
176 lines
4.4 KiB

// $Id$
function menu_add() {
trigger_error(t("The 'menu_add()' function is deprecated."), E_USER_ERROR);
// Note that this function will be removed shortly.
function menu($path, $title, $callback = NULL, $help = NULL, $weight = 0, $hidden = 0) {
global $_gmenu;
if (isset($_gmenu[$path])) {
if (empty($_gmenu[$path]["callback"])) { // dummy item -> fill in
$_gmenu[$path] = array("title" => $title, "callback" => $callback, "help" => $help, "weight" => $weight, "hidden" => $hidden, "children" => $_gmenu[$path]["children"]);
return true;
else { // real item found
trigger_error(t("While trying to add '%path' to menu, item already exists.", array("%path" => $path)), E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
// if this is reached we need to create a new item
$_gmenu[$path] = array("title" => $title, "callback" => $callback, "help" => $help, "weight" => $weight, "hidden" => $hidden, "children" => array());
// does the item have an existing parent?
$parent = substr($path, 0, strrpos($path, "/"));
while (!isset($_gmenu[$parent])) {
$_gmenu[$parent] = array("children" => array($path));
$path = $parent;
$parent = substr($parent, 0, strrpos($parent, "/"));
$_gmenu[$parent]["children"][] = $path;
return true;
function menu_item($in_path) {
global $_gmenu;
** If you want to theme your links, or if you want to replace them
** by an image, this would be the function to customize.
$trail = menu_trail();
if (end($trail) == $in_path)
return t($_gmenu[$in_path]["title"]);
return "<a href=\"".url($in_path)."\">". t($_gmenu[$in_path]["title"]) ."</a>";
function query_string() {
return $GLOBALS["q"];
function menu_trail() {
global $_gmenu;
static $_gmenu_trail; // cache
if (!isset($_gmenu_trail)) {
$_gmenu_trail = array();
$cuqs = query_string();
while (!empty($cuqs) && !isset($_gmenu[$cuqs])) {
$cuqs = substr($cuqs, 0, strrpos($cuqs, "/"));
if (!empty($cuqs)) {
do {
$_gmenu_trail[] = $cuqs;
$cuqs = substr($cuqs, 0, strrpos($cuqs, "/"));
} while (!empty($cuqs) && isset($_gmenu[$cuqs]));
$_gmenu_trail = array_reverse($_gmenu_trail);
return $_gmenu_trail;
function menu_path() {
$trail = menu_trail();
$links = array();
foreach ($trail as $item) {
$links[] = menu_item($item);
return implode(" &gt; ", $links);
function menu_help() {
global $_gmenu;
$path = menu_trail();
if ($path) {
$item = array_pop($path);
$output = $_gmenu[$item]["help"];
return @$output;
function _menu_sort($a, $b) {
global $_gmenu;
$a = &$_gmenu[$a];
$b = &$_gmenu[$b];
return $a["weight"] < $b["weight"] ? -11 : ($a["weight"] > $b["weight"] ? 1 : ($a["name"] < $b["name"] ? -1 : 1));
function menu_tree($parent = "") {
global $_gmenu;
if ($_gmenu[$parent]["children"]) {
$output = "\n<ul>\n";
usort($_gmenu[$parent]["children"], "_menu_sort");
foreach ($_gmenu[$parent]["children"] as $item) {
if ($_gmenu[$item]["hidden"] == 0) {
$trail = menu_trail($item);
$style = ($_gmenu[$item]["children"] ? (in_array($item, $trail) ? "expanded" : "collapsed") : "leaf");
$output .= "<li class=\"$style\">";
$output .= menu_item($item);
if (in_array($item, $trail)) {
$output .= menu_tree($item);
$output .= "</li>\n";
$output .= "</ul>\n";
return $output;
function menu_map($parent = "") {
global $_gmenu;
$output = "<ul>";
usort($_gmenu[$parent]["children"], "_menu_sort");
foreach ($_gmenu[$parent]["children"] as $item) {
if ($_gmenu[$item]["hidden"] == 0) {
$output .= "<li>";
$output .= menu_item($item);
$output .= menu_map($item);
$output .= "</li>";
$output .= "</ul>";
return $output;
function menu_execute_action() {
global $_gmenu;
$trail = menu_trail();
$selected_menu = array_pop($trail);
if ($_gmenu[$selected_menu]["callback"]) {
$arg = substr(query_string(), strlen($selected_menu) + 1);
if (empty($arg)) {
return call_user_func($_gmenu[$selected_menu]["callback"]);
else {
return call_user_func_array($_gmenu[$selected_menu]["callback"], explode("/", $arg));
function menu_build($type) {
// Empty the existing menu tree (if any):
// Build the menu tree:
module_invoke_all("link", $type);