
336 lines
12 KiB

* @file
* Tests for the Configuration module.
use Drupal\Core\Config\SignedFileStorage;
* Tests the secure file writer.
class ConfigFileSecurityTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
protected $profile = 'testing';
protected $filename = 'foo.bar';
protected $testContent = 'Good morning, Denver!';
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'File security',
'description' => 'Tests security of saved configuration files.',
'group' => 'Configuration',
* Tests that a file written by this system has a valid signature.
function testFileVerify() {
$file = new SignedFileStorage($this->filename);
$this->assertTrue($file->verify(), 'A file verifies after being written.');
// Load the file again, so that there is no stale data from the old object.
$file = new SignedFileStorage($this->filename);
$this->assertTrue($file->verify(), 'A file verifies after being written and reloaded.');
* Tests that a file written by this system can be successfully read back.
function testFilePersist() {
$file = new SignedFileStorage($this->filename);
// Reading should throw an exception in case of bad validation.
// Note that if any other exception is thrown, we let the test system
// handle catching and reporting it.
try {
$file = new SignedFileStorage($this->filename);
$saved_content = $file->read();
$this->assertEqual($saved_content, $this->testContent, 'A file can be read back successfully.');
catch (Exception $e) {
$this->fail('File failed verification when being read.');
* Tests that a file fails validation if it's been monkeyed with.
function testFileNotVerify() {
$file = new SignedFileStorage($this->filename);
// Manually overwrite the body of the secure file. Note that we skip the
// first line, which is reserved for the signature and such, to overwrite
// just the payload.
$raw_file = new SplFileObject($file->getFilePath(), 'a+');
$raw_file->fwrite('Good morning, Detroit!');
$file = new SignedFileStorage($this->filename);
$this->assertFalse($file->verify(), 'Corrupted file does not verify.');
* Tests reading and writing file contents.
class ConfigFileContentTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
protected $profile = 'testing';
protected $fileExtension = 'xml';
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'File content',
'description' => 'Tests reading and writing of configuration files.',
'group' => 'Configuration',
* Tests setting, writing, and reading of a configuration setting.
function testReadWriteConfig() {
$config_dir = config_get_config_directory();
$name = 'foo.bar';
$key = 'foo';
$value = 'bar';
$nested_key = 'biff.bang';
$nested_value = 'pow';
$array_key = 'array';
$array_value = array(
'foo' => 'bar',
'biff' => array(
'bang' => 'pow',
$casting_array_key = 'casting_array';
$casting_array_false_value_key = 'casting_array.cast.false';
$casting_array_value = array(
'cast' => array(
'false' => FALSE,
$nested_array_key = 'nested.array';
$true_key = 'true';
$false_key = 'false';
// Attempt to read non-existing configuration.
$config = config($name);
// Verify an configuration object is returned.
// $this->assertEqual($config->name, $name);
$this->assertTrue($config, t('Config object created.'));
// Verify the configuration object is empty.
$this->assertEqual($config->get(), array(), t('New config object is empty.'));
// Verify nothing was saved.
$db_config = db_query('SELECT * FROM {config} WHERE name = :name', array(':name' => $name))->fetch();
$this->assertIdentical($db_config, FALSE, t('Active store does not have a record for %name', array('%name' => $name)));
$this->assertFalse(file_exists($config_dir . '/' . $name . '.' . $this->fileExtension), 'Configuration file does not exist.');
// Add a top level value
$config = config($name);
$config->set($key, $value);
// Add a nested value
$config->set($nested_key, $nested_value);
// Add an array
$config->set($array_key, $array_value);
// Add a nested array
$config->set($nested_array_key, $array_value);
// Add a boolean false value. Should get cast to 0
$config->set($false_key, FALSE);
// Add a boolean true value. Should get cast to 1
$config->set($true_key, TRUE);
// Add an array with a nested boolean false that should get cast to 0.
$config->set($casting_array_key, $casting_array_value);
// Verify the database entry exists.
$db_config = db_query('SELECT * FROM {config} WHERE name = :name', array(':name' => $name))->fetch();
$this->assertEqual($db_config->name, $name, t('After saving configuration, active store has a record for %name', array('%name' => $name)));
// Verify the file exists.
$this->assertTrue(file_exists($config_dir . '/' . $name . '.' . $this->fileExtension), t('After saving configuration, config file exists.'));
// Read top level value
$config = config($name);
// $this->assertEqual($config->name, $name);
$this->assertTrue($config, 'Config object created.');
$this->assertEqual($config->get($key), 'bar', t('Top level configuration value found.'));
// Read nested value
$this->assertEqual($config->get($nested_key), $nested_value, t('Nested configuration value found.'));
// Read array
$this->assertEqual($config->get($array_key), $array_value, t('Top level array configuration value found.'));
// Read nested array
$this->assertEqual($config->get($nested_array_key), $array_value, t('Nested array configuration value found.'));
// Read a top level value that doesn't exist
$this->assertNull($config->get('i_dont_exist'), t('Non-existent top level value returned NULL.'));
// Read a nested value that doesn't exist
$this->assertNull($config->get('i.dont.exist'), t('Non-existent nested value returned NULL.'));
// Read false value
$this->assertEqual($config->get($false_key), '0', t('Boolean FALSE value returned the string \'0\'.'));
// Read true value
$this->assertEqual($config->get($true_key), '1', t('Boolean TRUE value returned the string \'1\'.'));
// Read false that had been nested in an array value
$this->assertEqual($config->get($casting_array_false_value_key), '0', t('Nested boolean FALSE value returned the string \'0\'.'));
// Unset a top level value
// Unset a nested value
$config = config($name);
// Read unset top level value
$this->assertNull($config->get($key), t('Top level value unset.'));
// Read unset nested value
$this->assertNull($config->get($nested_key), t('Nested value unset.'));
// Create two new configuration files to test listing
$config = config('foo.baz');
$config->set($key, $value);
// Test chained set()->save()
$chained_name = 'biff.bang';
$config = config($chained_name);
$config->set($key, $value)->save();
// Verify the database entry exists from a chained save.
$db_config = db_query('SELECT * FROM {config} WHERE name = :name', array(':name' => $chained_name))->fetch();
$this->assertEqual($db_config->name, $chained_name, t('After saving configuration by chaining through set(), active store has a record for %name', array('%name' => $chained_name)));
// Verify the file exists from a chained save.
$this->assertTrue(file_exists($config_dir . '/' . $chained_name . '.' . $this->fileExtension), t('After saving configuration by chaining through set(), config file exists.'));
// Get file listing for all files starting with 'foo'. Should return
// two elements.
$files = config_get_signed_file_storage_names_with_prefix('foo');
$this->assertEqual(count($files), 2, 'Two files listed with the prefix \'foo\'.');
// Get file listing for all files starting with 'biff'. Should return
// one element.
$files = config_get_signed_file_storage_names_with_prefix('biff');
$this->assertEqual(count($files), 1, 'One file listed with the prefix \'biff\'.');
// Get file listing for all files starting with 'foo.bar'. Should return
// one element.
$files = config_get_signed_file_storage_names_with_prefix('foo.bar');
$this->assertEqual(count($files), 1, 'One file listed with the prefix \'foo.bar\'.');
// Get file listing for all files starting with 'bar'. Should return
// an empty array.
$files = config_get_signed_file_storage_names_with_prefix('bar');
$this->assertEqual($files, array(), 'No files listed with the prefix \'bar\'.');
// Delete the configuration.
$config = config($name);
// Verify the database entry no longer exists.
$db_config = db_query('SELECT * FROM {config} WHERE name = :name', array(':name' => $name))->fetch();
$this->assertIdentical($db_config, FALSE);
$this->assertFalse(file_exists($config_dir . '/' . $name . '.' . $this->fileExtension));
// Attempt to delete non-existing configuration.
* Tests configuration overriding from settings.php.
class ConfOverrideTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
protected $testContent = 'Good morning, Denver!';
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Configuration overrides',
'description' => 'Tests configuration overrides through settings.php.',
'group' => 'Configuration',
* Test configuration override.
function testConfigurationOverride() {
global $conf;
$config = config('system.performance');
$this->assertNotEqual($config->get('cache'), $this->testContent);
$conf['system.performance']['cache'] = $this->testContent;
$config = config('system.performance');
$this->assertEqual($config->get('cache'), $conf['system.performance']['cache']);
* Tests function providing configuration upgrade from Drupal 7 to 8.
class ConfUpdate7to8TestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
protected $testContent = 'Olá, Sao Paulo!';
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Configuration update from Drupal 7 to 8',
'description' => 'Tests the ability to update Drupal 7 variables to the
configuration management system.',
'group' => 'Configuration',
function setUp() {
require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core/includes/update.inc';
* Test configuration update function.
function testConfigurationUpdate() {
// Ensure that the variable table has the object. The variable table will
// remain in place for Drupal 8 to provide an upgrade path for overridden
// variables.
db_merge('variable')->key(array('name' => 'config_test_foo'))->fields(array('value' => serialize($this->testContent)))->execute();
db_merge('variable')->key(array('name' => 'config_bar'))->fields(array('value' => serialize($this->testContent)))->execute();
update_variables_to_config('config.test', array('config_test_bar' => 'config_bar'));
$config = config('config.test');
$this->assertEqual($config->get('config_test_foo'), $this->testContent);
$this->assertEqual($config->get('config_test_bar'), $this->testContent);