Dries Buytaert 5de716f100 - Patch #50835 by markus: print message when replying to non-existing comment. 2006-03-04 18:01:54 +00:00
aggregator - Patch #47267 by joshk: made aggregator categorization work. 2006-03-02 19:16:41 +00:00
archive - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
block - Patch #52381 by Zen: 2006-03-04 17:54:58 +00:00
blog - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
blogapi - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
book - Patch #50821 by Zen/merlinofchaos: convert book.module to form API so the forms can be altered/themed. 2006-03-02 08:44:52 +00:00
comment - Patch #50835 by markus: print message when replying to non-existing comment. 2006-03-04 18:01:54 +00:00
contact - Patch #39135 by Zen: Contact module category update issue + _validate, _submit conversion. 2006-02-27 17:02:53 +00:00
drupal - Patch #47842 by markus/webchick: help text improvement. 2006-02-28 21:32:51 +00:00
filter - Patch #52341 by m3avrck: corrected phpdoc. 2006-03-04 17:51:34 +00:00
forum - Removing whitespace 2006-03-03 08:37:47 +00:00
help - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
legacy - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
locale - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
menu - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
node - #49405: Minor advanced search UI/code tweaks 2006-02-28 21:10:04 +00:00
page - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
path - Patch #46746 by Matt: fixed inconsistent encoding of path aliases. Fixes broken URLs on profile pages. 2006-03-03 08:46:09 +00:00
ping - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
poll - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
profile - Patch #46746 by Matt: fixed inconsistent encoding of path aliases. Fixes broken URLs on profile pages. 2006-03-03 08:46:09 +00:00
search - Removing whitespace 2006-03-03 08:37:47 +00:00
statistics - Bug 51905: decode_entities not available when a cached page is served.. 2006-03-01 15:20:43 +00:00
story - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
system - Patch #52431 by Zen: simplified some code. 2006-03-04 17:49:21 +00:00
taxonomy - Patch #51871 by merlinofchaos/zen: convert taxonomy.module to new form API so forms can be themed/altered properly. 2006-03-02 08:27:59 +00:00
throttle - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
tracker - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
upload - Patch #31354 by Junyor et al: move node revision information for files to a separate table. (Today's critical bugfix #1.) 2006-02-22 10:06:46 +00:00
user - Patch #52433 by Zen: removed redundant db_escape_string(). 2006-03-04 18:00:55 +00:00
watchdog - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
aggregator.module - Patch #47267 by joshk: made aggregator categorization work. 2006-03-02 19:16:41 +00:00
archive.module - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
block.module - Patch #52381 by Zen: 2006-03-04 17:54:58 +00:00
blog.module - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
blogapi.module - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
book.module - Patch #50821 by Zen/merlinofchaos: convert book.module to form API so the forms can be altered/themed. 2006-03-02 08:44:52 +00:00
comment.module - Patch #50835 by markus: print message when replying to non-existing comment. 2006-03-04 18:01:54 +00:00
contact.module - Patch #39135 by Zen: Contact module category update issue + _validate, _submit conversion. 2006-02-27 17:02:53 +00:00
drupal.module - Patch #47842 by markus/webchick: help text improvement. 2006-02-28 21:32:51 +00:00
filter.module - Patch #52341 by m3avrck: corrected phpdoc. 2006-03-04 17:51:34 +00:00
forum.module - Removing whitespace 2006-03-03 08:37:47 +00:00
help.module - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
legacy.module - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
locale.module - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
menu.module - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
node.module - #49405: Minor advanced search UI/code tweaks 2006-02-28 21:10:04 +00:00
page.module - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
path.module - Patch #46746 by Matt: fixed inconsistent encoding of path aliases. Fixes broken URLs on profile pages. 2006-03-03 08:46:09 +00:00
ping.module - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
poll.module - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
profile.module - Patch #46746 by Matt: fixed inconsistent encoding of path aliases. Fixes broken URLs on profile pages. 2006-03-03 08:46:09 +00:00
search.module - Removing whitespace 2006-03-03 08:37:47 +00:00
statistics.module - Bug 51905: decode_entities not available when a cached page is served.. 2006-03-01 15:20:43 +00:00
story.module - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
system.module - Patch #52431 by Zen: simplified some code. 2006-03-04 17:49:21 +00:00
taxonomy.module - Patch #51871 by merlinofchaos/zen: convert taxonomy.module to new form API so forms can be themed/altered properly. 2006-03-02 08:27:59 +00:00
throttle.module - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
tracker.module - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00
upload.module - Patch #31354 by Junyor et al: move node revision information for files to a separate table. (Today's critical bugfix #1.) 2006-02-22 10:06:46 +00:00
user.module - Patch #52433 by Zen: removed redundant db_escape_string(). 2006-03-04 18:00:55 +00:00
watchdog.module - Patch #49912: www.drupal.org -> drupal.org. (Today's critical bugfix #5.) 2006-02-21 18:46:54 +00:00