bnjmnm 0891913cbb Issue #2895124 by xjm, lauriii, joaopauloc.dev, Berdir: Field storage settings give a scary red warning that they can't be changed when the cardinality is the only thing with restrictions 2023-01-24 12:10:34 -05:00
Access Issue #3087546 by Berdir, alexpott, martin107, jibran: Remove deprecated entity manager 2019-11-14 10:49:28 +00:00
Controller Issue #2691675 by Berdir, Mile23, alexpott: Replace deprecated entityManager() in ControllerBase descendents 2019-01-08 09:40:56 +00:00
Element Issue #1948572 by quietone, joachim: Document #region_callback in Field UI 2022-04-11 21:07:00 +01:00
Form Issue #2895124 by xjm, lauriii, joaopauloc.dev, Berdir: Field storage settings give a scary red warning that they can't be changed when the cardinality is the only thing with restrictions 2023-01-24 12:10:34 -05:00
Plugin/Derivative Issue #3274474 by mondrake, longwave, andypost, Spokje, catch, alexpott: Fix 'Access to an undefined property' PHPStan L0 errors 2022-09-13 12:32:43 +01:00
Routing Issue #3261241 by andypost, longwave: Remove deprecated field module functions 2022-02-08 11:38:31 +00:00
EntityDisplayModeListBuilder.php Issue #2507235 by Gogowitsch, ckaotik, Arla, tstoeckler, Berdir, Gábor Hojtsy: EntityType::getLowercaseLabel() breaks translation 2019-09-03 14:58:03 +01:00
EntityFormModeListBuilder.php Issue #2665992 by alexpott, klausi, heykarthikwithu, xjm, tstoeckler: @file is not required for classes, interfaces and traits 2016-04-09 15:48:39 +01:00
FieldConfigListBuilder.php Issue #3087546 by Berdir, alexpott, martin107, jibran: Remove deprecated entity manager 2019-11-14 10:49:28 +00:00
FieldStorageConfigListBuilder.php Issue #2726881 by jcisio, joachim: Remove pager from admin field list 2021-06-10 16:55:24 +01:00
FieldUI.php Issue #3047866 by mikelutz, Berdir, TR, alexpott, andypost, Satyanarayan Reddy: Remove usage of deprecated \Drupal::entityManager() in core 2019-05-24 16:44:36 +10:00
FieldUiPermissions.php Issue #2571235 by alexpott, claudiu.cristea, dawehner, Wim Leers, gabesullice, IJsbrandy, benjifisher, alisonjo315, larowlan, Berdir, effulgentsia, longwave, herom, dmouse, heddn, catch: [regression] Roles should depend on objects that are building the granted permissions 2021-07-09 14:50:54 +10:00