
602 lines
19 KiB

// $Id$
* @file
* Field Info API, providing information about available fields and field types.
* @defgroup field_info Field Info API
* @{
* Obtain information about Field API configuration.
* The Field Info API exposes information about field types, fields,
* instances, bundles, widget types, display formatters, behaviors,
* and settings defined by or with the Field API.
* Clear the field info cache without clearing the field data cache.
* This is useful when deleted fields or instances are purged. We
* need to remove the purged records, but no actual field data items
* are affected.
function field_info_cache_clear() {
* Collate all information on field types, widget types and related structures.
* @param $reset
* If TRUE, clear the cache. The information will be rebuilt from the database
* next time it is needed. Defaults to FALSE.
* @return
* If $reset is TRUE, nothing.
* If $reset is FALSE, an array containing the following elements:
* field types: array of hook_field_info() results, keyed by field_type.
* * label, description, settings, instance_settings, default_widget,
* default_formatter, behaviors: from hook_field_info()
* * module: the module that exposes the field type
* widget types: array of hook_field_widget_info() results, keyed by
* widget_type.
* * label, field types, settings, behaviors: from hook_field_widget_info()
* * module: module that exposes the widget type
* formatter types: array of hook_field_formatter_info() results, keyed by
* formatter_type.
* * label, field types, behaviors: from hook_field_formatter_info()
* * module: module that exposes the formatter type
* fieldable types: array of hook_entity_info() results, keyed by entity_type.
* * name, id key, revision key, bundle key, cacheable, bundles: from
* hook_entity_info()
* * module: module that exposes the entity type
* @TODO use entity_get_info().
function _field_info_collate_types($reset = FALSE) {
static $info;
if ($reset) {
$info = NULL;
cache_clear_all('field_info_types', 'cache_field');
if (!isset($info)) {
if ($cached = cache_get('field_info_types', 'cache_field')) {
$info = $cached->data;
else {
$info = array(
'field types' => array(),
'widget types' => array(),
'formatter types' => array(),
'fieldable types' => array(),
// Populate field types.
foreach (module_implements('field_info') as $module) {
$field_types = (array) module_invoke($module, 'field_info');
foreach ($field_types as $name => $field_info) {
// Provide defaults.
$field_info += array(
'settings' => array(),
'instance_settings' => array(),
$info['field types'][$name] = $field_info;
$info['field types'][$name]['module'] = $module;
drupal_alter('field_info', $info['field types']);
// Populate widget types.
foreach (module_implements('field_widget_info') as $module) {
$widget_types = (array) module_invoke($module, 'field_widget_info');
foreach ($widget_types as $name => $widget_info) {
// Provide defaults.
$widget_info += array(
'settings' => array(),
$info['widget types'][$name] = $widget_info;
$info['widget types'][$name]['module'] = $module;
drupal_alter('field_widget_info', $info['widget types']);
// Populate formatters.
foreach (module_implements('field_formatter_info') as $module) {
$formatter_types = (array) module_invoke($module, 'field_formatter_info');
foreach ($formatter_types as $name => $formatter_info) {
// Provide defaults.
$formatter_info += array(
'settings' => array(),
$info['formatter types'][$name] = $formatter_info;
$info['formatter types'][$name]['module'] = $module;
drupal_alter('field_formatter_info', $info['formatter types']);
// Populate information about 'fieldable' entities.
foreach (module_implements('entity_info') as $module) {
$entities = (array) module_invoke($module, 'entity_info');
foreach ($entities as $name => $entity_info) {
if (!empty($entity_info['fieldable'])) {
// Provide defaults.
$entity_info += array(
'cacheable' => TRUE,
'translation_handlers' => array(),
'bundles' => array(),
$entity_info['object keys'] += array(
'revision' => '',
'bundle' => '',
// If no bundle key provided, then we assume a single bundle, named
// after the type of the object. Make sure the bundle created
// has the human-readable name we need for bundle messages.
if (empty($entity_info['object keys']['bundle']) && empty($entity_info['bundles'])) {
$entity_info['bundles'] = array($name => array('label' => $entity_info['label']));
$info['fieldable types'][$name] = $entity_info;
$info['fieldable types'][$name]['module'] = $module;
drupal_alter('entity_info', $info['fieldable types']);
cache_set('field_info_types', $info, 'cache_field');
return $info;
* Collate all information on existing fields and instances.
* @param $reset
* If TRUE, clear the cache. The information will be rebuilt from the
* database next time it is needed. Defaults to FALSE.
* @return
* If $reset is TRUE, nothing.
* If $reset is FALSE, an array containing the following elements:
* - fields: Array of existing fields, keyed by field name. This entry only
* lists non-deleted fields. Each field has an additional element,
* 'bundles', which is an array of all non-deleted instances to which the
* field is assigned.
* - fields_id: Array of existing fields, keyed by field id. This entry lists
* both deleted and non-deleted fields. The bundles element is the same as
* for 'fields'.
* - instances: Array of existing instances, keyed by bundle name and field
* name. This entry only lists non-deleted instances.
function _field_info_collate_fields($reset = FALSE) {
static $info;
if ($reset) {
$info = NULL;
cache_clear_all('field_info_fields', 'cache_field');
if (!isset($info)) {
if ($cached = cache_get('field_info_fields', 'cache_field')) {
$definitions = $cached->data;
else {
$definitions = array(
'field_ids' => field_read_fields(array(), array('include_deleted' => 1)),
'instances' => field_read_instances(),
cache_set('field_info_fields', $definitions, 'cache_field');
// Populate 'field_ids' with all fields.
$info['field_ids'] = array();
foreach ($definitions['field_ids'] as $key => $field) {
$info['field_ids'][$key] = $definitions['field_ids'][$key] = _field_info_prepare_field($field);
// Populate 'fields' only with non-deleted fields.
$info['fields'] = array();
foreach ($info['field_ids'] as $field) {
if (!$field['deleted']) {
$info['fields'][$field['field_name']] = $field;
// Populate 'instances'. Only non-deleted instances are considered.
$info['instances'] = array();
foreach (field_info_bundles() as $bundle => $bundle_info) {
$info['instances'][$bundle] = array();
foreach ($definitions['instances'] as $instance) {
$field = $info['fields'][$instance['field_name']];
$instance = _field_info_prepare_instance($instance, $field);
$info['instances'][$instance['bundle']][$instance['field_name']] = $instance;
// Enrich field definitions with the list of bundles where they have
// instances. NOTE: Deleted fields in $info['field_ids'] are not
// enriched because all of their instances are deleted, too, and
// are thus not in $definitions['instances'].
$info['fields'][$instance['field_name']]['bundles'][] = $instance['bundle'];
$info['field_ids'][$instance['field_id']]['bundles'][] = $instance['bundle'];
return $info;
* Prepare a field definition for the current run-time context.
* Since the field was last saved or updated, new field settings can be
* expected.
* @param $field
* The raw field structure as read from the database.
function _field_info_prepare_field($field) {
// Make sure all expected field settings are present.
$field['settings'] += field_info_field_settings($field['type']);
return $field;
* Prepare an instance definition for the current run-time context.
* Since the instance was last saved or updated, a number of things might have
* changed: widgets or formatters disabled, new settings expected, new build
* modes added...
* @param $instance
* The raw instance structure as read from the database.
* @param $field
* The field structure for the instance.
function _field_info_prepare_instance($instance, $field) {
$field_type = field_info_field_types($field['type']);
// Make sure all expected instance settings are present.
$instance['settings'] += field_info_instance_settings($field['type']);
// Set a default value for the instance.
if (field_behaviors_widget('default value', $instance) == FIELD_BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT && !isset($instance['default_value'])) {
$instance['default_value'] = NULL;
// Fallback to default widget if widget type is not available.
if (!field_info_widget_types($instance['widget']['type'])) {
$instance['widget']['type'] = $field_type['default_widget'];
// Make sure all expected widget settings are present.
$instance['widget']['settings'] += field_info_widget_settings($instance['widget']['type']);
foreach ($instance['display'] as $build_mode => $display) {
if ($display['type'] != 'hidden') {
// Fallback to default formatter if formatter type is not available.
if (!field_info_formatter_types($instance['display'][$build_mode]['type'])) {
$instance['display'][$build_mode]['type'] = $field_type['default_formatter'];
// Make sure all expected formatter settings are present.
$instance['display'][$build_mode]['settings'] += field_info_formatter_settings($instance['display'][$build_mode]['type']);
// Fallback to 'full' display settings for unspecified build modes.
$obj_type = field_info_bundle_entity($instance['bundle']);
foreach (field_build_modes($obj_type) as $build_mode => $label) {
if (!isset($instance['display'][$build_mode])) {
$instance['display'][$build_mode] = $instance['display']['full'];
return $instance;
* Helper function for determining the behavior of a widget
* with respect to a given operation.
* @param $op
* The name of the operation.
* Currently supported: 'default value', 'multiple values'.
* @param $instance
* The field instance array.
* @return
* FIELD_BEHAVIOR_NONE - do nothing for this operation.
* FIELD_BEHAVIOR_CUSTOM - use the widget's callback function.
* FIELD_BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT - use field.module default behavior.
function field_behaviors_widget($op, $instance) {
$info = field_info_widget_types($instance['widget']['type']);
return isset($info['behaviors'][$op]) ? $info['behaviors'][$op] : FIELD_BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT;
* Helper function for determining the behavior of a formatter
* with respect to a given operation.
* @param $op
* The name of the operation.
* Currently supported: 'multiple values'
* @param $display
* The $instance['display'][$build_mode] array.
* @return
* FIELD_BEHAVIOR_NONE - do nothing for this operation.
* FIELD_BEHAVIOR_CUSTOM - use the formatter's callback function.
* FIELD_BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT - use field module default behavior.
function field_behaviors_formatter($op, $display) {
$info = field_info_formatter_types($display['type']);
return isset($info['behaviors'][$op]) ? $info['behaviors'][$op] : FIELD_BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT;
* Return hook_field_info() data.
* @param $field_type
* (optional) A field type name. If ommitted, all field types will be
* returned.
* @return
* Either a field type description, as provided by hook_field_info(), or an
* array of all existing field types, keyed by field type name.
function field_info_field_types($field_type = NULL) {
$info = _field_info_collate_types();
$field_types = $info['field types'];
if ($field_type) {
if (isset($field_types[$field_type])) {
return $field_types[$field_type];
else {
return $field_types;
* Return hook_field_widget_info() data.
* @param $widget_type
* (optional) A widget type name. If ommitted, all widget types will be
* returned.
* @return
* Either a widget type description, as provided by
* hook_field_widget_info(), or an array of all existing widget
* types, keyed by widget type name.
function field_info_widget_types($widget_type = NULL) {
$info = _field_info_collate_types();
$widget_types = $info['widget types'];
if ($widget_type) {
if (isset($widget_types[$widget_type])) {
return $widget_types[$widget_type];
else {
return $widget_types;
* Return hook_field_formatter_info() data.
* @param $formatter_type
* (optional) A formatter type name. If ommitted, all formatter types will be
* returned.
* @return
* Either a formatter type description, as provided by hook_field_formatter_info(),
* or an array of all existing widget types, keyed by widget type name.
function field_info_formatter_types($formatter_type = NULL) {
$info = _field_info_collate_types();
$formatter_types = $info['formatter types'];
if ($formatter_type) {
if (isset($formatter_types[$formatter_type])) {
return $formatter_types[$formatter_type];
else {
return $formatter_types;
* Return hook_fieldable_info() data.
* @param $obj_type
* (optional) A fieldable type name. If ommitted, all fieldable types will be
* returned.
* @return
* Either a fieldable type description, as provided by hook_fieldable_info(),
* or an array of all existing fieldable types, keyed by fieldable type name.
function field_info_fieldable_types($obj_type = NULL) {
$info = _field_info_collate_types();
$fieldable_types = $info['fieldable types'];
if ($obj_type) {
if (isset($fieldable_types[$obj_type])) {
return $fieldable_types[$obj_type];
else {
return $fieldable_types;
* Return an array of fieldable bundle names and labels, for an individual
* object type or for all object types.
function field_info_bundles($obj_type = NULL) {
$info = _field_info_collate_types();
$bundles = array();
foreach ($info['fieldable types'] as $type => $fieldable_info) {
if (empty($obj_type) || $obj_type == $type) {
$bundles += $fieldable_info['bundles'];
return $bundles;
* Identify the type of entity that created a bundle.
* // TODO : might not be needed depending on how we solve
* // the 'namespace bundle names' issue
function field_info_bundle_entity($bundle) {
$info = _field_info_collate_types();
foreach ($info['fieldable types'] as $type => $fieldable_info) {
if (isset($fieldable_info['bundles'][$bundle])) {
return $type;
return FALSE;
* Return array of all field data, keyed by field name.
* @return
* An array of Field objects. Each Field object has an additional
* property, bundles, which is an array of all the bundles to which
* this field belongs.
function field_info_fields() {
$info = _field_info_collate_fields();
return $info['fields'];
* Return data about an individual field.
* @param $field_name
* The name of the field to retrieve. $field_name can only refer to a
* non-deleted field.
* @return
* The named field object, or NULL. The Field object has an additional
* property, bundles, which is an array of all the bundles to which
* this field belongs.
function field_info_field($field_name) {
$info = _field_info_collate_fields();
if (isset($info['fields'][$field_name])) {
return $info['fields'][$field_name];
* Return data about an individual field by its id.
* @param $field_id
* The id of the field to retrieve. $field_id can refer to a
* deleted field.
* @return
* The named field object, or NULL. The Field object has an additional
* property, bundles, which is an array of all the bundles to which
* this field belongs.
function field_info_field_by_id($field_id) {
$info = _field_info_collate_fields();
if (isset($info['field_ids'][$field_id])) {
return $info['field_ids'][$field_id];
* Return an array of instance data for a given bundle,
* or for all known bundles, keyed by bundle name and field name.
* @param $bundle_name
* If set, return information on just this bundle.
function field_info_instances($bundle_name = NULL) {
$info = _field_info_collate_fields();
if (!isset($bundle_name)) {
return $info['instances'];
if (isset($info['instances'][$bundle_name])) {
return $info['instances'][$bundle_name];
return array();
* Return an array of instance data for a specific field and bundle.
function field_info_instance($field_name, $bundle_name) {
$info = _field_info_collate_fields();
if (isset($info['instances'][$bundle_name][$field_name])) {
return $info['instances'][$bundle_name][$field_name];
* Return a field type's default settings.
* @param $type
* A field type name.
* @return
* The field type's default settings, as provided by hook_field_info(), or an
* empty array.
function field_info_field_settings($type) {
$info = field_info_field_types($type);
return isset($info['settings']) ? $info['settings'] : array();
* Return a field type's default instance settings.
* @param $type
* A field type name.
* @return
* The field type's default instance settings, as provided by
* hook_field_info(), or an empty array.
function field_info_instance_settings($type) {
$info = field_info_field_types($type);
return isset($info['instance_settings']) ? $info['instance_settings'] : array();
* Return a field widget's default settings.
* @param $type
* A widget type name.
* @return
* The field type's default settings, as provided by hook_field_info(), or an
* empty array.
function field_info_widget_settings($type) {
$info = field_info_widget_types($type);
return isset($info['settings']) ? $info['settings'] : array();
* Return a field formatter's default settings.
* @param $type
* A field formatter type name.
* @return
* The field formatter's default settings, as provided by
* hook_field_info(), or an empty array.
function field_info_formatter_settings($type) {
$info = field_info_formatter_types($type);
return isset($info['settings']) ? $info['settings'] : array();
* @} End of "defgroup field_info"