Dries Buytaert 3620310d7c - Patch #818206 by Berdir et al: apply coding standard for no-arg constructors. 2010-06-17 13:16:57 +00:00
database - Patch #827554 by Josh Waihi: PostgreSQL performance optimization: PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES. 2010-06-16 04:56:07 +00:00
filetransfer - Patch #348448 by mfb, c960657, marvil07, cdale, jpmckinney: fixed PHP strict warnings when running tests and for PHP 5.3. 2010-04-11 18:33:44 +00:00
actions.inc #331951 by aspilicious, sun, jhodgdon, Morbus, et al: Figure out and apply coding standard for casting. 2010-05-06 05:59:31 +00:00
ajax.inc - Patch #645800 by katbailey, effulgentsia, rfay: ajax_deliver() ignores #ajax['method'] and incorrectly forces 'replaceWith' for simple AJAX callbacks, D6->D7 regression. 2010-04-30 08:07:55 +00:00
archiver.inc #700686 by dww: Make ArchiverInterface::listContents() return a simple list of files, rather than a keyed array, which is inconsistent between extension handlers. 2010-02-01 07:17:59 +00:00
authorize.inc #790224 by lotyrin, pwolanin, nenne: Fixed incorrect paths to temp directory in Update Manager. 2010-05-14 04:50:18 +00:00
batch.inc #710142 by Berdir, moshe weitzman, chx: Handle exceptions in shutdown functions (with tests). Hopefully the last of these weird 'Stack frame in Unknown line 0' errors. 2010-02-17 22:44:52 +00:00
batch.queue.inc #629794 by yched: Fix Scaling issues with batch API. (with tests) 2010-01-08 06:36:34 +00:00
bootstrap.inc - Patch #621748 by grendzy, David Strauss: ip_address() is broken for multi-tier architectures. 2010-06-14 13:24:32 +00:00
cache-install.inc - Patch #692044 by Damien Tournoud, effulgentsia: a site with statistics module enabled is much slower in serving cached pages in D7 than in D6. 2010-05-18 18:26:30 +00:00
cache.inc - Patch #692044 by Damien Tournoud, effulgentsia: a site with statistics module enabled is much slower in serving cached pages in D7 than in D6. 2010-05-18 18:26:30 +00:00
common.inc - Patch #819844 by agentrickard: better documentation for url_is_external(). 2010-06-09 14:55:30 +00:00
date.inc - Patch #11623 by sun, stella, Gábor Hojtsy, Pancho: add ability to localize date formats. 2009-10-13 21:34:15 +00:00
entity.inc - Patch #780154 by chx, noahb, dhthwy, pwolanin, aspilicious, jhodgdon, dereine, bjaspan: listing API for field API. 2010-06-14 15:41:03 +00:00
errors.inc - Patch #742246 by jbrown, noahb, aspilicious, alexanderpas, rfay:handle uncaught exceptions. 2010-06-05 13:30:42 +00:00
file.inc - Patch #818206 by Berdir et al: apply coding standard for no-arg constructors. 2010-06-17 13:16:57 +00:00
file.mimetypes.inc - Patch #331171 by pwolanin, mfb, drewish: allow modules to alter the MIME extension mapping rather than setting a huge variable. 2009-08-31 05:47:34 +00:00
form.inc - Patch #802746 by effulgentsia: documentation fixes. 2010-06-16 05:06:15 +00:00
graph.inc - Patch #778354 by chx: fixed the world's most confusing typo. 2010-04-22 19:21:12 +00:00
image.inc - Patch #693614 by asimmonds: fixed PHPDoc spelling typos. 2010-01-25 10:38:35 +00:00
install.core.inc - Patch #807396 by Berdir, carlos8f, David_Rothstein: database errors not displaying during install. 2010-06-05 12:02:33 +00:00
install.inc - Patch #763850 by c960657: require_once() and drupal_get_path() inconsistencies. 2010-05-18 18:11:13 +00:00
iso.inc - Patch #582414 by plach: English and native name for the Kyrgyz language has to be changed from 'Kyrgyz(Кыргыз)' to 'Kyrgyz(Кыргызча)'. 2010-04-30 08:15:56 +00:00
language.inc - Patch #730046 by pwolanin, Damien Tournoud: performance settings page is inconsistent. 2010-05-12 08:26:15 +00:00
locale.inc - Patch #815526 by plach: session language switcher prevents pages from being cached. 2010-06-03 13:57:41 +00:00
lock.inc - Patch #791610 by jhodgdon: Fixed typo in lock.inc. 2010-05-06 15:20:18 +00:00
mail.inc - Patch #818206 by Berdir et al: apply coding standard for no-arg constructors. 2010-06-17 13:16:57 +00:00
menu.inc - Patch #766382 by andypost: column 'status' is ambiguous when using node access modules. 2010-06-16 05:07:16 +00:00
module.inc - Patch #793274 by matt2000: schema is left broken if hook_install() fails. 2010-05-09 13:49:33 +00:00
pager.inc #331951 by aspilicious, sun, jhodgdon, Morbus, et al: Figure out and apply coding standard for casting. 2010-05-06 05:59:31 +00:00
password.inc - Patch #723802 by pwolanin, scor: fixed documentation. 2010-05-04 15:47:03 +00:00
path.inc - Patch #692044 by Damien Tournoud, effulgentsia: a site with statistics module enabled is much slower in serving cached pages in D7 than in D6. 2010-05-18 18:26:30 +00:00
registry.inc #797024 follow-up by justinrandell: Remove critical performance regression due to stale file time values. 2010-06-08 03:16:05 +00:00
session.inc - Patch #813492 by chx, Damien Tournoud, justinrandell: HTTPS sessions use an invalid merge query. 2010-06-14 12:31:46 +00:00
stream_wrappers.inc #551658 follow-up by pwolanin: Revert back to D6-style temporary folder logic to avoid various platform issues. 2010-06-12 08:15:15 +00:00
tablesort.inc - Patch #520764 by Damien Tournoud, JoshuaRogers, brianV: fixed SA-CORE-2009-007: request values in URL, including password/username. 2009-12-05 20:17:02 +00:00
theme.inc - Patch #807396 by David_Rothstein: remove old error handling from theme_update_page(). 2010-06-07 06:38:10 +00:00
theme.maintenance.inc - Patch #807396 by David_Rothstein: remove old error handling from theme_update_page(). 2010-06-07 06:38:10 +00:00
token.inc - Patch #681782 by Dave Reid: 'clean' option in token_replace() does not do anything. 2010-03-12 14:33:02 +00:00
unicode.entities.inc - Patch #445410 by Damien Tournoud: fix $ tags. 2009-04-26 15:14:55 +00:00
unicode.inc - Patch #826864 by mr.baileys: add a warning to decode_entities(). 2010-06-14 12:37:15 +00:00
update.inc #799982 by tstoeckler, StuartJNCC: Fixed Updating D6 -> D7 fails if the D6 site has Date module applied. 2010-06-08 15:08:35 +00:00
updater.inc - Patch #681538 by aspilicious, jhodgdon: improved documentation, better @see also links. 2010-01-30 07:54:01 +00:00
xmlrpc.inc #331951 by aspilicious, sun, jhodgdon, Morbus, et al: Figure out and apply coding standard for casting. 2010-05-06 05:59:31 +00:00
xmlrpcs.inc #697210 follow-up by deekayen, moshe weitzman: Changed Change die() instances to exit(). 2010-04-29 05:35:21 +00:00