Nathaniel Catchpole 1ba343302f Issue #2937543 by alexpott, Berdir, larowlan: Using the Yaml::PARSE_KEYS_AS_STRINGS flag is deprecated since Symfony 3.4 as it will be removed in 4.0 2018-04-19 13:31:30 +01:00
Drupal Issue #2937543 by alexpott, Berdir, larowlan: Using the Yaml::PARSE_KEYS_AS_STRINGS flag is deprecated since Symfony 3.4 as it will be removed in 4.0 2018-04-19 13:31:30 +01:00
Drupal.php Issue #2949965 by alexpott, Lendude: \Drupal::classResolver() could be more helpful 2018-03-20 11:47:25 +00:00


The core/lib directory is for classes provided by Drupal Core that are original
to Drupal.  All Drupal-originated code must follow the PSR-0 naming convention
for classes and namespaces as documented here:


The vendor namespace for Drupal-originated code is "Drupal".