catch 959f1752ee Issue #2922417 by alexpott, Calystod, DanielVeza, Pasqualle, Berdir, hchonov, effulgentsia, pfrenssen, tstoeckler: Profile provided configuration entities can have unmeetable dependencies 2019-10-09 13:46:10 +01:00
Drupal Issue #2922417 by alexpott, Calystod, DanielVeza, Pasqualle, Berdir, hchonov, effulgentsia, pfrenssen, tstoeckler: Profile provided configuration entities can have unmeetable dependencies 2019-10-09 13:46:10 +01:00
Drupal.php Issue #3047801 by Eduardo Morales, mikelutz, pguillard, nlisgo, sathish.redcrackle, Berdir: Replace all calls to the deprecated Drupal::l() function in Core 2019-07-24 16:48:42 +01:00
README.txt Issue #3050275 by Balu Ertl, borisson_: Replace remaining references of PSR-0 to PSR-4 instead 2019-05-15 15:32:10 +02:00


The core/lib directory is for classes provided by Drupal Core that are original
to Drupal. All Drupal-originated code must follow the PSR-4 naming convention
for classes and namespaces as documented here:


The vendor namespace for Drupal-originated code is "Drupal".