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Issue #2936365 by quietone, mikelutz, heddn, larowlan, masipila, effulgentsia, maxocub, Gábor Hojtsy, webchick, phenaproxima, jhodgdon, catch: Migrate UI - allow modules to declare the state of their migrations
2019-07-10 20:14:17 +02:00 |
Issue #3260391 by huzooka, arunkumark, Spokje, quietone: BlockedIp::import violates MigrateDestinationInterface::import
2023-01-13 15:42:48 +00:00 |
Issue #3260391 by huzooka, arunkumark, Spokje, quietone: BlockedIp::import violates MigrateDestinationInterface::import
2023-01-13 15:42:48 +00:00 |
Issue #2570985 by ifrik, chipway, lomasr, jhodgdon, shimpy, govind.maloo, vacho, Balu Ertl, Manjit.Singh, alexpott, Bojhan, volkswagenchick, mradcliffe, xjm, tkoleary, yoroy, no_angel, dawehner, webchick, Sam152, RuslanP, Gábor Hojtsy, wengerk, wla_g: Update the module descriptions on the Extend page
2020-02-24 14:24:57 +00:00 |
Issue #2776975 by joelpittet, dawehner, tim.plunkett, xjm, pfrenssen: March 3, 2017: Convert core to array syntax coding standards for Drupal 8.3.x RC phase
2017-03-03 19:20:24 -06:00 |
Issue #2578991 by ifrik, jhodgdon, Bojhan, snehi: Update link descriptions on the Configuration page that are confusing
2015-10-04 23:40:55 -07:00 |
Issue #2731817 by mikelutz, ashishdalvi, Sonal.Sangale, dbt102, andypost, jhodgdon, martin107, roderik: Replace all calls to the deprecated Drupal::url() function in Core
2019-04-16 14:38:27 +09:00 |
Issue #2328411 by dawehner, geerlingguy, herom: Convert all permissions to yml files and permission callbacks.
2014-09-18 08:41:29 +01:00 |
Issue #2143933 by tim.plunkett, pwolanin, dawehner: Add _title and _title_callback to all routes.
2013-11-27 23:44:52 -08:00 |
Issue #2332983 by dawehner: Replace ban event subscriber with a ban stack.
2014-09-11 12:34:16 +01:00 |