]["uid"] = $uid;
$results[$lno]["name"] = $name;
else {
** Different word, but existing "lno", increase the count of
** matches against this "lno" by the number of times this
** word appears in the text
$results[$lno]["count"] = $results[$lno]["count"] + $count;
if ($found) {
foreach ($results as $lno => $values) {
$pass = true;
foreach ($words as $word) {
if (!$reduction[$lno][$word]) {
$pass = false;
if ($pass) {
$fullresults[$lno] = $values;
$results = $fullresults;
if (!is_array($results)) {
$found = 0;
if ($found) {
// Black magic here to sort the results
array_multisort($results, SORT_DESC);
// OK, time to output the results.
foreach ($results as $key => $value) {
$lno = $value["lno"];
$nid = $value["nid"];
$title = $value["title"];
$created = $value["created"];
$uid = $value["uid"];
$name = $value["name"];
$count = $value["count"];
switch ($type) {
case "node":
$find[$i++] = array("count" => $count, "title" => $title, "link" => (strstr(request_uri(), "admin") ? url("admin/node/edit/$lno") : url("node/view/$lno")), "user" => $name, "date" => $created, "keywords" => implode("|", $words));
case "comment":
$find[$i++] = array("count" => $count, "title" => $title, "link" => (strstr(request_uri(), "admin") ? url("admin/comment/edit/$lno") : url("node/view/$nid#$lno")), "user" => $name, "date" => $created, "keywords" => implode("|", $words));
return $find;
* Update the search_index table
* @param $search_array an array as returned from <i>module</i>_update_index
* of type array("last_update" => ..., "node_type" => ..., "select" => ...)
* @see node_update_index for an explanation of array items
function update_index($search_array) {
$last_update = variable_get($search_array["last_update"], 1);
$node_type = $search_array["node_type"];
$select = $search_array["select"];
$minimum_word_size = variable_get("minimum_word_size", 2);
//watchdog("user", "$last_update<br />$node_type<br />$select");
$result = db_query($select);
if (db_num_rows($result)) {
// Wohoo, found some, look through the nodes we just selected
while ($node = db_fetch_array ($result)) {
** Trash any existing entries in the search index for this node,
** in case its a modified node.
db_query("DELETE from {search_index} where lno = '". $node["lno"] ."' and type = '". $node_type ."'");
** Build the wordlist, teaser not included, as it then gives a
** false count of the number of hits, and doesn't show up
** when clicking on a node from the search interface anyway.
$wordlist = $node["text1"] ." ". $node["text2"];
// Strip heaps of stuff out of it
$wordlist = preg_replace("'<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>'si", "", $wordlist);
// Remove punctuation and stuff
$wordlist = preg_replace("'(\xBB|\xAB|!|\xA1|%|,|:|;|\(|\)|\&|\"|\'|\.|-|\/|\?|\\\)'", "", $wordlist);
// Strip out (now mangled) http and tags.
$wordlist = preg_replace("'http\w+'", "", $wordlist);
$wordlist = preg_replace("'www\w+'", "", $wordlist);
// Remove all newlines of any type
$wordlist = preg_replace("'([\r\n]|[\r]|[\n])'", " ", $wordlist);
// Lower case the whole thing.
$wordlist = strtolower($wordlist);
// Remove "noisewords"
$noise = explode(",", variable_get("noisewords", ""));
foreach ($noise as $word) {
$word = trim($word);
$wordlist = trim(preg_replace("' $word '", " ", " " .$wordlist. " "));
// Remove whitespace
$wordlist = preg_replace("'[\s]+'", " ", $wordlist);
// Make it an array
$eachword = explode(" ", $wordlist);
** walk through the array, giving a "weight" to each word, based on
** the number of times it appears in a page.
foreach ($eachword as $word) {
if (strlen($word) >= $minimum_word_size) {
if ($newwords[$word]) {
else {
$newwords[$word] = 1;
** Walk through the weighted words array, inserting them into
** the search index
if ($newwords) {
foreach ($newwords as $key => $value) {
db_query("INSERT INTO {search_index} VALUES('%s', %d, '%s', %d)", $key, $node["lno"], $node_type, $value);
// Zap the weighted words array, so we don't add multiples.
$newwords = array ();
// update the last time this process was run.
variable_set($search_array["last_update"], time());
return true;
function search_invalidate() {
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
$module_array = module_invoke($module, "update_index");
if ($module_array) {
variable_set($module_array["last_update"], 1);
$module_array = null;
* Save the values entered by the administrator for the search module
* @param $edit An array of fields as setup via calling form_textfield,
* form_textarea etc
function search_save($edit) {
variable_set("minimum_word_size", $edit["minimum_word_size"]);
$data = strtr($edit["noisewords"], "\n\r\t", " ");
$data = str_replace(" ", "", $data);
variable_set("noisewords", $data);
variable_set("help_pos", $edit["help_pos"]);
variable_set("remove_short", $edit["remove_short"]);
function search_view($keys) {
global $type;
if (user_access("search content")) {
// Construct the search form:
$output = search_form(NULL, $keys, TRUE);
// Display form and search results:
$help_link = l(t("search help"), "search/help");
switch (variable_get("help_pos", 1)) {
case "1":
$output = search_help(). $output ."<br />";
case "2":
$output .= search_help() ."<br />";
case "3":
$output = $help_link. "<br />". $output ."<br />";
case "4":
$output .= "<br />". $help_link ."<br />";
// Collect the search results:
$results = search_data($keys);
if ($keys) {
if ($results) {
$output .= theme("box", t("Search Results"), $results);
else {
$output .= theme("box", t("Search Results"), t("Your search yielded no results."));
print theme("page", $output, t("Search"));
else {
print theme("page", message_access());
function search_page() {
$keys = isset($_GET["keys"]) ? $_GET["keys"] : $_POST["keys"];
switch (arg(1)) {
case "help":
print theme("page", search_help(), t("Search Help"));