Dries Buytaert d592f76565 - Changed "user blogs" to "blogs". Patch by Al. 2003-05-24 07:09:49 +00:00
aggregator - Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski. 2003-05-13 18:36:38 +00:00
archive - Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski. 2003-05-13 18:36:38 +00:00
block - Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski. 2003-05-13 18:36:38 +00:00
blog - Changed "user blogs" to "blogs". Patch by Al. 2003-05-24 07:09:49 +00:00
book - Fixed bug in book_prev(). Patch by Andy Colson. 2003-05-18 16:43:56 +00:00
comment - Fixed some PostgreSQL issues. Reported by Michael. 2003-05-18 07:01:37 +00:00
drupal - Fixed typo in help. Patch be Al. 2003-05-20 04:36:34 +00:00
forum - Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski. 2003-05-13 18:36:38 +00:00
help - New menu houskeeping. Prototyped by Zbynek. 2003-02-20 22:44:51 +00:00
locale - Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski. 2003-05-13 18:36:38 +00:00
node - Fixed typo in URL(). Patch by Al. 2003-05-23 21:59:44 +00:00
page - Fixed bug #1665 : teaser is not trimmed when creating static pages. 2003-05-17 13:56:53 +00:00
ping - Removed the path_uri() function in favor of the $base_url variable and 2003-03-07 06:37:30 +00:00
poll - Fixed register_globals issue. Patch by Michael. 2003-05-19 21:17:30 +00:00
profile - Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski. 2003-05-13 18:36:38 +00:00
search - Fixed search module bug. Patch by Michael. 2003-05-23 17:59:25 +00:00
statistics - Fixed 3 PostgreSQL problems! 2003-05-18 10:09:28 +00:00
story - Fixed some PHP "notices". 2003-04-21 14:55:03 +00:00
system - Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski. 2003-05-13 18:36:38 +00:00
taxonomy - Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski. 2003-05-13 18:36:38 +00:00
throttle - See http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/drupal-devel/2003-February/021824.html. 2003-02-11 20:01:17 +00:00
tracker - Applied Michael Caerwyn's "%s -> %d" patch. 2003-05-07 21:00:36 +00:00
user - $_SERVER["edit"] -> $_POST["edit"] 2003-05-19 18:59:34 +00:00
watchdog - Applied Michael Caerwyn's "%s -> %d" patch. 2003-05-07 21:00:36 +00:00
admin.module - Fixed broken link. Patch by Al. 2003-05-23 04:49:08 +00:00
aggregator.module - Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski. 2003-05-13 18:36:38 +00:00
archive.module - Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski. 2003-05-13 18:36:38 +00:00
block.module - Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski. 2003-05-13 18:36:38 +00:00
blog.module - Changed "user blogs" to "blogs". Patch by Al. 2003-05-24 07:09:49 +00:00
bloggerapi.module - Applied Michael Caerwyn's "%s -> %d" patch. 2003-05-07 21:00:36 +00:00
book.module - Fixed bug in book_prev(). Patch by Andy Colson. 2003-05-18 16:43:56 +00:00
cloud.module - Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski. 2003-05-13 18:36:38 +00:00
comment.module - Fixed some PostgreSQL issues. Reported by Michael. 2003-05-18 07:01:37 +00:00
drupal.module - Fixed typo in help. Patch be Al. 2003-05-20 04:36:34 +00:00
forum.module - Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski. 2003-05-13 18:36:38 +00:00
help.module - New menu houskeeping. Prototyped by Zbynek. 2003-02-20 22:44:51 +00:00
import.module - Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski. 2003-05-13 18:36:38 +00:00
jabber.module - Everything is using theme("function") now instead of $theme->function(). 2003-02-15 11:39:56 +00:00
locale.module - Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski. 2003-05-13 18:36:38 +00:00
node.module - Fixed typo in URL(). Patch by Al. 2003-05-23 21:59:44 +00:00
page.module - Fixed bug #1665 : teaser is not trimmed when creating static pages. 2003-05-17 13:56:53 +00:00
ping.module - Removed the path_uri() function in favor of the $base_url variable and 2003-03-07 06:37:30 +00:00
poll.module - Fixed register_globals issue. Patch by Michael. 2003-05-19 21:17:30 +00:00
profile.module - Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski. 2003-05-13 18:36:38 +00:00
queue.module - Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski. 2003-05-13 18:36:38 +00:00
search.module - Fixed search module bug. Patch by Michael. 2003-05-23 17:59:25 +00:00
statistics.module - Fixed 3 PostgreSQL problems! 2003-05-18 10:09:28 +00:00
story.module - Fixed some PHP "notices". 2003-04-21 14:55:03 +00:00
system.module - Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski. 2003-05-13 18:36:38 +00:00
taxonomy.module - Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski. 2003-05-13 18:36:38 +00:00
throttle.module - See http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/drupal-devel/2003-February/021824.html. 2003-02-11 20:01:17 +00:00
title.module - Added support for user registration guidelines. Patch by Al. Feature request #1109. 2003-04-28 21:36:43 +00:00
tracker.module - Applied Michael Caerwyn's "%s -> %d" patch. 2003-05-07 21:00:36 +00:00
user.module - $_SERVER["edit"] -> $_POST["edit"] 2003-05-19 18:59:34 +00:00
watchdog.module - Applied Michael Caerwyn's "%s -> %d" patch. 2003-05-07 21:00:36 +00:00