
242 lines
7.4 KiB

include "functions.inc";
class backend {
// Channel properties:
var $id;
var $url;
var $site;
var $file;
var $contact;
var $timestamp;
// Contains the raw rdf/rss/xml file:
var $data;
// Contains the parsed rdf/rss/xml file:
var $headlines = array(); // latest headlines
# Syntax.......: backend(...);
# Description..: Constructor - initializes the internal variables.
function backend($id, $site, $url, $file, $contact, $timout = 1800) {
### Get channel info:
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM channel WHERE id = '$id' OR site = '$site'");
if ($channel = db_fetch_object($result)) {
### Initialize internal variables:
$this->id = $channel->id;
$this->site = $channel->site;
$this->file = $channel->file;
$this->url = $channel->url;
$this->contact = $channel->contact;
$this->timestamp = $channel->timestamp;
### Check to see whether we have to update our headlines first:
if (time() - $this->timestamp > $timout) $this->url2sql();
### Read headlines:
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM headlines WHERE id = $this->id ORDER BY number");
while ($headline = db_fetch_object($result)) {
array_push($this->headlines, "<A HREF=\"$headline->link\">$headline->title</A>");
else {
$this->site = $site;
$this->url = $url;
$this->file = $file;
$this->contact = $contact;
# Syntax.......: rdf2sql(optional timout value in seconds);
# Description..: Reads a RDF file from a server, parses it and inserts
# the fresh data in a MySQL table.
function rdf2sql($timout = 10) {
if ($this->file) {
### Decode URL:
$url = parse_url($this->file);
$host = $url[host];
$port = $url[port] ? $url[port] : 80;
$path = $url[path];
// print "<PRE><B>Debug:</B> $url - $host - $port - $path</PRE>";
### Retrieve data from website:
$fp = fsockopen($host, $port, &$errno, &$errstr, $timout);
if ($fp) {
### Get data from URL:
fputs($fp, "GET $path HTTP/1.0\n");
fputs($fp, "User-Agent: headline grabber\n");
fputs($fp, "Host: ". $host ."\n");
fputs($fp, "Accept: */*\n\n");
while(!feof($fp)) $data .= fgets($fp, 128);
// print "<PRE>$data</PRE><HR>";
if (strstr($data, "200 OK")) {
### Remove existing entries:
$result = db_query("DELETE FROM headlines WHERE id = $this->id");
### Strip all 'junk':
$data = ereg_replace("<?xml.*/image>", "", $data);
$data = ereg_replace("</rdf.*", "", $data);
$data = chop($data);
### Iterating through our data processing each entry/item:
$items = explode("</item>", $data);
$number = 0;
for (reset($items); $item = current($items); next($items)) {
### Extract data:
$link = ereg_replace(".*<link>", "", $item);
$link = ereg_replace("</link>.*", "", $link);
$title = ereg_replace(".*<title>", "", $item);
$title = ereg_replace("</title>.*", "", $title);
### Clean headlines:
$title = stripslashes(fixquotes($title));
### Count the number of stories:
$number += 1;
### Insert item in database:
$result = db_query("INSERT INTO headlines (id, title, link, number) VALUES('$this->id', '$title', '$link', '$number')");
### Mark channels as being updated:
$result = db_query("UPDATE channel SET timestamp = '". time() ."' WHERE id = $this->id");
$this->timestamp = time();
else print "<HR>RDF parser: 404 error?<BR><BR><PRE>$data</PRE><HR>";
# Syntax.......: rss2sql(optional timout value in seconds);
# Description..: Reads a RSS file from a server, parses it and inserts
# the fresh data in a MySQL table.
function rss2sql($timout = 10) {
print "backend->rss2sql : TODO<BR>";
# Syntax.......: xml2sql(optional timout value in seconds);
# Description..: Reads a XML file from a server, parses it and inserts
# the fresh data in a MySQL table.
function xml2sql($timout = 10) {
print "backend->xml2sql : TODO<BR>";
# Syntax.......: url2sql(optional timout value in seconds);
# Description..: Generic function to fetch fresh headlines. It checks whether
# we are dealing with a remote RDF, RSS or XML file and calls
# the appropriate function to fetch the headline. The function
# is an abstraction towards the programmer as he doesn't need
# to know with what file extension we are dealing.
function url2sql($timout = 10) {
if (strstr($this->file, ".rdf")) $this->rdf2sql($timout);
if (strstr($this->file, ".rss")) $this->rss2sql($timout);
if (strstr($this->file, ".xml")) $this->xml2sql($timout);
# Syntax.......:
# Description..:
function displayHeadlines($timout = 1800) {
global $theme;
### Get channel info:
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM channel WHERE site = '$this->site'");
if ($this->id) {
### Check to see whether we have to update our headlines first:
if (time() - $this->timestamp > $timout) $this->url2sql();
### Grab headlines from database:
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM headlines WHERE id = $this->id ORDER BY number");
while ($headline = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$content .= "<LI><A HREF=\"$headline->link\">$headline->title</A></LI>";
### Add timestamp:
$update = round((time() - $this->timestamp) / 60);
$content .= "<P ALIGN=\"right\">[ <A HREF=\"backend.php?op=reset&site=$this->site\"><FONT COLOR=\"$theme->hlcolor2\">reset</FONT></A> | updated $update min. ago ]</P>";
### Display box:
$theme->box("$this->site", $content);
else print "<P>Warning: something whiched happened: specified channel could not be found in database.</P>";
# Syntax.......: add()
# Description..: Adds this backend to the database.
function add() {
### Add channel:
$result = db_query("INSERT INTO channel (site, file, url, contact, timestamp) VALUES ('$this->site', '$this->file', '$this->url', '$this->contact', 42)");
# Syntax.......: delete()
# Description..: Deletes this backend
function delete() {
### Delete channel:
$result = db_query("DELETE FROM channel WHERE id = $this->id");
### Delete headlines:
$result = db_query("DELETE FROM headlines WHERE id = $this->id");
# Syntax.......: refresh()
# Description..: Deletes all headlines associated with this backend.
function refresh() {
### Delete headlines:
$result = db_query("DELETE FROM headlines WHERE id = $this->id");
### Mark channel as invalid to enforce an update:
$result = db_query("UPDATE channel SET timestamp = 42 WHERE id = $this->id");
# Syntax.......: dump()
# Description..: Dumps the content of this class to screen.
function dump() {
print "<B>Dump backend:</B><BR>";
print "Id: $this->id<BR>";
print "Site: $this->site<BR>";
print "URL: $this->url<BR>";
print "File: $this->file<BR>";
print "Contact: $this->contact<BR>";