53 lines
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53 lines
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* @file
* A Backbone view for the body element.
(function ($, Drupal, Backbone) {
"use strict";
* Adjusts the body element with the toolbar position and dimension changes.
Drupal.toolbar.BodyVisualView = Backbone.View.extend({
* {@inheritdoc}
initialize: function () {
this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:orientation change:offsets change:activeTray change:isOriented change:isFixed change:isViewportOverflowConstrained', this.render);
* {@inheritdoc}
render: function () {
var $body = $('body');
var orientation = this.model.get('orientation');
var isOriented = this.model.get('isOriented');
var isViewportOverflowConstrained = this.model.get('isViewportOverflowConstrained');
// We are using JavaScript to control media-query handling for two
// reasons: (1) Using JavaScript let's us leverage the breakpoint
// configurations and (2) the CSS is really complex if we try to hide
// some styling from browsers that don't understand CSS media queries.
// If we drive the CSS from classes added through JavaScript,
// then the CSS becomes simpler and more robust.
.toggleClass('toolbar-vertical', (orientation === 'vertical'))
.toggleClass('toolbar-horizontal', (isOriented && orientation === 'horizontal'))
// When the toolbar is fixed, it will not scroll with page scrolling.
.toggleClass('toolbar-fixed', (isViewportOverflowConstrained || this.model.get('isFixed')))
// Toggle the toolbar-tray-open class on the body element. The class is
// applied when a toolbar tray is active. Padding might be applied to
// the body element to prevent the tray from overlapping content.
.toggleClass('toolbar-tray-open', !!this.model.get('activeTray'))
// Apply padding to the top of the body to offset the placement of the
// toolbar bar element.
.css('padding-top', this.model.get('offsets').top);
}(jQuery, Drupal, Backbone));