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Drupal core is built and maintained by the Drupal project community. Everyone is
encouraged to submit issues and changes (patches) to improve Drupal, and to
contribute in other ways -- see http://drupal.org/contribute to find out how.
Branch maintainers
The Drupal Core branch maintainers oversee the development of Drupal as a
whole. The branch maintainers for Drupal 8 are:
- Dries Buytaert 'dries' http://drupal.org/user/1
- Nathaniel Catchpole 'catch' http://drupal.org/user/35733
Component maintainers
The Drupal Core component maintainers oversee the development of Drupal
subsystems. See http://drupal.org/contribute/core-maintainers for more
information on their responsibilities, and to find out how to become a component
maintainer. Current component maintainers for Drupal 8:
Ajax system
- Alex Bronstein 'effulgentsia' http://drupal.org/user/78040
- Earl Miles 'merlinofchaos' http://drupal.org/user/26979
Base system
- Károly Négyesi 'chx' http://drupal.org/user/9446
- Damien Tournoud 'DamZ' http://drupal.org/user/22211
- Moshe Weitzman 'moshe weitzman' http://drupal.org/user/23
Batch system
- Yves Chedemois 'yched' http://drupal.org/user/39567
Cache system
- Damien Tournoud 'DamZ' http://drupal.org/user/22211
- Nathaniel Catchpole 'catch' http://drupal.org/user/35733
- Mark Sonnabaum 'msonnabaum' http://drupal.org/user/75278
Configuration system
- Greg Dunlap 'heyrocker' http://drupal.org/user/128537
- Daniel F. Kudwien 'sun' http://drupal.org/user/54136
- Alex Pott 'alexpott' http://drupal.org/user/157725
Configuration entity system
- Daniel F. Kudwien 'sun' http://drupal.org/user/54136
- Tim Plunkett 'tim.plunkett' http://drupal.org/user/241634
Cron system
- Károly Négyesi 'chx' http://drupal.org/user/9446
- Derek Wright 'dww' http://drupal.org/user/46549
Database system
- Larry Garfield 'Crell' http://drupal.org/user/26398
- MySQL driver
- Larry Garfield 'Crell' http://drupal.org/user/26398
- David Strauss 'David Strauss' http://drupal.org/user/93254
- PostgreSQL driver
- Damien Tournoud 'DamZ' http://drupal.org/user/22211
- Josh Waihi 'fiasco' http://drupal.org/user/188162
- Sqlite driver
- Damien Tournoud 'DamZ' http://drupal.org/user/22211
- Károly Négyesi 'chx' http://drupal.org/user/9446
Database update system
- Ashok Modi 'btmash' http://drupal.org/user/60422
Entity system
- Wolfgang Ziegler 'fago' http://drupal.org/user/16747
- Nathaniel Catchpole 'catch' http://drupal.org/user/35733
- Franz Heinzmann 'Frando' http://drupal.org/user/21850
File system
- Andrew Morton 'drewish' http://drupal.org/user/34869
- Aaron Winborn 'aaron' http://drupal.org/user/33420
Form system
- Károly Négyesi 'chx' http://drupal.org/user/9446
- Alex Bronstein 'effulgentsia' http://drupal.org/user/78040
- Wolfgang Ziegler 'fago' http://drupal.org/user/16747
- Daniel F. Kudwien 'sun' http://drupal.org/user/54136
- Franz Heinzmann 'Frando' http://drupal.org/user/21850
Image system
- Andrew Morton 'drewish' http://drupal.org/user/34869
- Nathan Haug 'quicksketch' http://drupal.org/user/35821
Install system
- David Rothstein 'David_Rothstein' http://drupal.org/user/124982
- Théodore Biadala 'nod_' http://drupal.org/user/598310
- Steve De Jonghe 'seutje' http://drupal.org/user/264148
Language system
- Francesco Placella 'plach' http://drupal.org/user/183211
- Daniel F. Kudwien 'sun' http://drupal.org/user/54136
Lock system
- Damien Tournoud 'DamZ' http://drupal.org/user/22211
Mail system
- ?
- Jacine Luisi 'Jacine' http://drupal.org/user/88931
- Daniel F. Kudwien 'sun' http://drupal.org/user/54136
Menu system
- Peter Wolanin 'pwolanin' http://drupal.org/user/49851
- Károly Négyesi 'chx' http://drupal.org/user/9446
Path system
- Dave Reid 'davereid' http://drupal.org/user/53892
- Nathaniel Catchpole 'catch' http://drupal.org/user/35733
Render system
- Moshe Weitzman 'moshe weitzman' http://drupal.org/user/23
- Alex Bronstein 'effulgentsia' http://drupal.org/user/78040
- Franz Heinzmann 'Frando' http://drupal.org/user/21850
Theme system
- Earl Miles 'merlinofchaos' http://drupal.org/user/26979
- Alex Bronstein 'effulgentsia' http://drupal.org/user/78040
- Joon Park 'dvessel' http://drupal.org/user/56782
- John Albin Wilkins 'JohnAlbin' http://drupal.org/user/32095
Token system
- Dave Reid 'davereid' http://drupal.org/user/53892
XML-RPC system
- Frederic G. Marand 'fgm' http://drupal.org/user/27985
Topic coordinators
- Everett Zufelt 'Everett Zufelt' http://drupal.org/user/406552
- Brandon Bowersox-Johnson 'bowersox' http://drupal.org/user/186415
- Jennifer Hodgdon 'jhodgdon' http://drupal.org/user/155601
- Greg Knaddison 'greggles' <http://drupal.org/user/36762>
- Gerhard Killesreiter 'killes' http://drupal.org/user/83
User experience and usability
- Roy Scholten 'yoroy' http://drupal.org/user/41502
- Bojhan Somers 'Bojhan' http://drupal.org/user/87969
Node Access
- Moshe Weitzman 'moshe weitzman' http://drupal.org/user/23
- Ken Rickard 'agentrickard' http://drupal.org/user/20975
- Jess Myrbo 'xjm' http://drupal.org/user/65776
Module maintainers
Aggregator module
- ?
Block module
- John Albin Wilkins 'JohnAlbin' http://drupal.org/user/32095
Book module
- Peter Wolanin 'pwolanin' http://drupal.org/user/49851
Color module
- ?
Comment module
- Dick Olsson 'dixon_' http://drupal.org/user/239911
Configuration module
- ?
Contact module
- Dave Reid 'davereid' http://drupal.org/user/53892
Contextual module
- Daniel F. Kudwien 'sun' http://drupal.org/user/54136
Database Logging module
- Khalid Baheyeldin 'kbahey' http://drupal.org/user/4063
Field module
- Yves Chedemois 'yched' http://drupal.org/user/39567
- Barry Jaspan 'bjaspan' http://drupal.org/user/46413
- Kristof De Jaeger 'swentel' http://drupal.org/user/107403
Field UI module
- Yves Chedemois 'yched' http://drupal.org/user/39567
- Kristof De Jaeger 'swentel' http://drupal.org/user/107403
File module
- Aaron Winborn 'aaron' http://drupal.org/user/33420
Filter module
- Daniel F. Kudwien 'sun' http://drupal.org/user/54136
Forum module
- Lee Rowlands 'larowlan' http://drupal.org/user/395439
Help module
- ?
Image module
- Nathan Haug 'quicksketch' http://drupal.org/user/35821
Locale module
- Gábor Hojtsy 'Gábor Hojtsy' http://drupal.org/user/4166
Menu module
- ?
Node module
- Moshe Weitzman 'moshe weitzman' http://drupal.org/user/23
- David Strauss 'David Strauss' http://drupal.org/user/93254
OpenID module
- Vojtech Kusy 'wojtha' http://drupal.org/user/56154
- Christian Schmidt 'c960657' http://drupal.org/user/216078
- Damien Tournoud 'DamZ' http://drupal.org/user/22211
Overlay module
- ?
Path module
- Dave Reid 'davereid' http://drupal.org/user/53892
PHP module
- ?
Poll module
- Andrei Mateescu 'amateescu' http://drupal.org/user/729614
RDF module
- Stéphane Corlosquet 'scor' http://drupal.org/user/52142
Search module
- Doug Green 'douggreen' http://drupal.org/user/29191
Shortcut module
- David Rothstein 'David_Rothstein' http://drupal.org/user/124982
Simpletest module
- Jimmy Berry 'boombatower' http://drupal.org/user/214218
- Károly Négyesi 'chx' http://drupal.org/user/9446
Statistics module
- Tim Millwood 'timmillwood' http://drupal.org/user/227849
Syslog module
- Khalid Baheyeldin 'kbahey' http://drupal.org/user/4063
System module
- ?
Taxonomy module
- Jess Myrbo 'xjm' http://drupal.org/user/65776
- Nathaniel Catchpole 'catch' http://drupal.org/user/35733
- Benjamin Doherty 'bangpound' http://drupal.org/user/100456
Toolbar module
- ?
Tracker module
- David Strauss 'David Strauss' http://drupal.org/user/93254
Translation module
- Francesco Placella 'plach' http://drupal.org/user/183211
Update module
- Derek Wright 'dww' http://drupal.org/user/46549
User module
- Moshe Weitzman 'moshe weitzman' http://drupal.org/user/23
- David Strauss 'David Strauss' http://drupal.org/user/93254
Theme maintainers
Bartik theme
- Jen Simmons 'jensimmons' http://drupal.org/user/140882
- Jeff Burns 'Jeff Burnz' http://drupal.org/user/61393
Seven theme
- Jeff Burns 'Jeff Burnz' http://drupal.org/user/61393
Stark theme
- John Albin Wilkins 'JohnAlbin' http://drupal.org/user/32095
Initiative owners
The Drupal Core Initiatives owners oversee approved projects that re-architect
or otherwise improve large areas of Drupal core. See
http://drupal.org/community-initiatives/drupal-core for more information on
their responsibilities. The initiative owners for Drupal 8 are:
Configuration management
- Greg Dunlap 'heyrocker' http://drupal.org/user/128537
- Jeff Burns 'Jeff Burnz' http://drupal.org/user/61393
- Jacine Luisi 'Jacine' http://drupal.org/user/88931
- John Albin Wilkins 'JohnAlbin' http://drupal.org/user/32095
- Gábor Hojtsy 'Gábor Hojtsy' http://drupal.org/user/4166
Web services
- Larry Garfield 'Crell' http://drupal.org/user/26398