Dave Long 18e211cc79
Issue #3324801 by Spokje, mondrake: Fix PHPStan L2 error "Property Foo::$bar has unknown class Baz as its type."
(cherry picked from commit 85eeb1bde1)
2022-12-07 11:22:37 +00:00
config Issue #2625696 by chx, benjy, alexpott, catch, mikeryan, andypost, phenaproxima: Make migrations themselves plugins instead of config entities 2016-03-14 21:23:43 +09:00
migrations Issue #3176393 by quietone, huzooka, benjifisher: Use SourcePluginBase::getSourceModule() in DrupalSqlBase::checkRequirements() 2022-11-01 15:20:14 +00:00
src Issue #3295157 by mondrake: Fix 'Access to an undefined property' PHPStan L0 errors - public properties 2022-07-11 12:13:29 +01:00
tests Issue #3324801 by Spokje, mondrake: Fix PHPStan L2 error "Property Foo::$bar has unknown class Baz as its type." 2022-12-07 11:22:37 +00:00
field.api.php Issue #3261241 by andypost, longwave: Remove deprecated field module functions 2022-02-08 11:38:31 +00:00
field.info.yml Issue #3072702 by alexpott, Wim Leers, mikelutz, xjm, catch, Berdir, tedbow, webchick, shaal, Mixologic, heddn: Core extensions should not need to specify the new core_version_requirement in *.info.yml files so that 9.0.x can be installed 2019-10-15 15:34:52 +01:00
field.install Issue #3087644 by jibran, Berdir, alexpott, longwave, Wim Leers, amateescu, catch, xjm, larowlan, dpi, quietone: Remove Drupal 8 updates up to and including 88** 2020-01-24 23:52:03 +00:00
field.module Issue #2616814 by dpi, Xano, geek-merlin, Hardik_Patel_12, jofitz, alexpott, Fabianx, catch, joachim, andypost, dawehner, daffie, cweagans, neclimdul: Delegate all hook invocations to ModuleHandler 2022-03-29 11:00:53 +01:00
field.post_update.php Issue #3106666 by catch, jungle, xjm, alexpott, tim.plunkett, Berdir: Remove post updates added prior to 8.8.0 2020-03-11 15:58:38 -05:00
field.purge.inc Issue #3106216 by Spokje, longwave, alexpott, apaderno, Hardik_Patel_12, daffie: Remove unused variables from core 2022-01-10 12:07:03 +00:00
field.services.yml Issue #2489472 by cilefen, amateescu, bircher, saki007ster, swentel, andypost, alexpott, Bojhan: Field-based module dependency uninstall message is unhelpful and not grammatically correct 2016-02-02 16:09:15 +00:00