message = $message;
$stored_message->type = $type;
return $stored_message;
function drupal_get_message() {
return drupal_set_message();
// @}
* @name drupal_breadcrumb
* Functions to get and set the breadcrumb trail of the current page.
* @param $breadcrumb array of links, starting with "home" and proceeding up
* to but not including the current page.
* @{
function drupal_set_breadcrumb($breadcrumb = NULL) {
static $stored_breadcrumb;
if (isset($breadcrumb)) {
$stored_breadcrumb = $breadcrumb;
return $stored_breadcrumb;
function drupal_get_breadcrumb() {
$breadcrumb = drupal_set_breadcrumb();
if (!isset($breadcrumb)) {
$breadcrumb = menu_get_active_breadcrumb();
return $breadcrumb;
// @}
* Build the alias/path array
function drupal_get_path_map($action = "") {
static $map = NULL;
if ($action == "rebuild") {
$map = NULL;
if (is_null($map)) {
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {url_alias}");
while ($data = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$map[$data->dst] = $data->src;
return $map;
function drupal_rebuild_path_map() {
function drupal_not_found() {
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
watchdog("httpd", "404 error: '". check_query($_GET["q"]) ."' not found");
$path = drupal_get_normal_path(variable_get('site_404', ''));
if ($path) {
if ($path && menu_active_handler_exists()) {
else {
print theme("page", '
'. t('Page not found') .'
function error_handler($errno, $message, $filename, $line, $variables) {
$types = array(1 => "error", 2 => "warning", 4 => "parse error", 8 => "notice", 16 => "core error", 32 => "core warning", 64 => "compile error", 128 => "compile warning", 256 => "user error", 512 => "user warning", 1024 => "user notice");
$entry = $types[$errno] .": $message in $filename on line $line.";
if ($errno & E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE) {
watchdog("error", $types[$errno] .": $message in $filename on line $line.");
if (error_reporting()) {
print "
function throttle($type, $rate) {
if (!user_access("access administration pages")) {
if ($throttle = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {watchdog} WHERE type = '%s' AND hostname = '%s' AND %d - timestamp < %d", $type, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], time(), $rate))) {
watchdog("warning", "throttle: '". $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ."' exceeded submission rate - $throttle->type");
function _fix_gpc_magic(&$item, $key) {
if (is_array($item)) {
array_walk($item, '_fix_gpc_magic');
else {
$item = stripslashes($item);
function fix_gpc_magic() {
static $fixed = false;
if (!$fixed && ini_get("magic_quotes_gpc")) {
array_walk($_GET, '_fix_gpc_magic');
array_walk($_POST, '_fix_gpc_magic');
array_walk($_COOKIE, '_fix_gpc_magic');
array_walk($_REQUEST, '_fix_gpc_magic');
$fixed = true;
function array2object($array) {
if (is_array($array)) {
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
$object->$key = $value;
else {
$object = $array;
return $object;
function object2array($object) {
if (is_object($object)) {
foreach ($object as $key => $value) {
$array[$key] = $value;
else {
$array = $object;
return $array;
function message_access() {
return t("You are not authorized to access this page.");
function message_na() {
return t("n/a");
function message_throttle() {
return t("You exceeded the maximum submission rate. Please wait a few minutes and try again.");
function locale_init() {
global $languages, $user;
if ($user->uid && $languages[$user->language]) {
return $user->language;
else {
return key($languages);
function t($string, $args = 0) {
global $languages;
** About the usage of t(). We try to keep strings whole as much as
** possible and are unafraid of HTML markup within translation strings
** if necessary. The suggested syntax for a link embedded within a
** translation string is for example:
** $msg = t("You must login below or create a new
** account before viewing the next page.", array("%url"
** => url("user/register")));
$string = ($languages && module_exist("locale") ? locale($string) : $string);
if (!$args) {
return $string;
else {
return strtr($string, $args);
function drupal_specialchars($input, $quotes = ENT_NOQUOTES) {
** Note that we'd like to go 'htmlspecialchars($input, $quotes, "utf-8")'
** like the PHP manual tells us to, but we can't because there's a bug in
** PHP <4.3 that makes it mess up multibyte charsets if we specify the
** charset. Change this later once we make PHP 4.3 a requirement.
return htmlspecialchars($input, $quotes);
* Verify the syntax of the given e-mail address. Empty e-mail addresses are
* allowed. See RFC 2822 for details.
* @param $mail a email address
function valid_email_address($mail) {
$user = '[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.\+\^!#\$%&*+\/\=\?\`\|\{\}~\']+';
$domain = '(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]\.?)+';
$ipv4 = '[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}';
$ipv6 = '[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}(\:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){7}';
return preg_match("/^$user@($domain|(\[($ipv4|$ipv6)\]))$/", $mail);
* Verify the syntax of the given URL.
* @param $url an URL
function valid_url($url) {
return preg_match("/^[a-zA-z0-9\/:_\-_\.,]+$/", $url);
* Format a single result entry of a search query:
* @param $item a single search result as returned by module_search of
* type array("count" => ..., "link" => ..., "title" => ..., "user" => ...,
* "date" => ..., "keywords" => ...)
* @param $type module type of this item
function search_item($item, $type) {
** Modules may implement the "search_item" hook in order to overwrite
** the default function to display search results.
if (module_hook($type, "search_item")) {
$output = module_invoke($type, "search_item", $item);
else {
$output = " ". $item["title"] ." ";
$output .= " " . t($type) . ($item["user"] ? " - ". $item["user"] : "") ."". ($item["date"] ? " - ". format_date($item["date"], "small") : "") ."";
$output .= "
return $output;
* Render a generic search form.
* "Generic" means "universal usable" - that is, usable not only from
* '', but also as a simple seach box (without "Restrict search
* to", help text, etc) from theme's header etc. This means: provide options to
* only conditionally render certain parts of this form.
* @param $action Form action. Defaults to ''.
* @param $keys string containing keywords for the search.
* @param $options != 0: Render additional form fields/text ("Restrict search
* to", help text, etc).
function search_form($action = NULL, $keys = NULL, $options = NULL) {
if (!$action) {
$action = url("search");
$output = " ";
$output .= " \n";
if ($options) {
$output .= " ";
$output .= t("Restrict search to") .": ";
foreach (module_list() as $name) {
if (module_hook($name, "search")) {
$output .= " ". t($name);
$form .= " ";
return form($output, "post", $action);
* Collect the search results:
function search_data($keys = NULL) {
$edit = $_POST["edit"];
if (isset($keys)) {
foreach (module_list() as $name) {
if (module_hook($name, "search") && (!$edit["type"] || $edit["type"][$name]) && ($result = module_invoke($name, "search", $keys))) {
if ($name == "node" || $name == "comment") {
$output .= "
". t("Matching ". $name ."s ranked in order of relevance") .":
else {
$output .= "
". t("Matching ". $name ."s") .":
foreach ($result as $entry) {
$output .= search_item($entry, $name);
return $output;
* Display the search form and the resulting data.
* @param $type If set, search only nodes of this type. Otherwise, search all
* types.
* @param $action Form action. Defaults to ''.
* @param $keys Query string. Defaults to global $keys.
* @param $options != 0: Render additional form fields/text ("Restrict search
* to", help text, etc).
function search_type($type, $action = NULL, $keys = NULL, $options = NULL) {
$_POST["edit"]["type"][$type] = "on";
return search_form($action, $keys, $options) . " ". search_data($keys);
function drupal_goto($url) {
** Translate & to simply &
$url = str_replace("&", "&", $url);
** It is advised to use "drupal_goto()" instead of PHP's "header()" as
** "drupal_goto()" will append the user's session ID to the URI when PHP
** is compiled with "--enable-trans-sid".
if (!ini_get("session.use_trans_sid") || !session_id() || strstr($url, session_id())) {
header("Location: $url");
else {
$sid = session_name() . "=" . session_id();
if (strstr($url, "?") && !strstr($url, $sid)) {
header("Location: $url&". $sid);
else {
header("Location: $url?". $sid);
** The "Location" header sends a REDIRECT status code to the http
** daemon. In some cases this can go wrong, so we make sure none
** of the code /below/ gets executed when we redirect.
function valid_input_data($data) {
if (is_array($data) || is_object($data)) {
** Form data can contain a number of nested arrays.
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if (!valid_input_data($value)) {
return 0;
else {
** Detect evil input data.
// check strings:
$match = preg_match("/\Wjavascript\s*:/i", $data);
$match += preg_match("/\Wexpression\s*\(/i", $data);
$match += preg_match("/\Walert\s*\(/i", $data);
// check attributes:
$match += preg_match("/\W(dynsrc|datasrc|data|lowsrc|on[a-z]+)\s*=[^>]+?>/i", $data);
// check tags:
$match += preg_match("/<\s*(applet|script|object|style|embed|form|blink|meta|html|frame|iframe|layer|ilayer|head|frameset|xml)/i", $data);
if ($match) {
watchdog("warning", "terminated request because of suspicious input data: ". drupal_specialchars($data));
return 0;
return 1;
function check_form($text) {
return drupal_specialchars($text, ENT_QUOTES);
function filter($text) {
$modules = module_list();
** Make sure the HTML filters that are part of the node module
** are run first.
if (in_array("node", $modules)) {
$text = module_invoke("node", "filter", $text);
foreach ($modules as $name) {
if (module_hook($name, "filter") && $name != "node") {
$text = module_invoke($name, "filter", $text);
return $text;
function rewrite_old_urls($text) {
global $base_url;
$end = substr($base_url, 12);
** This is a *temporary* filter to rewrite old-style URLs to new-style
** URLs (clean URLs). Currently, URLs are being rewritten dynamically
** (ie. "on output"), however when these rewrite rules have been tested
** enough, we will use them to permanently rewrite the links in node
** and comment bodies.
if (variable_get("clean_url", "0") == "0") {
** Relative URLs:
// rewrite 'node.php?id=[&cid=]' style URLs:
$text = eregi_replace("\"(node)\.php\?id=([[:digit:]]+)(&cid=)?([[:digit:]]*)", "\"?q=\\1/view/\\2/\\4", $text);
// rewrite 'module.php?mod={&=}' style URLs:
$text = ereg_replace("\"module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "\"?q=\\2/\\4/\\6" , $text);
$text = ereg_replace("\"module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "\"?q=\\2/\\4", $text);
$text = ereg_replace("\"module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "\"?q=\\2", $text);
** Absolute URLs:
// rewrite 'node.php?id=[&cid=]' style URLs:
$text = eregi_replace("$end/(node)\.php\?id=([[:digit:]]+)(&cid=)?([[:digit:]]*)", "$end/?q=\\1/view/\\2/\\4", $text);
// rewrite 'module.php?mod={&=}' style URLs:
$text = ereg_replace("$end/module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "$end/?q=\\2/\\4/\\6" , $text);
$text = ereg_replace("$end/module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "$end/?q=\\2/\\4", $text);
$text = ereg_replace("$end/module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "\"$end/?q=\\2", $text);
else {
** Relative URLs:
// rewrite 'node.php?id=[&cid=]' style URLs:
$text = eregi_replace("\"(node)\.php\?id=([[:digit:]]+)(&cid=)?([[:digit:]]*)", "\"\\1/view/\\2/\\4", $text);
// rewrite 'module.php?mod={&=}' style URLs:
$text = ereg_replace("\"module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "\"\\2/\\4/\\6", $text);
$text = ereg_replace("\"module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "\"\\2/\\4", $text);
$text = ereg_replace("\"module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "\"\\2", $text);
** Absolute URLs:
// rewrite 'node.php?id=[&cid=]' style URLs:
$text = eregi_replace("$end/(node)\.php\?id=([[:digit:]]+)(&cid=)?([[:digit:]]*)", "$end/\\1/view/\\2/\\4", $text);
// rewrite 'module.php?mod={&=}' style URLs:
$text = ereg_replace("$end/module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "$end/\\2/\\4/\\6", $text);
$text = ereg_replace("$end/module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "$end/\\2/\\4", $text);
$text = ereg_replace("$end/module\.php\?(&?[[:alpha:]]+=([[:alnum:]]+))", "$end/\\2", $text);
return $text;
function check_output($text) {
if (isset($text)) {
// filter content on output:
$text = filter($text);
** If only inline elements are used and no block level elements, we
** replace all newlines with HTML line breaks.
if (strip_tags($text, '