catch 89f6acb734 Issue #3174884 by raman.b, alexpott, lauriii, zrpnr, nod_: Update yarn dependencies for Drupal 9.1.0 2020-10-21 11:41:33 +01:00
config Issue #3087692 by Wim Leers, alexpott: Remove the core key from views configuration 2019-10-22 20:40:16 +01:00
css Issue #3024527 by alexpott, markconroy, waako, occupant: Add and configure stylelint-order 2019-04-01 20:16:16 +03:00
migrations Issue #2936365 by quietone, mikelutz, heddn, larowlan, masipila, effulgentsia, maxocub, Gábor Hojtsy, webchick, phenaproxima, jhodgdon, catch: Migrate UI - allow modules to declare the state of their migrations 2019-07-10 20:14:17 +02:00
src SA-CORE-2020-009 by _nzr_, markwittens, nathandentzau, marcaddeo, janusman, larowlan, David_Rothstein, Wim Leers, vijaycs85, mcdruid, Heine, pandaski, xjm, tim.plunkett 2020-09-16 06:25:05 -05:00
templates Issue #2199829 by dpi: Missing documentation for some variables in template_preprocess_username() 2017-05-16 12:09:38 +01:00
tests Issue #3174884 by raman.b, alexpott, lauriii, zrpnr, nod_: Update yarn dependencies for Drupal 9.1.0 2020-10-21 11:41:33 +01:00
user.api.php Issue #3019834 by Berdir, alexpott: Add @trigger_error() to deprecated url/link EntityInterface methods 2018-12-23 14:30:20 +01:00
user.es6.js Issue #3174884 by raman.b, alexpott, lauriii, zrpnr, nod_: Update yarn dependencies for Drupal 9.1.0 2020-10-21 11:41:33 +01:00
user.info.yml Issue #3072702 by alexpott, Wim Leers, mikelutz, xjm, catch, Berdir, tedbow, webchick, shaal, Mixologic, heddn: Core extensions should not need to specify the new core_version_requirement in *.info.yml files so that 9.0.x can be installed 2019-10-15 15:34:52 +01:00
user.install Issue #3087644 by jibran, Berdir, alexpott, longwave, Wim Leers, amateescu, catch, xjm, larowlan, dpi, quietone: Remove Drupal 8 updates up to and including 88** 2020-01-24 23:52:03 +00:00
user.js Issue #3067523 by lauriii, huzooka, bnjmnm, nod_, alexpott: Add Drupal JavaScript theme functions for password confirm widget 2020-09-29 16:44:28 -07:00
user.libraries.yml Issue #3061265 by lauriii, quiron, Niyas, bnjmnm, huzooka, catch: Use specific class for password confirm message 2019-08-21 18:37:49 +10:00
user.module Issue #3153085 by kim.pepper, longwave, alexpott, vijaycs85, catch: Deprecate user_password and move to Password Generator service 2020-08-10 12:28:40 +01:00
user.permissions.es6.js Issue #3174884 by raman.b, alexpott, lauriii, zrpnr, nod_: Update yarn dependencies for Drupal 9.1.0 2020-10-21 11:41:33 +01:00
user.permissions.js Issue #3101543 by lauriii, bnjmnm, ravi.shankar, alexpott: Update core JavaScript dependencies listed in package.json 2020-01-30 09:08:38 +00:00
user.permissions.yml Issue #2847808 by longwave, dpi, aburrows, Krzysztof Domański, xjm, yoroy: Change "Administer permissions" to "Administer roles and permissions" 2020-07-14 13:33:04 +01:00
user.post_update.php Issue #3106666 by catch, jungle, xjm, alexpott, tim.plunkett, Berdir: Remove post updates added prior to 8.8.0 2020-03-11 15:58:38 -05:00
user.routing.yml Issue #2193803 by wturrell, ridhimaabrol24, mglaman, Pavan B S, narendra.rajwar27, abhisekmazumdar, dpi, manish.upadhyay, pankaj.singh, paulocs, Charles Belov, quietone, catch, jim_at_miramontes, dawehner, goodboy: Anonymous users receive access denied when attempting to logout 2020-08-27 10:14:13 +01:00
user.services.yml Issue #3153790 by alexpott, jungle, vijaycs85: Fix spelling errors in core 2020-06-22 14:03:23 +01:00
user.theme.es6.js Issue #3174884 by raman.b, alexpott, lauriii, zrpnr, nod_: Update yarn dependencies for Drupal 9.1.0 2020-10-21 11:41:33 +01:00
user.theme.js Issue #3067523 by lauriii, huzooka, bnjmnm, nod_, alexpott: Add Drupal JavaScript theme functions for password confirm widget 2020-09-29 16:44:28 -07:00
user.tokens.inc Issue #3008446 by alexpott, jcnventura, fenstrat, quietone, voleger, andypost: Complete the deprecation of format_date() 2019-01-01 19:15:24 +00:00
user.views_execution.inc Issue #2829185 by vaplas, Jo Fitzgerald, anmolgoyal74, chipway, gaurav.kapoor, mark_fullmer, amit.drupal, cilefen, longwave, xjm, wturrell, anavarre: Fix spelling errors in Drupal core comments 2018-09-20 17:12:38 +01:00