1934 lines
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1934 lines
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// $Id$
* @file
* API for the Drupal menu system.
* @defgroup menu Menu system
* @{
* Define the navigation menus, and route page requests to code based on URLs.
* The Drupal menu system drives both the navigation system from a user
* perspective and the callback system that Drupal uses to respond to URLs
* passed from the browser. For this reason, a good understanding of the
* menu system is fundamental to the creation of complex modules.
* Drupal's menu system follows a simple hierarchy defined by paths.
* Implementations of hook_menu() define menu items and assign them to
* paths (which should be unique). The menu system aggregates these items
* and determines the menu hierarchy from the paths. For example, if the
* paths defined were a, a/b, e, a/b/c/d, f/g, and a/b/h, the menu system
* would form the structure:
* - a
* - a/b
* - a/b/c/d
* - a/b/h
* - e
* - f/g
* Note that the number of elements in the path does not necessarily
* determine the depth of the menu item in the tree.
* When responding to a page request, the menu system looks to see if the
* path requested by the browser is registered as a menu item with a
* callback. If not, the system searches up the menu tree for the most
* complete match with a callback it can find. If the path a/b/i is
* requested in the tree above, the callback for a/b would be used.
* The found callback function is called with any arguments specified
* in the "page arguments" attribute of its menu item. The
* attribute must be an array. After these arguments, any remaining
* components of the path are appended as further arguments. In this
* way, the callback for a/b above could respond to a request for
* a/b/i differently than a request for a/b/j.
* For an illustration of this process, see page_example.module.
* Access to the callback functions is also protected by the menu system.
* The "access callback" with an optional "access arguments" of each menu
* item is called before the page callback proceeds. If this returns TRUE,
* then access is granted; if FALSE, then access is denied. Menu items may
* omit this attribute to use the value provided by an ancestor item.
* In the default Drupal interface, you will notice many links rendered as
* tabs. These are known in the menu system as "local tasks", and they are
* rendered as tabs by default, though other presentations are possible.
* Local tasks function just as other menu items in most respects. It is
* convention that the names of these tasks should be short verbs if
* possible. In addition, a "default" local task should be provided for
* each set. When visiting a local task's parent menu item, the default
* local task will be rendered as if it is selected; this provides for a
* normal tab user experience. This default task is special in that it
* links not to its provided path, but to its parent item's path instead.
* The default task's path is only used to place it appropriately in the
* menu hierarchy.
* Everything described so far is stored in the menu_router table. The
* menu_links table holds the visible menu links. By default these are
* derived from the same hook_menu definitions, however you are free to
* add more with menu_link_save().
* @name Menu flags
* @{
* Flags for use in the "type" attribute of menu items.
define('MENU_IS_ROOT', 0x0001);
define('MENU_VISIBLE_IN_TREE', 0x0002);
define('MENU_LINKS_TO_PARENT', 0x0008);
define('MENU_MODIFIABLE_BY_ADMIN', 0x0010);
define('MENU_MODIFIED_BY_ADMIN', 0x0020);
define('MENU_CREATED_BY_ADMIN', 0x0040);
define('MENU_IS_LOCAL_TASK', 0x0080);
* @} End of "Menu flags".
* @name Menu item types
* @{
* Menu item definitions provide one of these constants, which are shortcuts for
* combinations of the above flags.
* Normal menu items show up in the menu tree and can be moved/hidden by
* the administrator. Use this for most menu items. It is the default value if
* no menu item type is specified.
* Callbacks simply register a path so that the correct function is fired
* when the URL is accessed. They are not shown in the menu.
* Modules may "suggest" menu items that the administrator may enable. They act
* just as callbacks do until enabled, at which time they act like normal items.
* Local tasks are rendered as tabs by default. Use this for menu items that
* describe actions to be performed on their parent item. An example is the path
* "node/52/edit", which performs the "edit" task on "node/52".
* Every set of local tasks should provide one "default" task, that links to the
* same path as its parent when clicked.
* @} End of "Menu item types".
* @name Menu status codes
* @{
* Status codes for menu callbacks.
define('MENU_FOUND', 1);
define('MENU_NOT_FOUND', 2);
define('MENU_ACCESS_DENIED', 3);
define('MENU_SITE_OFFLINE', 4);
* @} End of "Menu status codes".
* @Name Menu tree parameters
* @{
* Menu tree
* The maximum number of path elements for a menu callback
define('MENU_MAX_PARTS', 6);
* The maximum depth of a menu links tree - matches the number of p columns.
define('MENU_MAX_DEPTH', 6);
* @} End of "Menu tree parameters".
* Returns the ancestors (and relevant placeholders) for any given path.
* For example, the ancestors of node/12345/edit are:
* node/12345/edit
* node/12345/%
* node/%/edit
* node/%/%
* node/12345
* node/%
* node
* To generate these, we will use binary numbers. Each bit represents a
* part of the path. If the bit is 1, then it represents the original
* value while 0 means wildcard. If the path is node/12/edit/foo
* then the 1011 bitstring represents node/%/edit/foo where % means that
* any argument matches that part.
* @param $parts
* An array of path parts, for the above example
* array('node', '12345', 'edit').
* @return
* An array which contains the ancestors and placeholders. Placeholders
* simply contain as many '%s' as the ancestors.
function menu_get_ancestors($parts) {
$n1 = count($parts);
$placeholders = array();
$ancestors = array();
$end = (1 << $n1) - 1;
$length = $n1 - 1;
for ($i = $end; $i > 0; $i--) {
$current = '';
$count = 0;
for ($j = $length; $j >= 0; $j--) {
if ($i & (1 << $j)) {
$current .= $parts[$length - $j];
else {
$current .= '%';
if ($j) {
$current .= '/';
// If the number was like 10...0 then the next number will be 11...11,
// one bit less wide.
if ($count == 1) {
$placeholders[] = "'%s'";
$ancestors[] = $current;
return array($ancestors, $placeholders);
* The menu system uses serialized arrays stored in the database for
* arguments. However, often these need to change according to the
* current path. This function unserializes such an array and does the
* necessary change.
* Integer values are mapped according to the $map parameter. For
* example, if unserialize($data) is array('view', 1) and $map is
* array('node', '12345') then 'view' will not be changed because
* it is not an integer, but 1 will as it is an integer. As $map[1]
* is '12345', 1 will be replaced with '12345'. So the result will
* be array('node_load', '12345').
* @param @data
* A serialized array.
* @param @map
* An array of potential replacements.
* @return
* The $data array unserialized and mapped.
function menu_unserialize($data, $map) {
if ($data = unserialize($data)) {
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
if (is_int($v)) {
$data[$k] = isset($map[$v]) ? $map[$v] : '';
return $data;
else {
return array();
* Get the menu callback for the a path.
* @param $path
* A path, or NULL for the current path
function menu_get_item($path = NULL) {
static $router_items;
if (!isset($path)) {
$path = $_GET['q'];
if (!isset($router_items[$path])) {
$original_map = arg(NULL, $path);
$parts = array_slice($original_map, 0, MENU_MAX_PARTS);
list($ancestors, $placeholders) = menu_get_ancestors($parts);
if ($router_item = db_fetch_array(db_query_range('SELECT * FROM {menu_router} WHERE path IN ('. implode (',', $placeholders) .') ORDER BY fit DESC', $ancestors, 0, 1))) {
$map = _menu_translate($router_item, $original_map);
if ($map === FALSE) {
$router_items[$path] = FALSE;
return FALSE;
if ($router_item['access']) {
$router_item['map'] = $map;
$router_item['page_arguments'] = array_merge(menu_unserialize($router_item['page_arguments'], $map), array_slice($map, $router_item['number_parts']));
$router_items[$path] = $router_item;
return $router_items[$path];
* Execute the page callback associated with the current path
function menu_execute_active_handler($path = NULL) {
if (_menu_site_is_offline()) {
if ($router_item = menu_get_item($path)) {
if ($router_item['access']) {
if ($router_item['file']) {
return call_user_func_array($router_item['page_callback'], $router_item['page_arguments']);
else {
* Loads objects into the map as defined in the $item['load_functions'].
* @param $item
* A menu router or menu link item
* @param $map
* An array of path arguments (ex: array('node', '5'))
* @return
* Returns TRUE for success, FALSE if an object cannot be loaded
function _menu_load_objects($item, &$map) {
if ($item['load_functions']) {
$load_functions = unserialize($item['load_functions']);
$path_map = $map;
foreach ($load_functions as $index => $function) {
if ($function) {
$return = $function(isset($path_map[$index]) ? $path_map[$index] : '');
// If callback returned an error or there is no callback, trigger 404.
if ($return === FALSE) {
$item['access'] = FALSE;
$map = FALSE;
return FALSE;
$map[$index] = $return;
return TRUE;
* Check access to a menu item using the access callback
* @param $item
* A menu router or menu link item
* @param $map
* An array of path arguments (ex: array('node', '5'))
* @return
* $item['access'] becomes TRUE if the item is accessible, FALSE otherwise.
function _menu_check_access(&$item, $map) {
// Determine access callback, which will decide whether or not the current
// user has access to this path.
$callback = trim($item['access_callback']);
// Check for a TRUE or FALSE value.
if (is_numeric($callback)) {
$item['access'] = $callback;
else {
$arguments = menu_unserialize($item['access_arguments'], $map);
// As call_user_func_array is quite slow and user_access is a very common
// callback, it is worth making a special case for it.
if ($callback == 'user_access') {
$item['access'] = (count($arguments) == 1) ? user_access($arguments[0]) : user_access($arguments[0], $arguments[1]);
else {
$item['access'] = call_user_func_array($callback, $arguments);
* Localize the item title using t() or another callback.
function _menu_item_localize(&$item) {
// Translate the title to allow storage of English title strings in the
// database, yet display of them in the language required by the current
// user.
$callback = $item['title_callback'];
// t() is a special case. Since it is used very close to all the time,
// we handle it directly instead of using indirect, slower methods.
if ($callback == 't') {
if (empty($item['title_arguments'])) {
$item['title'] = t($item['title']);
else {
$item['title'] = t($item['title'], unserialize($item['title_arguments']));
else {
if (empty($item['title_arguments'])) {
$item['title'] = $callback($item['title']);
else {
$item['title'] = call_user_func_array($callback, unserialize($item['title_arguments']));
// Translate description, see the motivation above.
if (!empty($item['description'])) {
$item['description'] = t($item['description']);
* Handles dynamic path translation and menu access control.
* When a user arrives on a page such as node/5, this function determines
* what "5" corresponds to, by inspecting the page's menu path definition,
* node/%node. This will call node_load(5) to load the corresponding node
* object.
* It also works in reverse, to allow the display of tabs and menu items which
* contain these dynamic arguments, translating node/%node to node/5.
* Translation of menu item titles and descriptions are done here to
* allow for storage of English strings in the database, and translation
* to the language required to generate the current page
* @param $router_item
* A menu router item
* @param $map
* An array of path arguments (ex: array('node', '5'))
* @param $to_arg
* Execute $item['to_arg_functions'] or not. Use only if you want to render a
* path from the menu table, for example tabs.
* @return
* Returns the map with objects loaded as defined in the
* $item['load_functions. $item['access'] becomes TRUE if the item is
* accessible, FALSE otherwise. $item['href'] is set according to the map.
* If an error occurs during calling the load_functions (like trying to load
* a non existing node) then this function return FALSE.
function _menu_translate(&$router_item, $map, $to_arg = FALSE) {
$path_map = $map;
if (!_menu_load_objects($router_item, $map)) {
// An error occurred loading an object.
$router_item['access'] = FALSE;
return FALSE;
if ($to_arg) {
_menu_link_map_translate($path_map, $router_item['to_arg_functions']);
// Generate the link path for the page request or local tasks.
$link_map = explode('/', $router_item['path']);
for ($i = 0; $i < $router_item['number_parts']; $i++) {
if ($link_map[$i] == '%') {
$link_map[$i] = $path_map[$i];
$router_item['href'] = implode('/', $link_map);
_menu_check_access($router_item, $map);
return $map;
* This function translates the path elements in the map using any to_arg
* helper function. These functions take an argument and return an object.
* See http://drupal.org/node/109153 for more information.
* @param map
* An array of path arguments (ex: array('node', '5'))
* @param $to_arg_functions
* An array of helper function (ex: array(1 => 'node_load'))
function _menu_link_map_translate(&$map, $to_arg_functions) {
if ($to_arg_functions) {
$to_arg_functions = unserialize($to_arg_functions);
foreach ($to_arg_functions as $index => $function) {
// Translate place-holders into real values.
$arg = $function(!empty($map[$index]) ? $map[$index] : '');
if (!empty($map[$index]) || isset($arg)) {
$map[$index] = $arg;
else {
* This function is similar to _menu_translate() but does link-specific
* preparation such as always calling to_arg functions
* @param $item
* A menu link
* @return
* Returns the map of path arguments with objects loaded as defined in the
* $item['load_functions'].
* $item['access'] becomes TRUE if the item is accessible, FALSE otherwise.
* $item['href'] is generated from link_path, possibly by to_arg functions.
* $item['title'] is generated from link_title, and may be localized.
function _menu_link_translate(&$item) {
if ($item['external']) {
$item['access'] = 1;
$map = array();
$item['href'] = $item['link_path'];
$item['title'] = $item['link_title'];
else {
$map = explode('/', $item['link_path']);
_menu_link_map_translate($map, $item['to_arg_functions']);
$item['href'] = implode('/', $map);
// Note - skip callbacks without real values for their arguments.
if (strpos($item['href'], '%') !== FALSE) {
$item['access'] = FALSE;
return FALSE;
// menu_tree_check_access() may set this ahead of time for links to nodes.
if (!isset($item['access'])) {
if (!_menu_load_objects($item, $map)) {
// An error occured loading an object.
$item['access'] = FALSE;
return FALSE;
_menu_check_access($item, $map);
// If the link title matches that of a router item, localize it.
if (isset($item['title']) && ($item['title'] == $item['link_title'])) {
else {
$item['title'] = $item['link_title'];
$item['options'] = unserialize($item['options']);
return $map;
* Render a menu tree based on the current path.
* The tree is expanded based on the current path and dynamic paths are also
* changed according to the defined to_arg functions (for example the 'My account'
* link is changed from user/% to a link with the current user's uid).
* @param $menu_name
* The name of the menu.
* @return
* The rendered HTML of that menu on the current page.
function menu_tree($menu_name = 'navigation') {
static $menu_output = array();
if (!isset($menu_output[$menu_name])) {
$tree = menu_tree_page_data($menu_name);
$menu_output[$menu_name] = menu_tree_output($tree);
return $menu_output[$menu_name];
* Returns a rendered menu tree.
* @param $tree
* A data structure representing the tree as returned from menu_tree_data.
* @return
* The rendered HTML of that data structure.
function menu_tree_output($tree) {
$output = '';
foreach ($tree as $data) {
if (!$data['link']['hidden']) {
$link = theme('menu_item_link', $data['link']);
if ($data['below']) {
$output .= theme('menu_item', $link, $data['link']['has_children'], menu_tree_output($data['below']), $data['link']['in_active_trail']);
else {
$output .= theme('menu_item', $link, $data['link']['has_children'], '', $data['link']['in_active_trail']);
return $output ? theme('menu_tree', $output) : '';
* Get the data structure representing a named menu tree.
* Since this can be the full tree including hidden items, the data returned
* may be used for generating an an admin interface or a select.
* @param $menu_name
* The named menu links to return
* @param $item
* A fully loaded menu link, or NULL. If a link is supplied, only the
* path to root will be included in the returned tree- as if this link
* represented the current page in a visible menu.
* @param $show_hidden
* Show disabled links (such as suggested menu items).
* @return
* An tree of menu links in an array, in the order they should be rendered.
function menu_tree_all_data($menu_name = 'navigation', $item = NULL, $show_hidden = FALSE) {
static $tree = array();
// Use $mlid as a flag for whether the data being loaded is for the whole tree.
$mlid = isset($item['mlid']) ? $item['mlid'] : 0;
// Generate the cache ID.
$cid = 'links:'. $menu_name .':all:'. $mlid .':'. (int)$show_hidden;
if (!isset($tree[$cid])) {
// If the static variable doesn't have the data, check {cache_menu}.
$cache = cache_get($cid, 'cache_menu');
if ($cache && isset($cache->data)) {
$data = $cache->data;
else {
// Build and run the query, and build the tree.
if ($mlid) {
// The tree is for a single item, so we need to match the values in its
// p columns and 0 (the top level) with the plid values of other links.
$args = array(0, $item['p1'], $item['p2'], $item['p3'], $item['p4'], $item['p5']);
$args = array_unique($args);
$placeholders = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($args), '%d'));
$where = ' AND ml.plid IN ('. $placeholders .')';
$parents = $args;
$parents[] = $item['mlid'];
else {
// Get all links in this menu.
$where = '';
$args = array();
$parents = array();
array_unshift($args, $menu_name);
// Select the links from the table, and recursively build the tree. We
// LEFT JOIN since there is no match in {menu_router} for an external
// link. We need to select links that are visible or hidden
// (ml.hidden >= 0), but not callbacks (ml.hidden < 0), so that we can
// later exclude all the children of a hidden item.
// No need to order by p6 - there is a sort by weight later.
$data['tree'] = menu_tree_data(db_query("
SELECT m.load_functions, m.to_arg_functions, m.access_callback, m.access_arguments, m.page_callback, m.page_arguments, m.title, m.title_callback, m.title_arguments, m.type, ml.*
FROM {menu_links} ml LEFT JOIN {menu_router} m ON m.path = ml.router_path
WHERE ml.menu_name = '%s'". $where ." AND ml.hidden >= 0
ORDER BY p1 ASC, p2 ASC, p3 ASC, p4 ASC, p5 ASC", $args), $parents);
$data['node_links'] = array();
menu_tree_collect_node_links($data['tree'], $data['node_links']);
// Cache the data.
cache_set($cid, $data, 'cache_menu');
// Check access for the current user to each item in the tree.
menu_tree_check_access($data['tree'], $data['node_links'], $show_hidden);
$tree[$cid] = $data['tree'];
return $tree[$cid];
* Get the data structure representing a named menu tree, based on the current page.
* The tree order is maintained by storing each parent in an individual
* field, see http://drupal.org/node/141866 for more.
* @param $menu_name
* The named menu links to return
* @return
* An array of menu links, in the order they should be rendered. The array
* is a list of associative arrays -- these have two keys, link and below.
* link is a menu item, ready for theming as a link. Below represents the
* submenu below the link if there is one, and it is a subtree that has the
* same structure described for the top-level array.
function menu_tree_page_data($menu_name = 'navigation') {
static $tree = array();
// Load the menu item corresponding to the current page.
if ($item = menu_get_item()) {
// Generate the cache ID.
$cid = 'links:'. $menu_name .':page:'. $item['href'] .':'. (int)$item['access'];
if (!isset($tree[$cid])) {
// If the static variable doesn't have the data, check {cache_menu}.
$cache = cache_get($cid, 'cache_menu');
if ($cache && isset($cache->data)) {
$data = $cache->data;
else {
// Build and run the query, and build the tree.
if ($item['access']) {
// Check whether a menu link exists that corresponds to the current path.
$parents = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6 FROM {menu_links} WHERE menu_name = '%s' AND link_path = '%s'", $menu_name, $item['href']));
if (empty($parents)) {
// If no link exists, we may be on a local task that's not in the links.
// TODO: Handle the case like a local task on a specific node in the menu.
$parents = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6 FROM {menu_links} WHERE menu_name = '%s' AND link_path = '%s'", $menu_name, $item['tab_root']));
// We always want all the top-level links with plid == 0.
$parents[] = '0';
$args = $parents = array_unique($parents);
$placeholders = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($args), '%d'));
$expanded = variable_get('menu_expanded', array());
// Check whether the current menu has any links set to be expanded.
if (in_array($menu_name, $expanded)) {
// Collect all the links set to be expanded, and then add all of
// their children to the list as well.
do {
$result = db_query("SELECT mlid FROM {menu_links} WHERE expanded != 0 AND has_children != 0 AND menu_name = '%s' AND plid IN (". $placeholders .') AND mlid NOT IN ('. $placeholders .')', array_merge(array($menu_name), $args, $args));
while ($item = db_fetch_array($result)) {
$args[] = $item['mlid'];
$placeholders = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($args), '%d'));
} while (db_num_rows($result));
array_unshift($args, $menu_name);
else {
// Show only the top-level menu items when access is denied.
$args = array($menu_name, '0');
$placeholders = '%d';
$parents = array();
// Select the links from the table, and recursively build the tree. We
// LEFT JOIN since there is no match in {menu_router} for an external
// link. We need to select links that are visible or hidden
// (ml.hidden >= 0), but not callbacks (ml.hidden < 0), so that we can
// later exclude all the children of a hidden item.
// No need to order by p6 - there is a sort by weight later.
$data['tree'] = menu_tree_data(db_query("
SELECT m.load_functions, m.to_arg_functions, m.access_callback, m.access_arguments, m.page_callback, m.page_arguments, m.title, m.title_callback, m.title_arguments, m.type, ml.*
FROM {menu_links} ml LEFT JOIN {menu_router} m ON m.path = ml.router_path
WHERE ml.menu_name = '%s' AND ml.plid IN (". $placeholders .") AND ml.hidden >= 0
ORDER BY p1 ASC, p2 ASC, p3 ASC, p4 ASC, p5 ASC", $args), $parents);
$data['node_links'] = array();
menu_tree_collect_node_links($data['tree'], $data['node_links']);
// Cache the data.
cache_set($cid, $data, 'cache_menu');
// Check access for the current user to each item in the tree.
menu_tree_check_access($data['tree'], $data['node_links']);
$tree[$cid] = $data['tree'];
return $tree[$cid];
return array();
* Recursive helper function - collect node links.
function menu_tree_collect_node_links(&$tree, &$node_links) {
foreach ($tree as $key => $v) {
if ($tree[$key]['link']['router_path'] == 'node/%') {
$nid = substr($tree[$key]['link']['link_path'], 5);
if (is_numeric($nid)) {
$node_links[$nid] = &$tree[$key]['link'];
$tree[$key]['link']['access'] = FALSE;
if ($tree[$key]['below']) {
menu_tree_collect_node_links($tree[$key]['below'], $node_links);
* Check access and perform other dynamic operations for each link in the tree.
function menu_tree_check_access(&$tree, $node_links = array(), $show_hidden = FALSE) {
if ($node_links) {
// Use db_rewrite_sql to evaluate view access without loading each full node.
$nids = array_keys($node_links);
$placeholders = '%d' . str_repeat(', %d', count($nids) - 1);
$result = db_query(db_rewrite_sql("SELECT n.nid FROM {node} n WHERE n.nid IN (". $placeholders .")"), $nids);
while ($node = db_fetch_array($result)) {
$node_links[$node['nid']]['access'] = TRUE;
_menu_tree_check_access($tree, $show_hidden);
* Recursive helper function for menu_tree_check_access()
function _menu_tree_check_access(&$tree, $show_hidden) {
$new_tree = array();
foreach ($tree as $key => $v) {
$item = &$tree[$key]['link'];
if (!$item['hidden'] || $show_hidden) {
else {
$item['access'] = FALSE;
if ($item['access']) {
if ($tree[$key]['below']) {
_menu_tree_check_access($tree[$key]['below'], $show_hidden);
// The weights are made a uniform 5 digits by adding 50000 as an offset.
// After _menu_link_translate(), $item['title'] has the localized link title.
// Adding the mlid to the end of the index insures that it is unique.
$new_tree[(50000 + $item['weight']) .' '. $item['title'] .' '. $item['mlid']] = $tree[$key];
// Sort siblings in the tree based on the weights and localized titles.
$tree = $new_tree;
* Build the data representing a menu tree.
* @param $result
* The database result.
* @param $parents
* An array of the plid values that represent the path from the current page
* to the root of the menu tree.
* @param $depth
* The depth of the current menu tree.
* @return
* See menu_tree_page_data for a description of the data structure.
function menu_tree_data($result = NULL, $parents = array(), $depth = 1) {
list(, $tree) = _menu_tree_data($result, $parents, $depth);
return $tree;
* Recursive helper function to build the data representing a menu tree.
* The function is a bit complex because the rendering of an item depends on
* the next menu item. So we are always rendering the element previously
* processed not the current one.
function _menu_tree_data($result, $parents, $depth, $previous_element = '') {
$remnant = NULL;
$tree = array();
while ($item = db_fetch_array($result)) {
// We need to determine if we're on the path to root so we can later build
// the correct active trail and breadcrumb.
$item['in_active_trail'] = in_array($item['mlid'], $parents);
$index = $previous_element ? ($previous_element['mlid']) : '';
// The current item is the first in a new submenu.
if ($item['depth'] > $depth) {
// _menu_tree returns an item and the menu tree structure.
list($item, $below) = _menu_tree_data($result, $parents, $item['depth'], $item);
$tree[$index] = array(
'link' => $previous_element,
'below' => $below,
// We need to fall back one level.
if (!isset($item) || $item['depth'] < $depth) {
return array($item, $tree);
// This will be the link to be output in the next iteration.
$previous_element = $item;
// We are at the same depth, so we use the previous element.
elseif ($item['depth'] == $depth) {
if ($previous_element) {
// Only the first time.
$tree[$index] = array(
'link' => $previous_element,
'below' => '',
// This will be the link to be output in the next iteration.
$previous_element = $item;
// The submenu ended with the previous item, so pass back the current item.
else {
$remnant = $item;
if ($previous_element) {
// We have one more link dangling.
$tree[$previous_element['mlid']] = array(
'link' => $previous_element,
'below' => '',
return array($remnant, $tree);
* Generate the HTML output for a single menu link.
function theme_menu_item_link($link) {
return l($link['title'], $link['href'], $link['options']);
* Generate the HTML output for a menu tree
function theme_menu_tree($tree) {
return '<ul class="menu">'. $tree .'</ul>';
* Generate the HTML output for a menu item and submenu.
function theme_menu_item($link, $has_children, $menu = '', $in_active_trail = FALSE) {
$class = ($menu ? 'expanded' : ($has_children ? 'collapsed' : 'leaf'));
if ($in_active_trail) {
$class .= ' active-trail';
return '<li class="'. $class .'">'. $link . $menu .'</li>'."\n";
* Generate the HTML output for a single local task link.
function theme_menu_local_task($link, $active = FALSE) {
return '<li '. ($active ? 'class="active" ' : '') .'>'. $link .'</li>';
* Generates elements for the $arg array in the help hook.
function drupal_help_arg($arg = array()) {
// Note - the number of empty elements should be > MENU_MAX_PARTS.
return $arg + array('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
* Returns the help associated with the active menu item.
function menu_get_active_help() {
$output = '';
$router_path = menu_tab_root_path();
$arg = drupal_help_arg(arg(NULL));
$empty_arg = drupal_help_arg();
foreach (module_list() as $name) {
if (module_hook($name, 'help')) {
// Lookup help for this path.
if ($help = module_invoke($name, 'help', $router_path, $arg)) {
$output .= $help ."\n";
// Add "more help" link on admin pages if the module provides a
// standalone help page.
if (module_hook('help', 'page') && $arg[0] == "admin" && module_invoke($name, 'help', 'admin/help#'. $arg[2], $empty_arg) && $help) {
$output .= theme("more_help_link", url('admin/help/'. $arg[2]));
return $output;
* Build a list of named menus.
function menu_get_names($reset = FALSE) {
static $names;
if ($reset || empty($names)) {
$names = array();
$result = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT(menu_name) FROM {menu_links} ORDER BY menu_name");
while ($name = db_fetch_array($result)) {
$names[] = $name['menu_name'];
return $names;
* Return an array containing the names of system-defined (default) menus.
function menu_list_system_menus() {
return array('navigation', 'primary-links', 'secondary-links');
* Return an array of links to be rendered as the Primary links.
function menu_primary_links() {
$tree = menu_tree_page_data('primary-links');
$links = array();
foreach ($tree as $item) {
$l = $item['link']['options'];
$l['href'] = $item['link']['href'];
$l['title'] = $item['link']['title'];
$links[] = $l;
return $links;
* Return an array of links to be rendered as the Secondary links.
function menu_secondary_links() {
$tree = menu_tree_page_data('secondary-links');
$links = array();
foreach ($tree as $item) {
$l = $item['link']['options'];
$l['href'] = $item['link']['href'];
$l['title'] = $item['link']['title'];
$links[] = $l;
return $links;
* Collects the local tasks (tabs) for a given level.
* @param $level
* The level of tasks you ask for. Primary tasks are 0, secondary are 1.
* @param $return_root
* Whether to return the root path for the current page.
* @return
* Themed output corresponding to the tabs of the requested level, or if
* router path if $root == TRUE. This router path will correspond to the
* a parent tab, if the current page is a default local task.
function menu_local_tasks($level = 0, $return_root = FALSE) {
static $tabs = array();
static $root_path;
if (empty($tabs)) {
$router_item = menu_get_item();
if (!$router_item || !$router_item['access']) {
return '';
// Get all tabs and the root page.
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_router} WHERE tab_root = '%s' ORDER BY weight, title", $router_item['tab_root']);
$map = arg();
$children = array();
$tasks = array();
$root_path = $router_item['path'];
while ($item = db_fetch_array($result)) {
_menu_translate($item, $map, TRUE);
if ($item['tab_parent']) {
// All tabs, but not the root page.
$children[$item['tab_parent']][$item['path']] = $item;
// Store the translated item for later use.
$tasks[$item['path']] = $item;
// Find all tabs below the current path.
$path = $router_item['path'];
while (isset($children[$path])) {
$tabs_current = '';
$next_path = '';
$count = 0;
foreach ($children[$path] as $item) {
if ($item['access']) {
// The default task is always active.
if ($item['type'] == MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK) {
// Find the first parent which is not a default local task.
for ($p = $item['tab_parent']; $tasks[$p]['type'] == MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK; $p = $tasks[$p]['tab_parent']);
$link = l($item['title'], $tasks[$p]['href']);
$tabs_current .= theme('menu_local_task', $link, TRUE);
$next_path = $item['path'];
else {
$link = l($item['title'], $item['href']);
$tabs_current .= theme('menu_local_task', $link);
$path = $next_path;
$tabs[$item['number_parts']]['count'] = $count;
$tabs[$item['number_parts']]['output'] = $tabs_current;
// Find all tabs at the same level or above the current one.
$parent = $router_item['tab_parent'];
$path = $router_item['path'];
$current = $router_item;
while (isset($children[$parent])) {
$tabs_current = '';
$next_path = '';
$next_parent = '';
$count = 0;
foreach ($children[$parent] as $item) {
if ($item['access']) {
if ($item['type'] == MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK) {
// Find the first parent which is not a default local task.
for ($p = $item['tab_parent']; $tasks[$p]['type'] == MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK; $p = $tasks[$p]['tab_parent']);
$link = l($item['title'], $tasks[$p]['href']);
if ($item['path'] == $router_item['path']) {
$root_path = $tasks[$p]['path'];
else {
$link = l($item['title'], $item['href']);
// We check for the active tab.
if ($item['path'] == $path) {
$tabs_current .= theme('menu_local_task', $link, TRUE);
$next_path = $item['tab_parent'];
if (isset($tasks[$next_path])) {
$next_parent = $tasks[$next_path]['tab_parent'];
else {
$tabs_current .= theme('menu_local_task', $link);
$path = $next_path;
$parent = $next_parent;
$tabs[$item['number_parts']]['count'] = $count;
$tabs[$item['number_parts']]['output'] = $tabs_current;
// Sort by depth.
// Remove the depth, we are interested only in their relative placement.
$tabs = array_values($tabs);
if ($return_root) {
return $root_path;
else {
// We do not display single tabs.
return (isset($tabs[$level]) && $tabs[$level]['count'] > 1) ? $tabs[$level]['output'] : '';
* Returns the rendered local tasks at the top level.
function menu_primary_local_tasks() {
return menu_local_tasks(0);
* Returns the rendered local tasks at the second level.
function menu_secondary_local_tasks() {
return menu_local_tasks(1);
* Returns the router path, or the path of the parent tab of a default local task.
function menu_tab_root_path() {
return menu_local_tasks(0, TRUE);
* Returns the rendered local tasks. The default implementation renders them as tabs.
* @ingroup themeable
function theme_menu_local_tasks() {
$output = '';
if ($primary = menu_primary_local_tasks()) {
$output .= "<ul class=\"tabs primary\">\n". $primary ."</ul>\n";
if ($secondary = menu_secondary_local_tasks()) {
$output .= "<ul class=\"tabs secondary\">\n". $secondary ."</ul>\n";
return $output;
* Set (or get) the active menu for the current page - determines the active trail.
function menu_set_active_menu_name($menu_name = NULL) {
static $active;
if (isset($menu_name)) {
$active = $menu_name;
elseif (!isset($active)) {
$active = 'navigation';
return $active;
* Get the active menu for the current page - determines the active trail.
function menu_get_active_menu_name() {
return menu_set_active_menu_name();
function menu_set_active_item() {
* Set (or get) the active trail for the current page - the path to root in the menu tree.
function menu_set_active_trail($new_trail = NULL) {
static $trail;
if (isset($new_trail)) {
$trail = $new_trail;
elseif (!isset($trail)) {
$trail = array();
$trail[] = array('title' => t('Home'), 'href' => '<front>', 'options' => array(), 'type' => 0);
$item = menu_get_item();
// We are on a tab.
if ($item['tab_parent']) {
$href = $item['tab_root'];
else {
$href = $item['href'];
$tree = menu_tree_page_data(menu_get_active_menu_name());
$curr = array_shift($tree);
while ($curr) {
if ($curr['link']['href'] == $href) {
$trail[] = $curr['link'];
$curr = FALSE;
else {
if ($curr['below'] && $curr['link']['in_active_trail']) {
$trail[] = $curr['link'];
$tree = $curr['below'];
$curr = array_shift($tree);
return $trail;
* Get the active trail for the current page - the path to root in the menu tree.
function menu_get_active_trail() {
return menu_set_active_trail();
function menu_set_location() {
* Get the breadcrumb for the current page, as determined by the active trail.
function menu_get_active_breadcrumb() {
$breadcrumb = array();
$item = menu_get_item();
if ($item && $item['access']) {
$active_trail = menu_get_active_trail();
foreach ($active_trail as $parent) {
$breadcrumb[] = l($parent['title'], $parent['href'], $parent['options']);
$end = end($active_trail);
// Don't show a link to the current page in the breadcrumb trail.
if ($item['href'] == $end['href'] || ($item['type'] == MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK && $end['href'] != '<front>')) {
return $breadcrumb;
* Get the title of the current page, as determined by the active trail.
function menu_get_active_title() {
$active_trail = menu_get_active_trail();
foreach (array_reverse($active_trail) as $item) {
if (!(bool)($item['type'] & MENU_IS_LOCAL_TASK)) {
return $item['title'];
* Get a menu link by its mlid, access checked and link translated for
* rendering.
* @param $mlid
* The mlid of the menu item.
* @return
* A menu link, with $item['access'] filled and link translated for
* rendering.
function menu_link_load($mlid) {
if (is_numeric($mlid) && $item = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT m.*, ml.* FROM {menu_links} ml LEFT JOIN {menu_router} m ON m.path = ml.router_path WHERE ml.mlid = %d", $mlid))) {
return $item;
return FALSE;
* Clears the cached cached data for a single named menu.
function menu_cache_clear($menu_name = 'navigation') {
cache_clear_all('links:'. $menu_name .':', 'cache_menu', TRUE);
* Clears all cached menu data. This should be called any time broad changes
* might have been made to the router items or menu links.
function menu_cache_clear_all() {
cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_menu', TRUE);
* Populate the database representation of the {menu_router} table (router items)
* and the navigation menu in the {menu_links} table.
function menu_rebuild() {
$menu = menu_router_build(TRUE);
* Collect, alter and store the menu definitions.
function menu_router_build($reset = FALSE) {
static $menu;
if (!isset($menu) || $reset) {
$cache = cache_get('router:', 'cache_menu');
if (!$reset && $cache && isset($cache->data)) {
$menu = $cache->data;
else {
db_query('DELETE FROM {menu_router}');
// We need to manually call each module so that we can know which module
// a given item came from.
$callbacks = array();
foreach (module_implements('menu') as $module) {
$router_items = call_user_func($module .'_menu');
if (isset($router_items) && is_array($router_items)) {
foreach (array_keys($router_items) as $path) {
$router_items[$path]['module'] = $module;
$callbacks = array_merge($callbacks, $router_items);
// Alter the menu as defined in modules, keys are like user/%user.
drupal_alter('menu', $callbacks);
$menu = _menu_router_build($callbacks);
cache_set('router:', $menu, 'cache_menu');
return $menu;
* Builds a link from a router item.
function _menu_link_build($item) {
if ($item['type'] == MENU_CALLBACK) {
$item['hidden'] = -1;
elseif ($item['type'] == MENU_SUGGESTED_ITEM) {
$item['hidden'] = 1;
// Note, we set this as 'system', so that we can be sure to distinguish all
// the menu links generated automatically from entries in {menu_router}.
$item['module'] = 'system';
$item += array(
'menu_name' => 'navigation',
'link_title' => $item['title'],
'link_path' => $item['path'],
'hidden' => 0,
'options' => empty($item['description']) ? array() : array('attributes' => array('title' => $item['description'])),
return $item;
* Helper function to build menu links for the items in the menu router.
function _menu_navigation_links_rebuild($menu) {
// Add normal and suggested items as links.
$menu_links = array();
foreach ($menu as $path => $item) {
if ($item['_visible']) {
$item = _menu_link_build($item);
$menu_links[$path] = $item;
$sort[$path] = $item['_number_parts'];
if ($menu_links) {
// Make sure no child comes before its parent.
array_multisort($sort, SORT_NUMERIC, $menu_links);
foreach ($menu_links as $item) {
$existing_item = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT mlid, menu_name, plid, customized FROM {menu_links} WHERE link_path = '%s' AND module = 'system'", $item['link_path']));
if ($existing_item) {
$item['mlid'] = $existing_item['mlid'];
$item['menu_name'] = $existing_item['menu_name'];
$item['plid'] = $existing_item['plid'];
if (!$existing_item || !$existing_item['customized']) {
$placeholders = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($menu), "'%s'"));
// Remove items if their router path does not exist any more.
db_query('DELETE FROM {menu_links} WHERE router_path NOT IN ('. $placeholders .')', array_keys($menu));
* Delete one or several menu links.
* @param $mlid
* A valid menu link mlid or NULL. If NULL, $path is used.
* @param $path
* The path to the menu items to be deleted. $mlid must be NULL.
function menu_link_delete($mlid, $path = NULL) {
if (isset($mlid)) {
_menu_delete_item(db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_links} WHERE mlid = %d", $mlid)));
else {
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_links} WHERE link_path = '%s'", $path);
while ($link = db_fetch_array($result)) {
* Helper function for menu_link_delete; deletes a single menu link.
function _menu_delete_item($item) {
// System-created items get automatically deleted, but only on menu rebuild.
if ($item && $item['module'] != 'system') {
// Children get re-attached to the item's parent.
if ($item['has_children']) {
$result = db_query("SELECT mlid FROM {menu_links} WHERE plid = %d", $item['mlid']);
while ($m = db_fetch_array($result)) {
$child = menu_link_load($m['mlid']);
$child['plid'] = $item['plid'];
db_query('DELETE FROM {menu_links} WHERE mlid = %d', $item['mlid']);
// Update the has_children status of the parent.
$children = (bool)db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {menu_links} WHERE plid = %d AND hidden = 0", $item['plid']));
db_query("UPDATE {menu_links} SET has_children = %d WHERE mlid = %d", $children, $item['plid']);
* Save a menu link.
* @param $item
* An array representing a menu link item. The only mandatory keys are
* link_path and link_title. Possible keys are
* menu_name default is navigation
* weight default is 0
* expanded whether the item is expanded.
* options An array of options, @see l for more.
* mlid Set to an existing value, or 0 or NULL to insert a new link.
* plid The mlid of the parent.
* router_path The path of the relevant router item.
function menu_link_save(&$item) {
$menu = menu_router_build();
drupal_alter('menu_link', $item, $menu);
// This is the easiest way to handle the unique internal path '<front>',
// since a path marked as external does not need to match a router path.
$item['_external'] = menu_path_is_external($item['link_path']) || $item['link_path'] == '<front>';
// Load defaults.
$item += array(
'menu_name' => 'navigation',
'weight' => 0,
'link_title' => '',
'hidden' => 0,
'has_children' => 0,
'expanded' => 0,
'options' => array(),
'module' => 'menu',
'customized' => 0,
$menu_name = $item['menu_name'];
$existing_item = FALSE;
if (isset($item['mlid'])) {
$existing_item = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_links} WHERE mlid = %d", $item['mlid']));
// Find the parent - it must be in the same menu.
if (isset($item['plid'])) {
$parent = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_links} WHERE menu_name = '%s' AND mlid = %d", $menu_name, $item['plid']));
else {
$parent_path = $item['link_path'];
do {
$parent_path = substr($parent_path, 0, strrpos($parent_path, '/'));
$parent = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_links} WHERE menu_name = '%s' AND link_path = '%s'", $menu_name, $parent_path));
} while ($parent === FALSE && $parent_path);
// Menu callbacks need to be in the links table for breadcrumbs, but can't
// be parents if they are generated directly from a router item.
if (empty($parent['mlid']) || $parent['hidden'] < 0) {
$item['plid'] = 0;
else {
$item['plid'] = $parent['mlid'];
if (!$existing_item) {
db_query("INSERT INTO {menu_links} (
menu_name, plid, link_path,
hidden, external, has_children,
expanded, weight,
module, link_title, options, customized) VALUES (
'%s', %d, '%s',
%d, %d, %d,
%d, %d,
'%s', '%s', '%s', %d)",
$item['menu_name'], $item['plid'], $item['link_path'],
$item['hidden'], $item['_external'], $item['has_children'],
$item['expanded'], $item['weight'],
$item['module'], $item['link_title'], serialize($item['options']), $item['customized']);
$item['mlid'] = db_last_insert_id('menu_links', 'mlid');
if (!$item['plid']) {
$item['p1'] = $item['mlid'];
$item['p2'] = $item['p3'] = $item['p4'] = $item['p5'] = $item['p6'] = 0;
$item['depth'] = 1;
else {
// Cannot add beyond the maximum depth.
if ($item['has_children'] && $existing_item) {
$limit = MENU_MAX_DEPTH - menu_link_children_relative_depth($existing_item) - 1;
else {
$limit = MENU_MAX_DEPTH - 1;
if ($parent['depth'] > $limit) {
return FALSE;
$item['depth'] = $parent['depth'] + 1;
_menu_link_parents_set($item, $parent);
// Need to check both plid and menu_name, since plid can be 0 in any menu.
if ($existing_item && ($item['plid'] != $existing_item['plid'] || $menu_name != $existing_item['menu_name'])) {
_menu_link_move_children($item, $existing_item);
// Find the callback.
if (empty($item['router_path']) || !$existing_item || ($existing_item['link_path'] != $item['link_path'])) {
if ($item['_external']) {
$item['router_path'] = '';
else {
// Find the router path which will serve this path.
$item['parts'] = explode('/', $item['link_path'], MENU_MAX_PARTS);
$item['router_path'] = $item['link_path'];
if (!isset($menu[$item['router_path']])) {
list($ancestors) = menu_get_ancestors($item['parts']);
while ($ancestors && (empty($menu[$item['router_path']]))) {
$item['router_path'] = array_shift($ancestors);
if (empty($item['router_path'])) {
return FALSE;
db_query("UPDATE {menu_links} SET menu_name = '%s', plid = %d, link_path = '%s',
router_path = '%s', hidden = %d, external = %d, has_children = %d,
expanded = %d, weight = %d, depth = %d,
p1 = %d, p2 = %d, p3 = %d, p4 = %d, p5 = %d, p6 = %d,
module = '%s', link_title = '%s', options = '%s', customized = %d WHERE mlid = %d",
$item['menu_name'], $item['plid'], $item['link_path'],
$item['router_path'], $item['hidden'], $item['_external'], $item['has_children'],
$item['expanded'], $item['weight'], $item['depth'],
$item['p1'], $item['p2'], $item['p3'], $item['p4'], $item['p5'], $item['p6'],
$item['module'], $item['link_title'], serialize($item['options']), $item['customized'], $item['mlid']);
// Check the has_children status of the parent.
if ($item['plid']) {
$parent_has_children = (bool)db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {menu_links} WHERE plid = %d AND hidden = 0", $item['plid']));
db_query("UPDATE {menu_links} SET has_children = %d WHERE mlid = %d", $parent_has_children, $item['plid']);
if ($existing_item && $menu_name != $existing_item['menu_name']) {
// Keep track of which menus have expanded items.
$names = array();
$result = db_query("SELECT menu_name FROM {menu_links} WHERE expanded != 0 GROUP BY menu_name");
while ($n = db_fetch_array($result)) {
$names[] = $n['menu_name'];
variable_set('menu_expanded', $names);
return $item['mlid'];
* Find the depth of an item's children relative to its depth.
* For example, if the item has a depth of 2, and the maximum of any child in
* the menu link tree is 5, the relative depth is 3.
* @param $item
* An array representing a menu link item.
* @return
* The relative depth, or zero.
function menu_link_children_relative_depth($item) {
$i = 1;
$match = '';
$args[] = $item['menu_name'];
$p = 'p1';
while ($i <= MENU_MAX_DEPTH && $item[$p]) {
$match .= " AND $p = %d";
$args[] = $item[$p];
$p = 'p'. ++$i;
$max_depth = db_result(db_query_range("SELECT depth FROM {menu_links} WHERE menu_name = '%s'". $match ." ORDER BY depth DESC", $args, 0, 1));
return ($max_depth > $item['depth']) ? $max_depth - $item['depth'] : 0;
* Update the children of a menu link that's being moved.
* The menu name, parents (p1 - p6), and depth are updated for all children of
* the link, and the has_children status of the previous parent is updated.
function _menu_link_move_children($item, $existing_item) {
$args[] = $item['menu_name'];
$set[] = "menu_name = '%s'";
$i = 1;
while ($i <= $item['depth']) {
$p = 'p'. $i++;
$set[] = "$p = %d";
$args[] = $item[$p];
$j = $existing_item['depth'] + 1;
while ($i <= MENU_MAX_DEPTH && $j <= MENU_MAX_DEPTH) {
$set[] = 'p'. $i++ .' = p'. $j++;
while ($i <= MENU_MAX_DEPTH) {
$set[] = 'p'. $i++ .' = 0';
$shift = $item['depth'] - $existing_item['depth'];
if ($shift < 0) {
$args[] = -$shift;
$set[] = 'depth = depth - %d';
elseif ($shift > 0) {
// The order of $set must be reversed so the new values don't overwrite the
// old ones before they can be used because "Single-table UPDATE
// assignments are generally evaluated from left to right"
// see: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/update.html
$set = array_reverse($set);
$args = array_reverse($args);
$args[] = $shift;
$set[] = 'depth = depth + %d';
$p = 'p1';
for ($i = 1; $i <= MENU_MAX_DEPTH && $existing_item[$p]; $p = 'p'. ++$i) {
$where[] = "$p = %d";
$args[] = $existing_item[$p];
db_query("UPDATE {menu_links} SET ". implode(', ', $set) ." WHERE ". implode(' AND ', $where), $args);
if ($existing_item['plid']) {
$parent_has_children = (bool)db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {menu_links} WHERE plid = %d AND hidden = 0 AND mlid != %d", $existing_item['plid'], $existing_item['mlid']));
db_query("UPDATE {menu_links} SET has_children = %d WHERE mlid = %d", $parent_has_children, $existing_item['plid']);
* Helper function that sets the p1..p6 values for a menu link being saved.
function _menu_link_parents_set(&$item, $parent) {
$i = 1;
while ($i < $item['depth']) {
$p = 'p'. $i++;
$item[$p] = $parent[$p];
$p = 'p'. $i++;
// The parent (p1 - p6) corresponding to the depth always equals the mlid.
$item[$p] = $item['mlid'];
while ($i <= MENU_MAX_DEPTH) {
$p = 'p'. $i++;
$item[$p] = 0;
* Helper function to build the router table based on the data from hook_menu.
function _menu_router_build($callbacks) {
// First pass: separate callbacks from paths, making paths ready for
// matching. Calculate fitness, and fill some default values.
$menu = array();
foreach ($callbacks as $path => $item) {
$load_functions = array();
$to_arg_functions = array();
$fit = 0;
$move = FALSE;
$parts = explode('/', $path, MENU_MAX_PARTS);
$number_parts = count($parts);
// We store the highest index of parts here to save some work in the fit
// calculation loop.
$slashes = $number_parts - 1;
// Extract load and to_arg functions.
foreach ($parts as $k => $part) {
$match = FALSE;
if (preg_match('/^%([a-z_]*)$/', $part, $matches)) {
if (empty($matches[1])) {
$match = TRUE;
$load_functions[$k] = NULL;
else {
if (function_exists($matches[1] .'_to_arg')) {
$to_arg_functions[$k] = $matches[1] .'_to_arg';
$load_functions[$k] = NULL;
$match = TRUE;
if (function_exists($matches[1] .'_load')) {
$load_functions[$k] = $matches[1] .'_load';
$match = TRUE;
if ($match) {
$parts[$k] = '%';
else {
$fit |= 1 << ($slashes - $k);
if ($fit) {
$move = TRUE;
else {
// If there is no %, it fits maximally.
$fit = (1 << $number_parts) - 1;
$item['load_functions'] = empty($load_functions) ? '' : serialize($load_functions);
$item['to_arg_functions'] = empty($to_arg_functions) ? '' : serialize($to_arg_functions);
$item += array(
'title' => '',
'weight' => 0,
'_number_parts' => $number_parts,
'_parts' => $parts,
'_fit' => $fit,
$item += array(
'_visible' => (bool)($item['type'] & MENU_VISIBLE_IN_BREADCRUMB),
'_tab' => (bool)($item['type'] & MENU_IS_LOCAL_TASK),
if ($move) {
$new_path = implode('/', $item['_parts']);
$menu[$new_path] = $item;
$sort[$new_path] = $number_parts;
else {
$menu[$path] = $item;
$sort[$path] = $number_parts;
array_multisort($sort, SORT_NUMERIC, $menu);
// Apply inheritance rules.
foreach ($menu as $path => $v) {
$item = &$menu[$path];
if (!isset($item['access callback']) && isset($item['access arguments'])) {
// Default callback.
$item['access callback'] = 'user_access';
if (!$item['_tab']) {
// Non-tab items.
$item['tab_parent'] = '';
$item['tab_root'] = $path;
for ($i = $item['_number_parts'] - 1; $i; $i--) {
$parent_path = implode('/', array_slice($item['_parts'], 0, $i));
if (isset($menu[$parent_path])) {
$parent = $menu[$parent_path];
if (!isset($item['tab_parent'])) {
// Parent stores the parent of the path.
$item['tab_parent'] = $parent_path;
if (!isset($item['tab_root']) && !$parent['_tab']) {
$item['tab_root'] = $parent_path;
// If a callback is not found, we try to find the first parent that
// has a callback.
if (!isset($item['access callback']) && isset($parent['access callback'])) {
$item['access callback'] = $parent['access callback'];
if (!isset($item['access arguments']) && isset($parent['access arguments'])) {
$item['access arguments'] = $parent['access arguments'];
// Same for page callbacks.
if (!isset($item['page callback']) && isset($parent['page callback'])) {
$item['page callback'] = $parent['page callback'];
if (!isset($item['page arguments']) && isset($parent['page arguments'])) {
$item['page arguments'] = $parent['page arguments'];
if (!isset($item['file']) && isset($parent['file'])) {
$item['file'] = $parent['file'];
if (!isset($item['file path']) && isset($parent['file path'])) {
$item['file path'] = $parent['file path'];
if (!isset($item['access callback']) || empty($item['page callback'])) {
$item['access callback'] = 0;
if (is_bool($item['access callback'])) {
$item['access callback'] = intval($item['access callback']);
$item += array(
'access arguments' => array(),
'access callback' => '',
'page arguments' => array(),
'page callback' => '',
'block callback' => '',
'title arguments' => array(),
'title callback' => 't',
'description' => '',
'position' => '',
'tab_parent' => '',
'tab_root' => $path,
'path' => $path,
'file' => '',
'file path' => '',
'include file' => '',
// Calculate out the file to be included for each callback, if any.
if ($item['file']) {
$file_path = $item['file path'] ? $item['file path'] : drupal_get_path('module', $item['module']);
$item['include file'] = $file_path .'/'. $item['file'];
db_query("INSERT INTO {menu_router}
(path, load_functions, to_arg_functions, access_callback,
access_arguments, page_callback, page_arguments, fit,
number_parts, tab_parent, tab_root,
title, title_callback, title_arguments,
type, block_callback, description, position, weight, file)
VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s',
'%s', '%s', '%s', %d,
%d, '%s', '%s',
'%s', '%s', '%s',
%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s')",
$path, $item['load_functions'], $item['to_arg_functions'], $item['access callback'],
serialize($item['access arguments']), $item['page callback'], serialize($item['page arguments']), $item['_fit'],
$item['_number_parts'], $item['tab_parent'], $item['tab_root'],
$item['title'], $item['title callback'], serialize($item['title arguments']),
$item['type'], $item['block callback'], $item['description'], $item['position'], $item['weight'], $item['include file']);
return $menu;
* Returns TRUE if a path is external (e.g. http://example.com).
function menu_path_is_external($path) {
$colonpos = strpos($path, ':');
return $colonpos !== FALSE && !preg_match('![/?#]!', substr($path, 0, $colonpos)) && filter_xss_bad_protocol($path, FALSE) == check_plain($path);
* Returns TRUE if the site is off-line for maintenance.
function _menu_site_is_offline() {
// Check if site is set to off-line mode.
if (variable_get('site_offline', 0)) {
// Check if the user has administration privileges.
if (!user_access('administer site configuration')) {
// Check if this is an attempt to login.
if (drupal_get_normal_path($_GET['q']) != 'user') {
return TRUE;
else {
$offline_message = t('Operating in off-line mode.');
$messages = drupal_set_message();
// Ensure that the off-line message is displayed only once [allowing for
// page redirects].
if (!isset($messages) || !isset($messages['status']) || !in_array($offline_message, $messages['status'])) {
return FALSE;