catch 19f9474b9b Issue #2742585 by ZeiP, alexpott, mondrake, klausi, tomasnagy, Krzysztof Domański, sokru, kristiaanvandeneynde, dawehner, jeroenbegyn: Deprecate dangerous assertTrue/False() compatibility overrides in PHPUnit Kernel, Functional and FunctionalJavascript tests 2019-11-08 13:53:52 +00:00
config/optional Issue #2567183 by dawehner, pfrenssen, hussainweb: Re-export all built-in configuration in core 2015-09-23 12:37:12 +02:00
css Issue #3024527 by alexpott, markconroy, waako, occupant: Add and configure stylelint-order 2019-04-01 20:16:16 +03:00
images Issue #2588373 by chhavik, Cottser: Remove unused image files from core 2015-12-10 16:18:25 +00:00
js Issue #2286655 by alexpott, attiks, mark_fullmer, nielsonm, Mark Slatinek, quietone, catch, dawehner, aburke626, justafish: Gender neutral language 2019-04-17 16:30:13 +09:00
src Issue #3067386 by tim.plunkett, effulgentsia, bnjmnm, lauriii, Wim Leers, huzooka, xjm: AJAX rebuild of Views UI form re-renders parts of the form without using Form API, so additional hooks are needed in lieu of hook_form_view_edit_form_alter() 2019-10-16 19:09:07 +10:00
templates Issue #3059872 by fhaeberle, alexpott: View names on view list table shouldn't be headings 2019-07-24 11:20:32 +01:00
tests Issue #2742585 by ZeiP, alexpott, mondrake, klausi, tomasnagy, Krzysztof Domański, sokru, kristiaanvandeneynde, dawehner, jeroenbegyn: Deprecate dangerous assertTrue/False() compatibility overrides in PHPUnit Kernel, Functional and FunctionalJavascript tests 2019-11-08 13:53:52 +00:00
admin.inc Issue #2572613 by Malevi4, idebr, pfrenssen, Mile23, RajeevK: Fix 'Drupal.Array.Array.CommaLastItem' coding standard 2018-05-11 10:40:33 +01:00
views_ui.api.php Issue #3067386 by tim.plunkett, effulgentsia, bnjmnm, lauriii, Wim Leers, huzooka, xjm: AJAX rebuild of Views UI form re-renders parts of the form without using Form API, so additional hooks are needed in lieu of hook_form_view_edit_form_alter() 2019-10-16 19:09:07 +10:00
views_ui.info.yml Issue #3072702 by alexpott, Wim Leers, mikelutz, xjm, catch, Berdir, tedbow, webchick, shaal, Mixologic, heddn: Core extensions should not need to specify the new core_version_requirement in *.info.yml files so that 9.0.x can be installed 2019-10-15 15:34:52 +01:00
views_ui.libraries.yml Issue #1832862 by jerdavis, nlisgo, Zekvyrin, Maouna, nod_, royal121, tadityar, Lendude, dawehner, tim.plunkett, B_man, damiankloip, ohthehugemanatee, YesCT, Bojhan, xjm, dajjen, yoroy, lisarex, penyaskito, metzlerd, veronicanerak: Make views add field scannable 2015-10-05 17:08:24 -05:00
views_ui.links.action.yml Issue #2749261 by mohit_aghera, ifrik: "Add view" instead of "Add new view" 2016-06-23 16:52:53 +02:00
views_ui.links.menu.yml Issue #2401505 by Berdir, jibran, larowlan: Add an entity collection template for lists 2015-01-19 09:37:11 +00:00
views_ui.links.task.yml Issue #2401505 by Berdir, jibran, larowlan: Add an entity collection template for lists 2015-01-19 09:37:11 +00:00
views_ui.module Issue #2286655 by alexpott, attiks, mark_fullmer, nielsonm, Mark Slatinek, quietone, catch, dawehner, aburke626, justafish: Gender neutral language 2019-04-17 16:30:13 +09:00
views_ui.permissions.yml Issue #576296 by no_angel, joachim, dagmar, jhodgdon, coderintherye, yoroy, xjm: Remove redundant description for some permissions 2016-06-08 10:41:18 +01:00
views_ui.routing.yml Issue #2749261 by mohit_aghera, ifrik: "Add view" instead of "Add new view" 2016-06-23 16:52:53 +02:00
views_ui.services.yml Issue #2942907 by plach, amateescu, Berdir, tim.plunkett, hchonov, gabesullice, jibran, xjm, tedbow, timmillwood, larowlan, Sam152, pmelab, catch, effulgentsia: Entity system does not provide an API for retrieving an entity variant that is safe for editing 2019-03-06 11:18:48 +10:00
views_ui.theme.inc Issue #2572613 by Malevi4, idebr, pfrenssen, Mile23, RajeevK: Fix 'Drupal.Array.Array.CommaLastItem' coding standard 2018-05-11 10:40:33 +01:00