/** * A progressbar object. Initialized with the given id. Must be inserted into * the DOM afterwards through progressBar.element. * * e.g. pb = new progressBar('myProgressBar'); * some_element.appendChild(pb.element); */ function progressBar(id) { var pb = this; this.id = id; this.element = document.createElement('div'); this.element.id = id; this.element.className = 'progress'; this.element.innerHTML = '<div class="percentage"></div>'+ '<div class="status"> </div>'+ '<div class="bar"><div class="filled"></div></div>'; } /** * Set the percentage and status message for the progressbar. */ progressBar.prototype.setProgress = function (percentage, status) { var divs = this.element.getElementsByTagName('div'); var div; for (var i = 0; div = divs[i]; ++i) { if (percentage >= 0) { if (hasClass(divs[i], 'filled')) { divs[i].style.width = percentage + '%'; } if (hasClass(divs[i], 'percentage')) { divs[i].innerHTML = percentage + '%'; } } if (hasClass(divs[i], 'status')) { divs[i].innerHTML = status; } } } /** * Start monitoring progress via Ajax. */ progressBar.prototype.startMonitoring = function (uri, delay) { this.delay = delay; this.uri = uri; this.sendPing(); } /** * Stop monitoring progress via Ajax. */ progressBar.prototype.stopMonitoring = function () { clearTimeout(this.timer); } /** * Request progress data from server. */ progressBar.prototype.sendPing = function () { if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer); } HTTPGet(this.uri, this.receivePing, this); } /** * HTTP callback function. Passes data back to the progressbar and sets a new * timer for the next ping. */ progressBar.prototype.receivePing = function(string, xmlhttp, pb) { if (xmlhttp.status != 200) { return alert('An HTTP error '+ xmlhttp.status +' occured.\n'+ pb.uri); } // Split into values var matches = string.length > 0 ? string.split('|') : []; if (matches.length >= 2) { pb.setProgress(matches[0], matches[1]); } pb.timer = setTimeout(function() { pb.sendPing(); }, pb.delay); }