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Issue #1704864 by nick_schuch, Stalski, larowlan, kostyashupenko, andymartha, xjm, webchick, zuuperman, tim.plunkett, catch, alexverb, irawan, ling-drupal: Add a "Required" and "Show by default" option for "Text area with a summary" field/widget
2019-06-27 19:01:21 -07:00 |
Issue #2936365 by quietone, mikelutz, heddn, larowlan, masipila, effulgentsia, maxocub, Gábor Hojtsy, webchick, phenaproxima, jhodgdon, catch: Migrate UI - allow modules to declare the state of their migrations
2019-07-10 20:14:17 +02:00 |
Issue #3145850 by smustgrave, natedouglas, nod_, Gauravvvv, s_leu, amateescu, pankaj.singh, Abhijith S, quietone, jungle: Required summary element hidden when other text-with-summary fields do not require summary
2023-03-29 16:35:31 +10:00 |
Issue #3268833 by quietone, xjm, jungle, ravi.shankar, smustgrave, daffie, Spokje, DanielVeza: Fix method comments in tests for Drupal.Commenting.DocComment.ShortSingleLine
2023-05-01 10:24:52 +01:00 |
Issue #3239134 by hooroomoo, bnjmnm, yogeshmpawar, nod_, Theresa.Grannum, larowlan: Refactor (if feasible) uses of the jQuery val function to use VanillaJS
2022-01-17 18:09:08 +02:00 |
Issue #3072702 by alexpott, Wim Leers, mikelutz, xjm, catch, Berdir, tedbow, webchick, shaal, Mixologic, heddn: Core extensions should not need to specify the new core_version_requirement in *.info.yml files so that 9.0.x can be installed
2019-10-15 15:34:52 +01:00 |
Issue #3324378 by Spokje: Update JavaScript dependencies for Drupal 9.5
2022-11-30 23:43:59 +00:00 |
Issue #3244855 by nod_, alexpott, catch: Regression in Drupal 9.3.x due to jQuery.once deprecation
2021-10-29 11:32:32 +01:00 |
Issue #2941148 by quietone, bruno.bicudo, ravi.shankar, Sweetchuck, beatrizrodrigues, lucienchalom, VitaliyB98, WagnerMelo, sophiavs, ankitjain28may, daffie, longwave, Sutharsan, borisson_, cosmicdreams, heykarthikwithu, catch: Fix Drupal.Commenting.FunctionComment.MissingReturnType
2022-09-27 11:02:42 +01:00 |
Issue #3106666 by catch, jungle, xjm, alexpott, tim.plunkett, Berdir: Remove post updates added prior to 8.8.0
2020-03-11 15:58:38 -05:00 |