125 lines
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125 lines
4.0 KiB
// This code should go in the admin pages and is only a temporary
// placeholder untill we are going to rewrite the admin pages. If
// you have the sudden urge to integrate it into admin.php or if
// you have some time to kill ... I won't stop you. A rewrite of
// admin.php is sheduled for v0.20 anyway ...
// Like this the ban.php code I just queued it to be included into
// the new admin pages. After proper integration, this file can
// be removed.
// -- Dries
include "database.inc";
include "ban.inc";
function ban_check($mask, $category) {
$ban = ban_match($mask, $category);
print "<H3>Status:</H3>\n";
print "". ($ban ? "Matched ban '<B>$ban->mask</B>' with reason: <I>$ban->reason</I>.<P>\n" : "No matching bans for '$mask'.<P>\n") ."";
function ban_new($mask, $category, $reason) {
ban_add($mask, $category, $reason, &$message);
print "<H3>Status:</H3>\n";
print "$message\n";
function ban_display($category = "") {
global $PHP_SELF, $type;
### initialize variable:
$category = $category ? $category : 1;
### Perform query:
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM bans WHERE type = $category ORDER BY mask");
### Generate output:
print "<H3>Active bans:</H3>\n";
print "<TABLE BORDER=\"1\" CELLPADDING=\"3\" CELLSPACING=\"0\">\n";
print " <TR>\n";
print " <TH COLSPAN=\"2\" >Active bans</TH>\n";
print " </TH>\n";
print " <TH>\n";
print " <FORM ACTION=\"$PHP_SELF\" METHOD=\"post\">\n";
print " <SELECT NAME=\"category\">\n";
for (reset($type); $cur = current($type); next($type)) {
print " <OPTION VALUE=\"$cur\"". ($cur == $category ? " SELECTED" : "") .">". key($type) ."</OPTION>\n";
print " </SELECT>\n";
print " <INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"op\" VALUE=\"Refresh\">\n";
print " </FORM>\n";
print " </TH>\n";
print " </TR>\n";
print " <TR>\n";
print " <TH>Mask</TH>\n";
print " <TH>Reason</TH>\n";
print " <TH>Operations</TH>\n";
print " </TR>\n";
while ($ban = db_fetch_object($result)) {
print " <TR><TD>$ban->mask</TD><TD>$ban->reason</TD><TD ALIGN=\"center\"><A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?op=delete&category=$category&id=$ban->id\">delete</A></TD></TR>\n";
print " <TR><TD COLSPAN=\"3\"><SMALL>%: matches any number of characters, even zero characters.<BR>_: matches exactly one character.</SMALL></TD></TR>\n";
print "</TABLE>\n";
print "<BR><HR>\n";
print "<H3>Add new ban:</H3>\n";
print "<FORM ACTION=\"$PHP_SELF\" METHOD=\"post\">\n";
print "<B>Banmask:</B><BR>\n";
print "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"mask\" SIZE=\"35\"><P>\n";
print "<B>Type:</B><BR>\n";
print "<SELECT NAME=\"category\"\">\n";
for (reset($type); $cur = current($type); next($type)) {
print "<OPTION VALUE=\"$cur\"". ($cur == $category ? " SELECTED" : "") .">". key($type) ."</OPTION>\n";
print "</SELECT><P>\n";
print "<B>Reason:</B><BR>\n";
print "<TEXTAREA NAME=\"reason\" COLS=\"35\" ROWS=\"5\"></TEXTAREA><P>\n";
print "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"op\" VALUE=\"Add ban\"><BR>\n";
print "</FORM>\n";
print "<BR><HR>\n";
print "<H3>Ban check:</H3>\n";
print "<FORM ACTION=\"$PHP_SELF\" METHOD=\"post\">\n";
print "<B>Banmask:</B><BR>\n";
print "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"mask\" SIZE=\"35\"><P>\n";
print "<B>Type:</B><BR>\n";
print "<SELECT NAME=\"category\"\">\n";
for (reset($type); $cur = current($type); next($type)) {
print "<OPTION VALUE=\"$cur\"". ($cur == $category ? " SELECTED" : "") .">". key($type) ."</OPTION>\n";
print "</SELECT><P>\n";
print "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"op\" VALUE=\"Check ban\"><BR>\n";
print "</FORM>\n";
include "admin.inc";
switch ($op) {
case "Add ban":
ban_new($mask, $category, $reason);
case "Check ban":
ban_check($mask, $category);
case "delete":