466 lines
17 KiB
466 lines
17 KiB
function moderate_1() {
include "config.inc";
global $admin;
echo "<FORM ACTION=\"comments.php\" METHOD=\"post\">";
function moderate_2($tid, $reason) {
include "config.inc";
echo "<SELECT NAME=\"meta:$tid\">";
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($comments_meta_reasons); $i++) {
echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"$i\">$comments_meta_reasons[$i]</OPTION>\n";
echo "</SELECT>";
function moderate_3($sid, $mode, $order, $thold = 0) {
echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"sid\" VALUE=\"$sid\"><INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"mode\" VALUE=\"$mode\"><INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"order\" VALUE=\"$order\"><INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"thold\" VALUE=\"$thold\"><INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"op\" VALUE=\"Moderate\"></FORM>";
function displayKids ($tid, $mode, $order = 0, $thold = 0, $level = 0, $dummy = 0) {
global $user, $theme;
include "config.inc";
$comments = 0;
$result = mysql_query("SELECT tid, pid, sid, date, name, email, url, host_name, subject, comment, score, reason FROM comments WHERE pid = $tid ORDER BY date, tid");
if ($mode == 'nested') {
while (list($r_tid, $r_pid, $r_sid, $r_date, $r_name, $r_email, $r_url, $r_host_name, $r_subject, $r_comment, $r_score, $r_reason) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
if ($r_score >= $thold) {
if ($level && !$comments) {
echo "<UL>";
$tblwidth -= 5;
$link = "<A HREF=\"comments.php?op=reply&pid=$r_tid&sid=$r_sid&mode=$mode&order=$order&thold=$thold\"><FONT COLOR=\"$theme->hlcolor2\">reply to this comment</FONT></A>";
$theme->comment($r_name, $r_subject, $r_tid, $r_date, $r_url, $r_email, $r_score, $r_reason, $r_comment, $link);
displayKids($r_tid, $mode, $order, $thold, $level + 1, $dummy + 1);
} elseif ($mode == 'flat') {
while (list($r_tid, $r_pid, $r_sid, $r_date, $r_name, $r_email, $r_url, $r_host_name, $r_subject, $r_comment, $r_score, $r_reason) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
if ($r_score >= $thold) {
if (!eregi("[a-z0-9]",$r_name)) $r_name = $anonymous;
if (!eregi("[a-z0-9]",$r_subject)) $r_subject = "[no subject]";
$link = "<A HREF=\"comments.php?op=reply&pid=$r_tid&sid=$r_sid&mode=$mode&order=$order&thold=$thold\"><FONT COLOR=\"$theme->hlcolor2\">reply to this comment</FONT></A>";
$theme->comment($r_name, $r_subject, $r_tid, $r_date, $r_url, $r_email, $r_score, $r_reason, $r_comment, $link);
displayKids($r_tid, $mode, $order, $thold);
} else {
echo "ERROR: we should not get here!";
if ($level && $comments) {
echo "</UL>";
function displayBabies ($tid, $level = 0, $dummy = 0, $thread) {
global $datetime, $theme, $user;
include "config.inc";
$comments = 0;
$result = mysql_query("SELECT tid, pid, sid, date, name, email, url, host_name, subject, comment, score, reason FROM comments WHERE pid = $tid ORDER BY date, tid");
if ($level == 0) $thread = "";
while (list($r_tid, $r_pid, $r_sid, $r_date, $r_name, $r_email, $r_url, $r_host_name, $r_subject, $r_comment, $r_score, $r_reason) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
if ($level && !$comments) {
$thread .= "<UL>";
if (!eregi("[a-z0-9]",$r_name)) { $r_name = $anonymous; }
if (!eregi("[a-z0-9]",$r_subject)) { $r_subject = "[no subject]"; }
if ($user) {
### Make sure to respect the user preferences:
$thread .= "<LI><A HREF=\"comments.php?op=showreply&tid=$r_tid&pid=$r_pid&sid=$r_sid";
if (isset($user->umode)) { $thread .= "&mode=$user->umode"; } else { $thread .= "&mode=threaded"; }
if (isset($user->uorder)) { $thread .= "&order=$user->uorder"; } else { $thread .= "&order=0"; }
if (isset($user->thold)) { $thread .= "&thold=$user->thold"; } else { $thread .= "&thold=0"; }
$thread .= "\">$r_subject</A> by $r_name <FONT SIZE=\"2\">(". formatTimestamp($r_date) .")</FONT></LI>";
else {
$thread .= "<LI><A HREF=\"comments.php?op=showreply&tid=$r_tid&pid=$r_pid&sid=$r_sid&mode=threaded&order=1&thold=0\">$r_subject</A> by $r_name <FONT SIZE=\"2\">(". formatTimestamp($r_date) .")</FONT></LI>";
displayBabies($r_tid, $level + 1, $dummy + 1, &$thread);
if ($level && $comments) {
$thread .= "</UL>";
return $thread;
function displayTopic ($sid, $pid = 0, $tid = 0, $mode = "threaded", $order = 0, $thold = 0, $level = 0, $nokids = 0) {
global $user, $theme, $functions;
### include required files:
if ($functions) {
include "config.inc";
else {
include "functions.inc";
include "theme.inc";
### ensure default value:
if (!isset($pid)) $pid = 0;
### connect to database:
$count_times = 0;
$q = "SELECT tid, pid, sid, date, name, email, url, host_name, subject, comment, score, reason FROM comments WHERE sid = $sid AND pid = $pid";
if ($mode == 'threaded' || mode == 'nested') {
if ($thold != "") {
$q .= " AND score >= $thold";
} else {
$q .= " AND score >= 0";
if ($order == 1) $q .= " ORDER BY date DESC";
if ($order == 2) $q .= " ORDER BY score DESC";
$res = mysql_query("$q");
$num_tid = mysql_num_rows($res);
$theme->commentControl($sid, $title, $thold, $mode, $order);
while ($count_times < $num_tid) {
list($tid, $pid, $sid, $date, $name, $email, $url, $host_name, $subject, $comment, $score, $reason) = mysql_fetch_row($res);
if ($name == "") { $name = $anonymous; }
if ($subject == "") { $subject = "[no subject]"; }
### Dynamically generate the link:
if ($pid != 0) {
list($erin) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT pid FROM comments WHERE tid=$pid"));
$link = "<A HREF=\"comments.php?sid=$sid&pid=$erin&mode=$mode&order=$order&thold=$thold\"><FONT COLOR=\"$theme->hlcolor2\">return to parent</FONT></A> | <A HREF=\"comments.php?op=reply&pid=$tid&sid=$sid&mode=$mode&order=$order&thold=$thold\"><FONT COLOR=\"$theme->hlcolor2\">reply to this comment</FONT></A>";
else {
$link = "<A HREF=\"comments.php?op=reply&pid=$tid&sid=$sid&mode=$mode&order=$order&thold=$thold\"><FONT COLOR=\"$theme->hlcolor2\">reply to this comment</FONT></A> ";
if ($mode == "threaded") {
$thread = displayBabies($tid, $mode, $order, $thold, $level);
$theme->comment($name, $subject, $tid, $date, $url, $email, $score, $reason, $comment, $link, $thread);
else {
$theme->comment($name, $subject, $tid, $date, $url, $email, $score, $reason, $comment, $link);
displayKids($tid, $mode, $order, $thold, $level);
echo "</UL>";
echo "</P>";
$count_times += 1;
moderate_3($sid, $mode, $order, $thold);
if ($pid == 0) return array($sid, $pid, $subject);
else $theme->footer();
function reply($pid, $sid, $mode, $order, $thold) {
include "functions.inc";
include "theme.inc";
global $user;
if ($pid != 0) {
list($date, $name, $email, $url, $subject, $comment, $score) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT date, name, email, url, subject, comment, score FROM comments WHERE tid = $pid"));
} else {
list($date, $subject, $comment, $name) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT time, subject, abstract, informant FROM stories WHERE sid = $sid"));
### Pre-process the variables:
if ($comment == "") $comment = $comment;
if ($subject == "") $subject = "[no subject]";
if ($name == "") $name = $anonymous;
### Display parent comment:
echo "<TABLE WIDTH=\"100%\" BORDER=\"0\">";
if ($email) {
echo " <TR BGCOLOR=\"$theme->bgcolor1\"><TD><FONT COLOR=\"$theme->hlcolor1\"><B>$subject</B><BR>by <A HREF=\"mailto:$email\">$name</A> <B>($email)</B> on ". formatTimestamp($date) ."</FONT></TD></TR>";
else {
echo " <TR BGCOLOR=\"$theme->bgcolor1\"><TD><FONT COLOR=\"$theme->hlcolor1\"><B>$subject</B><BR>by $name on ". formatTimestamp($date) ."</FONT></TD></TR>";
echo " <TR BGCOLOR=\"$theme->bgcolor2\"><TD>$comment</TD></TR>";
echo "</TABLE>";
if (!isset($pid) || !isset($sid)) { exit(); }
if ($pid == 0) {
list($subject) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT subject FROM stories WHERE sid = $sid"));
else {
list($subject) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT subject FROM comments WHERE tid = $pid"));
### Build reply form:
echo "<FORM ACTION=\"comments.php\" METHOD=\"post\">";
echo "<B>Your name:</B><BR> ";
if ($user) {
echo "<A HREF=\"account.php\">$user->userid</A> <FONT SIZE=\"2\">[ <A HREF=\"account.php?op=logout\">logout</A> ]</FONT>";
else {
echo "$anonymous";
$postanon = 2;
echo "<BR><BR>";
echo "<B>Subject:</B><BR>";
if (!eregi("Re:",$subject)) $subject = "Re: $subject";
// Only one 'Re:' will just do fine. ;)
echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"subject\" SIZE=\"60\" MAXLENGTH=\"60\" VALUE=\"$subject\">";
echo "<BR><BR>";
if ($user) {
$userinfo = getusrinfo($user);
echo "<TEXTAREA WRAP=\"virtual\" COLS=\"50\" ROWS=\"10\" NAME=\"comment\">$userinfo[signature]</TEXTAREA><BR>";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"checkbox\" NAME=\"postanon\"> Post this comment anonymously.";
echo "<BR><BR>";
else {
echo "<TEXTAREA WRAP=\"virtual\" COLS=\"50\" ROWS=\"10\" NAME=\"comment\"></TEXTAREA>";
echo "<BR><BR>";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"pid\" VALUE=\"$pid\">";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"sid\" VALUE=\"$sid\"><INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"mode\" VALUE=\"$mode\">";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"order\" VALUE=\"$order\"><INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"thold\" VALUE=\"$thold\">";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=submit NAME=op VALUE=\"Preview comment\"> <INPUT TYPE=submit NAME=op VALUE=\"Post comment\"> <SELECT NAME=\"posttype\"><OPTION VALUE=\"exttrans\">HTML to text<OPTION VALUE=\"html\">HTML-formatted<OPTION VALUE=\"plaintext\" SELECTED>Plain text</SELECT></FORM>";
echo "<FONT SIZE=\"2\">Allowed HTML-tags:<BR>";
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($AllowableHTML); $i++) {
if (!eregi("/",$AllowableHTML[$i])) echo " <$AllowableHTML[$i]>";
function replyPreview ($pid, $sid, $subject, $comment, $postanon, $mode, $order, $thold, $posttype) {
include "functions.inc";
include "theme.inc" ;
global $user, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2;
$subject = stripslashes($subject);
$comment = stripslashes($comment);
### Display preview:
echo "<TABLE WIDTH=\"100%\" BORDER=\"0\">";
if ($user) {
echo " <TR BGCOLOR=\"$bgcolor1\"><TD><B>$subject</B><BR>by $user->userid.</TD></TR>";
else {
echo " <TR BGCOLOR=\"$bgcolor1\"><TD><B>$subject</B><BR>by $anonymous.</TD></TR>";
if ($posttype == "exttrans") {
echo " <TR BGCOLOR=\"$bgcolor2\"><TD>". nl2br(htmlspecialchars($comment)) ."</TD></TR>";
elseif ($posttype == "plaintext") {
echo " <TR BGCOLOR=\"$bgcolor2\"><TD>". nl2br($comment) ."</TD></TR>";
else {
echo " <TR BGCOLOR=\"$bgcolor2\"><TD>$comment</TD></TR>";
echo "</TABLE>";
### Build reply form:
echo "<FORM ACTION=\"comments.php\" METHOD=\"post\">";
echo "<B>Your name:</B><BR> ";
if ($user) {
echo "<A HREF=\"account.php\">$user->userid</A> <FONT SIZE=\"2\">[ <A HREF=\"account.php?op=logout\">logout</A> ]</FONT>";
} else {
echo "$anonymous";
$postanon = 2;
echo "<BR><BR>";
echo "<B>Subject:</B><BR>";
if (!eregi("Re:",$subject)) $subject = "Re: $subject"; // one Re: will do ;)
echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"subject\" SIZE=\"60\" MAXLENGTH=\"60\" VALUE=\"$subject\">";
echo "<BR><BR>";
$userinfo = getusrinfo($user);
echo "<TEXTAREA WRAP=\"virtual\" COLS=\"50\" ROWS=\"10\" NAME=\"comment\">$comment</TEXTAREA>";
if ($user) {
if ($postanon) echo "<BR><INPUT TYPE=\"checkbox\" NAME=\"postanon\" CHECKED> Post this comment anonymously.";
else echo "<BR><INPUT TYPE=\"checkbox\" NAME=\"postanon\"> Post this comment anonymously.";
echo "<BR><BR>";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"pid\" VALUE=\"$pid\">";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"sid\" VALUE=\"$sid\"><INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"mode\" VALUE=\"$mode\">";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"order\" VALUE=\"$order\"><INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"thold\" VALUE=\"$thold\">";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"op\" VALUE=\"Preview comment\"> ";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" NAME=\"op\" VALUE=\"Post comment\"> ";
echo "<SELECT NAME=\"posttype\">";
if ($posttype == "exttrans") echo " <OPTION VALUE=\"exttrans\" SELECTED>HTML to text";
else echo " <OPTION VALUE=\"exttrans\">HTML to text";
if ($posttype == "html") echo " <OPTION VALUE=\"html\" SELECTED>HTML-formatted";
else echo " <OPTION VALUE=\"html\">HTML-formatted";
if ($posttype == "plaintext") echo " <OPTION VALUE=\"plaintext\" SELECTED>Plain text";
else echo " <OPTION VALUE=\"plaintext\">Plain text";
echo "</SELECT>";
echo "</FORM>";
echo "<FONT SIZE=\"2\">Allowed HTML-tags:<BR>";
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($AllowableHTML); $i++) {
if (!eregi("/",$AllowableHTML[$i])) echo " <$AllowableHTML[$i]>";
function postComment($postanon, $subject, $comment, $pid, $sid, $host_name, $mode, $order, $thold, $posttype) {
global $user, $userinfo;
include "functions.inc";
include "config.inc";
$subject = FixQuotes($subject);
$comment = FixQuotes($comment);
$author = FixQuotes($author);
if ($posttype == "exttrans") $comment = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($comment));
elseif($posttype == "plaintext") $comment = nl2br($comment);
else $comment = $comment;
if (($user) && (!$postanon)) {
$name = $userinfo[uname];
$email = $userinfo[femail];
$url = $userinfo[url];
$score = 1;
} else {
$name = "";
$email = "";
$url = "";
$score = 0;
$ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
### Check for fake threads:
$fake = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM stories WHERE sid = $sid"), 0);
### Check for duplicate comments:
$duplicate = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments WHERE pid = '$pid' AND sid = '$sid' AND subject = '$subject' AND comment = '$comment'"), 0);
if ($fake != 1) {
include "theme.inc";
$theme->box("fake comment", "fake comment: $fake");
elseif ($duplicate != 0) {
include "theme.inc";
$theme->box("duplicate comment", "duplicate comment: $duplicate");
else {
### Add comment to table:
$reason = (int) sizeof($comments_meta_reasons) / 2;
mysql_query("INSERT INTO comments (tid, pid, sid, date, name, email, url, host_name, subject, comment, score, reason) VALUES (NULL, '$pid', '$sid', now(), '$name', '$email', '$url', '$ip', '$subject', '$comment', '$score', '$reason')");
### Compose header:
if ($user) {
$header = "article.php?sid=$sid";
if (isset($user->umode)) { $header .= "&mode=$user->umode"; } else { $header .= "&mode=threaded"; }
if (isset($user->uorder)) { $header .= "&order=$user->uorder"; } else { $header .= "&order=0"; }
if (isset($user->thold)) { $header .= "&thold=$user->thold"; } else { $header .= "&thold=1"; }
else {
$header .= "article.php?sid=$sid&mode=threaded&order=1&thold=0";
header("Location: $header");
function moderate($tid, $meta_value = 0) {
include "config.inc";
if ($meta_value != -1) {
### Compose query:
$query = "UPDATE comments SET";
if ($meta_value > (sizeof($comments_meta_reasons) / 2)) {
$query .= " score = score + 1, reason = $meta_value WHERE tid = $tid";
elseif ($meta_value < ((sizeof($comments_meta_reasons) / 2) - 1)) {
$query .= " score = score - 1, reason = $meta_value WHERE tid = $tid";
else {
$query .= " reason = $meta_value WHERE tid = $tid";
### Perform query:
switch($op) {
case "reply":
reply($pid, $sid, $mode, $order, $thold);
case "Preview comment":
replyPreview($pid, $sid, $subject, $comment, $postanon, $mode, $order, $thold, $posttype);
case "Post comment":
postComment($postanon, $subject, $comment, $pid, $sid, $host_name, $mode, $order, $thold, $posttype);
case "Moderate":
include "functions.inc";
while (list($name, $value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) {
if (eregi("meta", $name)) {
### extract comment id (tid):
$info = explode(":", $name);
moderate($info[1], $value);
Header("Location: article.php?sid=$sid&mode=$mode&order=$order&thold=$thold");
case "showreply":
displayTopic($sid, $pid, $tid, $mode, $order, $thold);
displayTopic($sid, $pid, $tid, $mode, $order, $thold);