.. |
Issue #2329851 by lanchez, lauriii, Jolidog | davidhernandez: Move miscellaneous system classes from preprocess to templates.
2014-10-05 17:56:28 +02:00 |
Issue #1987424 by rteijeiro, oshelach, a-fro, JeroenT, joelpittet, Cottser, IshaDakota, InternetDevels, TommyK, Sutharsan, robmc, mark.labrecque, lokapujya, Gaelan, drupalninja99, Carolyn, jenlampton, longwave: Seven.theme - Convert theme_ functions to Twig.
2014-07-04 18:27:35 +01:00 |
Issue #2230997 by dinarcon, jiv_e, StevenPatz, jstoller, cs_shadow, LewisNyman, lauriii | penyaskito: Fixed Remove the slogan in install.php and update.php.
2014-07-23 10:02:18 +01:00 |
Issue #2230997 by dinarcon, jiv_e, StevenPatz, jstoller, cs_shadow, LewisNyman, lauriii | penyaskito: Fixed Remove the slogan in install.php and update.php.
2014-07-23 10:02:18 +01:00 |
Issue #1898478 by joelpittet, Cottser, lokapujya, m1r1k, jstoller, er.pushpinderrana, duellj, organicwire, jessebeach, idflood, Jalandhar, Risse, derheap, galooph, mike.roberts, tlattimore, nadavoid, LinL, steveoliver, chakrapani, likin, killerpoke, EVIIILJ, vlad.dancer, podarok, m86 | c4rl: Menu.inc - Convert theme_ functions to Twig.
2014-09-09 17:12:26 +01:00 |
Issue #2073811 by dawehner, pwolanin, joelpittet, Cottser, Mark Carver, steveoliver: Add a url generator twig extension.
2014-07-28 08:59:32 +01:00 |
Issue #2337379 by skippednote, BarisW, derjochenmeyer, herom, ChandeepKhosa, kiliweb, sqndr, Palashvijay4 | LewisNyman: Rename 'branding' to 'content-header'.
2014-10-08 09:01:42 +01:00 |
Issue #1987424 by rteijeiro, oshelach, a-fro, JeroenT, joelpittet, Cottser, IshaDakota, InternetDevels, TommyK, Sutharsan, robmc, mark.labrecque, lokapujya, Gaelan, drupalninja99, Carolyn, jenlampton, longwave: Seven.theme - Convert theme_ functions to Twig.
2014-07-04 18:27:35 +01:00 |