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// $Id$
* @file
* Administration functions for locale.module.
define('LOCALE_JS_STRING', '(?:(?:\'(?:\\\\\'|[^\'])*\'|"(?:\\\\"|[^"])*")(?:\s*\+\s*)?)+');
* Translation import mode overwriting all existing translations
* if new translated version available.
* Translation import mode keeping existing translations and only
* inserting new strings.
define('LOCALE_IMPORT_KEEP', 1);
* @defgroup locale-language-overview Language overview functionality
* @{
* User interface for the language overview screen.
function locale_languages_overview_form() {
$languages = language_list('language', TRUE);
$options = array();
$form['weight'] = array('#tree' => TRUE);
foreach ($languages as $langcode => $language) {
$options[$langcode] = '';
if ($language->enabled) {
$enabled[] = $langcode;
$form['weight'][$langcode] = array(
'#type' => 'weight',
'#default_value' => $language->weight
$form['name'][$langcode] = array('#value' => check_plain($language->name));
$form['native'][$langcode] = array('#value' => check_plain($language->native));
$form['direction'][$langcode] = array('#value' => ($language->direction == LANGUAGE_RTL ? t('Right to left') : t('Left to right')));
$form['enabled'] = array('#type' => 'checkboxes',
'#options' => $options,
'#default_value' => $enabled,
$form['site_default'] = array('#type' => 'radios',
'#options' => $options,
'#default_value' => language_default('language'),
$form['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save configuration'));
$form['#theme'] = 'locale_languages_overview_form';
return $form;
* Theme the language overview form.
* @ingroup themeable
function theme_locale_languages_overview_form($form) {
$default = language_default();
foreach ($form['name'] as $key => $element) {
// Do not take form control structures.
if (is_array($element) && element_child($key)) {
// Disable checkbox for the default language, because it cannot be disabled.
if ($key == $default->language) {
$form['enabled'][$key]['#attributes']['disabled'] = 'disabled';
$rows[] = array(
array('data' => drupal_render($form['enabled'][$key]), 'align' => 'center'),
'<strong>'. drupal_render($form['name'][$key]) .'</strong>',
l(t('edit'), 'admin/settings/language/edit/'. $key) . (($key != 'en' && $key != $default->language) ? ' '. l(t('delete'), 'admin/settings/language/delete/'. $key) : '')
$header = array(array('data' => t('Enabled')), array('data' => t('Code')), array('data' => t('English name')), array('data' => t('Native name')), array('data' => t('Direction')), array('data' => t('Default')), array('data' => t('Weight')), array('data' => t('Operations')));
$output = theme('table', $header, $rows);
$output .= drupal_render($form);
return $output;
* Process language overview form submissions, updating existing languages.
function locale_languages_overview_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
$languages = language_list();
$default = language_default();
$enabled_count = 0;
foreach ($languages as $langcode => $language) {
if ($form_state['values']['site_default'] == $langcode || $default->language == $langcode) {
// Automatically enable the default language and the language
// which was default previously (because we will not get the
// value from that disabled checkox).
$form_state['values']['enabled'][$langcode] = 1;
if ($form_state['values']['enabled'][$langcode]) {
$language->enabled = 1;
else {
$language->enabled = 0;
$language->weight = $form_state['values']['weight'][$langcode];
db_query("UPDATE {languages} SET enabled = %d, weight = %d WHERE language = '%s'", $language->enabled, $language->weight, $langcode);
$languages[$langcode] = $language;
drupal_set_message(t('Configuration saved.'));
variable_set('language_default', $languages[$form_state['values']['site_default']]);
variable_set('language_count', $enabled_count);
// Changing the language settings impacts the interface.
cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_page', TRUE);
$form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/settings/language';
* @} End of "locale-language-overview"
* @defgroup locale-language-add-edit Language addition and editing functionality
* @{
* User interface for the language addition screen.
function locale_languages_add_screen() {
$output = drupal_get_form('locale_languages_predefined_form');
$output .= drupal_get_form('locale_languages_custom_form');
return $output;
* Predefined language setup form.
function locale_languages_predefined_form() {
$predefined = _locale_prepare_predefined_list();
$form = array();
$form['language list'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Predefined language'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
$form['language list']['langcode'] = array('#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Language name'),
'#default_value' => key($predefined),
'#options' => $predefined,
'#description' => t('Select the desired language and click the <em>Add language</em> button. (Use the <em>Custom language</em> options if your desired language does not appear in this list.)'),
$form['language list']['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Add language'));
return $form;
* Custom language addition form.
function locale_languages_custom_form() {
$form = array();
$form['custom language'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Custom language'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => TRUE,
_locale_languages_common_controls($form['custom language']);
$form['custom language']['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Add custom language')
// Reuse the validation and submit functions of the predefined language setup form.
$form['#submit'][] = 'locale_languages_predefined_form_submit';
$form['#validate'][] = 'locale_languages_predefined_form_validate';
return $form;
* Editing screen for a particular language.
* @param $langcode
* Language code of the language to edit.
function locale_languages_edit_form(&$form_state, $langcode) {
if ($language = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {languages} WHERE language = '%s'", $langcode))) {
$form = array();
_locale_languages_common_controls($form, $language);
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Save language')
$form['#submit'][] = 'locale_languages_edit_form_submit';
$form['#validate'][] = 'locale_languages_edit_form_validate';
return $form;
else {
* Common elements of the language addition and editing form.
* @param $form
* A parent form item (or empty array) to add items below.
* @param $language
* Language object to edit.
function _locale_languages_common_controls(&$form, $language = NULL) {
if (!is_object($language)) {
$language = new stdClass();
if (isset($language->language)) {
$form['langcode_view'] = array(
'#type' => 'item',
'#title' => t('Language code'),
'#value' => $language->language
$form['langcode'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => $language->language
else {
$form['langcode'] = array('#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Language code'),
'#size' => 12,
'#maxlength' => 60,
'#required' => TRUE,
'#default_value' => @$language->language,
'#disabled' => (isset($language->language)),
'#description' => t('<a href="@rfc4646">RFC 4646</a> compliant language identifier. Language codes typically use a country code, and optionally, a script or regional variant name. <em>Examples: "en", "en-US" and "zh-Hant".</em>', array('@rfc4646' => 'http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4646.txt')),
$form['name'] = array('#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Language name in English'),
'#maxlength' => 64,
'#default_value' => @$language->name,
'#required' => TRUE,
'#description' => t('Name of the language in English. Will be available for translation in all languages.'),
$form['native'] = array('#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Native language name'),
'#maxlength' => 64,
'#default_value' => @$language->native,
'#required' => TRUE,
'#description' => t('Name of the language in the language being added.'),
$form['prefix'] = array('#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Path prefix'),
'#maxlength' => 64,
'#default_value' => @$language->prefix,
'#description' => t('Language code or other custom string for pattern matching within the path. With language negotiation set to <em>Path prefix only</em> or <em>Path prefix with language fallback</em>, this site is presented in this language when the Path prefix value matches an element in the path. For the default language, this value may be left blank. <strong>Modifying this value will break existing URLs and should be used with caution in a production environment.</strong> <em>Example: Specifying "deutsch" as the path prefix for German results in URLs in the form "www.example.com/deutsch/node".</em>')
$form['domain'] = array('#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Language domain'),
'#maxlength' => 64,
'#default_value' => @$language->domain,
'#description' => t('Language-specific URL, with protocol. With language negotiation set to <em>Domain name only</em>, the site is presented in this language when the URL accessing the site references this domain. For the default language, this value may be left blank. <strong>This value must include a protocol as part of the string.</strong> <em>Example: Specifying "http://example.de" or "http://de.example.com" as language domains for German results in URLs in the forms "http://example.de/node" and "http://de.example.com/node", respectively.</em>'),
$form['direction'] = array('#type' => 'radios',
'#title' => t('Direction'),
'#required' => TRUE,
'#description' => t('Direction that text in this language is presented.'),
'#default_value' => @$language->direction,
'#options' => array(LANGUAGE_LTR => t('Left to right'), LANGUAGE_RTL => t('Right to left'))
return $form;
* Validate the language addition form.
function locale_languages_predefined_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
$langcode = $form_state['values']['langcode'];
if ($duplicate = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {languages} WHERE language = '%s'", $langcode)) != 0) {
form_set_error('langcode', t('The language %language (%code) already exists.', array('%language' => $form_state['values']['name'], '%code' => $langcode)));
if (!isset($form_state['values']['name'])) {
// Predefined language selection.
$predefined = _locale_get_predefined_list();
if (!isset($predefined[$langcode])) {
form_set_error('langcode', t('Invalid language code.'));
else {
// Reuse the editing form validation routine if we add a custom language.
locale_languages_edit_form_validate($form, $form_state);
* Process the language addition form submission.
function locale_languages_predefined_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
$langcode = $form_state['values']['langcode'];
if (isset($form_state['values']['name'])) {
// Custom language form.
locale_add_language($langcode, $form_state['values']['name'], $form_state['values']['native'], $form_state['values']['direction'], $form_state['values']['domain'], $form_state['values']['prefix']);
drupal_set_message(t('The language %language has been created and can now be used. More information is available on the <a href="@locale-help">help screen</a>.', array('%language' => t($form_state['values']['name']), '@locale-help' => url('admin/help/locale'))));
else {
// Predefined language selection.
$predefined = _locale_get_predefined_list();
drupal_set_message(t('The language %language has been created and can now be used. More information is available on the <a href="@locale-help">help screen</a>.', array('%language' => t($predefined[$langcode][0]), '@locale-help' => url('admin/help/locale'))));
// See if we have language files to import for the newly added
// language, collect and import them.
if ($batch = locale_batch_by_language($langcode, '_locale_batch_language_finished')) {
$form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/settings/language';
* Validate the language editing form. Reused for custom language addition too.
function locale_languages_edit_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
if (!empty($form_state['values']['domain']) && !empty($form_state['values']['prefix'])) {
form_set_error('prefix', t('Domain and path prefix values should not be set at the same time.'));
if (!empty($form_state['values']['domain']) && $duplicate = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT language FROM {languages} WHERE domain = '%s' AND language != '%s'", $form_state['values']['domain'], $form_state['values']['langcode']))) {
form_set_error('domain', t('The domain (%domain) is already tied to a language (%language).', array('%domain' => $form_state['values']['domain'], '%language' => $duplicate->language)));
if (empty($form_state['values']['prefix']) && language_default('language') != $form_state['values']['langcode'] && empty($form_state['values']['domain'])) {
form_set_error('prefix', t('Only the default language can have both the domain and prefix empty.'));
if (!empty($form_state['values']['prefix']) && $duplicate = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT language FROM {languages} WHERE prefix = '%s' AND language != '%s'", $form_state['values']['prefix'], $form_state['values']['langcode']))) {
form_set_error('prefix', t('The prefix (%prefix) is already tied to a language (%language).', array('%prefix' => $form_state['values']['prefix'], '%language' => $duplicate->language)));
* Process the language editing form submission.
function locale_languages_edit_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
db_query("UPDATE {languages} SET name = '%s', native = '%s', domain = '%s', prefix = '%s', direction = %d WHERE language = '%s'", $form_state['values']['name'], $form_state['values']['native'], $form_state['values']['domain'], $form_state['values']['prefix'], $form_state['values']['direction'], $form_state['values']['langcode']);
$default = language_default();
if ($default->language == $form_state['values']['langcode']) {
$properties = array('name', 'native', 'direction', 'enabled', 'plurals', 'formula', 'domain', 'prefix', 'weight');
foreach ($properties as $keyname) {
if (isset($form_state['values'][$keyname])) {
$default->$keyname = $form_state['values'][$keyname];
variable_set('language_default', $default);
$form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/settings/language';
* @} End of "locale-language-add-edit"
* @defgroup locale-language-delete Language deletion functionality
* @{
* User interface for the language deletion confirmation screen.
function locale_languages_delete_form(&$form_state, $langcode) {
// Do not allow deletion of English locale.
if ($langcode == 'en') {
drupal_set_message(t('The English language cannot be deleted.'));
if (language_default('language') == $langcode) {
drupal_set_message(t('The default language cannot be deleted.'));
// For other languages, warn user that data loss is ahead.
$languages = language_list();
if (!isset($languages[$langcode])) {
else {
$form['langcode'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $langcode);
return confirm_form($form, t('Are you sure you want to delete the language %name?', array('%name' => t($languages[$langcode]->name))), 'admin/settings/language', t('Deleting a language will remove all interface translations associated with it, and posts in this language will be set to be language neutral. This action cannot be undone.'), t('Delete'), t('Cancel'));
* Process language deletion submissions.
function locale_languages_delete_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
$languages = language_list();
if (isset($languages[$form_state['values']['langcode']])) {
// Remove translations first.
db_query("DELETE FROM {locales_target} WHERE language = '%s'", $form_state['values']['langcode']);
cache_clear_all('locale:'. $form_state['values']['langcode'], 'cache');
// With no translations, this removes existing JavaScript translations file.
// Remove the language.
db_query("DELETE FROM {languages} WHERE language = '%s'", $form_state['values']['langcode']);
db_query("UPDATE {node} SET language = '' WHERE language = '%s'", $form_state['values']['langcode']);
$variables = array('%locale' => $languages[$form_state['values']['langcode']]->name);
drupal_set_message(t('The language %locale has been removed.', $variables));
watchdog('locale', 'The language %locale has been removed.', $variables);
// Changing the language settings impacts the interface:
cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_page', TRUE);
$form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/settings/language';
* @} End of "locale-language-add-edit"
* @defgroup locale-languages-negotiation Language negotiation options screen
* @{
* Setting for language negotiation options
function locale_languages_configure_form() {
$form['language_negotiation'] = array(
'#title' => t('Language negotiation'),
'#type' => 'radios',
'#options' => array(
LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_PATH => t('Path prefix with language fallback.'),
LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_DOMAIN => t('Domain name only.')),
'#default_value' => variable_get('language_negotiation', LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_NONE),
'#description' => t("Select the mechanism used to determine your site's presentation language. <strong>Modifying this setting may break all incoming URLs and should be used with caution in a production environment.</strong>")
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Save settings')
return $form;
* Submit function for language negotiation settings.
function locale_languages_configure_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
variable_set('language_negotiation', $form_state['values']['language_negotiation']);
drupal_set_message(t('Language negotiation configuration saved.'));
$form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/settings/language';
* @} End of "locale-languages-negotiation"
* @defgroup locale-translate-overview Translation overview screen.
* @{
* Overview screen for translations.
function locale_translate_overview_screen() {
$languages = language_list('language', TRUE);
$groups = module_invoke_all('locale', 'groups');
// Build headers with all groups in order.
$headers = array_merge(array(t('Language')), array_values($groups));
// Collect summaries of all source strings in all groups.
$sums = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS strings, textgroup FROM {locales_source} GROUP BY textgroup");
$groupsums = array();
while ($group = db_fetch_object($sums)) {
$groupsums[$group->textgroup] = $group->strings;
// Set up overview table with default values, ensuring common order for values.
$rows = array();
foreach ($languages as $langcode => $language) {
$rows[$langcode] = array('name' => ($langcode == 'en' ? t('English (built-in)') : t($language->name)));
foreach ($groups as $group => $name) {
$rows[$langcode][$group] = ($langcode == 'en' ? t('n/a') : '0/'. (isset($groupsums[$group]) ? $groupsums[$group] : 0) .' (0%)');
// Languages with at least one record in the locale table.
$translations = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS translation, t.language, s.textgroup FROM {locales_source} s INNER JOIN {locales_target} t ON s.lid = t.lid GROUP BY textgroup, language");
while ($data = db_fetch_object($translations)) {
$ratio = (!empty($groupsums[$data->textgroup]) && $data->translation > 0) ? round(($data->translation/$groupsums[$data->textgroup])*100., 2) : 0;
$rows[$data->language][$data->textgroup] = $data->translation .'/'. $groupsums[$data->textgroup] ." ($ratio%)";
return theme('table', $headers, $rows);
* @} End of "locale-translate-overview"
* @defgroup locale-translate-seek Translation search screen.
* @{
* String search screen.
function locale_translate_seek_screen() {
$output = _locale_translate_seek();
$output .= drupal_get_form('locale_translate_seek_form');
return $output;
* User interface for the string search screen.
function locale_translate_seek_form() {
// Get all languages, except English
$languages = locale_language_list('name', TRUE);
// Present edit form preserving previous user settings
$query = _locale_translate_seek_query();
$form = array();
$form['search'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Search'),
$form['search']['string'] = array('#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('String contains'),
'#default_value' => @$query['string'],
'#description' => t('Leave blank to show all strings. The search is case sensitive.'),
$form['search']['language'] = array(
// Change type of form widget if more the 5 options will
// be present (2 of the options are added below).
'#type' => (count($languages) <= 3 ? 'radios' : 'select'),
'#title' => t('Language'),
'#default_value' => (!empty($query['language']) ? $query['language'] : 'all'),
'#options' => array_merge(array('all' => t('All languages'), 'en' => t('English (provided by Drupal)')), $languages),
$form['search']['translation'] = array('#type' => 'radios',
'#title' => t('Search in'),
'#default_value' => (!empty($query['translation']) ? $query['translation'] : 'all'),
'#options' => array('all' => t('Both translated and untranslated strings'), 'translated' => t('Only translated strings'), 'untranslated' => t('Only untranslated strings')),
$groups = module_invoke_all('locale', 'groups');
$form['search']['group'] = array('#type' => 'radios',
'#title' => t('Limit search to'),
'#default_value' => (!empty($query['group']) ? $query['group'] : 'all'),
'#options' => array_merge(array('all' => t('All text groups')), $groups),
$form['search']['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Search'));
$form['#redirect'] = FALSE;
return $form;
* @} End of "locale-translate-seek"
* @defgroup locale-translate-import Translation import screen.
* @{
* User interface for the translation import screen.
function locale_translate_import_form() {
// Get all languages, except English
$names = locale_language_list('name', TRUE);
if (!count($names)) {
$languages = _locale_prepare_predefined_list();
$default = array_shift(array_keys($languages));
else {
$languages = array(
t('Already added languages') => $names,
t('Languages not yet added') => _locale_prepare_predefined_list()
$default = array_shift(array_keys($names));
$form = array();
$form['import'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Import translation'),
$form['import']['file'] = array('#type' => 'file',
'#title' => t('Language file'),
'#size' => 50,
'#description' => t('A Gettext Portable Object (<em>.po</em>) file.'),
$form['import']['langcode'] = array('#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Import into'),
'#options' => $languages,
'#default_value' => $default,
'#description' => t('Choose the language you want to add strings into. If you choose a language which is not yet set up, it will be added.'),
$form['import']['group'] = array('#type' => 'radios',
'#title' => t('Text group'),
'#default_value' => 'default',
'#options' => module_invoke_all('locale', 'groups'),
'#description' => t('Imported translations will be added to this text group.'),
$form['import']['mode'] = array('#type' => 'radios',
'#title' => t('Mode'),
'#default_value' => LOCALE_IMPORT_KEEP,
'#options' => array(
LOCALE_IMPORT_OVERWRITE => t('Strings in the uploaded file replace existing ones, new ones are added'),
LOCALE_IMPORT_KEEP => t('Existing strings are kept, only new strings are added')
$form['import']['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Import'));
$form['#attributes']['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data';
return $form;
* Process the locale import form submission.
function locale_translate_import_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
// Ensure we have the file uploaded
if ($file = file_save_upload('file')) {
// Add language, if not yet supported
$languages = language_list('language', TRUE);
$langcode = $form_state['values']['langcode'];
if (!isset($languages[$langcode])) {
$predefined = _locale_get_predefined_list();
drupal_set_message(t('The language %language has been created.', array('%language' => t($predefined[$langcode][0]))));
// Now import strings into the language
if ($ret = _locale_import_po($file, $langcode, $form_state['values']['mode'], $form_state['values']['group']) == FALSE) {
$variables = array('%filename' => $file->filename);
drupal_set_message(t('The translation import of %filename failed.', $variables), 'error');
watchdog('locale', 'The translation import of %filename failed.', $variables, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
else {
drupal_set_message(t('File to import not found.'), 'error');
return 'admin/build/translate/import';
$form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/build/translate';
* @} End of "locale-translate-import"
* @defgroup locale-translate-export Translation export screen.
* @{
* User interface for the translation export screen.
function locale_translate_export_screen() {
// Get all languages, except English
$names = locale_language_list('name', TRUE);
$output = '';
// Offer translation export if any language is set up.
if (count($names)) {
$output = drupal_get_form('locale_translate_export_po_form', $names);
$output .= drupal_get_form('locale_translate_export_pot_form');
return $output;
* Form to export PO files for the languages provided.
* @param $names
* An associate array with localized language names
function locale_translate_export_po_form(&$form_state, $names) {
$form['export'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Export translation'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
$form['export']['langcode'] = array('#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Language name'),
'#options' => $names,
'#description' => t('Select the language to export in Gettext Portable Object (<em>.po</em>) format.'),
$form['export']['group'] = array('#type' => 'radios',
'#title' => t('Text group'),
'#default_value' => 'default',
'#options' => module_invoke_all('locale', 'groups'),
$form['export']['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Export'));
return $form;
* Translation template export form.
function locale_translate_export_pot_form() {
// Complete template export of the strings
$form['export'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Export template'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#description' => t('Generate a Gettext Portable Object Template (<em>.pot</em>) file with all strings from the Drupal locale database.'),
$form['export']['group'] = array('#type' => 'radios',
'#title' => t('Text group'),
'#default_value' => 'default',
'#options' => module_invoke_all('locale', 'groups'),
$form['export']['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Export'));
// Reuse PO export submission callback.
$form['#submit'][] = 'locale_translate_export_po_form_submit';
$form['#validate'][] = 'locale_translate_export_po_form_validate';
return $form;
* Process a translation (or template) export form submission.
function locale_translate_export_po_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
// If template is required, language code is not given.
$language = NULL;
if (isset($form_state['values']['langcode'])) {
$languages = language_list();
$language = $languages[$form_state['values']['langcode']];
_locale_export_po($language, _locale_export_po_generate($language, _locale_export_get_strings($language, $form_state['values']['group'])));
* @} End of "locale-translate-export"
* @defgroup locale-translate-edit Translation text editing
* @{
* User interface for string editing.
function locale_translate_edit_form(&$form_state, $lid) {
// Fetch source string, if possible.
$source = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT source, textgroup, location FROM {locales_source} WHERE lid = %d', $lid));
if (!$source) {
drupal_set_message(t('String not found.'), 'error');
// Add original text to the top and some values for form altering.
$form = array(
'original' => array(
'#type' => 'item',
'#title' => t('Original text'),
'#value' => check_plain(wordwrap($source->source, 0)),
'lid' => array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => $lid
'textgroup' => array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => $source->textgroup,
'location' => array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => $source->location
// Include default form controls with empty values for all languages.
// This ensures that the languages are always in the same order in forms.
$languages = language_list();
$default = language_default();
// We don't need the default language value, that value is in $source.
$omit = $source->textgroup == 'default' ? 'en' : $default->language;
$form['translations'] = array('#tree' => TRUE);
// Approximate the number of rows to use in the default textarea.
$rows = min(ceil(str_word_count($source->source) / 12), 10);
foreach ($languages as $langcode => $language) {
$form['translations'][$langcode] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => t($language->name),
'#rows' => $rows,
'#default_value' => '',
// Fetch translations and fill in default values in the form.
$result = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT translation, language FROM {locales_target} WHERE lid = %d AND language != '%s'", $lid, $omit);
while ($translation = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$form['translations'][$translation->language]['#default_value'] = $translation->translation;
$form['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save translations'));
return $form;
* Process string editing form submissions.
* Saves all translations of one string submitted from a form.
function locale_translate_edit_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
$lid = $form_state['values']['lid'];
foreach ($form_state['values']['translations'] as $key => $value) {
$translation = db_result(db_query("SELECT translation FROM {locales_target} WHERE lid = %d AND language = '%s'", $lid, $key));
if (!empty($value)) {
// Only update or insert if we have a value to use.
if (!empty($translation)) {
db_query("UPDATE {locales_target} SET translation = '%s' WHERE lid = %d AND language = '%s'", $value, $lid, $key);
else {
db_query("INSERT INTO {locales_target} (lid, translation, language) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s')", $lid, $value, $key);
elseif (!empty($translation)) {
// Empty translation entered: remove existing entry from database.
db_query("DELETE FROM {locales_target} WHERE lid = %d AND language = '%s'", $lid, $key);
// Force JavaScript translation file recreation for this language.
drupal_set_message(t('The string has been saved.'));
// Clear locale cache.
cache_clear_all('locale:', 'cache', TRUE);
$form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/build/translate/search';
* @} End of "locale-translate-edit"
* @defgroup locale-translate-delete Translation delete interface.
* @{
* Delete a language string.
function locale_translate_delete($lid) {
db_query('DELETE FROM {locales_source} WHERE lid = %d', $lid);
db_query('DELETE FROM {locales_target} WHERE lid = %d', $lid);
// Force JavaScript translation file recreation for all languages.
cache_clear_all('locale:', 'cache', TRUE);
drupal_set_message(t('The string has been removed.'));
* @} End of "locale-translate-delete"
* @defgroup locale-api-add Language addition API.
* @{
* API function to add a language.
* @param $langcode
* Language code.
* @param $name
* English name of the language
* @param $native
* Native name of the language
* @param $direction
* @param $domain
* Optional custom domain name with protocol, without
* trailing slash (eg. http://de.example.com).
* @param $prefix
* Optional path prefix for the language. Defaults to the
* language code if omitted.
* @param $enabled
* Optionally TRUE to enable the language when created or FALSE to disable.
* @param $default
* Optionally set this language to be the default.
function locale_add_language($langcode, $name = NULL, $native = NULL, $direction = LANGUAGE_LTR, $domain = '', $prefix = '', $enabled = TRUE, $default = FALSE) {
// Default prefix on language code.
if (empty($prefix)) {
$prefix = $langcode;
// If name was not set, we add a predefined language.
if (!isset($name)) {
$predefined = _locale_get_predefined_list();
$name = $predefined[$langcode][0];
$native = isset($predefined[$langcode][1]) ? $predefined[$langcode][1] : $predefined[$langcode][0];
$direction = isset($predefined[$langcode][2]) ? $predefined[$langcode][2] : LANGUAGE_LTR;
db_query("INSERT INTO {languages} (language, name, native, direction, domain, prefix, enabled) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', %d)", $langcode, $name, $native, $direction, $domain, $prefix, $enabled);
// Only set it as default if enabled.
if ($enabled && $default) {
variable_set('language_default', (object) array('language' => $langcode, 'name' => $name, 'native' => $native, 'direction' => $direction, 'enabled' => (int) $enabled, 'plurals' => 0, 'formula' => '', 'domain' => '', 'prefix' => $prefix, 'weight' => 0, 'javascript' => ''));
if ($enabled) {
// Increment enabled language count if we are adding an enabled language.
variable_set('language_count', variable_get('language_count', 1) + 1);
// Force JavaScript translation file creation for the newly added language.
watchdog('locale', 'The %language language (%code) has been created.', array('%language' => $name, '%code' => $langcode));
* @} End of "locale-api-add"
* @defgroup locale-api-import Translation import API.
* @{
* Parses Gettext Portable Object file information and inserts into database
* @param $file
* Drupal file object corresponding to the PO file to import
* @param $langcode
* Language code
* @param $mode
* Should existing translations be replaced LOCALE_IMPORT_KEEP or LOCALE_IMPORT_OVERWRITE
* @param $group
* Text group to import PO file into (eg. 'default' for interface translations)
function _locale_import_po($file, $langcode, $mode, $group = NULL) {
// If not in 'safe mode', increase the maximum execution time.
if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) {
// Check if we have the language already in the database.
if (!db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT language FROM {languages} WHERE language = '%s'", $langcode))) {
drupal_set_message(t('The language selected for import is not supported.'), 'error');
return FALSE;
// Get strings from file (returns on failure after a partial import, or on success)
$status = _locale_import_read_po('db-store', $file, $mode, $langcode, $group);
if ($status === FALSE) {
// Error messages are set in _locale_import_read_po().
return FALSE;
// Get status information on import process.
list($headerdone, $additions, $updates, $deletes) = _locale_import_one_string('db-report');
if (!$headerdone) {
drupal_set_message(t('The translation file %filename appears to have a missing or malformed header.', array('%filename' => $file->filename)), 'error');
// Clear cache and force refresh of JavaScript translations.
cache_clear_all('locale:', 'cache', TRUE);
// Rebuild the menu, strings may have changed.
drupal_set_message(t('The translation was successfully imported. There are %number newly created translated strings, %update strings were updated and %delete strings were removed.', array('%number' => $additions, '%update' => $updates, '%delete' => $deletes)));
watchdog('locale', 'Imported %file into %locale: %number new strings added, %update updated and %delete removed.', array('%file' => $file->filename, '%locale' => $langcode, '%number' => $additions, '%update' => $updates, '%delete' => $deletes));
return TRUE;
* Parses Gettext Portable Object file into an array
* @param $op
* Storage operation type: db-store or mem-store
* @param $file
* Drupal file object corresponding to the PO file to import
* @param $mode
* Should existing translations be replaced LOCALE_IMPORT_KEEP or LOCALE_IMPORT_OVERWRITE
* @param $lang
* Language code
* @param $group
* Text group to import PO file into (eg. 'default' for interface translations)
function _locale_import_read_po($op, $file, $mode = NULL, $lang = NULL, $group = 'default') {
$fd = fopen($file->filepath, "rb"); // File will get closed by PHP on return
if (!$fd) {
_locale_import_message('The translation import failed, because the file %filename could not be read.', $file);
return FALSE;
$context = "COMMENT"; // Parser context: COMMENT, MSGID, MSGID_PLURAL, MSGSTR and MSGSTR_ARR
$current = array(); // Current entry being read
$plural = 0; // Current plural form
$lineno = 0; // Current line
while (!feof($fd)) {
$line = fgets($fd, 10*1024); // A line should not be this long
if ($lineno == 0) {
// The first line might come with a UTF-8 BOM, which should be removed.
$line = str_replace("\xEF\xBB\xBF", '', $line);
$line = trim(strtr($line, array("\\\n" => "")));
if (!strncmp("#", $line, 1)) { // A comment
if ($context == "COMMENT") { // Already in comment context: add
$current["#"][] = substr($line, 1);
elseif (($context == "MSGSTR") || ($context == "MSGSTR_ARR")) { // End current entry, start a new one
_locale_import_one_string($op, $current, $mode, $lang, $file, $group);
$current = array();
$current["#"][] = substr($line, 1);
$context = "COMMENT";
else { // Parse error
_locale_import_message('The translation file %filename contains an error: "msgstr" was expected but not found on line %line.', $file, $lineno);
return FALSE;
elseif (!strncmp("msgid_plural", $line, 12)) {
if ($context != "MSGID") { // Must be plural form for current entry
_locale_import_message('The translation file %filename contains an error: "msgid_plural" was expected but not found on line %line.', $file, $lineno);
return FALSE;
$line = trim(substr($line, 12));
$quoted = _locale_import_parse_quoted($line);
if ($quoted === FALSE) {
_locale_import_message('The translation file %filename contains a syntax error on line %line.', $file, $lineno);
return FALSE;
$current["msgid"] = $current["msgid"] ."\0". $quoted;
$context = "MSGID_PLURAL";
elseif (!strncmp("msgid", $line, 5)) {
if ($context == "MSGSTR") { // End current entry, start a new one
_locale_import_one_string($op, $current, $mode, $lang, $file, $group);
$current = array();
elseif ($context == "MSGID") { // Already in this context? Parse error
_locale_import_message('The translation file %filename contains an error: "msgid" is unexpected on line %line.', $file, $lineno);
return FALSE;
$line = trim(substr($line, 5));
$quoted = _locale_import_parse_quoted($line);
if ($quoted === FALSE) {
_locale_import_message('The translation file %filename contains a syntax error on line %line.', $file, $lineno);
return FALSE;
$current["msgid"] = $quoted;
$context = "MSGID";
elseif (!strncmp("msgstr[", $line, 7)) {
if (($context != "MSGID") && ($context != "MSGID_PLURAL") && ($context != "MSGSTR_ARR")) { // Must come after msgid, msgid_plural, or msgstr[]
_locale_import_message('The translation file %filename contains an error: "msgstr[]" is unexpected on line %line.', $file, $lineno);
return FALSE;
if (strpos($line, "]") === FALSE) {
_locale_import_message('The translation file %filename contains a syntax error on line %line.', $file, $lineno);
return FALSE;
$frombracket = strstr($line, "[");
$plural = substr($frombracket, 1, strpos($frombracket, "]") - 1);
$line = trim(strstr($line, " "));
$quoted = _locale_import_parse_quoted($line);
if ($quoted === FALSE) {
_locale_import_message('The translation file %filename contains a syntax error on line %line.', $file, $lineno);
return FALSE;
$current["msgstr"][$plural] = $quoted;
$context = "MSGSTR_ARR";
elseif (!strncmp("msgstr", $line, 6)) {
if ($context != "MSGID") { // Should come just after a msgid block
_locale_import_message('The translation file %filename contains an error: "msgstr" is unexpected on line %line.', $file, $lineno);
return FALSE;
$line = trim(substr($line, 6));
$quoted = _locale_import_parse_quoted($line);
if ($quoted === FALSE) {
_locale_import_message('The translation file %filename contains a syntax error on line %line.', $file, $lineno);
return FALSE;
$current["msgstr"] = $quoted;
$context = "MSGSTR";
elseif ($line != "") {
$quoted = _locale_import_parse_quoted($line);
if ($quoted === FALSE) {
_locale_import_message('The translation file %filename contains a syntax error on line %line.', $file, $lineno);
return FALSE;
if (($context == "MSGID") || ($context == "MSGID_PLURAL")) {
$current["msgid"] .= $quoted;
elseif ($context == "MSGSTR") {
$current["msgstr"] .= $quoted;
elseif ($context == "MSGSTR_ARR") {
$current["msgstr"][$plural] .= $quoted;
else {
_locale_import_message('The translation file %filename contains an error: there is an unexpected string on line %line.', $file, $lineno);
return FALSE;
// End of PO file, flush last entry
if (($context == "MSGSTR") || ($context == "MSGSTR_ARR")) {
_locale_import_one_string($op, $current, $mode, $lang, $file, $group);
elseif ($context != "COMMENT") {
_locale_import_message('The translation file %filename ended unexpectedly at line %line.', $file, $lineno);
return FALSE;
* Sets an error message occurred during locale file parsing.
* @param $message
* The message to be translated
* @param $file
* Drupal file object corresponding to the PO file to import
* @param $lineno
* An optional line number argument
function _locale_import_message($message, $file, $lineno = NULL) {
$vars = array('%filename' => $file->filename);
if (isset($lineno)) {
$vars['%line'] = $lineno;
$t = get_t();
drupal_set_message($t($message, $vars), 'error');
* Imports a string into the database
* @param $op
* Operation to perform: 'db-store', 'db-report', 'mem-store' or 'mem-report'
* @param $value
* Details of the string stored
* @param $mode
* Should existing translations be replaced LOCALE_IMPORT_KEEP or LOCALE_IMPORT_OVERWRITE
* @param $lang
* Language to store the string in
* @param $file
* Object representation of file being imported, only required when op is 'db-store'
* @param $group
* Text group to import PO file into (eg. 'default' for interface translations)
function _locale_import_one_string($op, $value = NULL, $mode = NULL, $lang = NULL, $file = NULL, $group = 'default') {
static $report = array(0, 0, 0);
static $headerdone = FALSE;
static $strings = array();
switch ($op) {
// Return stored strings
case 'mem-report':
return $strings;
// Store string in memory (only supports single strings)
case 'mem-store':
$strings[$value['msgid']] = $value['msgstr'];
// Called at end of import to inform the user
case 'db-report':
return array($headerdone, $report[0], $report[1], $report[2]);
// Store the string we got in the database.
case 'db-store':
// We got header information.
if ($value['msgid'] == '') {
$header = _locale_import_parse_header($value['msgstr']);
// Get the plural formula and update in database.
if (isset($header["Plural-Forms"]) && $p = _locale_import_parse_plural_forms($header["Plural-Forms"], $file->filename)) {
list($nplurals, $plural) = $p;
db_query("UPDATE {languages} SET plurals = %d, formula = '%s' WHERE language = '%s'", $nplurals, $plural, $lang);
else {
db_query("UPDATE {languages} SET plurals = %d, formula = '%s' WHERE language = '%s'", 0, '', $lang);
$headerdone = TRUE;
else {
// Some real string to import.
$comments = _locale_import_shorten_comments(empty($value['#']) ? array() : $value['#']);
if (strpos($value['msgid'], "\0")) {
// This string has plural versions.
$english = explode("\0", $value['msgid'], 2);
$entries = array_keys($value['msgstr']);
for ($i = 3; $i <= count($entries); $i++) {
$english[] = $english[1];
$translation = array_map('_locale_import_append_plural', $value['msgstr'], $entries);
$english = array_map('_locale_import_append_plural', $english, $entries);
foreach ($translation as $key => $trans) {
if ($key == 0) {
$plid = 0;
$plid = _locale_import_one_string_db($report, $lang, $english[$key], $trans, $group, $comments, $mode, $plid, $key);
else {
// A simple string to import.
$english = $value['msgid'];
$translation = $value['msgstr'];
_locale_import_one_string_db($report, $lang, $english, $translation, $group, $comments, $mode);
} // end of db-store operation
* Import one string into the database.
* @param $report
* Report array summarizing the number of changes done in the form:
* array(inserts, updates, deletes).
* @param $langcode
* Language code to import string into.
* @param $source
* Source string.
* @param $translation
* Translation to language specified in $langcode.
* @param $textgroup
* Name of textgroup to store translation in.
* @param $location
* Location value to save with source string.
* @param $mode
* @param $plid
* Optional plural ID to use.
* @param $plural
* Optional plural value to use.
* @return
* The string ID of the existing string modified or the new string added.
function _locale_import_one_string_db(&$report, $langcode, $source, $translation, $textgroup, $location, $mode, $plid = NULL, $plural = NULL) {
$lid = db_result(db_query("SELECT lid FROM {locales_source} WHERE source = '%s' AND textgroup = '%s'", $source, $textgroup));
if (!empty($translation)) {
if ($lid) {
// We have this source string saved already.
db_query("UPDATE {locales_source} SET location = '%s' WHERE lid = %d", $location, $lid);
$exists = (bool) db_result(db_query("SELECT lid FROM {locales_target} WHERE lid = %d AND language = '%s'", $lid, $langcode));
if (!$exists) {
// No translation in this language.
db_query("INSERT INTO {locales_target} (lid, language, translation, plid, plural) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', %d, %d)", $lid, $langcode, $translation, $plid, $plural);
else if ($mode == LOCALE_IMPORT_OVERWRITE) {
// Translation exists, only overwrite if instructed.
db_query("UPDATE {locales_target} SET translation = '%s', plid = %d, plural = %d WHERE language = '%s' AND lid = %d", $translation, $plid, $plural, $langcode, $lid);
else {
// No such source string in the database yet.
db_query("INSERT INTO {locales_source} (location, source, textgroup) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')", $location, $source, $textgroup);
$lid = db_result(db_query("SELECT lid FROM {locales_source} WHERE source = '%s' AND textgroup = '%s'", $source, $textgroup));
db_query("INSERT INTO {locales_target} (lid, language, translation, plid, plural) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', %d, %d)", $lid, $langcode, $translation, $plid, $plural);
elseif ($mode == LOCALE_IMPORT_OVERWRITE) {
// Empty translation, remove existing if instructed.
db_query("DELETE FROM {locales_target} WHERE language = '%s' AND lid = %d AND plid = %d AND plural = %d", $translation, $langcode, $lid, $plid, $plural);
return $lid;
* Parses a Gettext Portable Object file header
* @param $header
* A string containing the complete header
* @return
* An associative array of key-value pairs
function _locale_import_parse_header($header) {
$header_parsed = array();
$lines = array_map('trim', explode("\n", $header));
foreach ($lines as $line) {
if ($line) {
list($tag, $contents) = explode(":", $line, 2);
$header_parsed[trim($tag)] = trim($contents);
return $header_parsed;
* Parses a Plural-Forms entry from a Gettext Portable Object file header
* @param $pluralforms
* A string containing the Plural-Forms entry
* @param $filename
* A string containing the filename
* @return
* An array containing the number of plurals and a
* formula in PHP for computing the plural form
function _locale_import_parse_plural_forms($pluralforms, $filename) {
// First, delete all whitespace
$pluralforms = strtr($pluralforms, array(" " => "", "\t" => ""));
// Select the parts that define nplurals and plural
$nplurals = strstr($pluralforms, "nplurals=");
if (strpos($nplurals, ";")) {
$nplurals = substr($nplurals, 9, strpos($nplurals, ";") - 9);
else {
return FALSE;
$plural = strstr($pluralforms, "plural=");
if (strpos($plural, ";")) {
$plural = substr($plural, 7, strpos($plural, ";") - 7);
else {
return FALSE;
// Get PHP version of the plural formula
$plural = _locale_import_parse_arithmetic($plural);
if ($plural !== FALSE) {
return array($nplurals, $plural);
else {
drupal_set_message(t('The translation file %filename contains an error: the plural formula could not be parsed.', array('%filename' => $filename)), 'error');
return FALSE;
* Parses and sanitizes an arithmetic formula into a PHP expression
* While parsing, we ensure, that the operators have the right
* precedence and associativity.
* @param $string
* A string containing the arithmetic formula
* @return
* The PHP version of the formula
function _locale_import_parse_arithmetic($string) {
// Operator precedence table
$prec = array("(" => -1, ")" => -1, "?" => 1, ":" => 1, "||" => 3, "&&" => 4, "==" => 5, "!=" => 5, "<" => 6, ">" => 6, "<=" => 6, ">=" => 6, "+" => 7, "-" => 7, "*" => 8, "/" => 8, "%" => 8);
// Right associativity
$rasc = array("?" => 1, ":" => 1);
$tokens = _locale_import_tokenize_formula($string);
// Parse by converting into infix notation then back into postfix
$opstk = array();
$elstk = array();
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
$ctok = $token;
// Numbers and the $n variable are simply pushed into $elarr
if (is_numeric($token)) {
$elstk[] = $ctok;
elseif ($ctok == "n") {
$elstk[] = '$n';
elseif ($ctok == "(") {
$opstk[] = $ctok;
elseif ($ctok == ")") {
$topop = array_pop($opstk);
while (isset($topop) && ($topop != "(")) {
$elstk[] = $topop;
$topop = array_pop($opstk);
elseif (!empty($prec[$ctok])) {
// If it's an operator, then pop from $oparr into $elarr until the
// precedence in $oparr is less than current, then push into $oparr
$topop = array_pop($opstk);
while (isset($topop) && ($prec[$topop] >= $prec[$ctok]) && !(($prec[$topop] == $prec[$ctok]) && !empty($rasc[$topop]) && !empty($rasc[$ctok]))) {
$elstk[] = $topop;
$topop = array_pop($opstk);
if ($topop) {
$opstk[] = $topop; // Return element to top
$opstk[] = $ctok; // Parentheses are not needed
else {
return FALSE;
// Flush operator stack
$topop = array_pop($opstk);
while ($topop != NULL) {
$elstk[] = $topop;
$topop = array_pop($opstk);
// Now extract formula from stack
$prevsize = count($elstk) + 1;
while (count($elstk) < $prevsize) {
$prevsize = count($elstk);
for ($i = 2; $i < count($elstk); $i++) {
$op = $elstk[$i];
if (!empty($prec[$op])) {
$f = "";
if ($op == ":") {
$f = $elstk[$i - 2] ."):". $elstk[$i - 1] .")";
elseif ($op == "?") {
$f = "(". $elstk[$i - 2] ."?(". $elstk[$i - 1];
else {
$f = "(". $elstk[$i - 2] . $op . $elstk[$i - 1] .")";
array_splice($elstk, $i - 2, 3, $f);
// If only one element is left, the number of operators is appropriate
if (count($elstk) == 1) {
return $elstk[0];
else {
return FALSE;
* Backward compatible implementation of token_get_all() for formula parsing
* @param $string
* A string containing the arithmetic formula
* @return
* The PHP version of the formula
function _locale_import_tokenize_formula($formula) {
$formula = str_replace(" ", "", $formula);
$tokens = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($formula); $i++) {
if (is_numeric($formula[$i])) {
$num = $formula[$i];
$j = $i + 1;
while ($j < strlen($formula) && is_numeric($formula[$j])) {
$num .= $formula[$j];
$i = $j - 1;
$tokens[] = $num;
elseif ($pos = strpos(" =<>!&|", $formula[$i])) { // We won't have a space
$next = $formula[$i + 1];
switch ($pos) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
if ($next == '=') {
$tokens[] = $formula[$i] .'=';
else {
$tokens[] = $formula[$i];
case 5:
if ($next == '&') {
$tokens[] = '&&';
else {
$tokens[] = $formula[$i];
case 6:
if ($next == '|') {
$tokens[] = '||';
else {
$tokens[] = $formula[$i];
else {
$tokens[] = $formula[$i];
return $tokens;
* Modify a string to contain proper count indices
* This is a callback function used via array_map()
* @param $entry
* An array element
* @param $key
* Index of the array element
function _locale_import_append_plural($entry, $key) {
// No modifications for 0, 1
if ($key == 0 || $key == 1) {
return $entry;
// First remove any possibly false indices, then add new ones
$entry = preg_replace('/(@count)\[[0-9]\]/', '\\1', $entry);
return preg_replace('/(@count)/', "\\1[$key]", $entry);
* Generate a short, one string version of the passed comment array
* @param $comment
* An array of strings containing a comment
* @return
* Short one string version of the comment
function _locale_import_shorten_comments($comment) {
$comm = '';
while (count($comment)) {
$test = $comm . substr(array_shift($comment), 1) .', ';
if (strlen($comm) < 130) {
$comm = $test;
else {
return substr($comm, 0, -2);
* Parses a string in quotes
* @param $string
* A string specified with enclosing quotes
* @return
* The string parsed from inside the quotes
function _locale_import_parse_quoted($string) {
if (substr($string, 0, 1) != substr($string, -1, 1)) {
return FALSE; // Start and end quotes must be the same
$quote = substr($string, 0, 1);
$string = substr($string, 1, -1);
if ($quote == '"') { // Double quotes: strip slashes
return stripcslashes($string);
elseif ($quote == "'") { // Simple quote: return as-is
return $string;
else {
return FALSE; // Unrecognized quote
* @} End of "locale-api-import"
* Parses a JavaScript file, extracts strings wrapped in Drupal.t() and
* Drupal.formatPlural() and inserts them into the database.
function _locale_parse_js_file($filepath) {
global $language;
// Load the JavaScript file.
$file = file_get_contents($filepath);
// Match all calls to Drupal.t() in an array.
// Note: \s also matches newlines with the 's' modifier.
preg_match_all('~[^\w]Drupal\s*\.\s*t\s*\(\s*('. LOCALE_JS_STRING .')\s*[,\)]~s', $file, $t_matches);
// Match all Drupal.formatPlural() calls in another array.
preg_match_all('~[^\w]Drupal\s*\.\s*formatPlural\s*\(\s*.+?\s*,\s*('. LOCALE_JS_STRING .')\s*,\s*((?:(?:\'(?:\\\\\'|[^\'])*@count(?:\\\\\'|[^\'])*\'|"(?:\\\\"|[^"])*@count(?:\\\\"|[^"])*")(?:\s*\+\s*)?)+)\s*[,\)]~s', $file, $plural_matches);
// Loop through all matches and process them.
$all_matches = array_merge($plural_matches[1], $t_matches[1]);
foreach ($all_matches as $key => $string) {
$strings = array($string);
// If there is also a plural version of this string, add it to the strings array.
if (isset($plural_matches[2][$key])) {
$strings[] = $plural_matches[2][$key];
foreach ($strings as $key => $string) {
// Remove the quotes and string concatenations from the string.
$string = implode('', preg_split('~(?<!\\\\)[\'"]\s*\+\s*[\'"]~s', substr($string, 1, -1)));
$result = db_query("SELECT lid, location FROM {locales_source} WHERE source = '%s' AND textgroup = 'default'", $string);
if ($source = db_fetch_object($result)) {
// We already have this source string and now have to add the location
// to the location column, if this file is not yet present in there.
$locations = preg_split('~\s*;\s*~', $source->location);
if (!in_array($filepath, $locations)) {
$locations[] = $filepath;
$locations = implode('; ', $locations);
// Save the new locations string to the database.
db_query("UPDATE {locales_source} SET location = '%s' WHERE lid = %d", $locations, $source->lid);
else {
// We don't have the source string yet, thus we insert it into the database.
db_query("INSERT INTO {locales_source} (location, source, textgroup) VALUES ('%s', '%s', 'default')", $filepath, $string);
* @defgroup locale-api-export Translation (template) export API.
* @{
* Generates a structured array of all strings with translations in
* $language, if given. This array can be used to generate an export
* of the string in the database.
* @param $language
* Language object to generate the output for, or NULL if generating
* translation template.
* @param $group
* Text group to export PO file from (eg. 'default' for interface translations)
function _locale_export_get_strings($language = NULL, $group = 'default') {
if (isset($language)) {
$result = db_query("SELECT s.lid, s.source, s.location, t.translation, t.plid, t.plural FROM {locales_source} s LEFT JOIN {locales_target} t ON s.lid = t.lid AND t.language = '%s' WHERE s.textgroup = '%s' ORDER BY t.plid, t.plural", $language->language, $group);
else {
$result = db_query("SELECT s.lid, s.source, s.location, t.plid, t.plural FROM {locales_source} s LEFT JOIN {locales_target} t ON s.lid = t.lid WHERE s.textgroup = '%s' ORDER BY t.plid, t.plural", $group);
$strings = array();
while ($child = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$string = array(
'comment' => $child->location,
'source' => $child->source,
'translation' => isset($child->translation) ? $child->translation : ''
if ($child->plid) {
// Has a parent lid. Since we process in the order of plids,
// we already have the parent in the array, so we can add the
// lid to the next plural version to it. This builds a linked
// list of plurals.
$string['child'] = TRUE;
$strings[$child->plid]['plural'] = $child->lid;
$strings[$child->lid] = $string;
return $strings;
* Generates the PO(T) file contents for given strings.
* @param $language
* Language object to generate the output for, or NULL if generating
* translation template.
* @param $strings
* Array of strings to export. See _locale_export_get_strings()
* on how it should be formatted.
* @param $header
* The header portion to use for the output file. Defaults
* are provided for PO and POT files.
function _locale_export_po_generate($language = NULL, $strings = array(), $header = NULL) {
global $user;
if (!isset($header)) {
if (isset($language)) {
$header = '# '. $language->name .' translation of '. variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal') ."\n";
$header .= '# Generated by '. $user->name .' <'. $user->mail .">\n";
$header .= "#\n";
$header .= "msgid \"\"\n";
$header .= "msgstr \"\"\n";
$header .= "\"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\\n\"\n";
$header .= "\"POT-Creation-Date: ". date("Y-m-d H:iO") ."\\n\"\n";
$header .= "\"PO-Revision-Date: ". date("Y-m-d H:iO") ."\\n\"\n";
$header .= "\"Last-Translator: NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\\n\"\n";
$header .= "\"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\\n\"\n";
$header .= "\"MIME-Version: 1.0\\n\"\n";
$header .= "\"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\\n\"\n";
$header .= "\"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n\"\n";
if ($language->formula && $language->plurals) {
$header .= "\"Plural-Forms: nplurals=". $language->plurals ."; plural=". strtr($language->formula, array('$' => '')) .";\\n\"\n";
else {
$header = "# LANGUAGE translation of PROJECT\n";
$header .= "# Copyright (c) YEAR NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n";
$header .= "#\n";
$header .= "msgid \"\"\n";
$header .= "msgstr \"\"\n";
$header .= "\"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\\n\"\n";
$header .= "\"POT-Creation-Date: ". date("Y-m-d H:iO") ."\\n\"\n";
$header .= "\"PO-Revision-Date: YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM+ZZZZ\\n\"\n";
$header .= "\"Last-Translator: NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\\n\"\n";
$header .= "\"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\\n\"\n";
$header .= "\"MIME-Version: 1.0\\n\"\n";
$header .= "\"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\\n\"\n";
$header .= "\"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n\"\n";
$header .= "\"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\\n\"\n";
$output = $header ."\n";
foreach ($strings as $lid => $string) {
// Only process non-children, children are output below their parent.
if (!isset($string['child'])) {
if ($string['comment']) {
$output .= '#: '. $string['comment'] ."\n";
$output .= 'msgid '. _locale_export_string($string['source']);
if (!empty($string['plural'])) {
$plural = $string['plural'];
$output .= 'msgid_plural '. _locale_export_string($strings[$plural]['source']);
if (isset($language)) {
$translation = $string['translation'];
for ($i = 0; $i < $language->plurals; $i++) {
$output .= 'msgstr['. $i .'] '. _locale_export_string($translation);
if ($plural) {
$translation = _locale_export_remove_plural($strings[$plural]['translation']);
$plural = isset($strings[$plural]['plural']) ? $strings[$plural]['plural'] : 0;
else {
$translation = '';
else {
$output .= 'msgstr[0] ""'."\n";
$output .= 'msgstr[1] ""'."\n";
else {
$output .= 'msgstr '. _locale_export_string($string['translation']);
$output .= "\n";
return $output;
* Write a generated PO or POT file to the output.
* @param $language
* Language object to generate the output for, or NULL if generating
* translation template.
* @param $output
* The PO(T) file to output as a string. See _locale_export_generate_po()
* on how it can be generated.
function _locale_export_po($language = NULL, $output = NULL) {
// Log the export event.
if (isset($language)) {
$filename = $language->language .'.po';
watchdog('locale', 'Exported %locale translation file: %filename.', array('%locale' => $language->name, '%filename' => $filename));
else {
$filename = 'drupal.pot';
watchdog('locale', 'Exported translation file: %filename.', array('%filename' => $filename));
// Download the file fo the client.
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename");
header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8");
print $output;
* Print out a string on multiple lines
function _locale_export_string($str) {
$stri = addcslashes($str, "\0..\37\\\"");
$parts = array();
// Cut text into several lines
while ($stri != "") {
$i = strpos($stri, "\\n");
if ($i === FALSE) {
$curstr = $stri;
$stri = "";
else {
$curstr = substr($stri, 0, $i + 2);
$stri = substr($stri, $i + 2);
$curparts = explode("\n", _locale_export_wrap($curstr, 70));
$parts = array_merge($parts, $curparts);
// Multiline string
if (count($parts) > 1) {
return "\"\"\n\"". implode("\"\n\"", $parts) ."\"\n";
// Single line string
elseif (count($parts) == 1) {
return "\"$parts[0]\"\n";
// No translation
else {
return "\"\"\n";
* Custom word wrapping for Portable Object (Template) files.
function _locale_export_wrap($str, $len) {
$words = explode(' ', $str);
$ret = array();
$cur = "";
$nstr = 1;
while (count($words)) {
$word = array_shift($words);
if ($nstr) {
$cur = $word;
$nstr = 0;
elseif (strlen("$cur $word") > $len) {
$ret[] = $cur ." ";
$cur = $word;
else {
$cur = "$cur $word";
$ret[] = $cur;
return implode("\n", $ret);
* Removes plural index information from a string
function _locale_export_remove_plural($entry) {
return preg_replace('/(@count)\[[0-9]\]/', '\\1', $entry);
* @} End of "locale-api-export"
* @defgroup locale-api-seek String search functions.
* @{
* Perform a string search and display results in a table
function _locale_translate_seek() {
$output = '';
// We have at least one criterion to match
if ($query = _locale_translate_seek_query()) {
$join = "SELECT s.source, s.location, s.lid, s.textgroup, t.translation, t.language FROM {locales_source} s LEFT JOIN {locales_target} t ON s.lid = t.lid ";
$arguments = array();
$limit_language = FALSE;
// Compute LIKE section
switch ($query['translation']) {
case 'translated':
$where = "WHERE (t.translation LIKE '%%%s%%')";
$orderby = "ORDER BY t.translation";
$arguments[] = $query['string'];
case 'untranslated':
$where = "WHERE (s.source LIKE '%%%s%%' AND t.translation IS NULL)";
$orderby = "ORDER BY s.source";
$arguments[] = $query['string'];
case 'all' :
$where = "WHERE (s.source LIKE '%%%s%%' OR t.translation LIKE '%%%s%%')";
$orderby = '';
$arguments[] = $query['string'];
$arguments[] = $query['string'];
$grouplimit = '';
if (!empty($query['group']) && $query['group'] != 'all') {
$grouplimit = " AND s.textgroup = '%s'";
$arguments[] = $query['group'];
switch ($query['language']) {
// Force search in source strings
case "en":
$sql = $join ." WHERE s.source LIKE '%%%s%%' $grouplimit ORDER BY s.source";
$arguments = array($query['string']); // $where is not used, discard its arguments
if (!empty($grouplimit)) {
$arguments[] = $query['group'];
// Search in all languages
case "all":
$sql = "$join $where $grouplimit $orderby";
// Some different language
$sql = "$join AND t.language = '%s' $where $grouplimit $orderby";
array_unshift($arguments, $query['language']);
// Don't show translation flags for other languages, we can't see them with this search.
$limit_language = $query['language'];
$result = pager_query($sql, 50, 0, NULL, $arguments);
$groups = module_invoke_all('locale', 'groups');
$header = array(t('Text group'), t('String'), ($limit_language) ? t('Language') : t('Languages'), array('data' => t('Operations'), 'colspan' => '2'));
$arr = array();
while ($locale = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$arr[$locale->lid]['group'] = $groups[$locale->textgroup];
$arr[$locale->lid]['languages'][$locale->language] = $locale->translation;
$arr[$locale->lid]['location'] = $locale->location;
$arr[$locale->lid]['source'] = $locale->source;
$rows = array();
foreach ($arr as $lid => $value) {
$rows[] = array(
array('data' => check_plain(truncate_utf8($value['source'], 150, FALSE, TRUE)) .'<br /><small>'. $value['location'] .'</small>'),
array('data' => _locale_translate_language_list($value['languages'], $limit_language), 'align' => 'center'),
array('data' => l(t('edit'), "admin/build/translate/edit/$lid"), 'class' => 'nowrap'),
array('data' => l(t('delete'), "admin/build/translate/delete/$lid"), 'class' => 'nowrap'),
if (count($rows)) {
$output .= theme('table', $header, $rows);
if ($pager = theme('pager', NULL, 50)) {
$output .= $pager;
else {
$output .= t('No strings found for your search.');
return $output;
* Build array out of search criteria specified in request variables
function _locale_translate_seek_query() {
static $query = NULL;
if (!isset($query)) {
$query = array();
$fields = array('string', 'language', 'translation', 'group');
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if (isset($_REQUEST[$field])) {
$query[$field] = $_REQUEST[$field];
return $query;
* Force the JavaScript translation file(s) to be refreshed.
* This function sets a refresh flag for a specified language, or all
* languages except English, if none specified. JavaScript translation
* files are rebuilt (with locale_update_js_files()) the next time a
* request is served in that language.
* @param $langcode
* The language code for which the file needs to be refreshed.
* @return
* New content of the 'javascript_parsed' variable.
function _locale_invalidate_js($langcode = NULL) {
$parsed = variable_get('javascript_parsed', array());
if (empty($langcode)) {
// Invalidate all languages.
$languages = language_list();
foreach ($languages as $lcode => $data) {
$parsed['refresh:'. $lcode] = 'waiting';
else {
// Invalidate single language.
$parsed['refresh:'. $langcode] = 'waiting';
variable_set('javascript_parsed', $parsed);
return $parsed;
* (Re-)Creates the JavaScript translation file for a language.
* @param $language
* The language, the translation file should be (re)created for.
function _locale_rebuild_js($langcode = NULL) {
if (!isset($langcode)) {
global $language;
else {
// Get information about the locale.
$languages = language_list();
$language = $languages[$langcode];
// Construct the array for JavaScript translations.
// We sort on plural so that we have all plural forms before singular forms.
$result = db_query("SELECT s.lid, s.source, t.plid, t.plural, t.translation FROM {locales_source} s LEFT JOIN {locales_target} t ON s.lid = t.lid AND t.language = '%s' WHERE s.location LIKE '%%.js%%' AND s.textgroup = 'default' ORDER BY t.plural DESC", $language->language);
$translations = $plurals = array();
while ($data = db_fetch_object($result)) {
// Only add this to the translations array when there is actually a translation.
if (!empty($data->translation)) {
if ($data->plural) {
// When the translation is a plural form, first add it to another array and
// wait for the singular (parent) translation.
if (!isset($plurals[$data->plid])) {
$plurals[$data->plid] = array($data->plural => $data->translation);
else {
$plurals[$data->plid] += array($data->plural => $data->translation);
elseif (isset($plurals[$data->lid])) {
// There are plural translations for this translation, so get them from
// the plurals array and add them to the final translations array.
$translations[$data->source] = array($data->plural => $data->translation) + $plurals[$data->lid];
else {
// There are no plural forms for this translation, so just add it to
// the translations array.
$translations[$data->source] = $data->translation;
// Construct the JavaScript file, if there are translations.
$data = $status = '';
if (!empty($translations)) {
$data = "Drupal.locale = { ";
if (!empty($language->formula)) {
$data .= "'pluralFormula': function(\$n) { return Number({$language->formula}); }, ";
$data .= "'strings': ". drupal_to_js($translations) ." };";
$data_hash = md5($data);
// Construct the filepath where JS translation files are stored.
// There is (on purpose) no front end to edit that variable.
$dir = file_create_path(variable_get('locale_js_directory', 'languages'));
// Delete old file, if we have no translations anymore, or a different file to be saved.
if (!empty($language->javascript) && (!$data || $language->javascript != $data_hash)) {
file_delete(file_create_path($dir .'/'. $language->language .'_'. $language->javascript .'.js'));
$language->javascript = '';
$status = 'deleted';
// Only create a new file if the content has changed.
if ($data && $language->javascript != $data_hash) {
// Ensure that the directory exists and is writable, if possible.
file_check_directory($dir, TRUE);
// Save the file.
$dest = $dir .'/'. $language->language .'_'. $data_hash .'.js';
if (file_save_data($data, $dest)) {
$language->javascript = $data_hash;
$status = ($status == 'deleted') ? 'updated' : 'created';
else {
$language->javascript = '';
$status = 'error';
// Save the new JavaScript hash (or an empty value if the file
// just got deleted). Act only if some operation was executed.
if ($status) {
db_query("UPDATE {languages} SET javascript = '%s' WHERE language = '%s'", $language->javascript, $language->language);
// Update the default language variable if the default language has been altered.
// This is necessary to keep the variable consistent with the database
// version of the language and to prevent checking against an outdated hash.
$default_langcode = language_default('language');
if ($default_langcode == $language->language) {
$default = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {languages} WHERE language = '%s'", $default_langcode));
variable_set('language_default', $default);
// Log the operation and return success flag.
switch ($status) {
case 'updated':
watchdog('locale', 'Updated JavaScript translation file for the language %language.', array('%language' => t($language->name)));
return TRUE;
case 'created':
watchdog('locale', 'Created JavaScript translation file for the language %language.', array('%language' => t($language->name)));
return TRUE;
case 'deleted':
watchdog('locale', 'Removed JavaScript translation file for the language %language, because no translations currently exist for that language.', array('%language' => t($language->name)));
return TRUE;
case 'error':
watchdog('locale', 'An error occurred during creation of the JavaScript translation file for the language %language.', array('%language' => t($language->name)), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
return FALSE;
// No operation needed.
return TRUE;
* List languages in search result table
function _locale_translate_language_list($translation, $limit_language) {
// Add CSS
drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'locale') .'/locale.css', 'module', 'all', FALSE);
$languages = language_list();
$output = '';
foreach ($languages as $langcode => $language) {
if (!$limit_language || $limit_language == $langcode) {
$output .= (!empty($translation[$langcode])) ? $langcode .' ' : "<em class=\"locale-untranslated\">$langcode</em> ";
return $output;
* @} End of "locale-api-seek"
* @defgroup locale-api-predefined List of predefined languages
* @{
* Prepares the language code list for a select form item with only the unsupported ones
function _locale_prepare_predefined_list() {
$languages = language_list();
$predefined = _locale_get_predefined_list();
foreach ($predefined as $key => $value) {
if (isset($languages[$key])) {
// Include native name in output, if possible
if (count($value) > 1) {
$tname = t($value[0]);
$predefined[$key] = ($tname == $value[1]) ? $tname : "$tname ($value[1])";
else {
$predefined[$key] = t($value[0]);
return $predefined;
* Some of the common languages with their English and native names
* Based on ISO 639 and http://people.w3.org/rishida/names/languages.html
function _locale_get_predefined_list() {
return array(
"aa" => array("Afar"),
"ab" => array("Abkhazian", "аҧсуа бызшәа"),
"ae" => array("Avestan"),
"af" => array("Afrikaans"),
"ak" => array("Akan"),
"am" => array("Amharic", "አማርኛ"),
"ar" => array("Arabic", /* Left-to-right marker "" */ "العربية", LANGUAGE_RTL),
"as" => array("Assamese"),
"av" => array("Avar"),
"ay" => array("Aymara"),
"az" => array("Azerbaijani", "azərbaycan"),
"ba" => array("Bashkir"),
"be" => array("Belarusian", "Беларуская"),
"bg" => array("Bulgarian", "Български"),
"bh" => array("Bihari"),
"bi" => array("Bislama"),
"bm" => array("Bambara", "Bamanankan"),
"bn" => array("Bengali"),
"bo" => array("Tibetan"),
"br" => array("Breton"),
"bs" => array("Bosnian", "Bosanski"),
"ca" => array("Catalan", "Català"),
"ce" => array("Chechen"),
"ch" => array("Chamorro"),
"co" => array("Corsican"),
"cr" => array("Cree"),
"cs" => array("Czech", "Čeština"),
"cu" => array("Old Slavonic"),
"cv" => array("Chuvash"),
"cy" => array("Welsh", "Cymraeg"),
"da" => array("Danish", "Dansk"),
"de" => array("German", "Deutsch"),
"dv" => array("Maldivian"),
"dz" => array("Bhutani"),
"ee" => array("Ewe", "Ɛʋɛ"),
"el" => array("Greek", "Ελληνικά"),
"en" => array("English"),
"eo" => array("Esperanto"),
"es" => array("Spanish", "Español"),
"et" => array("Estonian", "Eesti"),
"eu" => array("Basque", "Euskera"),
"fa" => array("Persian", /* Left-to-right marker "" */ "فارسی", LANGUAGE_RTL),
"ff" => array("Fulah", "Fulfulde"),
"fi" => array("Finnish", "Suomi"),
"fj" => array("Fiji"),
"fo" => array("Faeroese"),
"fr" => array("French", "Français"),
"fy" => array("Frisian", "Frysk"),
"ga" => array("Irish", "Gaeilge"),
"gd" => array("Scots Gaelic"),
"gl" => array("Galician", "Galego"),
"gn" => array("Guarani"),
"gu" => array("Gujarati"),
"gv" => array("Manx"),
"ha" => array("Hausa"),
"he" => array("Hebrew", /* Left-to-right marker "" */ "עברית", LANGUAGE_RTL),
"hi" => array("Hindi", "हिन्दी"),
"ho" => array("Hiri Motu"),
"hr" => array("Croatian", "Hrvatski"),
"hu" => array("Hungarian", "Magyar"),
"hy" => array("Armenian", "Հայերեն"),
"hz" => array("Herero"),
"ia" => array("Interlingua"),
"id" => array("Indonesian", "Bahasa Indonesia"),
"ie" => array("Interlingue"),
"ig" => array("Igbo"),
"ik" => array("Inupiak"),
"is" => array("Icelandic", "Íslenska"),
"it" => array("Italian", "Italiano"),
"iu" => array("Inuktitut"),
"ja" => array("Japanese", "日本語"),
"jv" => array("Javanese"),
"ka" => array("Georgian"),
"kg" => array("Kongo"),
"ki" => array("Kikuyu"),
"kj" => array("Kwanyama"),
"kk" => array("Kazakh", "Қазақ"),
"kl" => array("Greenlandic"),
"km" => array("Cambodian"),
"kn" => array("Kannada", "ಕನ್ನಡ"),
"ko" => array("Korean", "한국어"),
"kr" => array("Kanuri"),
"ks" => array("Kashmiri"),
"ku" => array("Kurdish", "Kurdî"),
"kv" => array("Komi"),
"kw" => array("Cornish"),
"ky" => array("Kirghiz", "Кыргыз"),
"la" => array("Latin", "Latina"),
"lb" => array("Luxembourgish"),
"lg" => array("Luganda"),
"ln" => array("Lingala"),
"lo" => array("Laothian"),
"lt" => array("Lithuanian", "Lietuvių"),
"lv" => array("Latvian", "Latviešu"),
"mg" => array("Malagasy"),
"mh" => array("Marshallese"),
"mi" => array("Maori"),
"mk" => array("Macedonian", "Македонски"),
"ml" => array("Malayalam", "മലയാളം"),
"mn" => array("Mongolian"),
"mo" => array("Moldavian"),
"mr" => array("Marathi"),
"ms" => array("Malay", "Bahasa Melayu"),
"mt" => array("Maltese", "Malti"),
"my" => array("Burmese"),
"na" => array("Nauru"),
"nd" => array("North Ndebele"),
"ne" => array("Nepali"),
"ng" => array("Ndonga"),
"nl" => array("Dutch", "Nederlands"),
"nb" => array("Norwegian Bokmål", "Bokmål"),
"nn" => array("Norwegian Nynorsk", "Nynorsk"),
"nr" => array("South Ndebele"),
"nv" => array("Navajo"),
"ny" => array("Chichewa"),
"oc" => array("Occitan"),
"om" => array("Oromo"),
"or" => array("Oriya"),
"os" => array("Ossetian"),
"pa" => array("Punjabi"),
"pi" => array("Pali"),
"pl" => array("Polish", "Polski"),
"ps" => array("Pashto", /* Left-to-right marker "" */ "پښتو", LANGUAGE_RTL),
"pt" => array("Portuguese, Portugal", "Português"),
"pt-br" => array("Portuguese, Brazil", "Português"),
"qu" => array("Quechua"),
"rm" => array("Rhaeto-Romance"),
"rn" => array("Kirundi"),
"ro" => array("Romanian", "Română"),
"ru" => array("Russian", "Русский"),
"rw" => array("Kinyarwanda"),
"sa" => array("Sanskrit"),
"sc" => array("Sardinian"),
"sd" => array("Sindhi"),
"se" => array("Northern Sami"),
"sg" => array("Sango"),
"sh" => array("Serbo-Croatian"),
"si" => array("Singhalese"),
"sk" => array("Slovak", "Slovenčina"),
"sl" => array("Slovenian", "Slovenščina"),
"sm" => array("Samoan"),
"sn" => array("Shona"),
"so" => array("Somali"),
"sq" => array("Albanian", "Shqip"),
"sr" => array("Serbian", "Српски"),
"ss" => array("Siswati"),
"st" => array("Sesotho"),
"su" => array("Sudanese"),
"sv" => array("Swedish", "Svenska"),
"sw" => array("Swahili", "Kiswahili"),
"ta" => array("Tamil", "தமிழ்"),
"te" => array("Telugu", "తెలుగు"),
"tg" => array("Tajik"),
"th" => array("Thai", "ภาษาไทย"),
"ti" => array("Tigrinya"),
"tk" => array("Turkmen"),
"tl" => array("Tagalog"),
"tn" => array("Setswana"),
"to" => array("Tonga"),
"tr" => array("Turkish", "Türkçe"),
"ts" => array("Tsonga"),
"tt" => array("Tatar", "Tatarça"),
"tw" => array("Twi"),
"ty" => array("Tahitian"),
"ug" => array("Uighur"),
"uk" => array("Ukrainian", "Українська"),
"ur" => array("Urdu", /* Left-to-right marker "" */ "اردو", LANGUAGE_RTL),
"uz" => array("Uzbek", "o'zbek"),
"ve" => array("Venda"),
"vi" => array("Vietnamese", "Tiếng Việt"),
"wo" => array("Wolof"),
"xh" => array("Xhosa", "isiXhosa"),
"yi" => array("Yiddish"),
"yo" => array("Yoruba", "Yorùbá"),
"za" => array("Zhuang"),
"zh-hans" => array("Chinese, Simplified", "简体中文"),
"zh-hant" => array("Chinese, Traditional", "繁體中文"),
"zu" => array("Zulu", "isiZulu"),
* @} End of "locale-api-languages-predefined"
* @defgroup locale-autoimport Automatic interface translation import
* @{
* Prepare a batch to import translations for all enabled
* modules in a given language.
* @param $langcode
* Language code to import translations for.
* @param $finished
* Optional finished callback for the batch.
* @param $skip
* Array of component names to skip. Used in the installer for the
* second pass import, when most components are already imported.
* @return
* A batch structure or FALSE if no files found.
function locale_batch_by_language($langcode, $finished = NULL, $skip = array()) {
// Collect all files to import for all enabled modules and themes.
$files = array();
$components = array();
$query = "SELECT name, filename FROM {system} WHERE status = 1";
if (count($skip)) {
$query .= " AND name NOT IN (". db_placeholders($skip, 'varchar') .")";
$result = db_query($query, $skip);
while ($component = db_fetch_object($result)) {
// Collect all files for all components, names as $langcode.po or
// with names ending with $langcode.po. This allows for filenames
// like node-module.de.po to let translators use small files and
// be able to import in smaller chunks.
$files = array_merge($files, file_scan_directory(dirname($component->filename) .'/translations', '(^|\.)'. $langcode .'\.po$', array('.', '..', 'CVS'), 0, FALSE));
$components[] = $component->name;
return _locale_batch_build($files, $finished, $components);
* Prepare a batch to run when installing modules or enabling themes.
* This batch will import translations for the newly added components
* in all the languages already set up on the site.
* @param $components
* An array of component (theme and/or module) names to import
* translations for.
* @param $finished
* Optional finished callback for the batch.
function locale_batch_by_component($components, $finished = '_locale_batch_system_finished') {
$files = array();
$languages = language_list('enabled');
if (count($languages[1])) {
$language_list = join('|', array_keys($languages[1]));
// Collect all files to import for all $components.
$result = db_query("SELECT name, filename FROM {system} WHERE status = 1");
while ($component = db_fetch_object($result)) {
if (in_array($component->name, $components)) {
// Collect all files for this component in all enabled languages, named
// as $langcode.po or with names ending with $langcode.po. This allows
// for filenames like node-module.de.po to let translators use small
// files and be able to import in smaller chunks.
$files = array_merge($files, file_scan_directory(dirname($component->filename) .'/translations', '(^|\.)('. $language_list .')\.po$', array('.', '..', 'CVS'), 0, FALSE));
return _locale_batch_build($files, $finished);
return FALSE;
* Build a locale batch from an array of files.
* @param $files
* Array of files to import
* @param $finished
* Optional finished callback for the batch.
* @param $components
* Optional list of component names the batch covers. Used in the installer.
* @return
* A batch structure
function _locale_batch_build($files, $finished = NULL, $components = array()) {
$t = get_t();
if (count($files)) {
$operations = array();
foreach ($files as $file) {
// We call _locale_batch_import for every batch operation.
$operations[] = array('_locale_batch_import', array($file->filename)); }
$batch = array(
'operations' => $operations,
'title' => $t('Importing interface translations'),
'init_message' => $t('Starting import'),
'error_message' => $t('Error importing interface translations'),
'file' => './includes/locale.inc',
// This is not a batch API construct, but data passed along to the
// installer, so we know what did we import already.
'#components' => $components,
if (isset($finished)) {
$batch['finished'] = $finished;
return $batch;
return FALSE;
* Perform interface translation import as a batch step.
* @param $filepath
* Path to a file to import.
* @param $results
* Contains a list of files imported.
function _locale_batch_import($filepath, &$context) {
// The filename is either {langcode}.po or {prefix}.{langcode}.po, so
// we can extract the language code to use for the import from the end.
if (preg_match('!(/|\.)([^\./]+)\.po$!', $filepath, $langcode)) {
$file = (object) array('filename' => basename($filepath), 'filepath' => $filepath);
_locale_import_read_po('db-store', $file, LOCALE_IMPORT_KEEP, $langcode[2]);
$context['results'][] = $filepath;
* Finished callback of system page locale import batch.
* Inform the user of translation files imported.
function _locale_batch_system_finished($success, $results) {
if ($success) {
drupal_set_message(format_plural(count($results), 'One translation file imported for the newly installed modules.', '@count translation files imported for the newly installed modules.'));
* Finished callback of language addition locale import batch.
* Inform the user of translation files imported.
function _locale_batch_language_finished($success, $results) {
if ($success) {
drupal_set_message(format_plural(count($results), 'One translation file imported for the enabled modules.', '@count translation files imported for the enabled modules.'));
* @} End of "locale-autoimport"