
196 lines
6.9 KiB

* @file
* Attaches behavior for the Edit module.
(function ($, _, Backbone, Drupal, drupalSettings) {
"use strict";
Drupal.edit = { metadataCache: {}, contextualLinksQueue: [] };
* Attach toggling behavior and in-place editing.
Drupal.behaviors.edit = {
attach: function (context) {
var $context = $(context);
var $fields = $context.find('[data-edit-id]');
// Initialize the Edit app.
$('body').once('edit-init', Drupal.edit.init);
function annotateField (field) {
var hasField = _.has(Drupal.edit.metadataCache, field.editID);
if (hasField) {
var meta = Drupal.edit.metadataCache[field.editID];
field.$el.addClass((meta.access) ? 'edit-allowed' : 'edit-disallowed');
if (meta.access) {
.attr('data-edit-field-label', meta.label)
.attr('aria-label', meta.aria)
.addClass('edit-field edit-type-' + ((meta.editor === 'form') ? 'form' : 'direct'));
return hasField;
// Find all fields in the context without metadata.
var fieldsToAnnotate = _.map($fields.not('.edit-allowed, .edit-disallowed'), function (el) {
var $el = $(el);
return { $el: $el, editID: $el.attr('data-edit-id') };
// Fields whose metadata is known (typically when they were just modified)
// can be annotated immediately, those remaining must be requested.
var remainingFieldsToAnnotate = _.reduce(fieldsToAnnotate, function (result, field) {
if (!annotateField(field)) {
return result;
}, []);
// Make fields that could be annotated immediately available for editing.
if (remainingFieldsToAnnotate.length) {
$(window).ready(function () {
var id = 'edit-load-metadata';
// Create a temporary element to be able to use Drupal.ajax.
var $el = jQuery('<div id="' + id + '" class="element-hidden"></div>').appendTo('body');
// Create a Drupal.ajax instance to load the form.
Drupal.ajax[id] = new Drupal.ajax(id, $el, {
url: drupalSettings.edit.metadataURL,
event: 'edit-internal.edit',
submit: { 'fields[]': _.pluck(remainingFieldsToAnnotate, 'editID') },
// No progress indicator.
progress: { type: null }
// Implement a scoped editMetaData AJAX command: calls the callback.
Drupal.ajax[id].commands.editMetadata = function (ajax, response, status) {
// Update the metadata cache.
_.each(response.data, function (metadata, editID) {
Drupal.edit.metadataCache[editID] = metadata;
// Annotate the remaining fields based on the updated access cache.
_.each(remainingFieldsToAnnotate, annotateField);
// Find editable fields, make them editable.
// Metadata cache has been updated, try to set up more contextual
// links now.
Drupal.edit.contextualLinksQueue = _.filter(Drupal.edit.contextualLinksQueue, function (data) {
return !Drupal.edit.setUpContextualLink(data);
// Delete the Drupal.ajax instance that called this very function.
delete Drupal.ajax[id];
// Also delete the temporary element.
// $el.remove();
// This will ensure our scoped editMetadata AJAX command gets called.
* Detect contextual links on entities annotated by Edit; queue these to be
* processed.
$(document).on('drupalContextualLinkAdded', function (event, data) {
if (data.$region.is('[data-edit-entity]')) {
var contextualLink = {
entity: data.$region.attr('data-edit-entity'),
$el: data.$el,
$region: data.$region
// Set up contextual links for this, otherwise queue it to be set up later.
if (!Drupal.edit.setUpContextualLink(contextualLink)) {
* Attempts to set up a "Quick edit" contextual link.
* @param Object contextualLink
* An object with the following properties:
* - entity: an Edit entity identifier, e.g. "node/1" or "custom_block/5".
* - $el: a jQuery element pointing to the contextual links for this entity.
* - $region: a jQuery element pointing to the contextual region for this
* entity.
* @return Boolean
* Returns true when a contextual the given contextual link metadata can be
* removed from the queue (either because the contextual link has been set up
* or because it is certain that in-place editing is not allowed for any of
* its fields).
* Returns false otherwise.
Drupal.edit.setUpContextualLink = function (contextualLink) {
// Check if the user has permission to edit at least one of them.
function hasFieldWithPermission (editIDs) {
var i, meta = Drupal.edit.metadataCache;
for (i = 0; i < editIDs.length; i++) {
var editID = editIDs[i];
if (_.has(meta, editID) && meta[editID].access === true) {
return true;
return false;
// Checks if the metadata for all given editIDs exists.
function allMetadataExists (editIDs) {
var editIDsWithMetadata = _.intersection(editIDs, _.keys(Drupal.edit.metadataCache));
return editIDs.length === editIDsWithMetadata.length;
// Find the Edit IDs of all fields within this entity.
var editIDs = [];
.find('[data-edit-id^="' + contextualLink.entity + '/"]')
.each(function () {
// The entity for the given contextual link contains at least one field that
// the current user may edit in-place; instantiate ContextualLinkView.
if (hasFieldWithPermission(editIDs)) {
new Drupal.edit.views.ContextualLinkView({
el: $('<li class="quick-edit"><a href=""></a></li>').prependTo(contextualLink.$el),
model: Drupal.edit.app.model,
entity: contextualLink.entity
return true;
// There was not at least one field that the current user may edit in-place,
// even though the metadata for all fields within this entity is available.
else if (allMetadataExists(editIDs)) {
return true;
return false;
Drupal.edit.init = function () {
// Instantiate EditAppView, which is the controller of it all. EditAppModel
// instance tracks global state (viewing/editing in-place).
var appModel = new Drupal.edit.models.EditAppModel();
// For now, we work with a singleton app, because for Drupal.behaviors to be
// able to discover new editable properties that get AJAXed in, it must know
// with which app instance they should be associated.
Drupal.edit.app = new Drupal.edit.EditAppView({
el: $('body'),
model: appModel
})(jQuery, _, Backbone, Drupal, drupalSettings);