133 lines
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133 lines
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* @file
* Attaches behaviors for the Contextual module's edit toolbar tab.
(function ($, Backbone, Drupal, document, localStorage) {
"use strict";
* Attaches contextual's edit toolbar tab behavior.
* Events
* Contextual triggers an event that can be used by other scripts.
* - drupalEditModeChanged: Triggered when the edit mode changes.
Drupal.behaviors.contextualToolbar = {
attach: function (context) {
$('body').once('contextualToolbar-init', function () {
var $contextuals = $(context).find('.contextual-links');
var $tab = $('.js .toolbar .bar .contextual-toolbar-tab');
var model = new Drupal.contextualToolbar.models.EditToggleModel({
isViewing: true
var view = new Drupal.contextualToolbar.views.EditToggleView({
el: $tab,
model: model
// Update the model based on overlay events.
.on('drupalOverlayOpen.contextualToolbar', function () {
model.set('isVisible', false);
.on('drupalOverlayClose.contextualToolbar', function () {
model.set('isVisible', true);
// Update the model to show the edit tab if there's >=1 contextual link.
if ($contextuals.length > 0) {
model.set('isVisible', true);
// Allow other scripts to respond to edit mode changes.
model.on('change:isViewing', function (model, value) {
$(document).trigger('drupalEditModeChanged', { status: !value });
// Checks whether localStorage indicates we should start in edit mode
// rather than view mode.
// @see Drupal.contextualToolbar.views.EditToggleView.persist()
if (localStorage.getItem('Drupal.contextualToolbar.isViewing') !== null) {
model.set('isViewing', false);
Drupal.contextualToolbar = Drupal.contextualToolbar || { models: {}, views: {}};
* Backbone Model for the edit toggle.
Drupal.contextualToolbar.models.EditToggleModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
// Indicates whether the toggle is currently in "view" or "edit" mode.
isViewing: true,
// Indicates whether the toggle should be visible or hidden.
isVisible: false
* Handles edit mode toggle interactions.
Drupal.contextualToolbar.views.EditToggleView = Backbone.View.extend({
events: { 'click': 'onClick' },
* Implements Backbone Views' initialize().
initialize: function () {
this.model.on('change', this.render, this);
this.model.on('change:isViewing', this.persist, this);
* Implements Backbone Views' render().
render: function () {
var args = arguments;
// Render the visibility.
this.$el.toggleClass('element-hidden', !this.model.get('isVisible'));
// Render the state.
var isViewing = this.model.get('isViewing');
.toggleClass('active', !isViewing)
.attr('aria-pressed', !isViewing);
return this;
* Model change handler; persists the isViewing value to localStorage.
* isViewing === true is the default, so only stores in localStorage when
* it's not the default value (i.e. false).
* @param Drupal.contextualToolbar.models.EditToggleModel model
* An EditToggleModel Backbone model.
* @param bool isViewing
* The value of the isViewing attribute in the model.
persist: function (model, isViewing) {
if (!isViewing) {
localStorage.setItem('Drupal.contextualToolbar.isViewing', 'false');
else {
onClick: function (event) {
this.model.set('isViewing', !this.model.get('isViewing'));
})(jQuery, Backbone, Drupal, document, localStorage);